paulgodfreysblog · 3 years
Looking for people that were invited to Hilton Dubai Al Habtoor City
Does anyone know someone that bought a membership to the Lifestyle Luxury Vacation Club?
They are usually posted at Lamer and some malls and promise you lunch or dinner just to listen to their pitch. You sign up because of free food(or I did), once you show up for the appointment at Hilton Dubai Al Habtoor City it all goes downhill from there.
If no one knows anyone, is there an avenue I can post to find people? Thanks for your help
PS. No Bashing, we know it's a scam that's why we are looking for other victims.
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paulgodfreysblog · 4 years
With documents and names … Nouri al-Maliki’s gangs control Iraq’s banks and plunder currency auctions to finance Iran and Hezbollah
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Al Arabiya exposes Iran’s militias controlling the oil money and the “Central Bank”
in a report full of terrifying details, which shows a terrible face of corruption in Iraq and the extent to which Iran’s gangs are able to control the scene in Iraq, and control bank money. A professional investigative report published by Al-Arabiya exposed Iranian men who seized billions of dollars and seized them daily and with the launch of hard currency auctions.
And “Al-Arabiya..Net” revealed in its report, which was re-published by the “Baghdad Post,” because of its great importance.
It seems remarkable the changes that have occurred in high-ranking positions, including that of the governor of the Central Iraqi Council, Ali Al-Alaq, and the appointment of Mustafa Ghaleb as his successor!
This change in a high-level financial position indicates anything, as it indicates the extent of corruption that has permeated the top of the hierarchy of the Iraqi economy and its financial and banking institutions.
The “Al Arabiya” report revealed a large network of Iraqi businessmen and banks that acquired the so-called foreign currency sale window in the Central Bank of Iraq.
So it becomes clear, and with the documents that we will review, that they are shell companies belonging to Iraqi people loyal to Iran that obtain dollars supported by the Iraqi Central Bank under the pretext of importing goods and goods to Iraq.
But how is this done?
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Sources describe the “currency auction window” in Baghdad as a gateway to corruption for the flow of money into Iran and financing its militias with Iraqi oil money. The Central Bank of Iraq, after obtaining oil revenues, sells dollars to Iraqi civil banks, which in turn sell them to Iraqi companies according to requests to import goods and goods. .
The paradox here is that part of these import requests are “fake and fraudulent,” meaning that the dollar is sold at subsidized prices to banks by means of a “currency auction”, without goods being imported in return, so that these funds are transferred to exchange companies related to Iran, or the terrorist organization ISIS, despite It has been subjected to US and international sanctions.
$ 200 million … Iraqi Central Sales daily
In addition, this matter is considered a violation of the Federal Budget Law of the state in 2015, which set the sales of the Central Bank of Iraq at 75 million dollars per day, but today the amount ranges as an average between 150 – 200 million dollars, which is approximately 3 times the estimated amount specified in the law, and this is what it shows The results of the foreign currency sale window published by the Central Bank on its official website. 
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It is noteworthy here that the Iraqi Federal Court later canceled 8 paragraphs of the financial budget for the year 2015, including Article 50 for determining a ceiling for central bank sales, which was subjected to severe criticism at the time by members of the Finance Committee.
MP Magda Al-Tamimi considered that the decision is a blow to anti-corruption efforts in government departments at the time, in the year 2015.
When checking the private banks that receive subsidized dollars for their receipt to Iraqi merchants, we find that nearly half of the banks that participate in the currency sale window supervised by the bank The Iraqi Central Bank belongs to personalities loyal to Iran or close to political figures affiliated with Iran, and this is what brings them huge profits.
1- Al-Huda
Bank, Al-Hoda Bank was prevented from auctioning previously in 2015 by the Central Bank of Iraq due to legal violations.
One of the documents prepared by the late head of the Iraqi Parliament’s Finance Committee, Ahmad Chalabi, shows how the Hoda Bank owned by Hamad Al-Mousawi (who is close to former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki , Iran’s political ally), in the period between 2012-2015, bought something worth 6.5 One billion dollars for 3 money transfer companies are:
1- Al-Tayeb Money Transfer, which was founded and managed by Hamad Al-Mousawi himself.
2- Al-Mahaj Money Transfer, owned by Hassan Nasser Al-Lami (close to Iran).
3- Iraqna for Financial Transfer, it later turned to Al-Rawahil Company for Investment and Finance, and then the Central Bank canceled its license due to legal violations.
It is to be noted here that, recently, the Supreme Judicial Council / Baghdad Rusafa Federal Court of Appeal demanded, on 8-8-2019, to lift Hamad al-Mousawi’s immunity for the crime of appropriating money in another case.
Oil dollars fund ISIS
It was later revealed through the documents that the Al-Mahaj Money Transfer Company had dealt with Al-Rawi Exchange Company to transfer amounts of no less than $ 547 million during the year 2014 only, according to Chalabi.
The biggest surprise is that Al-Rawi Exchange Company was subjected to sanctions in April 2019 by the US Treasury Department, due to its funding of terrorism.
According to the US Treasury Department report, the six individuals who have been blacklisted constitute the main strength of what is known as the “network of narrator”. They are Mushtaq Talib Zughair Al-Rawi, an Iraqi citizen residing in Belgium, who leads the network’s operations in Turkey and Iraq, in addition to To his son and two brothers, along with two other relatives.
The US Treasury Department’s statement indicates that, as of November 2017, Mushtaq Al-Rawi supervised the transfer of funds to ISIS using the remittance network across Iraq and Turkey where ISIS salaries were paid in Syria.
The Iraqi Central Bank denied .. and account statements proving the opposite,
in its central role, he denied any relationship between the Al-Mahaj Financial Transfer Company and Al-Rawi Exchange Company, so that the response came quickly from the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, showing account statements for bank transfers made between the diaspora and the narrator, as the documents show below.
But more than that, as a document we obtained issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Trade / Companies Registration Department showed that nearly half of the sums that were sold from the window of sale of foreign currency during the period from 1/1/2014 to 2/28/2015 did not specify the parties. Obtained as 29 companies out of 32 are not registered in the Companies Registry.
2- Bank across Iraq:
In this bank, the relationship between Hamad Al-Mousawi and Hassan Nasser Jaafar Al-Lami (close to Iran) who owns this bank, and also the owner of the Al-Mahaj Money Transfer Company, which has been suspected of dealing with Al-Rawi Exchange Company (accused of financing ISIS by the International Coalition), is evident. He later changed the name of Al-Muhaj Financial Transfer Company to the Islamic Holding Bank.
3- Noor Iraq Islamic Bank is also
owned by Hassan Nasser Jaafar Al-Lami, it was under the tutelage of the Central Iraqi in 2012 and then it was lifted in 2014. The
funny thing is, in the case of this bank, that on 31-10-2019 the Central Bank prevented it from auctioning the currency after placing it on List of international sanctions and its inclusion on the blacklist.
Nevertheless, a document we obtained shows that this bank was granted a certificate of appreciation by the stock market on 2/16/2020, despite its inclusion on the US sanctions list.
The matter does not stop at this point. Rather, the Central Bank of Iraq excluded it from dealing in other currencies, other than the dollar, until further notice, according to the decision issue number: 3/3/436 and the date of 10/31/2019, in circumvention of international sanctions.
4- Middle East Islamic
Bank: This bank was banned from selling currency in 2015, owned by Ali Muhammad Ghulam (close to Iran) and managed by Haider Ghulam, as it dealt with fake money transfer companies, according to the document issued by the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament.
He owned the Al-Nada Company for Financial Transfer, which, through the currency sale auction, managed to achieve profits and to acquire shares of Al-Sharq Bank in 2012. He dealt with Afaq Al-Mustaqbal Company, which was subjected to US sanctions for its dealings with terrorism.
It should be noted that Ali Muhammad Ghulam owns the Al Ansari Islamic Bank and is also a participant in the window of currency sale.
5- Islamic World Bank
It is owned by Saif al-Din Saad Hashem, nicknamed (Saif Badir) and is close to the former central bank governor Ali Al-Alaq and Nuri al-Maliki, according to Iraqi sources.
He is a partner of Ali Ghulam in the Elaf Islamic Bank, knowing that Elaf Al-Islami was previously included on the American blacklist for his cooperation with the Iranian Export Development Bank in 2012 and raised in 2013 during the era of former US President Barack Obama, where that stage was known as the stage of negotiations and “flexibility.” By Obama that preceded the signing of the Iranian nuclear deal.
For your information, the Parliamentary Economic Committee was conservative in the relationship of the Iraqi Central Bank with the Islamic World Bank and called for non-discrimination in classifying banks and granting them privileges.
Saif Badir also owns a stake in Al Janoub Islamic Bank, which also participates in the window selling the currency.
And there are unconfirmed reports in Iraqi newspapers that Saif Badir is one of the suspects who were arrested in the recent detention campaign in Baghdad.
6- The Iraqi Union Bank
also, this bank was banned from auctioning currency in 2015, its owner is the brothers Aqeel and Ali Muften, who are close to Nuri al-Maliki, and their bank was offered in 2016 to seize $ 200 million by the US Federal Reserve, as part of a $ 6 billion transfer to the owner of Al-Hoda Bank Hamad Musawi, close to Nuri al-Maliki
Notably, however, they have close ties with Maliki through Ali Al-Alaq, the former governor of the Iraqi Central Bank.
7- The Economy Bank for Investment
was under the tutelage of the Central Bank of Iraq in 2014 for a period of 3 years, until the tutelage was lifted from it on 10/2/2017
It is owned by Saadi Waheeb Sihoud, Adilah, a close confidant of Nur al-Maliki, Hasan Al-Sunaid.
8- Erbil Bank is
owned by Fayed Abdul Amir Hassoun Al-Waeli, who is suspected of smuggling hard currency from Baghdad to Erbil and then to Turkey by land.
According to the documents of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, in 2012, 2013, 2014, the bank carried out transfers with Turkish companies in favor of money transfer companies owned by the owners of the same bank. Fayed Al-Waili also owns the Islamic Qurtas Bank, which is also included in the window of currency sale.
9- The United Investment Bank,
part of its shares is owned by Hassan Nasser Jaafar Al-Lami, while 40% of the shares belong to Fadel Al-Dabbas.
And here it must be noted that in November 2018, the Central Bank of Iraq decidedPutting the United Bank for Investment under trusteeship.
According to Iraqi sources, Fadhil Al-Dabbas, a relative named Haitham Al-Dabbas, is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Noor Iraq Islamic Bank, which is owned by Hassan Al-Lami.
10- Al-Ataa Islamic
Bank is the former Islamic Bank of the country, its name has been changed to Al-Bid Bank, and a new board of directors was appointed after US sanctions were imposed on it from the Treasury, on charges of financing Hezbollah, but it is strange that the bank is still practicing its functions and participating in the window of currency sale.
Its ownership belongs to Aras Habib, who is loyal to Iran, who is listed on the blacklist, and was under guardianship by the Central Bank and was removed from it on 11-12-2019. He was also prevented from dealing with other institutions in US dollars due to international sanctions, but the Central Bank of Iraq excluded him from dealing in other currencies until further notice, according to Decision No. 436/3/9 dated 31/10/2019.
Iraq on the list of money laundering and terrorist financing risks
since September 2016, the European Union has placed Iraq on the list of high-risk countries related to money laundering and terrorist financing. Even when the Iraqi Foreign Ministry requested that the name of Iraq be removed from this list, the European Union rejected this request, indicating that it might do so in October .. However, Iraq must achieve all the necessary criteria to join these countries.
Observers described the Al-Arabiya report as a huge scandal that proves how Iran seized millions of dollars annually through its men’s banks, led by the criminal Nuri al-Maliki.
Al-Kazemi becomes required to stop the currency auction, close the looting pipe, and finance Iran’s gangs.
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paulgodfreysblog · 6 years
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paulgodfreysblog · 7 years
Life producing “Fertility Centre Doctor” became to Life-taking plotter by engaging paid-killers!
Life producing “Fertility Centre Doctor” became to Life-taking plotter by engaging paid-killers!
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Medical rivalry connotes no medical morality followed: Many times, old people used to say, “It is Kali kalam (Dark period), anything could happen”, as people started losing confidence in the governance, law and order and other connected issues. Now, commercializations of medicine and education have become hallmark of looting civil society. “Chennai Fertility Centre” has been functioning with much publicity, run by Thomas and Co in Chennai. Ironically, they have unit in Bangladesh also[1], as that country have more population, it is intriguing as to note why they have there. Now, news is coming that the same doctor engaged hired-murders to attack one of his team-doctors, that too, a woman doctor. A henchman wearing a burkha attacked a woman doctor with a sharp weapon at her house at Perambur on 04-10-2017 [Wednesday][2]. It is not known, why the paid killers should wear burkha and call. It was found that the owner of a fertility centre and four of his staff members had hired him to carry out the attack on Dr. Ramya, a fertility specialist, over business rivalry[3]. Police arrested all the six within a few hours of the incident. According to the police, Dr. Ramya used to work in a fertility centre on Nelson Manickam Road, owned by embryologist Thomas, for the past three years [i.e, since 2013]. However, six months ago [March 2017], Dr. Ramya’s sister Jeyanirmala, also a doctor, started a fertility centre at Jai Nagar, Arumbakkam, and she decided to start working with her sister. There is nothing objectionable, if sister started a hospital, her joining there and working.
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Child-producing fertility expert turned murder plotting and life ending doctor: However, Thomas felt differently and tried to cajole her to be with his hospital. “Thomas offered her a better salary as patients coming to his centre had moved to Dr. Jeyanirmala’s clinic. However, she rejected his offer,” said a senior police officer. Angered over this, Thomas started threatening her. “He was doing this over the past six months. However, Dr. Ramya’s family did not take this seriously,” added the police officer. For this, that the learned doctor, who engaged in helping childless to have children, decided to kill Ramya. This clearly proves his culpability of mind, in spite of his education and status. Thomas discussed the issue with his staff and with the help of staff member Sathya Kala, he hired Palani alias Palanichamy from Tsunami Quarters in Ennore. He was asked to assault Dr. Ramya on the hand so that she could not practice [sic, “The Hindu”, nowadays uses wrong grammar and spellings also].
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As plotted Dr Ramya attacked, but escaped and admitted in hospital: So paid-killers are killers only, they can take life only, as they cannot give life anybody. Thus, they had gone to kill Ramya. The incident happened at 10 pm when Dr Ramya reached her house on Patel road in her car. As soon as Ramya got out of her car, a burka clad person stabbed her. She suffered five stab injuries, said sources[4]. “On Wednesday night around 8 p.m., Palani went to her house wearing a burkha and waited on the stairs. When Dr. Ramya stepped out of the car, he ran towards her and attacked her with a sharp weapon on the hand. She sustained head injury when she tried to avoid the attack,” added the police officer. Dr. Ramya was admitted to a private hospital. Following a complaint lodged by her husband, a special team headed by assistant commissioner, Sembium, Arnold Easter probed the case[5].
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Technology produces life and tracks criminals also: The investigating officer met Dr Ramya at hospital and she had informed the police about the threat calls she received from Dr Thomas in the past. So Thomas did not realize the modern technology of tracking criminals. “If life can be given, life can also be taken” were the principle for Thomas, his own phone calls fixed him to be caught. “Based on the information, we secured six suspects including Dr Thomas,” police said. Police noted that Dr Thomas had hired men to attack the lady doctor. Dr Ramya’s husband, Shanmugasundaram is also a doctor working in a private hospital[6]. “The relatives told us about the threat from Thomas and we secured him and his staff Yona immediately. Based on the information given by him, we nabbed his staff Sathya Kala, Bhavani, Palani and Mugilan,” the police officer added. Thus, the arrested plotters have been –
Dr Thomas
Sathya Kala,
Palani and
Dr. Ramya is out of danger, the police said. Ramya Shanmughasundaram, who suffered multiple injuries to the head, hip and legs, was admitted to a private hospital. Doctors said her condition was stable[7].
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Complaints against the hospital run by Thomas: There have been complaints about the treatment given in this hospital. A typical complaint has been like this[8]: “Beware of Dr Thomas at Chennai fertility center By: rkumarb1980 Posted Apr 20, 2013 General 18848 Views”: The blog gives the details – “After enjoying the real benefits of paying tax in the Western World, we are in complete shock and trauma of the Indian system which sucks all our hard earned money as tax and does not even provide good roads or drinking water supply or security for women. On top of these, there are medical institutions like Chennai Fertility Center who suck all our hard earned money. This fraud scheme run by Dr Thomas at Appasamy Hospitals in Arumbakkam is a real scam. We are still in shock how this chennai fertility center works by giving this 100% money back policy. It is a clear indication that Drs in india have started swindling from patients without giving any care. Healthcare is something you need when you really want it and we consider drs as gods in India, but these days they are just after money. The moment we met this Dr Thomas, he discussed about our profession and asked if we had savings so that we can avail this money back treatment. WT money back guarantee can a patient expect. Are we putting our lives at risk for these cheap tactics by these quacks. Who needs money back after getting killed. I dont know how this government is allowing these kind of cheap marketing by medical professionals. They say medical centers cant even advertise and I really don’t understand what is this. I kindly request govt to take necessary actions against these centers which are misleading poor patients into traps. Dear Dr Thomas, if you get to read this message, please understand that it is our hard earned money that you are stealing from us. It is not gambling business, its medical care. I hope you will understand or less please don’t practice any more”.
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Criminalized ideology has to be eliminated to save Tamilnadu: During the last 60-70 years, particularly in Tamilnadu, the morality, ethics and other good values have been declining due to rabid propagation of atheism under the guise of “Analytical Wisdom” and so on. Religion has been the backbone and moral binding of people of civil society. When religion is attacked, morality is attacked and henchmen, rowdies, killers, thugs, hooligans, gangsters, brutes, ruffians, and others become preachers, vicars, rectors, unholy men, rational priests, atheist clerics and reverend criminals to spoil the society. And that has been happening last 70 years. The rise of crime could be correlated and corresponded with such ideology. Of course, at national level also, criminality has been exhibited in different ways. Tamilnadu is mentioned in the context, because, here, Kannaki, the embodiment of chastity, is respected as a woman and Goddess by all categories of Tamil speaking people and Dravidian ideologists. However, the “Tali snatching and cutting” has become order of the day. That is the target of Tali is directly against womanhood and married life, which are considered as sacred by the same people. Therefore, such criminal ideology has to be get rid off to sage Tamilnadu.
© Vedaprakash
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[1] https://www.facebook.com/cfcdhaka/
[2] The Hindu, Doctor stabbed in Perambaur, October 06, 2017. 00:55 IST; October 06, 2017. 07:54 IST;
[3] http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/doctor-stabbed-in-perambur/article19803988.ece
[4] DT.Next, Woman doctor stabbed over rivalry, Published: Oct 06,2017, 01:50 AM
[5] Times of India, Man in burqa stabs woman doctor, victim’s ex-boss held, TNN | Oct 6, 2017, 07:21 IST
[6] http://www.dtnext.in/News/City/2017/10/06015024/1048032/Woman-doctor-stabbed-over-rivalry.vpf
[7] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/man-in-burqa-stabs-woman-doctor-victims-ex-boss-held/articleshow/60964742.cms
[8] http://www.mouthshut.com/blog/bfbhqrrlom/Beware-of-Dr-Thomas-at-Chennai-fertility-center
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paulgodfreysblog · 13 years
Serbian Minister’s father mediated arms deal with Saudis
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The father of Serbia’s Internal Affairs Minister was involved in the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, the BIRN investigative network said on Thursday citing documents it had obtained.
Branko Stefanovic, father of Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, works for the Serbian company GIM which mediated the sale of munitions, including mortar shells and rockets, made by the Krusik military industry plant in Valjevo during a May 2017 visit to the plant by a three-member delegation of the Saudi Rinad Al Jazeera company.
BIRN said that GIM’s success can be attributed to the fact that the elder Stefanovic’s influence at the meeting in Krusik, adding that the Saudis have been buying Serbia-made weapons and ammunition for several years.
NIN weekly reported in October 2018 that Branko Stefanovic’s company United BG had been issued an arms trade permit by the Ministry of Trade after the Internal Affairs Ministry gave its approval. Minister Stefanovic denied NIN’s claims that his father was involved in the arms trade but BIRN now claims that it has documents showing that “the minister’s father is trading in arms through his engagement with the GIM company which is owned by Goran Todorovic”.
BIRN says the documents show that GIM has preferential treatment in Krusik in terms of lower prices. It added that neither of the Stefanovics or Todorovic replied to its requests for statements.
Former Krusik CEO Mladen Petkovic, who is a member of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), told BIRN that he isn’t sure exactly what role Branko Stefanovic played in GIM or the arms deal. “As far as I know, Stefanovic does not work for GIM. I can’t say for sure that he was or that he was not in the plant. I did not see him at Krusik because meetings with buyers are taken by the commercial sector, not myself,” he said.
According to BIRN, the documents show that GIM bought 43 million Dollars worth of military-grade ammunition from Krusik over the past year and sold them to the Saudis. GIM bought the munitions at prices lower than what other arms trade companies paid.
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