patterns-of-thought · 8 months
There is nothing to renounce. Ceaseless mind chatter is like bubbles in the sea. Let it dissolve and the natural state becomes clear. The world appears in you but like the snake in a rope, it is not really there. Joy, sorrow, hope, despair, life, and death are fleeting experiences, while your true nature remains constant, unchanging, and fulfilled.
Ashtavakra Gita
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patterns-of-thought · 8 months
Attached to external circumstances you wobble. They affect your every movement. Learn to discriminate between the fantasies of mind and the void from which circumstances appear and walk upright unperturbed.
Hui neng
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
This person that you take yourself to be, the one you hold so near and dear, is but a vortex of impressions. The trouble is that these impressions can take over and obscure the vastness of what you are with their negative, downtrodden thoughts. Sometimes it could be quite a storehouse of conditioning. Sit still and clear eyed and see this, then, get out the shovel and pitch every last bit of it out. Stay in the habit of cleaning house and sense what a relief it is to be free of what is false. No longer is there a need to impress or protect your feelings.. You respond to the world with an unhindered intimacy that is spontaneous.
Anthony de Mello
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
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Question: Once you said: There is only truth. Is not the ego then also truth?
Jean Klein: The only truth is being, which is causeless, autonomous.
When you see false things for what they are then that is
illumination. Renunciation takes place without there being
someone who renounces. In this, the direct path, free from choice, there is a freeing of energy and a spontaneous establishment in true being.
The world exists because you exist, but you are not the world. Objects of consciousness, names and forms, are the world. But reality, ever still, is beyond them. It is purely by reflex that you insist upon the name and form, and thus reality escapes you.
There is nothing outside consciousness. The universe, your personal I—all appear within it. The imagination has separated us from this awareness, this consciousness, and we have surrounded ourselves, closed ourselves in with fears, concepts and images. The waking state and dream state are both imposed upon this still awareness which we all have in common.
What you do is of no importance whatsoever; what matters is the way in which you do it, your inner attitude. The role you play on the world’s stage has no meaning other than the clear-sightedness with which you play it. Don’t lose yourself in your performance-this only blurs the vision of your inner
Disinterested action does not bind you but, on the contrary, leaves you entirely free. Live in the moment, simply be. Making a choice depends upon memory and easily becomes slavery. Live as being and you will awaken to bliss.
~ Jean Klein
Except from "I AM", pages 21-22
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
The mind is like a river, flowing ceaselessly in the bed of the body, every time there is a ripple you identify with it and think ‘this is my thought’. This is the ignorance of a mistaken identity. The mind and body are not you, they reflect the vastness of awareness. Being what you are, is at the heart of practice.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
The desire to find the self will be surely fulfilled, provided you want nothing else. But you must be honest with yourself and really want nothing else. If in the meantime you want many other things and are engaged in their pursuit, your main purpose may be delayed until you grow wiser and cease being torn between contradictory urges. Go within without swerving, without ever looking outward.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
If you make human company too important you will not discover your true Self. Relationships not based in truth are never entirely reliable and are rarely enduring. Taking time to discover yourself is the best use of time. Prioritise this. One should not excessively seek partners or friends, one should seek to know and be oneself. As you begin to awaken to the Truth, you start noticing how well life flows by itself and how well you are cared for. Life supports the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the one who is open to self-discovery. Trust opens your eyes to the recognition of this. Surrender allows you to merge in your own eternal being. 
~ Mooji
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
Do not pretend to love others as yourself. 
Unless you have realized them as one with yourself, you cannot love them.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
Be as you are. The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi edited by David Godman
Q: If `I’ am always, here and now, why do I not feel so?
A: That is it.
Who says it is not felt ?
Does the real `I’ say it or the false `I’? Examine it.
You will find it is the wrong `I’.
The wrong `I’ is the obstruction. It has to be removed in order that the true `I’ may
not be hidden.
The feeling that I have not realized is the obstruction to realization.
In fact it is already realized and there is nothing more to be realized. Otherwise, the realization will be new. If it has not existed so far, it must take place hereafter. What is born will also die. If realization is not eternal it is not worth having. Therefore what we seek is not that which must happen afresh. It is only that which is eternal but not now known due to obstructions. It is that which we seek.
All that we need do is remove the obstruction. That which is eternal is not known to be so because of ignorance.
Ignorance is the obstruction. Get over the ignorance and all will be well.
The ignorance is identical with the `I’-thought. Find its source and it will vanish.
The `I’-thought is like a spirit which, although not palpable, rises up simultaneously with the body, flourishes and disappears with it.
The body-consciousness is the wrong `I’. Give up this body-consciousness.
It is done by seeking the source of the `I’. The body does not say `I am’. It is you who say, `I am the body ’. Find out who this `I’ is. Seeking its source it will vanish.
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patterns-of-thought · 3 years
In order to really grow inside, you must first be challenged from all directions.Things cannot just go your way.You cannot command life or expect it to fulfil your projections.If things are always easy, you go to sleep inside your being.As you become more sensitive, more alert, more intuitive, open and silent, fear, resistance and lethargy subside and are replaced with a deep calm and a faith in the unseen one.Though no outer company may be seen alongside you, the one who walks with God is never alone.The hosts of the heavens walk with them.Welcome on the road of true life.
~ Mooji
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
Question: But how to give up this false idea that the mind is real?
Annamalai Swami: The same way that you give up any wrong idea. You simply stop believing in it. If this does not happen spontaneously when you hear the truth from a teacher, keep telling yourself, ‘I am not the mind; I am not the mind. There is no mind; there is no mind. Consciousness alone exists.’ If you have a firm conviction that this is the truth, one day this firm conviction will mature to the point where it becomes your direct experience.
Consciousness alone exists. If you generate a firm conviction that this is the truth, eventually this firm conviction will become your own direct experience. 
Consciousness alone exists. That is to say, whatever exists is consciousness alone. Keep this in mind and don’t allow yourself to regard anything else as being real. If you fail and give even a little reality to the mind, it will become your own false reality. Once this initial wrong identification - ‘I am the mind, the mind is real’ - has happened, problems and suffering will follow. 
Don’t be afraid of the mind. It’s a false tiger, not a real one. Something that is not real cannot harm you. Fear and anxiety may come to you if you believe that there is a real tiger in your vicinity. Someone may be making tiger noises as a joke to make you afraid, but when he reveals himself, all your fears go because you suddenly understand that there never was a tiger outside your imagination.
Annamalai Swami
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
When Self-realisation happens, mind is no longer there. However, you do not get Self-realisation by getting rid of the mind. It happens when you understand and know that the mind never existed. It is the recognition of what is real and true, and the abandonment of mistaken ideas about the reality and substantiality of this ephemeral shadow you call the mind.
This is why Bhagavan and many other teachers kept bringing up the analogy of the snake and the rope. If you mistake a rope on the ground for a snake, the snake only exists as an idea in your mind. That idea might cause you a lot of worry and anxiety, and you may waste a lot of mental energy wondering how to avoid the snake or kill it, but this fact remains: there is no snake outside your imagination. When you see the rope, the substratum upon which your false idea of a snake is superimposed, the idea that there is a snake, and that it is real, instantly vanishes. It is not a real snake that has disappeared. The only thing that has disappeared is an erroneous idea.
The substratum upon which the false idea of the mind has been superimposed is the Self. When you see the mind, the Self, the underlying substratum, is not seen. It is hidden by a false but persistent idea. And conversely, when the Self is seen, there is no mind.
Annamalai Swami
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
Mind is just a shadow. Attempts to catch it and control it are futile. They are just shadows chasing shadows. You can’t control or eliminate a shadow by chasing it or by putting a shadow hand on it. These are just children’s games.
Your mind is an insubstantial shadow that will follow you around wherever you go. Attempts to eliminate or control it cannot succeed while there is still a belief that the mind is real, and that it is something that can be controlled by physical or mental activity.
Annamalai Swami
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
This body is totally imagined. As I sit here on the couch, with my eyes closed, I see images of the body, I feel sensations associated with it, and it all happens within my perception; there’s nothing external in it. I open my eyes, I look at my hands and feet, and these so-called parts of my so-called body are still images and sensations within my perception. I can separate them from the rest of my visual world and call them my body, but that separation is still an act of mind, and the images are always of a past, even if the past happened a nanosecond ago. They’re part of a movie of reality; they’re not reality itself. Why would I believe that a movie on the mind’s screen is real? Every time I try to focus on what is real about this body, it’s gone, and the “I” who focuses is gone too. 
There’s nothing solid. Not only the dream but even the dreamer is forever gone. And the dreamed body—I sit it, I stand it, I walk it, I feed it, I brush its teeth, I dress it in clothes, I put it to bed at night and lift it from bed in the morning, and none of that is real. It’s all a projection of mind. To imagine that there is anything outside the mind is pure delusion.
Even physical pain is imagined. When you’re asleep, does your body hurt? When you’re hurting, and the phone rings, and it’s the call you’ve been longing for and you’re mentally focused on the conversation, there’s no pain. If your thinking changes, the pain changes.
Byron Katie
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
Niranjan: Show me the way to liberation.
Papaji: No teacher is going to show you the way. The way is no way! This way is mind. You are always at home.
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patterns-of-thought · 4 years
All bodhisattvas who sincerely seek the truth should control their minds by focusing on one thought only: ‘When I attain enlightenment, I will liberate all sentient beings in every realm of the universe, and allow them to pass into the eternal peace of Nirvana. And yet, when vast, uncountable, unthinkable myriads of beings have been liberated, in reality no being has been liberated.’ Why? Because no one who is a“true bodhisattva entertains such concepts as ‘self’ and ‘other.’ Thus, in reality there is no self to attain enlightenment and no sentient beings to be liberated.
The Buddha
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