paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECON 312 Midterm Exam(All Possible Questions with Answers)
 ECON 312 Midterm Exam(All Possible Questions with Answers)
1 Question: (TCO 1) What is the economic meaning of the expression that “There is no such thing as a free lunch?”
Question 2 (TCO 1) The idea in economics that “there is no free lunch” means that
Question 3 (TCO 1) Which situation would most likely cause a nation’s production possibilities curve to shift inward?
Question 4 (TCO 1) Which expression is another way of saying “marginal cost”?
Question 5 (TCO 1) Which is not a factor of production?
Question 6 (TCO 1) Another term for capitalism is
Question 7 (TCO 1) The simple circular-flow model shows that workers, entrepreneurs, and the owners of land and capital offer their services through
Question 8 (TCO 1) Laissez-faire capitalism is characterized by
Question 9 (TCO 1) Consumer sovereignty and “dollar votes” guide the market system in dealing with which fundamental question?
Question 10 (TCO 1) A characteristic of centrally planned economies is that
Question 11 (TCO 2) The quantity demanded of a product increases as its price declines because the
Question 12 (TCO 2) At the point where the demand and supply curves intersect
Question 13 (TCO 2) If an effective price ceiling is placed on hamburgers then
Question 14 (TCO 2) A headline reads “Lumber Prices Up Sharply” In a competitive market, this situation would lead to a(n)
Question 15 (TCO 2) For most products, purchases tend to fall with decreases in buyers’ incomes Such products are known as
Question 16 (TCO 2) If the price-elasticity coefficient for a good is 75, the demand for that good is described as
Question 17 (TCO 2) Demand is said to be inelastic when
Question 18 (TCO 2) The demand for Cheerios cereal is more price-elastic than the demand for cereals as a whole This is best explained by the fact that
Question 19 (TCO 2) If the demand for a product is elastic, then
Question 20 (TCO 2) Movie theaters charge lower prices to see a movie in the afternoon than in the evening because there is an
Question 21 (TCO 3) Which would be an implicit cost for a firm? The cost
Question 22 (TCO 3) Suppose that a firm produces 200,000 units a year and sells them all for $10 each The explicit costs of production are $1,500,000 and the implicit costs of production are $300,000 The firm earns an accounting profit of
Question 23 (TCO 3) The long run is a period of time, or a time frame, in which
Question 24 (TCO 3) Variable costs are
Question 25 (TCO 3) The phrase “don’t cry over spilt milk” could be rephrased in economic terms by saying
Question 26 (TCO 3) If you know that total fixed cost is $200, total variable cost is $600, and total product is four units, then average total cost must be:
Question1 (TCO 3) Mutual interdependence would tend to limit control over price in which market model?
Question 2 (TCO 3) Local electric or gas utility companies mostly operate in which market model?
Question 3 (TCO 3) The steel and automobile industries would be examples of which market model?
Question 4 (TCO 3) In pure competition, the demand for the product of a single firm is perfectly
Question 5 (TCO 3) T-Shirt Enterprises is selling in a purely competitive market It is producing 3,000 units, selling them for $2 each At this level of output, the average total cost is $250 and the average variable cost is $220 Based on these data, the firm should
Question 6 (TCO 3) If a purely competitive firm is producing at an output where marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost, the firm will increase its profit by
Question 7 (TCO 3) In pure competition, each extra unit of output that a firm sells will yield a marginal revenue that is
Question 8 (TCO 3) Which phrase would be most characteristic of pure monopoly?
Question 9 (TCO 3) Natural monopolies result from
Question 10 (TCO 3) The demand curve confronting a nondiscriminating, pure monopolist is
Question 11 (TCO 3) Which is the best example of price discrimination?
Question 12 (TCO 3) In which industry is monopolistic competition most likely to be found?
Question 13 (TCO 3) If monopolistically competitive firms in an industry are making an economic profit, then new firms will enter the industry and the product demand facing existing firms will
Question 14 (TCO 3) A unique feature of an oligopolistic industry is
Question 15 (TCO 3) You are told that the four-firm concentration ratio in an industry is 20 Based on this information you can conclude that
Question 16 (TCO 3) A cartel is
Question 17 (TCO 1) Money is not an economic resource because
Question 18 (TCO 1) Refer to the diagram which is based on the Circular Flow Model in Chapter 2 Arrows (3) and (4) represent
Question 19 (TCO 2) Refer to the diagram A decrease in demand is depicted by a
Question 20 (TCO 2) Refer to the information and assume the stadium capacity is 5,000 The supply of seats for the game Price per Ticket Quantity Demanded $13 1,000 11 2,000 9 3,000 7 4,000 5 5,000 3 6,000
Question 21 (TCO 2) Which of the following goods (with their respective income-elasticity coefficients in parentheses) will most likely suffer a decline in demand during a recession?
Question 22 (TCO 3) The following cost data are for a firm in the short run: Output Total Cost 0 $400 1 500 2 550 3 600 4 650 5 700
What is the firm’s average variable cost at an output of 5 units?
Question 23 (TCO 1) Refer to the diagram If society is producing nine units of bicycles and four units of computers and it now decides to increase computer output to six, the cost
Question 24 (TCO 3) Any activity designed to transfer income or wealth to a particular individual or firm at society’s expense is called
Question 25 (TCO 3) a) A pure monopolist determines that at the current level of output the marginal cost of production is $2, average variable costs are $275, and average total costs are $295 The marginal revenue is $275 What would you recommend that the monopolist do to maximize profits? b) Why might a business owner keep their business open but let it deteriorate, rather than shut it down? Will this profitability last?
Question 26 (TCO 2) Evaluate how the following situations will affect the demand curve for iPods
(a) Income statistics show that income of 18–25-year-olds have increased by 10 percent over the last year (b) Efforts of music artists wanting greater protection of their music result in more stringent enforcement of copyrights and the shutdown of numerous illegal downloading sites (c) Believing that it has significant control of the market for portable digital music players, Apple decides to raise the price of iPods with the goal of increasing profits (d) The price of milk decreases
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 561 Final Exam Solution
 ECO 561 Final Exam Solution
1). If a firm in a purely competitive industry is confronted with an equilibrium price of $5, its marginal revenue:
2). A firm that is motivated by self interest should:
3). If price is above the equilibrium level, competition among sellers to reduce the resulting:
4). Camille’s Creations and Julia’s Jewels both sell beads in a competitive market. If at the market price of $5, both are running out of beads to sell (they can’t keep up with the quantity demanded at that price), then we would expect both Camille’s and Julia’s to:
5). Since their introduction, prices of DVD players have fallen and the quantity purchased has increased. This statement:
6). In a market economy the distribution of output will be determined primarily by:
7). In a competitive market economy firms will select the least-cost production technique because:
8). Suppose that the price of peanuts falls from $3 to $2 per bushel and that, as a result, the total revenue received by peanut farmers changes from $16 to $14 billion. Thus:
9). If technology dictates that labor and capital must be used in fixed proportions, an increase in the price of capital will cause a firm to use:
10). In which of the following industries are economies of scale exhausted at relatively low levels of output?
11). If a firm decides to produce no output in the short run, its costs will be:
12). Which of the following represents a long-run adjustment?
13). Paying an above-equilibrium wage rate might reduce unit labor costs by:
14). A firm can hire six workers at a wage rate of $8 per hour but must pay $9 per hour to all of its employees to attract a seventh worker. The marginal wage cost of the seventh worker is:
15). Price exceeds marginal revenue for the pure monopolist because the:
16). Oligopoly is difficult to analyze primarily because:
17). A competitive firm will maximize profits at that output at which:
18). Nonprice competition refers to:
19). competition between aluminum and steel in the manufacture of automobile parts. Advertising can impede economic efficiency when it:
20). Which of the following is not a possible source of natural monopoly?
21). Suppose that an industry is characterized by a few firms and price leadership. We would expect that:
22). When economists view technological change as internal to the economy, they mean that it:
23). Firm X develops a new product and gets a head start in its production. Other firms try to produce a similar product but discover they have higher average total costs than the existing firm. This situation illustrates:
24). In the long run a pure monopolist will maximize profits by producing that output at which marginal cost is equal to:
25). If personal taxes were decreased and resource productivity increased simultaneously, the equilibrium:
26). Suppose that nominal wages fall and productivity rises in a particular economy. Other things equal, the aggregate:
27). Suppose the price level is fixed, the MPC is .5, and the GDP gap is a negative $100 billion. To achieve full-employment output (exactly), government should:
28). Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it:
29). Stabilizing a nation’s price level and the purchasing power of its money can be achieved:
30). Suppose that US prices rise 4 percent over the next year while prices in Mexico rise 6%. According to the purchasing power parity theory of exchange rates, what should happen to the exchange rate between the dollar and the peso?
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 372 Entire Course
 ECO 372 Entire Course
ECO 372 Week 1 – 4 DQ
Why is economics considered a social science? What role does economics play in your personal and professional lives?
What is the difference between real and nominal GDP? Does GDP accurately reflect the nation’s welfare? Why or why not? How can a country’s GDP be manipulated? In your opinion, is the U.S. GDP being manipulated? Explain your answer.
What is the difference between real and nominal GDP?
Does GDP accurately reflect the nation’s welfare? Why or why not?
How can a country’s GDP be manipulated?
In your opinion, is the U.S. GDP being manipulated?
What are the different types of unemployment?
How do they affect the economy in terms of growth, labor force, and price of labor?
Identify economic factors that affect the real GDP, the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, and a key interest rate. How do you predict the economy will perform in the next two years given the current state of two of the economic factors you identified? How might your organization be affected by these changes?
Week 1 Summary
Week 2 Discussion Questions 1 – 4
ECO 372 Week 2 DQ 1
Explain the viewpoints of classical and Keynesian economists. How did the economy that existed at the time of these theories influence them? Which theory is more appropriate for the economy today? Why?
ECO 372 Week 2 DQ 2
Why do Keynesian economists believe market forces do not automatically adjust for unemployment and inflation? What is their solution for stabilizing economic fluctuations? Why do they believe changes in government spending affect the economy differently than changes in income taxes?
ECO 372 Week 2 DQ 3
In your opinion, which two determinates currently have the greatest impact on aggregate demand and supply? Justify your response with an example.
ECO 372 Week 2 DQ 4
What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary fiscal policies? Which is more appropriate today? Explain your answer. How might contractionary and expansionary fiscal policies affect your organization?
Week 2 Individual Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper
Week 2 Learning Team Reflection Economic Forecasting Paper
Week 2 Summary
ECO 372 Week 3 Discussion Questions 1 – 4
ECO 372 Week 3 DQ 1
What are the uses of money? How do commercial banks and Federal banks create money? Is monetary policy conducted independently in the United States? Explain your answer. Is it important for monetary policy to remain independent from all parties? Why or why not?
ECO 372 Week 3 DQ 2
What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary monetary policy? What is the intention of each policy under a depression, recession, or robust economy? Which type of monetary policy is more appropriate today and why?
ECO 372 Week 3 DQ 3
What happens to the money supply, interest rates, and the economy if the Federal Reserve is a net seller of government bonds? What happens to the money supply, interest rates, and the economy if the Federal Reserve is a net buyer of government bonds. Why would the government implement a stimulus program into the economy?
ECO 372 Week 3 DQ 4
Rank the factors that contribute to the discount interest rate from most important to least important. Justify your rankings.
Week 3 Learning Team Aggregate Demand and Supply Models
Week 3 Learning Team Reflection
ECO 372 Week 4 Discussion Questions 1 – 4
ECO 372 Week 4 DQ 1
How does a government budget deficit affect the economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget deficits. What were the reasons for the deficits during those time periods?
ECO 372 Week 4 DQ 2
How does a government budget surplus affect the U.S. economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget surpluses. What were the reasons for the surpluses during those time periods?
ECO 372 Week 4 DQ 3
What are the potential consequences of a country having a large overall debt? If you were in the position to implement a solution for the country’s long-term debt, what would it be and why?
ECO 372 Week 4 DQ 4
What are the positive and negative aspects of budget deficits and surpluses? What policy is best for today’s economy? Explain your answer.
ECO 372 Week 4 Individual Federal Reserve Presentation
ECO 372 Week 4 Learning Team Reflection
Week 4 Summary
ECO 372 Week 5 Discussion Questions 1 – 4
ECO 372 Week 5 DQ 1
Explain how foreign exchange rates are determined. How do changes in interest rates, inflation, productivity, and income affect exchange rates? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a weak versus a strong dollar for imports, exports, international and domestic markets?
ECO 372 Week 5 DQ 2
Who benefits from a tariff or quota? Who loses? Why would domestic markets benefit from protectionist trade policies? How do protectionist trade policies affect a government’s wealth and fiscal policy?
ECO 372 Week 5 DQ 3
What is the effect of a trade surplus? What is the effect of a trade deficit? How do trade deficits and surpluses affect the industry in which you work?
ECO 372 Week 5 DQ 4
Why are trade agreements important for the various countries involved? How is international trade related to the U.S. standard of living as opposed to the standard of living of a small industrial nation or a developing nation? How does international trade affect a country’s standard of living? What impact does it have on the way Americans live life, spend, consume, and so on.?
Week 5 Individual International Trade and Finance Speech
Week 5 Learning Team Fiscal Policy Paper
Week 5 Summary
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 365 Final Exam Solution
 ECO 365 Final Exam Solution
1. George Davis and Michael Wohlgenant estimate that for every 1 percent increase in the price of Christmas trees, quantity demanded falls by 0.6 percent. The demand for Christmas trees is __________________.
2. A Wall Street Journal headline reads: “Cigar Shortage Draws New Brands into Market.” The shortage resulted from a renewed interest in smoking cigars. What best describes the facts behind the headline?
3. State what type of business combination is occurring in the following scenario: Samsung and Sony become partners in a flat screen manufacturing company.
4. The price of a ticket to a rock concert is set at $35. All the tickets for the concert sell out 1 hour after they go on sale and there are still 1,000 fans who want to buy tickets. It follows that
5. According to the text, Microeconomics, Colander (2013), economics is the study of how
6. Suppose a firm finds that an additional dollar spent on labor increases output more than does an additional dollar spent on machines. Under these conditions, the firm
7. Which of the following is the best example of a macroeconomic externality?
8. Refer to the graph shown. The figure shows the demand and supply curves for eggs and shows two equilibrium points, E1 and E2. An increase in demand from D1 to D2 would cause
9. State what type of business combination is occurring in the following scenario: A tobacco producer buys a carbonated beverage plant.
10. A resource is said to have a comparative advantage if
11. Refer to the graph shown. If hamburger dinners are produced by a perfectly competitive industry with a market demand D:
12. Oligopoly is characterized by
13. Refer to the table shown. Diminishing marginal productivity begins when the
14. When Ross Perot ran for president as a third party candidate in 1992, he argued that free trade with Mexico would result in massive job losses in the United States because Mexican wages were so low. Which of the following is the best explanation for why few economists agreed with Perot?
15. If MR < MC, a monopolist should: 16. Refer to the graph shown. At which point is elasticity zero? 17. Refer to the table shown. The average product when eight workers are employed is 18. Germany restricts the use of nonrefillable bottles and cans. The European Union argues that the rules aren’t just protecting the environment; they also are protecting German beverage makers from competition. The EU sees Germany’s environmentalism as _____________________. 19. Refer to the table shown. At what level of employment is the marginal product of labor seven? 20. The morel is a prized mushroom that is often abundant in the Western United States in years after forest fires. Suppose two companies are buying morels from workers willing to find them. One company offers to pay workers $5.00 per pound, and the other company will pay workers only $4.00 per pound. Economists would say that 21. Economists and laypeople see the pros and cons of international trade in different ways. Which of the following is one of those ways? 22. Which of the following statements is true? 23. Because you can only obtain more of one good by giving up some of another good, the shape of a production possibility curve is _______________. 24. Refer to the graph shown. Initially, the market is in equilibrium with price equal to $3 and quantity equal to 100. Government imposes a tax on suppliers of $1 per unit. The effect of the tax is to 25. Refer to the graph shown. If this monopolistically competitive firm maximizes profit, it will 26. Suppose the minimum possible price of constructing homes is $50 per square foot. As a result of a sharp drop in the demand for home construction, the equilibrium price of home construction falls to $40 per square foot. Assuming the home construction industry is perfectly competitive and there are no specialized inputs, firms will 27. Opponents of government intervention in the economy argue that externalities 28. State what type of business combination is occurring in the following scenario: IBP meat processing firm buys American Cattle, a very large cattle ranch. 29. State what type of business combination is occurring in the following scenario: Golf Smith, a golf supply retailer buys its competitor, Vango golf. 30. Oligopoly is probably the best market for technological change because
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 365 Entire Course
 ECO 365 Entire Course
ECO 365 Week 1 DQ 1,
What is economics? What role does economics play in your personal and organizational decisions? Provide an example of the role of economics in decision making,
ECO 365 Week 1 DQ 2,
Identify a recent purchase in which the price of the product was an important consideration in the decision-making process related to purchasing the product. What other factors affected your decision? How important was your income as a factor? How important was the price of other goods as a factor?,
ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment Article Analysis,
ECO 265 Week 2,
ECO 365 Week 2 DQ 1,
What is the law of diminishing marginal productivity? How does the law of diminishing marginal productivity affect the cost of productions? Provide an example from your workplace.,
ECO 35 Week 2 DQ 2,
Why is the demand of labor a derived demand? What is the relationship between productivity and the wages earned by employees where you work or at an organization with which you are familiar? What are some factors that determine the level of your income? Explain your answer,
ECO 365 Week 2 Individual Assignment Supply and Demand Simulation,
ECO 365 Week 3,
ECO 365 Week 3 DQ 1,
What conditions exist when economic profits are maximized? What is the difference between economic and accounting profits? What are economic profit-maximizing strategies that may be made by a perfectly competitive firm, a monopolist firm, and a monopolistic competitive firm? Provide examples and explain the strategies’ effectiveness in their respective market structures.,
ECO 365 Week 3 DQ 2,
What are some real-life examples of monopolistically competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly markets? How do market prices differ between perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets? Will a monopoly always produce at a profit-maximizing output level? Explain your answer.,
ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Reflection Summary Market Structure,
ECO 365 Week 3 Team Assignment Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis,
ECO 354 Week 4,
ECO 365 Week 4 DQ 1,
What is an externality? Provide at least three examples. How does one of the examples you provided affect the market outcome? What is the role of government in addressing the implications of an externality you provided as an example? Is it possible that a government’s solution to a market failure would worsen the failure? Explain your answer.,
ECO 365 Week 4 DQ 2,
What effect do government intervention, taxation, and regulations have on economic behavior? Explain. What are real-world examples of government intervention, taxation, and regulations? What are the goals of each?,
ECO 365 Week 4 Individual Assignment Differentiating Between Market Structures Table,
ECO 365 Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Public Policy in Economics,
ECO 365 Week 5 Team Assignment Competitive Strategies and Government Policies,
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 320 Final Exam Answers
 ECO 320 Final Exam Answers
Final Exam Part #1
Question 1 The FDIC is the main supervisor for.
Question 2 A commercial bank that gets a charter from the federal government is called a ________ bank.
Question 3 The OCC is the main supervisor for.
Question 4 In regards to the Glass-Steagall Act, banks argued that they:
Question 5 A period when an expansion ends and a recession begins is.
Question 6 A particularly bad recession (in which output declines much more than usual for a recession) is called.
Question 7 The labor-force participation rate equals.
Question 8 According to real business cycle (RBC) theory, the main source of the business cycle is.
Question 9 The liquidity effect is the.
Question 10 A partial-equilibrium model is a model in which?
Question 11 A variable that is determined within a model is called?
Question 12 The price-level effect is the situation when a higher nominal interest rate results from a(n).
Question 13 A rise in foreign incomes causes net exports to?
Question 14 Full-employment output is the amount of output produced when the economy is?
Question 15 Consumption spending is about ____ of aggregate demand.
Question 16 The natural rate of unemployment reflects ________ normal job turnover.
Question 17 General equilibrium is a situation in which all markets are in ________ and all economic agents have made decisions.
Question 18 Precautionary savings is?
Question 19 Because RBC models are complicated, researchers generally:
Question 20 DSGE models that contain many different types of households and firms are known as?
Final Exam Part #2
Question 1
A shock is?
Question 2
In broad nominal terms, the dollar ____ against other currencies from 1988 to 2001 and ____ from 2001 to 2008.
Question 3 Under absolute purchasing-power parity,
Question 4 The sum of net exports of goods and services plus net income from abroad plus net unilateral current transfers equals?
Question 5 Federal Reserve Banks are owned by?
Question 6 The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board who reduced the inflation rate from over 10 percent to about 3 percent in the early 1980s was?
Question 7 Of the nine directors of each Federal Reserve Bank, ____ are elected by member banks.
Question 8 When the Fed engages in open-market operations, the transactions are conducted by?
Question 9 A bank in good condition may take out a loan without the Fed questioning the purpose or nature of the loan. Such a loan is known as?
Question 10 If the Open-Market Desk at the Fed buys securities today, the most likely effect is that the?
Question 11 If the Open-Market Desk at the Fed buys securities when the federal funds rate is below the primary credit discount rate, the most likely effect is that the?
Question 12 In November and December, people use more currency than usual, so the Fed increases the money supply through?
Question 13 The actual inflation rate minus the ideal inflation rate is known as?
Question 14 The idea that policymakers may not immediately understand the state of the economy is known as the ____ lag.
Question 15 The time it takes from when a policy is enacted to when it affects the economy is known as the ____ lag.
Question 16 The unemployment rate when the economy is producing output equal to its potential is known as?
Question 17 A money-growth rule that responds to the state of the economy is a type of ____ rule.
Question 18 Central banks that use inflation targeting usually communicate their goals and plans in a document known as the:
Question 19 The activist terms in the Taylor rule are the.
Question 20 The Fed tightens policy when it ____ money growth and ____ the federal funds rate.
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 204 Entire Course
 ECO 204 Entire Course
ECO 204 Week 1 DQ 1 Circular Flow Diagram
ECO 204 Week 1 DQ 2 Supply and Demand
ECO 204 Week 1 Quiz
ECO 204 Week 2 DQ 1 Elasticity
ECO 204 Week 2 DQ 2 Externalities
ECO 204 Week 2 Raise or Lower Tuition
ECO 204 Week 3 DQ 1 Short and Long Run
ECO 204 Week 3 DQ 2 Fixed and Variable Costs
ECO 204 Week 3 Quiz
ECO 204 Week 4 DQ 1 Market Structures
ECO 204 Week 4 DQ 2 Barriers to Entry
ECO 204 Week 4 Quiz
ECO 204 Week 5 DQ 1 Transfers
ECO 204 Week 5 DQ 2 Tariffs and Quotas
ECO 204 Week 5 Final Paper
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECO 203 Principles of Macroeconomics Complete Course
 ECO 203 Principles of Macroeconomics Complete Course
Economics Systems. Discuss how your college education could be considered an investment in human capital. What is the opportunity cost of your degree? Reference: Chapter 1, section 1.1: Economics and Chapter 2, section 2.1: Limited Resources. Guided Response: Review and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by replying to their posts on how a college education contributes to human capital and the opportunity cost of a degree. Be sure to refer to concepts found in the reading when responding to your classmates.
Role of Government. Economics is the study of how society chooses to allocate its scarce productive resources (labor, capital, land, entrepreneurial talent). In a mixed economy, elements of both central planning and market allocation of resources are used in allocating productive resources. The United States economy is a mixed economy, with a bias towards market allocation of resources. This means most resources are allocated in the private sector by way of markets. Discuss whether you favor a larger or smaller role of government in the economy. Refer to concepts found in the reading to support your opinion. Reference: Chapter 2: Markets, Governments, and Nations: The Organization of Economic Activity Guided Response: Review and respond to at least two of your classmates’ by stating why you agree or disagree which economic activities the government is more efficient at providing, and which economic activities the private sector is more efficient at providing.
The Current State of the Economy and Unemployment. Imagine a scenario where there is a decline in aggregate demand. Identify which part of the business cycle is part of a decline in aggregate demand. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the amount of new production. A change in the amount of new production affects employment. Describe what would happen to GDP, the unemployment rate and the inflation rate if there is a decline in aggregate demand. Reference: Chapter 6, section 6.3: Aggregate Equilibrium and Changes in Equilibrium. Guided Response: Review and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by discussing this question in terms of how a decrease in aggregate demand impacts GDP, and why the change in GDP affects unemployment.
Who Benefits and Who Loses from Inflation? Inflation is an important policy issue because it causes a redistribution of income and wealth, and discourages saving and investment. Discuss how inflation affects borrowers and lenders, asset prices, and households on fixed incomes. Reference: Chapter 4, section 4.3: Gainers and Losers from Inflation. Guided Response: Review and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by sharing any ideas you may have about how households and businesses can protect themselves against inflation. Be sure to refer to concepts found in the reading when responding to your classmates.
Government Fiscal Policy. Between 2007 and 2009 the U.S. economy experienced a severe recession. In an effort to stimulate the economy, the federal government passed a stimulus package. Explain the federal government’s use of fiscal policy (the stimulus) to promote growth and employment. Support your ideas with concepts found in the assigned reading. Include the following in your response: Discuss some actions taken by the federal government and whether the recession would have been longer and the unemployment rate higher if the government had not acted by passing the stimulus package? If left alone, do you believe the economy would have corrected itself as suggested by Classical economic theory? Explain. Discuss the effect these policies had on increasing the size of the budget deficits and the national debt. Reference: Chapter 9, section 9.4: More Recent Tax Changes, and Chapter 10, section 10.2: Early 1990s and 2000s Recessions. Guided Response: Review the discussion board posts of your classmates. Respond to at least two of your classmates by agreeing or disagreeing with their posts. Support your ideas with concepts found in the assigned reading.
Budget Deficits and the National Debt. Between 2007 and 2011 the federal budget deficit grew from $160.7 billion to $1,299.6 billion, and the national debt grew from $8.9 trillion to $14.8 trillion. (Figure 10.1: The ratio of debt to GDP, 1977-2011.) In your post, differentiate the budget deficit from the national debt. How do you think the increases in the budget deficits and the national debt will affect the economy in the future? Reference: Chapter 10, section 10.1: Debt and Deficits, and section 10.4: Do Deficits Matter? Guided Response: Review the discussion board posts of your classmates. Respond to at least two of your classmates with questions that allow them to extend their thinking. Support your ideas with concepts found in the assigned reading.
Efforts to Reduce the Budget Deficit. The rapid growth of the national debt alarmed some politicians and created pressure for restricting Congress’s unlimited ability to spend. After reviewing Chapter 10, Section 10.2: Efforts to Reduce the Deficit, write a 2-3 page paper, formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide, discussing the actions taken by the Congress since 1985 to reduce the budget deficits. Include some authoritative sources on the current debate between the White House and Congress on what measures are necessary to address spending and revenues, i.e. news reports, official statements, press conferences, as well as numerous government websites. Suggested references: Ashford University Online Library: AULIBRARY Ashford Online Library Congressional Budget Office: www.cbo.gov. Internal Revenue Service: www.irs.gov. The Executive Office of the President: www.whitehouse.gov.
Fed Policy during the 2007-2008 Recession. [Insert prompt].From 2007-2010, the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) used many practices that had never before been seen from the central bank of the United States. Discuss the some of the actions that the Fed took during this period. Such as: How the Federal Reserve’s lending practices changed during this period. What did the Federal Reserve do to support firms deemed “too big to fail.” Do you believe these actions were necessary to avoid a collapse in the financial system? Support your opinion with information from the textbook or external source(s). Reference: Chapter 12, section 12.4: Bank Failures During the Great Recession, Chapter 14, section 14.4: Monetary Policy in the 2000s, and Conclusions section at the end of the Chapter 14
The Effect of Bank Lending on the Economy. In conducting expansionary monetary policy, even if the Federal Reserve Bank is providing reserves to the banking system, during a recession or during periods of slow economic growth, banks may choose not to lend out their reserves when interest rates are low and potential borrowers look risky. This is known as a “credit crunch”. Explain how a credit crunch affects economic growth. Specifically, answer these questions in your post: How does a credit crunch affect consumer spending and business investment? How does a credit crunch affect aggregate demand, GDP, and unemployment? Reference: Chapter 14.1 Is Monetary Policy Effective? and section 14.3: Domestic Sectoral Effects.
Foreign Direct Investment. Imagine you are in charge of development for a developing country and were approached by a multinational corporation interested in locating in your country. Identify some of the benefits and some of the costs to the host country from allowing a multinational corporation to locate in a country with a developing economy. Discuss with your classmates if developmental assistance from world developmental agencies, such as the World Bank or the United Nations, would be preferable to private investment. Reference: Chapter 17, section 17.5: Help From The Private Sector: Multinationals.
Economies in Transition. The movement in the direction of a market-based system with freely determined prices, competition, profits, private ownership, and other features of capitalism is not simple. Discuss some of the challenges associated with an economy transitioning from socialism to capitalism. Reference: Chapter 20, section 20.1: World Economic Systems, and section 20.2: Transition to a Market System
Focus of the Final Paper
In an effort to move the economy out of a recession, the federal government would engage in expansionary economic policies. Describe the actions the government would take in conducting expansionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy.
Expansionary Fiscal Policy:
Review Chapter 7: Classical Macroeconomics and the Keynesian Challenge and Chapter 9: Taxes, Government Spending, and Fiscal Policy. Explain the actions the federal government would take while engaging in expansionary fiscal policy in terms of the following: The necessary change in taxes and government spending, The effect on aggregate demand, GDP, and employment.
Final Paper Expansionary Monetary Policy: Review Chapter 12: Banking and The Federal Reserve System and Chapter 14: Monetary Policy In Theory And Practice. Identify the three tools available to the Federal Reserve Bank (The Fed) when conducting monetary policy. Explain whether the Fed would: Increase or decrease the required reserve ratio Increase or decrease the discount rate Buy or sell government securities when conducting expansionary monetary policy Explain how these actions would affect the money supply, interest rates, spending, aggregate demand, GDP, and employment. Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper: 1. Must be 5 to 6 double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide. 2. Must have a cover page that includes: a. Title of paper b. Student’s name c. Course name and number d. Instructor’s name e. Date submitted 3. Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. 4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 5. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. 6. Must use at least four scholarly resources, including the textbook. Two references must come from the Ashford Library. 7. Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources. 8. Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
ECE 353 Entire Course
 ECE 353 Entire Course
ECE 353 Week 1 DQ 1 Important Questions in Children’s Thinking ECE 353 Week 1 DQ 2 Addressing Bias in Intelligence Testing ECE 353 Week 1 The Piagetian Model ECE 353 Week 2 DQ 1 Cultural Tools ECE 353 Week 2 DQ 2 Educational Innovations ECE 353 Week 3 DQ 1 Phonological Acquisition ECE 353 Week 3 DQ 2 Memory Facilitation ECE 353 Week 3 Journal Connecting to Classroom Practices ECE 353 Week 4 DQ 1 Theories of Concept Representation ECE 353 Week 4 DQ 2 False Belief Tasks ECE 353 Week 5 DQ 1 Planning in Problem Solving ECE 353 Week 5 DQ 2 Learning in Context ECE 353 Week 5 Journal Course Reflection
ECE 353 Week 5 Final Paper
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
DBM 380 Data Base Management Entire Course
 DBM 380 Data Base Management Entire Course
DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment Data Base Paper (New).
DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 1 (New).
DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 2 (New).
DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht-003 Change Request 2 (New).
DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Environment Paper (New).
DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 1 (New).
DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 2 (New).
DBM 380 Week 3 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht-003 Change Request 3 (New).
DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project (New).
DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 1 (New).
DBM 380 Week 3 DQ 2 (New).
DBM 380 Week 4 Team Assignment SR-ht-003 Change Request 4 and 5 (New).
DBM 380 Week 4 Individual Assignment Normalization of the ERD (New).
DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 1 (New).
DBM 380 Week 4 DQ 2 (New).
DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht-003 (New).
DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht-003 Presentation (New).
DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 1 (New).
DBM 380 Week 5 DQ 2 (New).
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 499 Week 6 assignment 4
 CRJ 499 Week 6 assignment 4
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 499 Week 5 assignment 3
 CRJ 499 Week 5 assignment 3
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 499 Week 1 Assignment 1
 CRJ 499 Week 1 Assignment 1
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 441 Week 3 Assignment U.S. Border Security since 9’11 Terrorists Attack
 CRJ 441 Week 3 Assignment U.S. Border Security since 9’11 Terrorists Attack
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 441 Week 2 history of terrorism
 CRJ 441 Week 2 history of terrorism
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 422 Entire Course
 CRJ 422 Entire Course
CRJ 422 Week 1 Discussion Question DQ 1 Criminal Justice Issues
CRJ 422 Week 1 Discussion Question DQ 2 Capstone Project Prep
CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 1 Criminal Justice Issues
CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 2 Capstone Project Prep
CRJ 422 Week 2 Discussion Question DQ 1 Capstone Project Outline
CRJ 422 Week 2 Discussion Question DQ 2 Media and Criminal Justice
CRJ 422 Week 2 DQ 1 Capstone Project Outline
CRJ 422 Week 2 DQ 2 Media and Criminal Justice
CRJ 422 Week 3 Discussion Question DQ 1 Promoting Fairness
CRJ 422 Week 3 Discussion Question DQ 2 Criminal Justice Tools
CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 1 Promoting Fairness
CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 2 Criminal Justice Tools
CRJ 422 Week 3 nnOutline Part 1
CRJ 422 Week 3 Outline Part 2
CRJ 422 Week 4 Discussion Question DQ 1 Death Penalty
CRJ 422 Week 4 Discussion Question DQ 2 Community Policing
CRJ 422 Week 4 DQ 1 Death Penalty
CRJ 422 Week 4 DQ 2 Community Policing
CRJ 422 Week 5 Assignment Capstone Project
CRJ 422 Week 5 Discussion Question DQ 1 Assessing your Program of Study and Recommendations
CRJ 422 Week 5 Discussion Question DQ 2 The Future of Corrections
CRJ 422 Week 5 DQ 1 Assessing your Program of Study and Recommendations
CRJ 422 Week 5 DQ 2 The Future of Corrections
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paulharrison80-blog · 9 years
CRJ 330 Midterm Exam Solution
 CRJ 330 Midterm Exam Solution
• Question 1 Which of the following is true of civil order control?
• Question 2 A resident of rural Japan could expect regular visits from the local:
• Question 3 The deviance control function of the police includes all but:
• Question 4 Which of the following is the MAIN factor that inhibits international police cooperation?
• Question 5 The French and German arrangements for civil order control are similar in that:
• Question 6 The mutawa in Saudi Arabia are the:
• Question 7 Tasks of Japanese officers who work in local police stations include:
• Question 8 A murder in Germany would be investigated by the:
• Question 9 The legal tradition based on codification of laws is:
• Question 10 Common Law covers:
• Question 11 The oldest formal legal system believed to have originated as early as 4000 B.C. was:
• Question 12 Socialist Law emphasizes:
• Question 13 Islamic criminal law is based on the ideal of:
• Question 14 Which family of law is not secular in nature?
• Question 15 Law that is developed by modern states in their legislatures or through their regulatory process that deals largely with the relations between government and citizens is:
• Question 16 The primary characteristic of Common Law that distinguishes it from Civil Law is:
• Question 17 How is a transnational crime different from an international crime?
• Question 18 The sale, distribution, or large-scale possession of property obtained in violation of the law is:
• Question 19 With greater knowledge of comparative crime trends, governments can make better decisions about the allocation of resources and
• Question 20 What is “ethnocentrism”?
• Question 21 How do the actions that become “international crimes” reach that status?
• Question 22 Comparative criminology and criminal justice generally study
• Question 23 Which of the following is the least likely to be a transnational crime?
• Question 24 A typology of transnational crime groups theses offenses into three categories:
• Question 25 The increase in crime rates since the 1990s in China is primarily related to:
• Question 26 The Japanese penal code categorizes crimes as:
• Question 27 In Confucian ethics, the main force behind motivating people to avoid illegal or immoral activities is:
• Question 28 England is a:
• Question 29 Factors to contributing to Japan’s low crime rate include:
• Question 30 The King in Saudi Arabia takes advice from what non-legislative body:
• Question 31 Power in Germany is:
• Question 32 The basic principles of the Criminal Law in France come from:
• Question 33 With greater knowledge of comparative crime trends, governments can make better decisions about the allocation of resources and
• Question 34 The first attempts to collect data on crime internationally occurred
• Question 35 According to the data produced by the ICVS (International Crime Victim Surveys), the United States has a victimization rate ________ to that of other Western countries.
• Question 36 The International self-report delinquency study compared juvenile offending in 15 countries. It found ________ percent of juveniles had committed at least one crime.
• Question 37 Why do some countries not engage in counting crimes?
• Question 38 Of the six “model” countries discussed in the book, which has the lowest crime rates across the board?
• Question 39 The primary reason why victims do not report crimes to police around the world is:
• Question 40 In comparing crimes in the U.S. to other countries, American crime rates are worst for:
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