patromlogil · 9 months
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Artist: @crazygreatgamerperson​ 
My Brother’s Keeper - Part 8: The Epicenter - Remus Bersk
The attacker looms over him, in black denim pants, neon-green belt, and a  neon-green crop long-sleeved turtle neck. Wild brown hair with a streak of white looks really out of place when compared to his surprisingly well-groomed moustache. Though none of this really sticks in Siren’s mind as much as the unhinged smile on his face and the dagger in his hand.
So at 170,000+ words and over 60 active characters from various youtube videos/video games/musicals/TV shows there is not enough time to give this proper context. [If you are curious, you can find everything here on AO3]
Just know that I recently introduced Remus into my universes and as epic as his canon outfit is, it just didn’t match who he is in the story. The wonderful @crazygreatgamerperson drew this fantastic fanart of his outfit based off the reference images I was using and ASDFLKJ!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! 
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patromlogil · 9 months
I think my sense of humor is broken because I made Remus and Janus dance to the Markiplier outro music and I have been laughing for literally 20 minutes
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patromlogil · 9 months
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2598
Nooooooo. (Dialogue from tumblr.)
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patromlogil · 1 year
I got struck with the notion of Janus, Remus, and Picani being in a poly relationship in my glowverse the other day and it gives me much happy.
Like Picani and Remus are married, but Janus is also Remus's boyfriend who lives in their guest bedroom and they make decisions 'as a family' together and like
I must make this happen
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patromlogil · 2 years
I rewatched the nostalgia videos earlier and the urge to write sides fic again based solely on growly virgil is hiiiiiiiigh
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patromlogil · 2 years
Hope you guys liked the new part of Body Mind and Soul
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patromlogil · 2 years
Body Mind and Soul - Update 4
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @strawb3rry-tea @mushroomcupp @craftingkitty13 @bagels-of-chaos @imma-potatoo @dimension-hopper @sanderdarksides @gabseliblack @thecrowslullaby @hummingbirdspark @nadiestar @kittytheroseofkirea @nobodyw8s4evr @bonker-bananas
Soulmate!AU - You glow when you touch the skin of your soulmate for the first time. You stop glowing after your first kiss.
Summary - Logan glows when he accidentally touches a bartender. The problem is he’s married, and doesn’t subscribe to this whole soulmate nonsense.
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Our house is too big, I’ve always thought so. Remy constantly insists that it’s not a mansion but I’ve done some surface level research and while it just falls short on the square footage it meets almost all the other requirements. Premium sustainable construction materials, multiple large open spaces, an unearned sense of grandeur, large windows, and countless rooms that exist solely to look good.
As I show the bartender around, I realise there are several rooms that I’ve never actually stepped in before, though this is no mean feat. For the most part I stick to the same three or four rooms unless told I’m needed in one of Remy’s many ‘home’ videos. Little snippets of carefully orchestrated peeks into our home life. Almost all of it is overplayed, but it pays the bills so I endure.
As I hold open the door to the latest room, the bartender’s hand brushes against my fingers. A jolt of electricity shoots up my arm making every hair on my body stands on end and I strain not to wince. Initially I thought it must be an accident but even I am able to notice the strange smirk on his face as he walks past me into the room. He’s doing it on purpose. We haven’t even spent half an hour together and I’m not impressed. Frankly, I’m drained.
“This is the dance studio,” a long room to the west of the house. Floor to ceiling mirrors line both sides to the far end where there’s a small table and some discarded snacks. On the ceiling there’s a few hooks that Remy’s used for ropes and ribbons before though they’re currently bare. “I believe it’s mostly hired out to a local dance troupe who will-”
I’m cut off, interrupted as the bartender lets out a long loud yawn, his back turned to me while he glances around the room. This is supposed to be my ‘soulmate’?
“Am I boring you?” I ask him.
He turns, a feigned look of surprise on his face.
“Bored? Why would I be bored?”
Assuming a long sarcastic rant is coming my way I wait for him to continue, though he says nothing else. I fold my arms in annoyance.
“If you’re going to be rude, you might as well leave now.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.”
Other people’s emotions have always been a difficulty for me. I can understand how I might feel in the circumstances but as my fellow high schoolers would frequently remind me, I am the outlier, not the norm. It took a lot of time, a lot of practice, a lot of getting it wrong, but now I am reasonably competent at picking up on when people are saying one thing while actually meaning something else. While I don’t always know what it is they’re trying to get at, I know enough not to be made a fool of.
“Look, I just…” he pauses for a moment, “This is a lovely tour,” sarcasm, “but I’m seeing a whole lot of Remy,” he gestures at the studio around us, “and not a lot of you,” he holds a hand out towards me and my body locks up, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end, “Which is kind of what I bought the ticket for.”
I don’t know what to say to that. It’s true, the design, the layout, the decoration of our house is down to my husband. He understands the lifestyle, what we have to do to keep up appearances. How people of our status are expected to live. It’s the best way to maintain control over our privacy.
“Surely there’s somewhere in this big castle that says ‘Logan’ instead of…” he glances around the room again, “well...this.”
“This,” I shuffle my shoulders trying to shake the numbing tingle from my back, “is what people want to see.”
“The implication being that they don’t want to see you.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“You didn’t have to.”
I’m silent as my own words are thrown back at me.
“Janus, by the way,” he continues as he walks further into the studio, “since you didn’t ask.”
I didn’t.
It’s been a frankly exhausting thirty minutes, yet in all this time it hasn’t occurred to me to even ask. In my own head I’ve reduced him to his job and a very base perception of him that might go some way to explaining his….antagonism. I certainly wouldn’t want to be treated so reductively.
I straighten my tie, a nervous habit from my childhood. Today I’m wearing my plain metallic blue one, it’s my third favourite.
“That was rude of me.” I admit.
“It was but it’s alright,” there’s disingenuous hurt in his voice and when he turns there’s a smirk on his lips again, “I forgive you.”
I don’t like it, but it’s at this moment that a loud click echoes around the room and we both turn as the door to the studio which I had closed behind us starts to open and a voice calls from the other side.
“Logan? I know Remy said to leave you be but I thought you might-AAAAAH!”
In the doorway stands Patton, the man Remy hired to be my personal assistant. Infinitely patient, kind to a fault, staring in shock, hands clasped to his mouth. The tray of food he’d been carrying clatters to the floor harshly.
I didn’t turn the studio lights on when we came in. It’s light enough outside that although the windows are small and high up, I hadn’t thought it necessary. A decision I am seriously regretting as I become acutely aware of the soft glow both Janus and I are emitting.
In my mind’s eye, we’re surrounded by a halo of light our glow reflected off of the many mirrors that surround us. Patton just keeps staring, his eyes flitting back and forth. Janus has the decency to look panicked.
“Don’t scream,” I speak calmly, reaching a hand towards Patton, “I can explain.”
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patromlogil · 2 years
I made my shop and I am too terrified to share it with you guys who could really be my demographic haha
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patromlogil · 2 years
It’s taken a couple weeks but I finally have the initial resources to start putting together a shop to sell handwritten letters from comfort characters. It started as a potential side project idea to earn some extra money but a change in circumstances, it kind of skyrocketed beyond that.
I’ve done research, I’ve picked my initial five characters to offer, I’ve looked into postage, cost, I’ve consulted with someone who already does it. I’ve got a starting pointing and several friends I’ve mentioned it to have told me I can do this.
My planned characters are youtuber egos/sides because these are characters I feel I know, and ones that I feel people would want. Honestly I am so hyped for this I can’t remember ever being this excited for anything ever.
I booked this weekend off for a convention months ago and I need a break from work so I won’t be actually starting setup until Monday, though I do have a potential logo, products, and just basically everything.
This post is brought to you by Pure Excitement™
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patromlogil · 2 years
It's been so long since I've had any feedback to something I've written that the response to this latest part of Body Mind and Soul has just knocked me down
I've been in (happy) tears multiple times to be reminded that people do actually like what I write.
Given me the confidence in my own ability I need to work on this new project I'm working on.
Thank you everybody
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patromlogil · 2 years
Body Mind and Soul - Update 3
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @strawb3rry-tea @mushroomcupp @craftingkitty13 @bagels-of-chaos @imma-potatoo @dimension-hopper @sanderdarksides @gabseliblack @shitposts-and-shit @thecrowslullaby @hummingbirdspark @nadiestar
Soulmate!AU - You glow when you touch the skin of your soulmate for the first time. You stop glowing after your first kiss.
Summary - Logan glows when he accidentally touches a bartender. The problem is he’s married, and doesn’t subscribe to this whole soulmate nonsense.
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A/N - I am so so sorry it's taken near enough to 12 months for this update that we might as well say it's been a year. There's been many things but those aren't important right now, what's important is - it's finally here! And I have plans for this fic. I intend not to take as long with the following chapters but still thank you for your patience, and hope you haven't given up on me.
It took longer than I would have thought to find this bartender. Certainly, there are enough variables surrounding the incident to make it last longer than a day or two; Remy’s level of intoxication, his preference to pay in cash, his complete refusal to ever take a receipt. It’s difficult enough to find where we even were that night, then he would need to figure out which figurative needle in the haystack of bartenders was the one we’re looking for. That’s assuming he even still worked there.
For two weeks I’ve effectively been under house arrest, forbidden from even passing by windows, waiting for my husband to return home. I can’t even remember when I last had so much time to myself; Remy’s work hardly comes with days off.
Typically our mornings start with a meeting with Remy’s social media manager and my personal assistant. A good few hours spent talking about every plan they have for the next six months, what’s working, what isn’t, whether someone beat him to it, and an average of three meltdowns. Then there’s a hasty lunch, usually ordered in, before Remy rushes off to create his content, and my assistant will usually have some sort of itinerary for me with my own tiresome social obligations.
Then in the evening there’ll be some gala, or clubbing, we’ve even been to a film premiere or two. Usually it involves alcohol and coming home with Remy very drunk, and I’ll have a migraine.
He insists it’s all essential towards growing the brand. We have to keep up the idea that we were meant to be together. It boosts his following and makes us more appealing to sponsors and advertisers. As much as I dislike this nonsense, it’s what’s paying for our house and lifestyle so I endure.
This has been my schedule for so long, I’ve barely known what to do with myself besides struggle with the anxiety that comes from not being productive. There’s only so much reality television I can handle before it starts to make me physically ill.
My relief now Remy’s finally found him is ineffable.
He’s currently sat at our kitchen table opposite Remy who summoned him to our house for negotiations which my husband insists on doing himself.
I’ve always favoured the rote learning method for myself; the repetition helps to cement things within my memory. I am not a visual learner, so I’m not surprised that I barely recall what the bartender looked like in the few seconds I’d seen him before having a jacket thrown over my head, so I’m grateful for the chance to stand back and observe my ‘soulmate’
Average build, if I was to guess, maybe an inch or two shorter than myself. He’s wearing a yellow t-shirt with jeans, very casual but he sits with his hands folded and his lips cocked to one side as though he’s laughing at some secret joke. Short brown hair is brushed to one side, half hiding his left eye while darker patches of skin cover the left side of his face. His eyes are quite interesting, the right is a brown, while the left is a sharp blue.
And of course, he’s glowing.
Remy suddenly stands, shouting at the bartender and pointing to the door.
“Get the hell out of my house!”
Oh dear. I really should have been paying attention.
To his credit the bartender doesn’t even flinch, barely hiding an eyeroll before he speaks.
“It’s a reasonable request.”
“It’s a piss-take!”
“I deserve to get to know what I’m giving up”
Okay, this has gone far enough. I place a hand on my husband’s shoulder as he takes a breath to shout something back. Most likely something vulgar that I really could do without hearing.
“Let me handle this.” I insist.
He goes to argue but with a glance at our guest he shrugs my hand off and swears under his breath as he moves aside. Remy doesn’t take people disagreeing with him very well.
I pull out the chair and sit down on it, taking a good look at this man.
Loathsome as I am to say it, I can feel him. Ever since he entered our house, the thrumming buzz beneath my skin has become worse, as though it’s responding to his mere presence. I don’t like it. It’s uncomfortable like the silent buzz of a fluorescent bulb and I barely remember how it felt to not feel like this. I want it gone.
“What exactly do you want?”
There’s a look of intrigue in his eyes as he looks between Remy and I.
“Dates. With you,” he turns towards Remy, “Unchaperoned.”
I nod. “Reasonable.”
“What! Logan-!” Remy blurts but I hold up my hand to silence him.
“How many?”
Again the bartender looks past me to my husband with a slight smirk. “Fifteen.”
“You can suck my ass!” Remy practically tries to launch himself forward but luckily I hold an arm out to stop him.
“Remy, shut up or get out.”
He pulls back but doesn’t leave. The bartender is smirking again. Fifteen isn’t a serious request, clearly. He’s obviously trying to rile Remy up which I would be mad about if Remy wasn’t constantly chasing drama.
For the first time since he arrived, the bartender’s eyes land on me and embarrassingly I feel my breath pause for the briefest moment. I barely blink as he looks me up and down, breathing through his nose as he tilts his head to the side.
“Seven. Every other day for two weeks.”
Despite his casual outfit, the jeans are rough and worn and there’s a hole in the bottom left corner of his shirt, he holds himself like an academic lecturer. He sits tall in his seat and has an air of knowing the people he’s talking to have little to no interest in what he has to say.
It’s really not what I expected.
“You understand we can’t do anything publicly.”
“Discretion is my middle name.” While I have met many people with ridiculous names at Remy’s side, I genuinely hope it’s not literal. “We could even have a first date now.” His glances over to Remy, “This is a wonderful house, and I’d love a tour.”
A wind-up merchant. Wonderful.
“Fuck you!” Remy snaps, crossing the kitchen and slamming his hands on the table again. “You don’t deserve to-!”
My hand on his shoulder stops him and he turns to me.
This man is crass in his delight at my husband’s discomfort and I’m hardly thrilled at the thought of showing him around our house, but he has us over a figurative barrel here. He has what we want, and if he wishes to start on the first part of our deal so quickly then it’s in our best interest to act swiftly.
“You did want to go to the gym.” I say pointedly.
Remy sputters, gapes, turning between myself and the bartender as he tries to think of a reason as to why this is an awful idea but when nothing comes to mind he huffs, heads for the door, stopping in the doorway.
“I want him gone before I get back.”
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patromlogil · 2 years
TITLE: Body, Mind, and Soul
I swear I haven't given up on this. I know it's been a hot second since chapter 2 but I am close to having the next chapter ready so time to reblog the tag list!
Like/reblog/reply to be tagged in my Loceit Soulmate AU fic
When you and your soulmate physically touch for the first time, your skin glows until your first kiss.
Basic plot - Logan and Janus glow when they brush hands at a bar. Except Logan is married, and doesn’t believe in soulmates
Could be described as - slow burn
Potential problems - I’ve cast Remy as the problematic husband. He will be not a great guy which I know is a problem for some people.
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Already on the tag list from other post - @mightnightmooon  @strawb3rry-tea @mrkittyhat 
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patromlogil · 2 years
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where they going?!
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patromlogil · 2 years
so I thought of a potential way to include Janus and Remus into my url and I thought it was dumb but it's growing on me and I worry if I share it someone else might steal it
ugh. brain stop please
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patromlogil · 2 years
Yes yes I know I am four or so months late to this but Lordy Lordy I am so freaking living for the Trying Too Hard music video
I've been listening to the song over and over for probably a week and a half today and convinced my manager to give it a listen (they asked for a recommendation to express how I feel as a person (a whole story unto itself)) and even shared it with my partner today who loves it just as much (we watched it seven times over together)
And I may be making plans to cosplay the filters in the show and I have a million million thoughts running through my head about the video from Sides kind of show, but also after doing research on Thomas's insta I have such a deeper understanding of what's going on in it now and I love it so much more!
Basically this is all I want to talk about on this blog for a while
Enjoy the ride
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patromlogil · 2 years
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All the winged sides by @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me
Coloring by me :D
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patromlogil · 2 years
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Trying too hard
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