Let The Blue Boy Play
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Let The Blue Boy Play
Let the Blue Boy play. That’s a line from a concert I listened to last night. After a hell-acious week I found myself sitting on my porch with my iPhone, and a six pack feeling beat up. Mental and physical exhaustion had piled up on me, and I couldn’t see writing anything that night or for many nights in the foreseeable future. I began to check YouTube, listening to playlists I had saved when an interview with John Fogarty popped up.
I’d never heard John say anything negative in my life, but he was recounting the breakup of Creedence, and there were some feelings there. To make a long story short the other members of the group were a flock of no talent tick turds. John was all the talent, all the show, all the genius. CCR was there simply because that was the way it was done in those days and you had to have a group. The Beatles had set the norm and for years that’s what people expected to see. The Elvis model of big name singer and faceless back groups had been done away with and replaced by rock groups, who were all equally talented, and of course they were all friends, even if they’d met in a bus station.
Of course this was a lie. When John got enough of this and walked away, Fantasy Records raked him over the coals until he was well done. Many years later he came out again and they tried to sue him for sounding like himself. Finally it was mostly resolved and John was able to produce again. He produced some material and surprise, surprise! There was NO Creedence, it was always just John Fogarty.
Under the interview were suggested videos, one being a concert he gave twenty years ago called Premonition, so I clicked it. I’ve seen it before and thought the music may lighten my mood. You can’t listen to John Fogarty without feeling something. The energy, the emotion, the simplicity of the words all combine to produce a feeling that even if it’s not something you grew up with it strikes a chord in you that causes you to remember things you never knew, and pulls something out of you never knew was there. Willie does the same, but you gotta be drunk for it to work. With John, iced tea will do.
The audience stayed on its feet. John joked with them, and with his band, and the smiles toward John from the backup band were genuine. I was blown away by the energy coming out of this old man, but it seemed like the more he played the stronger he got, and then he gave me a gift. I felt rested, stronger, all the week’s pressure had left and it was just John, me, and a beer.
John had replaced all he bad in me with the joy he felt entertaining those people so long ago. He had put all the bad away, and so did I. Your happiness is not from without, but within, and the drama around you can only affect you if you let it in. I listened to the entire concert, and by the time I retired I was already rested. Today everyone around me got up, still fighting them tired old demons, myself, I just let the Blue Boy play.
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What about a vaccine for cancer?
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What about a vaccine for cancer?
When you have cancer, you have cancer all over. That’s one reason standard cancer treatments in orthodox medicine — the “poison, burn and cut” technique — fail so often.
This is not medical therapy. Cancer is an industry for profit. It is not designed to cure you!  If it was, orthodox doctors would spend more time teaching proper nutrition and supplements to help build up your natural immunity and less time pushing their chemical and radiological poisons.
If you pay attention to the words they use, it is always about “treatment” and “survival rate” and how many years you might live after diagnosis. Many types of cancer treatments including various drugs can, in fact, cause cancer or make it worse! https://personalliberty.com/chemo-makes-cancer-worse/
Cancer can manifest in any way and in several ways, but it is a disorder of cell growth from a default in biochemistry.
As we told you a few weeks ago, new research on cancer treatments is focusing on the immune system. Experimental treatments using immune system cells to battle tumors show promise.
It’s long been our position that the body’s immune system is the true cancer fighter. Any boost that helps the immune system battle mutated cancer cells is good for optimum health.
Now two more studies are out that claim to show a vaccine can be successfully made to battle a type of cancer —  advanced stage melanoma — by ramping up the body’s natural immune response through the use of directed T cells (a type of cell that fights infection). But both remain very early in their trials and the results should be taken with a grain of salt.
As Axios.com reports, in the U.S. study, scientists selected six people to receive a vaccine to target neonantigen proteins that are present in mutated cancer cells but not in normal cells. The team removed the patients’ tumors, sequenced tumor and normal cells, selected up to 20 mutations per person, and made the peptides to put into the vaccine. The vaccines, which were started an average of 18 weeks after the surgery, were injected under the skin at four sites, five times over three weeks, plus two booster shots later.
Four of the six who received the vaccine saw their cancer disappear and not recur. The other two saw their cancers spread. They received an additional treatment to suppress a protein that blocks T cells and saw their tumors disappear.
In a similar study in England on 13 people, eight had their tumors disappear and five saw their tumors disappear but return. Of the five, two died, two received an additional treatment to suppress the protein that blocks T cells — one successfully, and one developed a tumor mutation making it unresponsive to the vaccine.
In short, this experimental treatment has been used on 19 people to date and 14 saw positive results. So it’s still a long way from being available.
Meantime, you can take steps to help keep yourself cancer-free by understanding its root cause. Almost all cancer is environmental (as much as 90 percent environmental), according to a study at Stony Brook University in New York. That means the cell-growth disorder is prompted and spurred on by environmental and external factors. These include excess sun exposure, smoking, drinking and air pollution. It also includes genetically modified foods, steroids and antibiotics pumped into our livestock and poultry, and pesticides and weed killers sprayed on our crops. It includes a host of chemicals introduced to our foods during production and in packaging.
So if most cancers are a result of external factors, most cancers can be avoided and/or cured by overcoming those factors.
Whole body health has to be re-established. Diet and lifestyle changes are needed. But the mainstream has stolen those words and convinced you that its diets, foods and exercise plans are proper. Beware!
The proper diet for cancer is the proper diet for heart disease — and for good health in general. Nothing could be simpler.
Here goes: This is basic. It’s not all-inclusive, but it’s adequate and certainly a good start. It will add years to your life through disease prevention!
Foods first
Here’s what you need to do to have a healthy diet:
Leave off all simple carbohydrates.
Eat as much raw food and juice as possible. I eat sprouts every day.
Do not get on a low-fat diet unless you want bad health.
Cook with and eat organic coconut oil and olive oil; no hydrogenated oils or fats.
Do not eat or drink anything with fructose (the new name for high fructose corn syrup). This is synthetic sugar that creates weight and disease. And it destroys the liver and pancreas.
Avoid trans-fatty acids. These are fake fats that you will see in cheap, grain-based foods, like crackers, cakes, bread, prepared foods, etc. Scan the label for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.”
No artificial sweeteners. Use natural stevia or honey, which are natural sweeteners.
Eat wild meat instead of growth-hormone meat, if you can get it. Alternatively, choose only organic, free-range meat that has not been pumped full of antibiotics and steroids.
Avoid synthetic vitamins, and that’s 98 percent of all vitamins for sale.
Do eat whole food complexes to get live foods that generate and regenerate life processes.
Add more dark leafy greens to your diet, particularly kale.
Everyone who has cancer dies of starvation, unless he is first killed by his doctor and his treatment. There is even a term for death by medical treatment: “iatrogenic death,” which is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S.
The cancer victim does not have to be a party to his own plunder and murder. Mass deception is when a person or a society can be deceived into active participation in his own rape or murder. Such is a testimony to today’s propaganda in medicine, in politics, in government, and in economic and financial chicanery.
One must treat his own cancer, as he is the only one who can. This is called taking responsibility for one’s own health: a do-it-yourself program.
The cancer victim wants someone else to do it for him. Only those who do self-treatment are the ones who survive. You can defeat cancer if you catch it early enough and if you make significant lifestyle changes.
To learn how you can naturally boost your cancer-fighting T cells you can get my free book, The Forbidden Truth About Cancer, by clicking here.
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American political prisoner in Venezuela may be granted conditional release
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American political prisoner in Venezuela may be granted conditional release
There may be at least some slightly better news coming for an American citizen from Utah who has been held as a political prisoner in Venezuela by President Nicolas Maduro for almost a year now. If you’re not familiar with the case of Joshua Holt, we had coverage of his story last August when he was initially arrested. Holt is a Mormon from Utah who met a Venezuelan woman online, fell in love and traveled to South America to marry her. While awaiting visas for his new bride and her two children so they could return to America, Joshua was arrested on charges that he was storing a rifle and grenades in the apartment they were sharing with her family. (He claims that the weapons were planted by the police after he refused to pay them a bribe.)
Now, after all these months in one of Maduro’s prisons with no progress toward a trial, the country’s top prosecutor has requested his provisional release while she reviews the case. Of course, that may be easier said than done. (Associated Press)
Venezuela’s chief prosecutor on Friday requested the conditional release of a Utah man and his wife detained for over a year on weapons charges in a case that has further rankled already tense relations with the U.S.
The petition to have Joshua Holt and his wife Thamara Candelo freed but barred from leaving Venezuela while awaiting trial was made because of what the prosecutor’s office said were repeated delays by the court overseeing the case.
Prosecutors also requested that they be allowed to verify the couples’ health in the Caracas facility run by Venezuela’s intelligence police where they are being held alongside some of President Nicolas Maduro’s fiercest opponents.
This isn’t the first time that Chief Prosecutor Luisa Ortega has crossed swords (rhetorically) with Maduro, but she’s putting herself in a precarious position. Formerly part of his inner circle, Ortega seems to have seen the writing on the wall and has been distancing herself from the embattled president. In a more “normal” country you couldn’t imagine the president simply throwing the government’s chief prosecutor in jail for defying his will, but this is Venezuela we’re talking about and they remain under the rule of a socialist tyrant. All of this is unfolding just as Maduro prepares to have people vote on whether or not he should be able to rewrite their constitution. (Though, as John points out in the linked article, the results of that vote will be essentially meaningless and the president will do as he pleases anyway.)
What’s possibly more disturbing is the fact that this tyrant, just like the leader of Turkey, is able to keep an American citizen imprisoned for so long with no consequences. John Kerry failed to do anything about getting Holt and his wife released while Obama was still in office and I don’t know if Rex Tillerson is even working on the problem. The Utah resident is almost certainly being held on trumped up charges, but he’s clearly being used as a political pawn at this point. (How was Holt supposedly able to get his hands on those kinds of armaments as soon as he stepped off the plane in Caracas from his honeymoon?)
It’s also worth remembering that Holt isn’t the only American that Maduro has grabbed. Francisco Marquez was arrested last June while gathering signatures for a referendum to remove Maduro from power. He was released last October, thankfully, and is now leading online calls for Maduro’s removal from his home in the United States, but it’s still a reminder of how little fear Maduro seems to have of the United States.
I’ve never called for U.S. intervention in Venezuela to save her people from Maduro. That’s their job if they truly want to step away from socialism and reform the system. But we do have a vested interest in protecting American citizens. If we can’t get Joshua Holt and his family back on American soil soon, Maduro needs to face some serious consequences in the form of additional isolation from the West.
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  After centuries of order based on the acceptance of the divine right of rule imposed on the people beginning with the declining aristocracy of Rome, western civilization veered toward democracy as the base principle from which the legitimacy of governing authority would flow. In England kings were finding that their crowns sat with increasing uneasiness upon their heads without the cooperation of men who would fight for them, and unending wars coupled with shifting alliances among the ruling class assured each ruler that they would need a steady supply of fighting men. It was this idea, the divine right of rule that had turned upon itself at last, and undermined the legitimacy of royal authority by presenting the people with would be rulers who each laid claim to competing rights to the ultimate divine authority that had done so. As scions from the Tudors, and the Yorks, the Stuarts and the Windsors each made war upon the other, it was increasingly important that would be monarchs won the hearts of the people. The inevitable result was, after several lessons in good faith were learned, a parliament of the people. When British citizens in the colonies saw that they would be given less equality than their counterparts in England, revolution ensued, and the yoke of monarchy was cast off for good.
  It is important to recognize that the world was wide, and that those places that would eventually be known as t third world, were governed primarily by the sword, and that the consequence of this was that each ruler, assuming the crown of the vanquished, was forced to begin anew the process of establishing the peace that is the ultimate requirement for any civilization to advance and prosper. The world was to learn that conquest is much more feasible than occupation. It is far easier to take than it is to hold. As hard as it may be to understand, it is in those simple words that hope dwells for the defeated.
  Perhaps the greatest value offered by a constitutional democracy is the fact that no citizen may make war upon another without attacking themselves. By imbuing our governing authority with that all important ingredient, legitimacy, we, as sovereign citizens pool our individual right to life in order that we may pursue a single purpose collectively. We cannot, therefore undermine the authority of our constitutionally appointed government without nullifying our own authority to legitimize. It is this very principle that has made America possible, and determined our course as the leaders of the world itself. The notion that the person taking your order at a restaurant has the same right to lend legitimacy as the person who owns that same restaurant is our sword, and our shield. The awe inspiring realization that the lowliest soldier on the battlefield contains within their simple life the exact same coin of legitimacy as he who commanded them to fight is not a reflection of America, it is America.
  There are complications of course. The source of these complications, like the constitution itself, is simple, and it is rooted in the thing which must be granted the authority to rule; for once the source of legitimacy has been granted, and authority has been created, a government must be made. It is here, in the tool birthed by principles high above where our minds may follow, that weakness and corruption must, and will take root. Untended, any garden or field will fall prey to the chaotic influence of nature, that enemy of order, and we Americans in this last generation have been anything but vigilant. Content to place our belief in those chosen by constitutional means, pursuing that most American of ideals, the creation, development and sustenance of our families, communities, and churches, we have let slip our hold on those who govern, and thereby given up our birthright to legitimize.
  Is the current American government without legitimacy? Rather than answer that question I call upon another text of legitimacy and say to you that by their works you shall know them. Look around. Is this the world you hoped for as a child? When you met the one you love, when your bodies and spirits joined together to make real the dream of your shared purpose was this the world you intended to leave your beautiful children? I say that as a whole, our government’s legitimacy is precarious, and with it our futures. The mind recoils from the prospect of what might happen, and, even worse, our inability to control that nightmare. But remember my words of comfort. It is easier to take than it is to hold. I, for one am defiant! Bear with me a few short weeks and allow me to show you a hidden pathway back onto the path foreordained for America. Come to Theos Branch and relearn your birthright by closely examining the constitution. Call it a contribution to our basic understanding of civics, then join me here on Clevenger and Witt for the op-ed to each lesson. I promise you this, our government may be bought, but we can take it back without spending a dime, because money is not the source of legitimacy in America, it is us.
    The post Difiance appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.
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Consumer Freedom Option Included in Senate Health Insurance Bill, but ObamaCare Remains Law of the Land
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Consumer Freedom Option Included in Senate Health Insurance Bill, but ObamaCare Remains Law of the Land
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After a long wait, the Senate Budget Committee finally unveiled the latest iteration of the Better Care Reconciliation Act, H.R. 1628. There are a few things to like, but, on the whole, the Senate is bill still fails to live of to more than seven years of promises to repeal ObamaCare. It remains an amendment to the 2010 health insurance reform law.
The reason the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) fails to live up to Republicans’ promises to repeal ObamaCare is because many Republicans, in the House and the Senate, support the law. These Republicans believe they can “fix” ObamaCare. Some less than principled Republicans are even naïve enough to believe that they can work with Democrats, who are increasingly embracing single-payer, government-run insurance, to address the healthcare system.
The question is whether the BCRA is an improvement. That is hard to determine. On the surface, it may be a slight improvement. The latest version does include Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee’s Consumer Freedom Option in the base text. But there are some details worth diving into that make an already complicated issue even more complicated.
Ultimately, the Congressional Budget Office will provide some insight on the effects of these provision on health insurance premiums. Of course, the coverage estimates, assuming the CBO will still use the March 2016 baseline, will be largely useless. Again, though, the bill, regardless of the impact on premiums, is still a very big disappointment and risks upsetting conservatives who have been expecting Republicans to keep their word.
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) plans to bring the bill for a procedural vote next week. Whether he has the votes, though, is unclear at this moment. Below is a brief overview of some of the more notable changes in the latest iteration of the BCRA.
Inclusion of the Consumer Freedom Option: This is actually more of a mixed bag. The inclusion of the amendment is what organizations like FreedomWorks wanted. The Consumer Freedom Option allows health insurance companies to sell plans that aren’t compliant with most of ObamaCare’s onerous and costly mandates and requires that they sell at least one gold and silver metal-tier plan compliant with ObamaCare.
The problem is that the Consumer Freedom Option works best when risk pools are split, or bifurcated. This means keeping those consumers who choose plans that reflect the Consumer Freedom Option into one risk pool and those who have a higher utilization of care and choose plans compliant with ObamaCare into another risk pool.
Unfortunately, the BCRA mandates single risk pools, which means that the premiums for those who choose noncompliant plans will be more expensive that they otherwise would have been in a separate risk pool. “[I]t will be difficult to combine non-community-rated plans and community-rated coverage into one risk pool,” healthcare policy expert Chris Jacobs explained, “and unlikely to achieve significant premium reductions.”
The Consumer Freedom Option may now be in the BCRA, but it’s much less impactful.
Using HSAs to Pay Health Insurance Premiums: The BCRA now allows consumers to use their health savings account (HSA) to pay the premiums for high-deductible health insurance plans on the nongroup market. High-deductible plans offered by an employer aren’t eligible. Consumers who receive tax subsidies for nongroup plans can pay their premiums out of an HSA for only the amount remaining after tax subsidies. This is a positive reform for which FreedomWorks has advocated during the discussion over health insurance reform.
More Subsidy Funding: The original version of the BCRA had a total of $112 billion in subsidies to stabilize the health insurance markets ($50 billion over four years) and help cover high-risk consumers ($60 billion over eight years). The revised version of BCRA more than doubles the amount of subsidies to help cover high-risk consumers, bringing the eight-year total to $132 billion. Part of these subsidies will be used to help cover those in states that utilize the Consumer Freedom Option. The two funds combined represent $182 billion.
BCRA Keeps Some ObamaCare Taxes: In the original version of the BCRA, and consistent with the 2015 repeal bill, almost all of ObamaCare’s taxes were repealed, delayed, or zeroed out. Unfortunately, the new version of the BCRA keeps some ObamaCare taxes in place, including the Medicare tax increase and the net investment tax. This is to satisfy the demands of moderates who have gone back on their word to repeal ObamaCare. Unfortunately, after eight years of President Obama’s bad economic policies, some Republican senators, including Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), are fighting to keep anti-growth taxes in place. Making matters worse, Leader McConnell is allowing them to do so.
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Bill O’Reilly: Here’s Who Is Really Stopping the Obamacare Repeal
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Bill O’Reilly: Here’s Who Is Really Stopping the Obamacare Repeal
Democrats are out to “paralyze” the Trump administration so they don’t accomplish anything, but self-interested Republicans are also part of the problem, Bill O’Reilly said on Friday’s “The Glenn Beck Radio Program.”
Important measures like “Kate’s Law,” a bill that would target sanctuary cities that try to shield illegal immigrants with multiple felonies and deportations, will be blocked by Democrats. But Republicans can’t get it together to repeal the Affordable Care Act either, partly because conservative senators are being too idealistic about what can happen with a health care bill, O’Reilly asserted.
Glenn Beck countered that the health care bills that the GOP has put forward are simply “Obamacare Lite” and won’t fix the problem.
“[This bill] will make the average person’s health premium go up even further faster,” he said of the latest effort to reform health care.
O’Reilly suggested the best thing that Republicans can do is support a bill that gives them most of what they want and then add more reforms later.
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Fox News: Bill Clinton gave a stinging criticism of Hillary’s failed campaign
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Fox News: Bill Clinton gave a stinging criticism of Hillary’s failed campaign
Former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had a warm and engaging speaking event Thursday in Dallas, Texas, at a program for the Presidential Leadership Scholars. Clinton’s answer to one question sounded suspiciously to commentators on Fox News like a critique of a recent presidential candidate.
Moderator David Rubenstein asked what the most important quality someone would need who is aspiring to be a president. After Bush’s very brief but insightful answer, Clinton responded.
“I also think you have to begin with the end in mind,” Clinton said. “You have to say, yeah, you gotta win the election. But why in the heck are you running?”
“That’s another thing I noticed about him,” Clinton said, pointing at Bush. “When he ran for governor against Ann Richards, he didn’t say ‘Ann Richards is a klutz.’ He said, ‘I wanna be governor because I wanna do one, two, three things.’ Couple of ’em I didn’t agree with. But he had an agenda.”
“If you want to be president,” he continued, “realize, it’s about the people, not about you.”
Howard Kurtz on Fox News said the former president gave himself enough space to deny the similarities to criticisms of the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign, but explained why some thought it was a jab at her lack of political skill.
“It’s obvious to the rest of us what he’s talking about,” Kurtz said, “and look, Hillary Clinton had a campaign where she had a whole laundry list of liberal positions but no theme, no emotional connection to voters, and not much more beyond Donald Trump is awful, and that’s what the former president was artfully saying.”
Kurtz continued, explaining that Hillary Clinton failed “to campaign with certain kinds of voters where she didn’t go as well, Martha.”
“So Clinton, the former president, that is,” he added, “argued internally during the 2016 campaign, his wife needed to do more of that. He did some of it himself, he went to places like Lansing, Michigan, the final week of the campaign.”
The quote from the former president continued after the Fox News video, and many saw instead a pointed critique of President Donald Trump.
“And when it’s over,” Clinton said, “and that’s what a lot of these people who are real arrogant in office, they forget, and it passes more quickly than you know. You wanna be able to say people are better off when I quit, kids have a better future, things were coming together, you don’t wanna say, ‘God, look at all the people I beat!’”
Even during the 2016 presidential campaign many supporters of Hillary Clinton would compare her to her husband, saying that she just didn’t have the political skill he had to engage every individual voter. There were reports that her campaign was trying to keep the former president from upstaging her at events.
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Tomato, Tamahto: MSM Completely Sneaked Out of This Hot Debate
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Tomato, Tamahto: MSM Completely Sneaked Out of This Hot Debate
There is a raging debate which the Trump-obsessed media has completely ignored — but it must be addressed. Do you call athletic shoes “sneakers” or “tennis shoes?” How you answer is most likely determined by the region you are from.
That hot statistic was confirmed Thursday on The Glenn Beck Program, pitting Glenn and Pat Gray, who hail from the northwest, against northeasterner Stu Burguiere.
“This is completely insane to me because I grew up in the northeast, born in New York. I grew up in Connecticut, mainly. They are sneakers. That’s what you put on your foot when you go to the gym,” Stu Burguiere.
Yeah, not so much. As we all know, one man’s tomato is another man’s tomahto.
“First of all, why are they called sneakers? That’s dumb… Yeah, I’m using them so I can burgle my father’s house, who is out playing tennis,” Glenn said.
Fellow northwesterner Pat wholeheartedly agreed.
“Where are you sneaking? I’m not. So they’re tennis shoes,” Pat said.
Don’t even think about getting them started on soda pop.
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Bewildered Media Stunned by Image of Trump Praying with Christian Leaders in the Oval Office
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Bewildered Media Stunned by Image of Trump Praying with Christian Leaders in the Oval Office
Religion in politics is seemingly so far removed from the media’s idea of normalcy that a picture of the President praying left one CNN anchor struggling to find words, Wednesday.
Monday, several evangelical leaders were invited to the White House to discuss several issues including repealing ObamaCare and religious freedom. During the meeting, the pastors and Christian leaders also prayed over President Trump. One guest posted a picture of the group praying over Trump with their hands laid on him, to social media. For some reason this image stunned CNN anchor Erin Burnett, who couldn’t hide her shocked reaction at the photo during her Wednesday night show Erin Burnett OutFront.
Teasing the next report, Burnett began:
“Something we don’t see everyday here. The image of Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office and…all of those…hands, on him,” she struggled to find words to describe what was happening in the picture.
During another tease of the report on the meeting, Burnett was more overt on how shocked she was by the image.
“And next, a pretty stunning image, let me just give you a quick peek of it,” she gushed.
Burnett then described the scene as if it were something she had never seen before in the White House:
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“The President bowing his head in prayer in the Oval Office and all these people sort of, touching him….it’s very strange. We’re going to tell you what happened there,” she wrapped up.
LifeNews Note: Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center where this originally appeared.
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Union files grievance over ‘goat crews’ clearing brush on university campus
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Union files grievance over ‘goat crews’ clearing brush on university campus
I love this story. Last year Western Michigan University contracted with a company called Munchers on Hooves to bring a group of goats on campus to clear half an acre of brush. The trial was such a success that this year the goats are back, this time to clear 15 acres filled with poison ivy. But the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) has filed a grievance against the school, claiming the “goat crews” are unauthorized workers. From the Battle Creek Enquirer:
The 400-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees has filed a grievance contending that the work the goats are doing in a wooded lot is taking away jobs from laid-off union workers.
“AFSCME takes protecting the jobs of its members very seriously and we have an agreed-upon collective bargaining agreement with Western Michigan,” said Union President Dennis Moore. “We expect the contract to be followed, and in circumstances where we feel it’s needed, we file a grievance.”
The grievance alleges that the university did not notify the union that it was planning to use goat crews on campus, according to a chief steward report supplied to the Battle Creek Enquirer.
The university is reviewing the grievance in accordance with its regular procedures but confirms no human workers were laid off because of the goats. The co-owner of Munchers on Hooves tells the Associated Press there’s enough work to go around:
“This stuff is so thick,” said Munchers co-owner Gina Fickle of the woodland. She said that human laborers can always come in to finish the work after the goats clear up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) above the ground.
“Goats aren’t there taking work away from anybody, they’re making it safer for people,” Fickle said.
I suspect the real reason the university hired the goats is that they do more work for a lot less money. If so, it raises the question of whether the school should have a union contract for this work in the first place.
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Congresswoman’s staffer indicted for spreading her intimate videos and photos online
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Congresswoman’s staffer indicted for spreading her intimate videos and photos online
A former staffer for a Democratic member of the House of Representatives has been charged with publishing nude photos and videos from her iPhone after he was entrusted to get it fixed for her. The staffer was indicted on the charges by a grand jury Thursday.
WHOA: Feds charge DC man with circulating private, nude images and video of US House Member and spouse
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) July 13, 2017
The U.S. Attorney’s office said 35-year-old Juan R. McCullum publicly disseminated intimate photos and videos of Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the House for the U.S. Virgin Islands, and her husband.
It was reported that Plaskett’s sex tape was leaked online year ago. “The theft and distribution of these personal images via the internet marks a new low in Virgin Islands politics,” she said at the time. “I am shocked and deeply saddened that someone would stoop to such a level as to invade my marriage and the love of my family in an attempt to besmirch me politically.”
In 2015, McCullem offered to take Plaskett’s broken iPhone to get it fixed at an Apple store. He was able to obtain “private, nude photos and videos,” from the device after she handed it over.
McCullem left the staff in July of 2016, and to get revenge on Plaskett, he posted the salacious content on the internet from anonymous Hotmail and Facebook accounts. He also encouraged others to spread the content to damage Plaskett.
According to the charging document, McCullem tried to spread the salacious content to Plaskett’s primary opponents in 2016, to get revenge on her.
The grand jury also indicted his 45-year-old co-worker Dorene Browne-Louis on two counts of obstruction of justice for deleting text messages about McCullem’s tawdry actions.
McCullem faces five years in prison for two charges of cyberstalking, while Brown-Louis faces a maximum of 20 years in prison.
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'Beam me up, Scotty' soon a reality?
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'Beam me up, Scotty' soon a reality?
(IBTimes) – We might be closer than ever to using teleportation for our daily commutes, after scientists have used a satellite to teleport information between Earth and space.
Chinese researchers achieved two separate feats, according to papers published in the database arXiv.org. The first involved transferring a particle’s properties between a ground-based observatory and a satellite in low Earth orbit, almost 900 miles apart. The second transmitted quantum encryption keys between space and the ground, representing a secure communication that can travel long distances.
In both cases, it was the first time these functions were performed in space and thus represents a step toward quantum communications being sent across long distances above Earth, according to a report in ScienceNews.
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Union pushing single payer in California is angering its allies
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Union pushing single payer in California is angering its allies
Earlier this month I wrote about the California Nurse’s Association (CNA) push for single payer in the state. When the bill, known as SB562, was shelved by Speaker Anthony Rendon because of a) excessive costs and b) no plan to pay for it, the union accused him of stabbing them in the back. Rendon received death threats and Democrats in the California Assembly united to demand single payer proponents stop acting like bullies. They didn’t single out the CNA but everyone knows that is who they meant. Yesterday, the Intercept reported that even other members of the coalition formed to support single payer in California are turning against CNA:
One labor group, the National Union of Healthcare Workers, is in active discussions with its executive board to withdraw from Healthy California’s steering committee, according to its president, Sal Rosselli. At least two additional steering committee members, the California Federation of Teachers and Unite Here, may also be on the outs, according to sources familiar with their planning. And others are stepping outside the coalition to engage with one another and devise how to move forward separately…
Elizabeth Sholes is a senior official with California Church IMPACT, the 1.5 million-member policy arm of the California Council of Churches, which is currently part of the coalition, and has been advocating single payer for decades. “CNA could do the work needed to craft a decent bill with a good proposal for funding but have chosen the path of faux outrage and destruction instead. We were betrayed by CNA and people desperate for health care were abandoned,” said Sholes, who is known around the Capitol as “the Church Lady.”
The single-payer movement, said Sholes, is merely being used as a weapon in intraparty politics, calling the CNA strategy “a political hit against Dems whom the CNA wishes to replace with Bernie Sanders supporters.”
There’s a lot more in the piece but basically, a lot of people, even people who really want to see single payer happen, are sick of the CNA leadership treating moderate Democrats like, well, like they are Republicans. Jim Araby, a union member and part of the coalition created to pass the bill, tells the Intercept, “They’ve taken the very important newfound energy in politics, anxiety and fear and hate around Trump, and tried to position it against the wrong villain.”
Monday, Politico reported the conflict between the Nurses’ Union is one major piece of an ongoing battle within the Democratic Party in the state, one that mirrors the division between Sanders supporters and Clinton supporters in last year’s election:
The California Nurses Association and other single-payer advocates descended on the Capitol, waving signs with Rendon’s name printed on a knife buried in the back of the California bear. Sanders himself admonished Rendon, and the nurses union said it planned to air radio ads targeting the Democratic speaker.
“Corporate Dems: Don’t underestimate grassroots taking action on #SinglePayer,” RoseAnn DeMoro, head of the nurses union, said on Twitter.
The episode left a deflating mark on the progressive movement’s ranks across the country.
“It’s more than a disappointment, watching how it plays out there in California,” said Donna Smith, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America.
As I pointed out before, if single payer can’t pass in California where Democrats have complete control, it probably can’t pass anywhere. Even worse for Dems, if the only result of trying to pass it is a divided party, it’s a sign that there could be a serious downside to even trying.
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New fears Drudge, InfoWars, Breitbart could face Dem FEC ‘inquisition’
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New fears Drudge, InfoWars, Breitbart could face Dem FEC ‘inquisition’
A revived bid by a top Federal Election Commission Democrat could lead to an “inquisition” against conservative media outlets like the Drudge Report, InfoWars, and Breitbart that take political advertising and are overseen by right-leaning owners or editors, according to critics.
The plan, set for discussion at Thursday’s FEC meeting, could open the door to political subpoenas targeting the websites, their editorial news decisions, and their owners, maybe even Matt Drudge and Alex Jones, according to an expert analysis.
In her effort targeting foreign influence in federal and state elections, Commissioner Ellen Weintraub would probe spending by overseas sources and even partially-foreign-owned U.S. firms on campaigns, including their media buys. Foreign influence is illegal in elections.
She said that tackling foreign influence in elections could be the FEC’s finest hour, adding, “I believe that this Commission can indeed rise to the challenge of understanding what happened in the 2016 election and plugging any legal or procedural holes that could allow foreign actors to interfere with our future elections.”
Politico recently reported that “Weintraub’s interest was piqued by an article published last week by Time magazine that revealed intelligence officials had evidence that Russian agents bought Facebook ads to disseminate election-themed stories. It also indicated that congressional investigators were examining whether Russian efforts to spread such content were boosted by two U.S. companies with deep ties to Trump — Breitbart News and Cambridge Analytica.”
Weintraub told Politico, “if there are U.S. citizens involved in any way in spending foreign money to influence a U.S. election, then that would be something that we could and should pursue.”
#netneutrality protestors want to ban @BreitbartNews @infowars @DRUDGE_REPORT @DRUDGE #fcclive pic.twitter.com/1dxcxQ4ig5
— Sean Moran (@SeanMoran3) May 18, 2017
In her proposal, she cited the Time report of Russian ad buys on Facebook, drawing that enormous social media site into her focus. Several conservative sites like Drudge, InfoWars and Breitbart, take political ads.
That report also pointed to Russian ties to conservative ownership and funding as a potential target of investigators. Citing a McClatchy report, Time said, “FBI counterintelligence investigators were probing whether far-right sites like Breitbart News and Infowars had coordinated with Russian botnets to blitz social media with anti-Clinton stories, mixing fact and fiction when Trump was doing poorly in the campaign.”
Liberal groups have also cited Drudge as a “peddler” of Russian propaganda, likely putting him in the bull’s eye of an expanded FEC investigative authority.
A legal group endorsed her effort, explaining, “the FEC has broad investigative powers to subpoena witnesses and documents, and compel testimony under oath.”
Weintraub has been fighting the Citizens United decision expanding corporate political spending and foreign ownership in politically active U.S. firms. And she has recently put a new focus on reports of Russian interference in the 2016 election. It is not clear that the FEC has any jurisdiction to join the probe of Russian influence.
But in her plan, which was shelved at last month’s meeting due to last minute changes, she proposed increased spending for expanded enforcement.
An elections laws expert and critic of the Weintraub bid said, “It’s pretty easy to see how this quickly becomes an inquisition into conservative media outlets.”
He added, “Commissioner Weintraub appears to be laying the groundwork to subpoena people at Breitbart, Drudge, and Infowars – maybe even Matt Drudge and Alex Jones themselves.”
In the past, she has dismissed claims of targeting or regulating the media or internet sites. In her proposal, she wrote, “the American public is justifiably alarmed by the reports of foreign attempts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.” She added, “This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for our democracy.”
Republicans on the FEC, led by Commissioner Lee Goodman, have raised several red flags about Democratic efforts to target Drudge and other conservative media in broad probes of political spending on the internet.
Conservative media have also been targeted at the Federal Communications Commission. During a recent discussion on “net neutrality,” there were protests against conservative media and signs targeting both Drudge and Breitbart.
Source: Paul Bedard @WashingtonExaminer.com
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Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards: Trump Has “Been the Worst” President “in My Lifetime”
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Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards: Trump Has “Been the Worst” President “in My Lifetime”
A new People Magazine feature about Planned Parenthood subtly hints that the abortion chain and its leader, Cecile Richards, are as American as apple pie.
For many Americans, killing unborn babies in abortions is one of the most reprehensible practices in our country today. But the entertainment magazine painted Richards as a heroine, describing her as “wonder woman” and allowing her to spout her pro-abortion politics.
The propaganda piece featured a smiling photo of the abortion activist in her Manhattan apartment, baking a cherry pie as she talked about her three living children and the fourth who she aborted. Of course, she also talked about politics.
“This White House has been worse for women than any administration in my lifetime,” Richards said.
She criticized President Donald Trump for promising to sign a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, repeal Obamacare and appoint pro-life justices to the United States Supreme Court.
“Until we have more people in office who can get pregnant, we will continue to have these fights,” she told People. “It is very frustrating to talk to members of Congress who will never need maternity benefits, never have to deal with an unintended pregnancy or think about whether they can afford birth control. That’s a problem.
“… but all of the policies that President Trump and this Republican Congress are trying to put in place, believe me, … unintended pregnancy rates will go up and abortion rates will as well,” Richards continued.
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It’s a ridiculous claim because Planned Parenthood does not use the millions of tax dollars it receives every year to end abortion. Killing unborn babies in abortions is Planned Parenthood’s central mission.
In March, it refused to give up its abortion work and focus on providing true health care to low-income women. President Donald Trump offered to support an increase in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood if it stopped doing abortions, but Planned Parenthood refused.
At the time, Richards called the offer “obscene and insulting,” making it very clear that abortions – not women’s health care – are key to Planned Parenthood.
The abortion chain even throws pizza parties to reward employees who exceed their abortion quotas, and in 2013, it gave one of its Colorado clinics an award for “for exceeding abortion visits.”
Richards said abortion rates and teen pregnancy rates are dropping, which is true; but she credited her own abortion chain for those drops. The problem is that even pro-abortion research groups say differently.
The Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, admitted earlier this year that pro-life laws and efforts are bringing abortion numbers down. Pro-life pregnancy centers also teach sex education to teens across the country, which could be influencing the drop in teen pregnancies, as well as abortions.
Make no mistake, when Richards bragged about her children and her work to People, she was not advocating for a better America with fewer abortions and fewer teen pregnancies. The $1 million-a-year “non-profit” CEO is advocating for the nearly half a billion taxpayer dollars that Planned Parenthood receives and the ability to continue their work killing more than 300,000 unborn babies every year.
The majority in Congress and President Trump believe unborn babies and moms deserve better. They are working to defund the abortion chain and redirect tax dollars to community health clinics that actually help women and their children.
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Harvard proposes total ban on clubs in order to be more inclusive
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Harvard proposes total ban on clubs in order to be more inclusive
A Harvard University committee is proposing a total ban on all student fraternities, sororities, and single-gender clubs because allowing them on campus is just too exclusive.
The proposal, which was first announced Wednesday, would apply to all incoming freshman in the fall 2018, while those who are already enrolled would be exempt, according to Harvard Magazine. The goal is for all such clubs to be eliminated from the university by 2022.
In explaining its reasoning, the committee cited the school’s “commitment to non-discrimination, inclusion, and a healthy social climate,” adding that the impact of the single-gender clubs “permeate[s] the fabric of campus culture.”
“As reflected in survey comments, these organizations directly and negatively influence the undergraduate experience for many students who are not themselves members of these organizations,” the committee’s report states. “The discriminatory practices of these organizations undermine our educational mission and the principles espoused by this faculty and distance their members from their college experience.”
The recommendation came from a committee created in March to determine whether new rules could make the Cambridge, Massachusetts, campus more inclusive.
If the policy is adopted by administration, students will be barred from participating in any sororities, fraternities, or other “exclusionary social organizations.” Those who do join any such organization will face “disciplinary action” from the administrative board.
As Harvard’s student-run newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, astutely pointed out: “The committee’s recommendations will likely draw heavy criticism from both alumni and undergraduates in social groups, who have repeatedly attacked the existing policy as overreaching and unnecessary.”
Yale University faced a similar issue earlier this year. In February, a student group on the New Haven, Connecticut, campus lobbied the school’s administration to allow women into all-male fraternities.
Will McGrew, co-director of the student-led group Engender, which was founded last year “to advocate for a more inclusive social environment on campus,” cited Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in his argument against all-male groups.
“We view it as the logical next step to go to Yale,” McGrew said, “because all of these organizations fall under the purview of Yale legally, either because they are registered as Yale organizations or it is literally all Yale students that constitute them.”
As for Harvard, it has modeled its latest proposal after similar bans at Williams College and Bowdoin College because, as the report states, “it is unlikely that Harvard can improve upon the policies of these peer institutions.”
Read the full report below:
Harvard Committee Report by Tré Goins-Phillips on Scribd
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One of 1st Muslim same-sex marriages takes place in U.K.
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One of 1st Muslim same-sex marriages takes place in U.K.
(London Independent) A newly married couple are hoping “to show the whole world that you can be gay and Muslim” after their wedding in the West Midlands.
Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan married in Walsall, in one of the UK’s first same-sex marriages involving a Muslim partner.
Footage showed the couple dressed in traditional Bangladeshi attire to say their vows while surrounded by loved ones at the town’s registry office.
Mr Choudhury, 24, told the Express and Star he felt like the “black sheep” of his Bangladeshi Muslim family, being bullied at school, attacked by other Muslims and banned from his local mosque.
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