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FRUITFUL THINKING: Coronary artery disease experts are in agreement that the inception of this disease occurs with injury to the endothelial lining of arteries. It is the Western diet of oils, meat, fish, foul, dairy products, sugar, caffeine, heavily cooked and fried foods which initiates endothelial injury and depletes mechanisms that protect endothelium. First, such a diet diminishes production of nitric oxide, a gas which is the guardian and lifejacket of our blood vessels, starting A spiraling cascade of injury and disease of the arterial wall. While diets rich in fruits and vegetables have the opposite, beneficial effects. The enzyme dimethyl arginine dimethyl amino hydrolase (DDAH) is essential to enhance nitric oxide production. This enzyme function is reduced by high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, high homocysteine levels - which may mean you have a vitamin deficiency which is primarily caused by waste congestion and inflammation. Elevated homocysteine increases your risks for dementia, heart disease and stroke. DDHA function is also caused by insulin resistance (high fat diets), diabetes, and smoking, all of which (with exception of smoking) are often the consequence of eating a Western diet and may be improved by eating the plant-based diet. Nevertheless smoking also causes high LDL cholesterol levels and lowers your HDL cholesterol levels. Also leading to inflammation in your blood vessels and arteries, and lack of nitric oxide production. Added to the acid waste deposits, plaque forms in your arteries. This plaque can harden and break off, which can lead to blood clots and strokes. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4DzulPS7_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cancer is not your enemy acid chemistry is! If the improper eating and abuse continuous those cysts tumors etc…begin to move to major organs. Trying to destroy the tumor or cancer cells is futile, while the body collects the waste in a bag (acid waste) when you destroy the bag, the acid waste will splash all over the healthy cells. The main focus is to stop the pollution of the main rivers in your body, blood, lymph, interstitial cellular and intracellular fluids. The lymph being the river that keeps all the other rivers clean. Cancer cells are not causing other cancer cells to become cancerous, a cancer cell is not stronger than a healthy cell. it’s the acid fluid the cell baths in 24 hours a day that causes cells to degenerate, make the fluid alkaline dominant where the oH should be and your cells will become healthy again, the cancer or dying cells will be eliminated and new healthy cells will develop. Is regeneration possible? While there are different teachers teaching different ways of healing with raw foods especially only fruits. In my opinion when any teacher get results, even some may not agree with the protocol used, I praise them all when they achieve healing. It’s wonderful good karma to pull someone out of their suffering. Take a look at the pictures. (DR.Morse Client). Look, if you see something so necrotic so broken down. Legs swollen, kidneys all down and you can pull that out of there. Now apply that regeneration power to your liver, your lungs, your heart, to all the tissues in your body. You will have faith that the body can regenerate itself. One has to realize that the level of genetic weakness, systemic acidosis, lymphatic congestion is at a high level in most people. One has to turn back and start a proper detox and cleanse to achieve the results you are looking for. Start and trust the journey! Dr. Mose achieved this result with fruits and herbs. ISN’T THAT AMAZING! Fruit cleanses rank amongst the most powerful ancient and current healing approaches in the world, its beauty and effectiveness lie in its simplicity. Lost and rediscovered, tested time and time again since the beginning of mankind. https://www.instagram.com/p/CocHOc3vGhs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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PART ONE Cancer is not your enemy acid chemistry is! Cancer is not an enemy, you can not fight or kill it, cancer is the protective mechanism of your body to keep you alive despite being overloaded with toxicity. Cancer tumors are just pockets of acidic fluid the body is using to protect your organs and glands. They shrink when you stop ingesting unnatural foods and open up your channels of elimination to remove acidic waste. Create the right environment for your body and than get out of its way to heal anything. Cancer cells are your own healthy cells mutating in response to the toxic terrain. If we starve or try to kill the cancer cells we also starve and kill the healthy cells. The idea of starving or killing the cancer cells finds its root in the idea that a cancer cell is an outside entity attacking our body, rather than our own cells responding to the environment they are bathing in on a day to day basis. It’s all about chemistry. Consuming junk foods and drinks, and high protein and fat foods and drinks will cause the rivers to become polluted. The same when chemo theraphy is used, two problems appear, chemo is strong acid chemistry, causing harm also to the healthy cells. Second it causes the terrain to become more acidic. How on earth can we consider chemo a solution to this problem? Clean the terrain and the body will stop producing cancer cells. The body does not create cancer cells, neither an outside germ or virus, it’s the un eliminated acid waste chemistry that deposits itself in the tissues causing the cells to mutate and degenerate, clean the terrain, stop the pollution. Hydrate, alkalize, detox, cleanse and regenerate. Fruits are the best to keep the terrain clean and regenerate cells. When the lymphatic system is so overrun with toxins and sludge from improper eating (therefore the body can not properly detox). The lymph nodes become swollen and the body has no other choice than start collecting those toxins in various parts of the body in order to protect the major organs ( via cysts and tumors) We become severely constipated impacted even Our bodies become inflamed, congested and swollen. https://www.instagram.com/p/CocG0ukPVEG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 1 😍 BACK ON TRACK - Life is a tragedy of nutrition - Arnold Ehret I succeeded to follow the fruit challenge for 40 days from 31 October. Added some durian in the next 5 days. Added salads, vegan, soups, for about 10 days, since after Christmas I stepped more and more out of the box with no rules left even though some dishes I didn’t get back too. But my craving for fruits became less and less. And the body starts to clog up again with mucous, one can feel the first signs of inflammation and pain returning. Time to get back on track 🥰🙏😍 Start the day with fresh young sweet coconut water, grapes and oranges. Having a sunbath and a swim, reading to inspire and reawaken the essence of my soul while consuming high electromagnetic and biophotonic fruits. Transferring this electromagnetic energy and light to refresh and electrify my DNA. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3EHT3PqxC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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WHAT WE NEED IS LOVE Love does not control through fear and punishment but heal through care and love. It heals by changing the environment in a healing energy. It heals by being part of the truth and solution, not causing or adding more problems by taking short cuts. Money and possessions are not the first priority. We are not animals without a moral compass. Meaning we are not willing to hurt others to fulfill our own needs and rule over others. These are not the real men, rather these are cowardly energies that take away of a man his true worth. These are not the man I respect or whose example I want to follow. It is not because someone is a famous influencer or business man that he is a good influence or really successfull in making this world a better place for everyone. I do not agree that man and woman should live in the consciousness of ‘Survival Of The Fittest’ or the more shrewd and corrupt you are, the more your leadership authority should or is worth to be respected. No, it is not. To me it’s the energy of being a coward, without a back bone. Use deceit and lies and money to excert your power and influence? Making even more money so you can even excert more influence and power? But in fact you are not helping, you are not focused on leaving no one behind, you rather believe in collateral damage as long it’s not you. To me the goals justify the means is a lie we are told to believe for the greater good. Think twice. It does not make sense. “You won’t miss a sign from the Universe. It will keep getting louder and louder until you get it. Pay attention, none of this is happening by accident.” - Known “Only the Soul knows what Love is.” - Rumi https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm02UFGvKpi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS? : Today the more crazy, quick solution you offer to solve the worlds problems, the more influence you have. Today as a man you have to be a badass, to be a ‘real man’ you smoke cigars, live in super rich empty homes, drive extremely expensive cars, you have to be dangerous, you have to be extremely rich, an evil capitalist, enriching yourself while preying on the weaknesses of humanity to make money, or create dubious businesses to enrich yourself. If you are an investor that has become extremely rich through investing in buying shares in a company that sells drinks that make people sick, you are called a wise investor and an example to follow. This is the archetypes young man are required to follow, what about only doing or investing in businesses that do not prey on people’s weaknesses or causes people to become sick? Rather help people to become a better version of themselves? This world is entering a phase where strong powerful energies will clash like never before, don’t be deceived, strike not to hurt, strike to heal, strike not to go to war, strike to bring peace. Only when we merge opposite forces to strike a perfect balance and neutralize all destructive energies will the world know why the truth is and always will be important, you can not kill truth which equals love, if it’s the energy you choose it’s the power you will be immersed in. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm02PEWPHTy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 41 🥰 Fruits and fresh coconut water, today I wanted to go out in the world and get a smoothie in one of my favorite restaurant’s. I considered I can still stick to my fruits, ideally the optimum is to eat the fruit with fibre, so we also use our teeth to chew. A smoothie is not the same. 😊🙃🥰. But the smoothie tasted so sweet, something was not tasting right. When I asked if she put sugar inside, to my disappointment she did coconut syrup 😟😞 I clearly asked only fruit, no ice and water. I wouldn’t think she would add coconut syrup. OMG I should have known, even if you explain only fruits, she did not understood the full picture. Misinterpreting in communication is often a sad reality. I could taste the abnormal sweetness, I must have drank a fourth of the smoothie before asking her. My stomach really feels upset, in fact really bad. She replaced it and it’s so different, just doesn’t make sense that they want to add coconut syrup to a fruit smoothie. Anyways better refocus than let it torment and disappoint me. Lesson learned, in Thailand you have to not only double check but triple check all the time. 😁 I will still be counting my days, consider error range of less than 1 %. 🤪😜 Dates I should soak, and surely no coconut syrup, my stomach is really upset. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-dIcovRdP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 35 🥰 Interesting observation. I had a Feedback today from a guest who said my skin looks amazing. She was not the first one giving me this feedback in the last weeks. I thought, let’s check my hydration level with a urine test strip, and yes amazing, I have never been so high, while I drink no water, only water rich fruits and fresh young sweet coconut water. Tests I occasionally did in the past being on a ‘Normal diet’ was mostly on the lower ranges. Tests before were still considered okay but on the lowest range it is also considered to be slightly dehydrated ‘within the normal range’. This is the first time I test it on a fruit cleanse. Still in my opinion Allopathic Medicine ranges ’ for blood and urine is not a gold standard. The ranges are based on what they consider to be ‘Healthy ranges, based on people that are considered to be ‘Healthy’ what if research ranges were done on people with high levels of vibrant health and vitality? Even when drinking more water it never went up to this level. There is indeed a difference between electrolyte nutrient rich water, that we eat while consuming fruits or just drinking plain water. Eating fruits electrifies the interstitial fluids. Note that In hospitals if you are dehydrated they do not say let’s drink some water, they rather give you an IV with Salts and fluids delivered through a vein (intravenously) to rehydrate you. Proper hydration is through electrolyte rich fluids, in this case from fruits and young fresh sweet coconut water. Every hospital should give fruits to the people who are sick, not white bread, coffee, or chicken with rice. Recovery will be accelerated in an amazing way. 😍🎯💪😁😀 #fruitpower #fruitforthought #fruitfullthinking #fruitfullness #fruitheals https://www.instagram.com/p/ClvVlfBPb0a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 34 🥰 When I read the book “ The life you were born To life) it said, through all those experiences I will have to learn to define my own truth, and it was so true, some answers we may never find (maybe 😁) But it is okay, I do not feel the need anymore to find all the answers but I will always be a seeker finding new gems on my path. The ultimate experience of truth is in the moment, as we move through life while sharing our journey we help others find theirs. Once we solidify an experience we lose our connection with life. There is guidance from within and from the outside, when we pay attention Providence becomes a reality. Because truth changes as we go through life all depends from which perspective in life we look at something. Just we keep to be honest with ourselves and our life experiences. We become a unique version of ourselves not a copy of someone else. Today I felt I could consume more fruit than usual, small bananas, delicious plate of tangerines and one custard apple, and I had already two coconuts today. I went for a beach walk in the early afternoon and the sea was wild, I though that would be amazing to jump in, but also very dangerous 🤪, better just keep enjoying the visual picture and sound. Half way I stopped at a restaurant to buy a coconut to find shelter from the rain. And walked back and it starting raining again, it’s not cold so it was in fact pleasant not to strong. https://www.instagram.com/p/Clsvj4GPSvm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 34 🥰 34/7 are my numbers in numerology. I read my numbers from the book “ The life you were born to live”. When I first got to know this book is when I started working for NewBodyAndMind in February 2007. Nino the owner that time had it on his list of recommended readings. Amazing book ❤️👌so thankful I got to know this book. When I read my numbers 34/7 I couldn’t believe how accurate it was. I could look back into my life and could see why I went through life the way I did. Number 7 (3+4) is the seeker of truth and the hermit. Need to be true to myself, take time all alone to refresh and recharge my body and mind. 😁 I hate lies and hypocrisy, I would either challenge it if I have too or turn around and go to my mountaintop (hermit mood) telling everyone to leave me alone. But than I realize I need social interaction, so I come back down from my mountaintop. 🤪 I had always been a “Seeker” trying to understand the reason for living. I will meet one teacher on my path, if I do not get all the answers, I will search for another teacher, and another, and another, and another, … the beauty of seeking and not being satisfied is that every teacher I ever met shared a variety of gems that I could add to my knowledge and life experience. And basically ‘The Source’ of truth and knowledge reveals itself through everyone we meet on our path, child or elder, poor or rich, it doesn’t matter the Teaching is always coming from the same Primal Source of knowledge which would eliminate all wars, suffering and disease. I do not believe that all religions lack to understand all the truth, they solidify their own truth, that is why they are still a religion stuck in their own truth but not necessarily ‘The Truth’. Today I felt I could consume more fruit than usual, small bananas, delicious plate of tangerines and one custard apple, and I had already two coconuts today. https://www.instagram.com/p/Clsvb44vDuX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 34 🥰 Yesterday I drank 3 coconuts, and in the evening I had most of the grapes that were left. Today start day 34, there are some more amazing improvements I am experiencing, I want to see complete results before I share them. One thing is amazing is how more well hydrated and soft my skin feels, not only face I can feel a big difference e.g. on the skin of my back, would love to see what results being on fruits can achieve. The alkalization and hydration process is just the first step. More important is the alkaline chemistry breaking up the agglomerated acid waste deposits deep in all the tissues. It needs the opposite chemistry to break up these mucus dense waste coagulations that cause impaired absorption of nutrients and elimination of metabolic acid waste. As the cleansing (detox) process continues, only than the body can start optimizing cellular regeneration to the fullest. The body in itself is a miracle at work. Professor Arnold Ereth has some interesting quotes: Life is a tragedy of nutrition.” “Almost all individuals living today –and this includes the most leaned and highly educated college professors, scientists, doctors, lawyers, artists, politicians and business leaders and many others live in the darkest ignorance about the most important thing in life –i.e., there health.” The tragedy of nutrition remains a mystery to all those who refuse to believe that the nutritive and curative values of fresh fruits and starchless vegetables are far superior to all other foods. They not only furnish the blood with the best nutrient elements and dissolvent; but starchless green vegetables contain high mineral –salt contents and also enjoy valuable vitamins”. #fruitpower #fruitforthought #fruitfullthinking #fruitfullness #fruitheals https://www.instagram.com/p/Clr_I02vOPt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 31 🥰 Started the day with a nice beach walk. Than quench my thirst with green coconut water. This one again tasted amazing! 😋 First fruits 3 small bananas ( gift from a friend), 2 navel oranges and the rest of the longan I bought earlier this week. Personally I tend to low blood pressure all my life. Especially during detox this weakness shows itself more profound, which is the probable main reason of the regular dizziness I felt when standing up quickly. Around 2 weeks in the program my blood pressure had a ‘weird’ reading. 98/72. I decided not to focus on it and let the fruits do their job. This morning it was 113/72. Which would be normal for me. Ideally I want to see it in the ranges of 120-130 / 60-70. I will keep a further eye on it. No coffee to raise my energy superficially, it weakens the adrenals even more and is surely not good for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Fruits do a much better job without side effects.😁 I want to keep going with this challenge as I feel great. I want to see more improvements related to vibrant health and vitality through this process of transformation, recreating myself in the best version of myself not a better version 😁☺️😍 Being 56 years one realizes more and more that taking care of our health is the most important priority. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkvmmbvPEP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 25 🥰 Today I was inspired by listening to Sadghuru, basically promoting a all fruit diet is the most healthy diet to experience the highest levels of health and vitality. “Fruit can do miraculous things to the body. One can become very alive and active, no matter what your lifestyle is.” Consuming a sufficient amount of fruits can work wonders for the system, Sadhguru explains. He further added, “I knew somebody who went on only oranges for 1008 days, (983 days to go 😜) this lady ate. She was full of ailments when she started. She was a diabetic, with high blood pressure. When she came out of it, she looked like she was 35, instead of looking 50. And full of vitality, all ailments gone. Fruits will make a huge difference for sure and ecologically; it is the most sensible thing to do.” I found it so interesting I wanted to share it. And it challenged me to move forward, this cleanse is the best so far I have done. With a great motivator and inspiration. Orvel Douglas Thanks for sharing your experience. Early afternoon I ate plums. And I bought tangerines. Now in season and sweet, the fruit stall vendor gave me to taste. I am eating the half piece now. Very juicy and tasty. 😋🙏❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVnFGkPJUA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 25 🥰 #fruitchallenge ARE FRUITS REALLY GOOD FOR YOU? 🥰 It’s good to hear someone else talk about the amazing benefits of a fruit diet. Sadguru has some great information to share. “Fruit can do miraculous things to the body. One can become very alive and active, no matter what your lifestyle is.” Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of having fruits as it is the best food to balance the digestive fires known as Jataragni, which is essential to carry out the process of digestion and promotes absorption of nutrients in the body. Consuming a sufficient amount of fruits can work wonders for the system, Sadhguru explains. He discusses the benefits of incorporating more fruits into one’s diet or undertaking a predominantly or totally fruit-based diet, as well as certain precautions that one should take. He further added, “I knew somebody who went on only oranges for 1008 days, this lady ate. She was full of ailments when she started. She was a diabetic, with high blood pressure. When she came out of it, she looked like she was 35, instead of looking 50. And full of vitality, all ailments gone. Fruits will make a huge difference for sure and ecologically; it is the most sensible thing to do.” https://www.timesnownews.com/lifestyle/benefits-of-fruits-by-sadhguru-lady-ate-just-oranges-for-1008-days-article-95734633 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVkY_2voD9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 25 🥰 Evening meal , red dragon fruit & mango. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTqqtOv8YB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 10 🥰 Woke up very early again. The sun is out again. 😀 Feeling thirsty started with green coconut water. I drank all and very delicious. My first fruits pomelo today. So delicious. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuSm93PuOL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 6 😍 #FruitChallenge OMG! This was so different than the melon. Just loved this mango! Sweet, juicy and delicious. Still a bit crunchy under the skin but amazing. 😎🥰 I remembered the first time I did a fruit cleanse in 2018. I slipped with a motorbike in 2016 and it left me with a rotator cuff injury. Also my lower rib was quit painful. When I started the cleanse I still felt pain lifting my arm. On day 17 or 18. I lifted my arm and felt no pain anymore, just a little pull. That was an amazing experience. I ate mostly mango’s, don’t remember which other fruits I ate occasionally. one was passion fruit. Robert Morse one of my teachers in relation to fruit cleanses said, wounds never heal properly because the pH is not optimal because of the acidifying foods and drinks we consume that cause continuous burning irritation and inflammation to our cells. When the interstitial fluid becomes Base dominant, metabolic acid waste can be cleaned out of the tissues more effectively and the regeneration of cells is optimized! 🙏🥰 I needed to add this thought. It is so true also for emotional pain, as long we keep feelings of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, hate…all acidifying emotions, the emotional pain will never heal completely. We need to practice consistent alkalizing emotions of love, peace, kindness, forgiveness, etc… to heal all our emotional wounds completely. Consistency is key. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkkYy9pv0Ta/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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