paulsletters · 3 years
Yes that’s well said Jason. Very succinct.
You are saying that I am saying that your desire for God to not exist is preventing you from realising His existence, and therefore, unlike us, you do not see the evidence of the obviousness of His existence.
Well said brother. Very well said indeed.
You mention the heart wrenching subject of child poverty that breaks our hearts but you could have said more, because this, as you know, is only the tip of the iceberg.
Why does God allow such things? This is your question.
If God is God what’s going on? Why is this happening?
It’s a complicated subject. Firstly let’s get a couple of things out of the way.
In heaven there is no poverty or shame. No tears. No pain. There’s peace and joy. Its paradise.
But because most of the people have a fanatical preoccupation with this life, instead of the next life taught to us by Jesus Christ, they invariably cannot be reasoned with on these issues such as child poverty.
Essentially they are small thinkers trying to save the planet that God will eventually destroy by fire.
That’s not a threat. It’s a promise. And that’s not just a bush fire. The rocks are going to melt.
Last time He did it He did it with a flood.
Hey you might choose to believe it didn’t happen but Professor Walter Veith proves otherwise along with exposing the big lie of evolution.
But returning to your beef here is a complicated answer.
With the fall of the angels in heaven who became intoxicated with self worship, God saw it as an opportunity to be able to produce a new species that could ultimately become copies of Himself. Let us make man in our image.
He decided to let these fallen ones, these unholy angels who disobeyed God, to become tempters and tempt us to do the same and disobey God.
And those who overcome the temptations, gain a new character greater than their previous character, which is such that it makes it possible for God to shape them into copies of Himself, which He wouldn’t have been able to do without our overcoming.
I’m getting to the point about child poverty. Hang in there brother.
However in order for us to be able to overcome we need help.
God helps those who deep down want the help.
However they might not be aware that they want or even need this help.
Paul the apostle is an extreme example of this.
He didn’t know that He wanted to know about Jesus Christ, but in actuality that’s exactly what he wanted to know.
For God to produce copies of Himself it was necessary to give Satan dominion over earth which is so powerful that only the blood sacrifice of God Himself on the cross in the form of Jesus Christ could alter it.
This allows God the licence to alter the course of mankind that is under Satan’s control.
God therefore has prearranged that those who have the predisposition to obey Him, perhaps unknowingly to themselves, will indeed be able to ultimately do so, by having such an orchestrated life by God, that this will eventually happen.
And as He arranged for it to happen to the apostle Paul, our man from Tarsus, He also has arranged it to happen to all the believers, each in their own unique way.
But God also foresaw that Satan would cause heartbreak and pain to the inhabitants of the earth.
He knew Satan would cause the innocent to suffer such as child poverty which is only a smidgen of the grief that he causes.
Clearly God must have weighed this all up and certainly could have decided to have not made mankind.
But He in His great reckoning pushes the go button and lets the whole thing happen, knowing full well that He Himself has to suffer a cruel death nailed to a cross in the form of Jesus Christ.
Therefore we know from this expression of His great love that our God must indeed be justice personified. Which means that He will recompense all injustices either in this world or the world to come.
We don’t know how this will happen but it
will happen.
In scripture it states that Jesus Christ who is God incarnate will return again to earth but this time in great glory, descending from the sky with millions of angels.
And in the same way that He ascended 40 days after the crucifixion, so too shall we the believers ascend to be with Him before He destroys the earth by fire.
And as it seemed impossible for the antediluvian world to believe that a flood would eventually come and sweep them all away except for the 8 on the ark,
So too will it seem equally impossible for those who are to perish in the flames, that Jesus Christ will return in power and glory. Amen.
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paulsletters · 4 years
In society there’s always progression and regression.
The societies that have suffered from great oppression, such as the Irish, will produce music to alleviate their suffering, hence the jig to jig them up and lift their spirits.
However the aristocracy of Europe who didn’t have the hard worrisome life of the poor, were in a state of serenity, and didn’t require or want a coarse jig, because it would have tended to take them out of their serene state.
They had an appetite for the
“ jig free”
music or music that had no jig, of the great composers such as Mozart and Bach and Beethoven.
However this music which today we refer to as classical wouldn’t have done it for those who had an appetite for the jig with the definite beat who needed a boost.
As it is with music so is it with food. It is possible because of appetite to actually end up acquiring such a taste for McDonald’s that it can become preferable to fine dining and the food prepared by Escoffier himself.
Therefore as we can acquire bad eating habits, we as a society can also prefer music that we no longer need to listen to.
And as we know that good food improves the body, we also should realise that excellent music, such as the classics and the ballet and opera, which invariably is an anathema to the indigenous races, can improve the intellectual powers of the mind.
But because today’s contemporary music which essentially is glorified versions of the jig, that’s no longer necessary, sorry Paul McCartney, society is definitely regressing, instead of progressing.
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paulsletters · 4 years
In political life which is a form of salesmanship, it’s shaped by the need to tell only the truth when it suits the politicians to do so. However Mick, when talking about the functioning of God and how He functions in the lives of mankind, it would be remiss of us if we elected to be like politicians and told only part of the story. King David whom the bible describes as being a man after God’s own heart, slew 200 Philistines and cut off their foreskins and gave them to Saul as a dowry for his daughter. Saul asked for 100 foreskins but David instead gave him 200. God ordered the Israelites on many occasions to completely destroy their enemies including young and old, sparing no one. And although these were cultures that participated in that dreadful and extremely cruel practice of infant sacrifice, whereby they threw their own first born children into the flames, nevertheless it gives us pause thinking about the severity of such actions that destroyed all those people. However it was the only way to stamp it out, and stamped out it was, with it no longer existing today even in the most basic tribes known to man for centuries. Perhaps we, without the wisdom of God, would not act so harshly, however maybe this severity was also necessary as a deterrent for the Jews themselves, because they were also prone to being seduced into participating in these evil practices. And as the stoning of adulteresses to death gave women second thoughts about the idea of participating in the act of adultery, although it didn’t eradicate it, but Baal worship did get decimated along with their infant sacrifices. God reacted violently to homosexuality with the violent overthrow of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. And this example gave many the resolve, for a long time, to shy away from these perverted sexual practices. Today it’s on the rise again however this time God is tempering it with AIDS. God knew before He created mankind that eventually He would need to drown them all except for 8 people on the ark. He destroyed millions. However, if He knew that the existence of the righteous family of Noah would not have existed, He would not have made the human race at all, because He would have needed to destroy them all. And that would have been failure. God cannot fail. God doesn’t have to fail. He is running the show. With the survivors, the winners, the remnant, He will win. We are all descendants from the that Ark and it’s 8 inhabitants but look at how mankind has regressed from those 8 righteous ones. Look at you Mick. You’re now at a stage where you don’t actually believe in God. How different you are from the righteous Noah. Why did God allow 6 million Jews to be gassed by Hitler? Could it be because they said let His blood be upon us and our children when they crucified Jesus to the cross alongside two thieves. Jesus wept over Jerusalem when He foresaw what was to befall them for rejecting Him. In 40 AD over a million perished at the hand of the sword under the command of Titus. And undoubtedly He foresaw the holocaust yet to come some 2000 years later. There is more to say such as hell where all rebellious souls go to be destroyed, however the wise instead of fighting against God by wagging the finger at him, are wise survivors who elect to trust God, knowing He knows best. It’s my opinion that many in hell will initially be cursing God but eventually will allow themselves to realise that they are to blame and it’s entirely their fault. And it’s then and only then when they have lost all their anger and hate for God that He will destroy them as though they have never lived. Can we not assume that the expression of weeping and gnashing of teeth in Luke 13:28 is an expression of extreme regret for kissing off eternal life in paradise. But the effects of the severity of God upon us is tempered by Him appearing as an innocent man, allowing Himself to be sacrificed as a redeemer, crucified to a cross because He loves us. Be a survivor Mick. That’s my advice. But
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paulsletters · 4 years
I am very pleased to hear that you’re not offended Mick. That’s excellent news. I’m not sure that it’s actually possible in the normal sense of the word to prove to an unbeliever that predestination exists because you don’t actually believe that the word of God is the word of God. On that subject I think it might interest you to know that Jeffrey Satinover an American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and physicist, the author of The Truth Behind The Bible Codes, wrote the book because a number of brilliant atheist mathematicians/physicists ceased being atheists because they realised that it was mathematically impossible for the codes to be in the Bible without God putting them there. The knowledge of God’s foreknowledge is inescapable for anyone who does their due diligence on biblical prophecies. I met a rather zealous Christian some 30 years ago who became converted when he failed to prove that the prophesies in the bible were bunk but instead to his utter amazement, his careful painstaking research validated them. However he was an honest man. He didn’t need to climb up another gum tree to try and nullify the statement that God exists. As I have never met you I cannot say with any great certainty that you’d be like him wanting to make your own enquires. Maybe you will. However as a generalisation I can say that the majority of atheists upon hearing what I just said from the horses mouth about the man on his mission to prove the prophecies wrong, would instead of doing the same, or even doing their own Sherlock Holmes thing, do absolutely nothing. That tells a story doesn’t it. But let’s not forget you’re not compelled to believe in God. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. And of course believing in God isn’t an automatic get out of jail card. 500 years ago the whole world believed in God. Matthew 7:14 King James Version 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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paulsletters · 4 years
It’s true we have scientific data available to us today that was denied to previous generations and whilst it seems to convince great sways of the scientific community that God couldn’t possibly exist, it has nevertheless convinced some scientists that God indeed does exist. And whilst history teaches us that might is often times not right, however there is a distinct comfort in being on the side of the many. Presumably it’s easier to drown with a 1000 other men in the icy cold Atlantic when the Titanic sank than alone in middle of the night when your life raft perishes. Or one could say that being shot by firing squad with 100 other men would be preferable to being shot alone. The Bible says that might isn’t right although there’s comfort to be had from being on the side of might. Jesus Christ who proclaimed Himself to be the son of God and was crucified for it, said that the quantity who will become believers will be few. You don’t have to be a believer. No one is forcing you to. However I’ve got a duty to God to defend His name that you take in vain by saying He doesn’t exist.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Previously you asked what my definition of God is. Its a good question Mick. And as God is unlimited with a greatness that’s in the realm of infinity itself, I guess that a definition of God in itself could also be never ending. However I’ll try and make this as short as I can although I might tend to ramble on a bit. We as human beings cannot imagine any kind of being that is superior to us. We’re the greatest in our opinion and God gave us this mindset of ourselves. Therefore we are inclined to imagine that God must in someways be similar to us, but in a purer way thats in every way perfect. However shall we say that He who creates forms must have a form or could He be formless. The bible says He is spirit. If God gave superior intelligence to the whales or the eagles making it possible for them to pray and think about the great issues of life, then presumably if He was to reveal Himself to them, it might be in the form of perfect eagle or a whale. Are whales and eagles unhappy with their lot and are they wanting to be human beings? Probably not. They would not have the comprehension to realise the sophistication of our lives. They are just dumb animals. But they look happy being whales and eagles. And conversely whilst we admire the flight of an eagle none of us want to trade places and become one. We are creatures made by God who don’t want to become other than what we are, with the exception of perhaps preferring to be an angel from the angelic realm, who appear to be of a higher order than mankind having some distinct similarities. But what is God. I think we can say that what God is, isn’t just the form that He represents Himself in. God is the qualities of God, and that’s what God is.
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paulsletters · 4 years
God transforms Himself into Jesus Christ. Without God transforming Himself into a format that we can relate to, namely Jesus Christ, we would feel too removed from God, like a grain of sand compared to the universe in all of its entirety. Hence Jesus Christ is our great high priest. But not only is He representing us to God, He is a representative of God that actually is God, who is God with us, who is God in the form of the son of God, perfectly channelling our prayer requests to the creator, God the father, asking God to grant them in accordance with God’s will. And knowing this we pray with a greater certainty that our prayers are heard and delivered into the throne room of God for His consideration. But our Saviour tells us that persistent prayers will win the day. Luke 18:5 King James Version 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
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paulsletters · 4 years
LOSING THE EFFECTS OF OUR INFERIORITY. ( part two ) And also as you have been boosted by obtaining a sense of superiority over those who do believe in God, whether you are aware of it or not, concluding in your wisdom that you are wiser, you’d therefore because of this and the other previously mentioned reasons, find it extremely difficult to break out of the mould, which would involve losing this additional boost to your sense of importance or worthwhileness that you’ve acquired, although instead of seeing it this way, you wouldn’t be aware if it, and you’d simply find the idea too unpalatable to entertain. Hence the reason for the appeal of your agnosticism or your preference for it. Whereas the believer by contrast to you will be allowing himself to do what you won’t do, which is view the one true living God as being one of unlimited never ending greatness. Also the believer is on a never ending journey that’s infinite in its duration, whereas your’s is finite. The believers journey is one of transformation being forevermore transformed into copies of God, whatever that means, made in the image of God, namely son’s and daughters of God. God has given you a soul that is immortal unless He destroys it in hell. There is no plan B. Hell is the only place where your soul can be destroyed. This is the main purpose for the existence of hell for the rebellious man, however for the fallen angels it’s a place of great torment and punishment for a long duration. If you have been a decent person and not grossly evil, but one who will quickly come to your senses in hell by allowing yourself to realise that you rebelled against your creator with this nonsense of agnosticism, then your end will be swift. You will be destroyed as though you had never lived. I reiterate. There is no plan B. It’s either sons and daughters of God or zip. Don’t let pride prevent you from receiving your great inheritance of Everlasting Life. All believers had to fight their pride in order to be able to surrender to God. Jesus Christ is God with us. He is God who became one of us. However God who is rich in mercy with perfect understanding of mankind’s frailties, will accept your sincere prayer if you pray to Him asking Him to reveal Himself to you. Do this and you will undoubtedly eventually become a believer who knows the one true living God. 😊
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paulsletters · 4 years
LOSING THE EFFECTS OF OUR INFERIORITY. ( part one ) My fellow countryman, Russell Crowe the talented NZ actor who has never had any acting lessons, whom I have never met, was on one occasion giving budding actors some acting advice, and it was along these lines. He said to be prepared to change the way in which you were going to play the scene, if you think it’s going to be a better way to play it. But isn’t that good advice in life, generally speaking, and perhaps this is the reason why he’s the great actor he is. This is my latest amended version. Obviously God understands the inescapable problem arising from our incredible inferiority to Him and He wisely makes provision for it. Firstly let’s be 100% clear. God didn’t create us because He needed to be appreciated, loved and worshipped, although undoubtedly He appreciates our love. God absolutely loves our love. The purpose of the first commandment is to join forces with God. To synergise with Him. To define the worship of God we could say it is extreme admiration of Him, or to be in great awe of Him and His amazing achievements. And curiously enough this awe of Him increases in direct proportion to decreasing ourselves. God commands us to love and worship Him for our sake not for His own sake. This addresses the inferiority issue and begins the process of removing the effects of it. For those who have bought into atheism, there is the issue of the magnification of self that has taken place, unbeknownst to themselves, which has grown in stature by the removal of the existence of God. This is a great impediment to knowing God. By taking the posture of believing in God’s non existence or the entertainment of His non existence as an agnostic, the self gains a greater measure of greatness, through a greater appraisal of itself, resulting from not having the diminishing effects upon the self from the knowledge of the existence of the greatness of God. In the vernacular let me put it this way. Without God in the picture, so to speak, we can feel pretty good about ourselves by not having this great one diminishing us. But it’s pretty hard to give great kudos to certain aspects of ourselves when we know that hey we are nothing compared to God. In other words the recognition of the existence of God, produces, almost, an incapacity to place the great value on the view of ourselves, that we can give to ourselves if God doesn’t exist. However for those who are atheists/agnostics such as yourself, there is a natural reluctance to believe in the existence of God, because to do so would also simultaneously require you to jettison much of the boosting stuff that pertains to you that you acquired by not believing in God.
This jettisoning process that happens automatically as you make the transition from atheism to theism is accompanied by a great loss in the department which we could call or name as your sense of importance or worthwhileness or perhaps ego. And this loss is accompanied by a feeling that could be described as a dreadful feeling. It’s one of feeling very unimportant. But it’s temporary. Eventually it will be replaced with a better feeling that’s laced with much peace.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Today’s poor would be yesterday’s rich. Because most poor people today in the western societies have the following.
Electric power Electricity in the home Electric lights Electric stoves and ovens Electric vacuum cleaners Electric refrigerators Electric heating Electric blankets Electrically heated hot water Hot water for baths and showers Microwave ovens Dishwashers Washing machines Clothes dryers Toasters Electric jugs TV screens Lap top computers The internet Mobile phones iPads Utube Spotify Mass produced clothing that’s cheap Supermarkets Cars that are automatic Cars with air conditioning Cars with power steering Power brakes Power windows Lawn mowers And so on and so on and so on. The list goes on. They take it for granted, and because they want more than the other guy, more cars, more tractors, more cash, more dwellings, more this, more that, and they can’t see how they can get it, they are unhappy. They become a jealous lot. And their solution to solve their jealousy problem is to take it away from the other guy that’s got it, not so much that they can get it, but so they can bring him down to their level, and no longer have to suffer the pangs of jealousy. And yes that’s one way of solving the problem isn’t it. They killed the Tsar his wife and children. Took all his wealth and property, they stole it, and lost their jealousy. And became happy lot for a while. But Russia went to the dogs and never recovered. And Starlin cheerfully killed 50 million of them. Well done Ruskies. They would be a wise society today if they could actually acknowledge that they blew it. Those who eradicate their jealousy with love instead of hate are the winners. Winners are the ones with winning attitudes. A winner is measured not by his bank account but by the account of his self worth. A winner has an attitude of gratitude. Those who are happy for those with more, truck loads more, have much self worth. These are the ones that have our admiration. But those who get upset with John D Rockefeller who owned Standard Oil and became Richie Rich, the richest guy in the whole USA, are ingrates. Instead of being preoccupied and focused on those who have more, they should pay attention to their own lives viewing them through the reading glasses of gratitude. Those who play golf know the importance of not focusing on the other guys game.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Whilst this logic which is completely sound, that pertains to jealousy will only be seen as logical by a few. Most won’t see it.
However and most regrettably, the jealous crowds’s preference, the majority, thats often wanting to be mutinous, is to throw the captain and officers overboard and going it alone with their catch phrase:
“We want to have a go “ With it being beside the point that they’ll abundantly wreck the show and then brag about it as though it’s some great accomplishment.
Such as France 🇫🇷 and her Bastille Day. In my opinion they still feel guilty today for slicing off all those gentle heads of yesteryear.
The mutineers know how to sail the ship and avoid the rocks but they don’t know how to stop their never ending squabbling but they do know how to ruin things. They are very good at that. They are professional wreckers.
If it wasn’t Starlin killing his millions it would have been somebody else.
Happy people can be made unhappy. Sure it was tough but you don’t kill your royal family and the aristocracy to cheer yourself up, and then think you can do a better job than them.
Yes the Aristocrats had more than the peasants and life was tough for the labouring toilers, but nevertheless they had healthy measures of happiness from time to time until the subversive ones made them unhappy.
Then they became a dangerous lot to eventually become the most miserable lot Russia had ever seen.
It’s a bit like people going to hell. Try as you might but they are determined to go there.
They don’t want to be persuaded of its existence. They block their ears saying lalala lala la rather loudly like wilful disobedient spoilt children.
But just like the Russians got their unpleasant wake up call as their millions died, they knew it was too late to bring back the tsar.
And those who will end up in hell presumably will initially be cursing God, but they will also know that there’s no way out, except for God destroying them when they eventually allow themselves to admit the wrongs of their life of self deception.
The moral of the story is this. Don’t smite the hand that feeds you. They might go to another country and feed them instead. And you’ll be left to fend for yourself. And please don’t think you’ll do a better job than the Russians. No you won’t. Its called suicide.
You might enjoy the freedom of the jump but that blow from the pavement below will kill you along with your hopes and dreams.
If you love your country
If you love your children Your grandchild Your descendants Then don’t force poverty on them by playing Russian Roulette with their future. Because eventually that firing pin will find its bullet.
And guess who pulled the trigger. Yep you got it. Thats right. That’s you. You’d be to blame. You the anarchist who had no true love for your own family or your fellowman.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Losing the Jealousy Someone wisely said that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, and there is much truth in this, but perhaps if they added, that, if we could lose our jealousy we would be free indeed. We want more stuff than the other guy, until we get to that place, that level, assuming we get to there, where we have what we want. When we get there we don’t mind if the other guys at this level has what we’ve got. But we want more than what we had before, more than those other guys, at that previous level which are trying to climb out of. But not more than the new level which we have climbed to or are trying to get to. The aristocrats of old had it all and could climb no further except change their clothes five times a day. But the knowledge that they had it all, knowing that they had what many others didn’t have, gave them a good sense of worth. I suppose it’s easier for the poor to be jealous because they don’t have as much as what the rich have got. Or perhaps an old person that’s running out of years could be tempted into being jealous of someone with plenty of time left on their clock. In order to win we have to lose crippling jealousy. And we do this with love. Yes we might not have a lot but if we have love, we will love our lot. We will appreciate it. My late wife taught me to be happy for others who had more than me. Perhaps this was the greatest lesson of my life. She could honestly say, how wonderful it must be for those who had a wonderful life. And she could rejoice in their happiness. She was a winner.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Dearest Atheist
You’re not thinking or should I say you’re not utilising your analytical thinking processes as well as you could be.
Clearly if all that there is, is attributed to God, and that He created it all, the fish in the sea, the birds and the bees and so on and so on and so on, along with being an all knowing omnipresent being that’s unlimited in greatness, who has always existed, then obviously we by comparison, don’t really compare at all do we. This is an inescapable conclusion, and those who escape from it could very well have escaped from the local lunatic asylum running down the street stark raving mad.
The point is this.
The comparison between ourselves and the aforementioned description of God is such that actually it diminishes us, which is something we aren’t too fond of.
This is not like the comparison of a spec of sand being compared to the universe and suffering no feelings of inferiority, because it’s just a mindless grain of sand.
But we who are not dogs and cats but rather ones who can contemplate the great issues of life which our pets are completely disinterested in, because they don’t have the wherewithal to do so, therefore we realise that this diminishment is a problem.
If I am talking to someone who doesn’t think it’s a problem then I know we have a problem with them being the problem.
Clearly if we have a choice to not suffer the inferiority that exists from the infinite superiority of God, then certainly we will prefer that choice.
It’s not rocket science.
The preference for atheists is for God to not exist.
That would and should be the honest position they should take.
However if this is something they don’t seem to be able to do, it simply means they are categorically wrong.
It’s a pity
End of story
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paulsletters · 4 years
Something is wrong when beauty isn’t right.
Is it appropriate to say that there’s something fundamentally wrong with someone who prefers ugliness to beauty.
Men are not ugly but compared to women they are decidedly so, and isn’t there something disagreeably wrong with those who disagree by saying no.
Therefore what shall we say of the homosexual man who prefers a man to the greatest beauties of the land?
Does he know old chum why his preference are so?
Or does he even begin to care?
It’s flattery my boy, he’s flattered that he is preferred to a beautiful woman.
Hence his mind gets bent as he welcomes an unhealthy and improper acceptance of himself, that results in him becoming so enthralled by such admiration, that he swaps this love of beautiful women for men who can never be beauties nor will they ever be.
It’s wrong. It’s totally wrong. And they know it’s wrong. But instead of facing the evil of their sin, and yes it is a dreadful sin, they, because of their pride, will sometimes openly parade themselves like selfish cows, not caring that their example might influence others to be the same.
It might seem right. They might want it to be right. But it’s not right. It’s absolutely wrong.
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paulsletters · 4 years
The Nobles and The Perverts.
I don’t suppose we should think it too unusual if we should see a new distinct class rise again in society, to the horrors of the classless, which will be based upon ideologies.
Its simply history’s way of repeating itself.
The cream that rises to the top will be these unselfish ones who will be best suited to rule.
I hope that a new class will appear that has an abhorrence for the ugliness of pornography, tattoos and that crass vulgar speech from the gutter with all its obscenities.
And as the word “wanker” was invented by desperate fathers in an attempt to encourage sons to not be abusers of themselves, the word pervert or perverts might very well be freshly allocated to those who refuse to leave their perverted ways.
This would be a new club for the nobles. These are the ones with honour, who don’t look at porn,who have a sense of duty to God and country. They are the ones with backbone that unlike the perverts, can actually rule themselves and abstain from those dreadful perversions.
They are reliable, dependable, honest people with temperate natures where no men wearing the garb of women will be found.
They will be the true leaders of society even though they will be in the 2% to 5% class.
Perhaps there will be another club for the homosexuals because they won’t be welcome here. Let birds of a feather flock together.
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paulsletters · 4 years
Invariably it’s impossible to say with any great certainty who will and who won’t be saved, because on occasion, it’s seems that the most unlikely ones will repent, as did the apostle Paul, who with all his great zeal was busily killing Christians.
I sometimes get in there boots and all with a wake up call and kick these guys around, should they come into my boot camp.
I do it for 2 reasons.
Firstly it’s to defend God’s name that they shame but also I do my best to get them to either realise their self deceit or at least consider the possibility of it.
Of all subjects God is the most interesting of all. And as we allow ourselves to recognise our infinite inferiority to God, which is a recognition that’s contrary to our nature, much of the obscurity is removed that was disallowing us from getting some appreciation of the never ending greatness of God. And this appreciation is a wonderment that stimulates the intellect.
Regrettably most Christians are so partially tarred with the Atheists brush that they cannot
bear to imagine themselves to be infinitely inferior to God, and fight this with out thrust chests bolstering themselves with a measure of self deception by refusing this recognition.
To me worship of God is admiration in the extreme of what He is.
It’s Sunday here in NZ.
I keep the 7th day sabbath.
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paulsletters · 4 years
If we take into consideration that the sexual act, male female thing, apart from the physical pleasure, particularly for the male, is a debasement of the female by the male and this submissive sexual accomodation by her makes him feel important or very special.
But male with male is a different thing altogether. It’s very flattering for the male that’s actually preferred by another male in preference to the beauty of women.
And whilst a women might try to give the appearance of being interested in the male genitalia, in actuality they don’t find it particularly interesting at all, and therefore they might need to fake being interested if they deem it necessary to do so.
But not so with males with males. There’s no faking. They love what they see. Okay it’s a perversion for sure but nevertheless the flattering aspect is so strong it can hook them.
Don’t forget that all of Sodom and Gomorrah went down the tubes. The flattering aspect to this perversion is such that it can spread like wildfire. Today God uses the AIDS as a deterrent instead of fire and brimstone.
I wonder if it’s the desire to be liked or popular that’s the reason why homosexuality occurs in some people from a relatively early age.
Perhaps they aren’t popular or feel inferior or weaker than other boys, which is hard to handle, and therefore some of them, the weaker ones, become candidates for needing to be wanted or liked.
The drag queen is an extreme example of this, whereby a male dresses like a women with makeup to get other men to like him, albeit it’s actually the sexual pleasure he provides.
As the boy feels excluded or inferior for whatever reasons, be it his gentleness or lack of manliness, he in his search for companionship and acceptance, might allow his mind to imagine affiliations with other males, by degrading them with thoughts of providing degrading sexual gratification for them, as a way to ingratiate himself.
They can have fantasies that have themselves in lewd relationships with other males, who allow themselves to be degraded by partaking in submissiveness degrading sexual conduct, all of which can contribute to the unwanted boy feeling wanted and liked.
The submissive conduct of the homosexual results in a change in mannerisms that’s inclusive of their speech all of which is distinctly female.
Those that are hooked on homosexuality need to realise that it’s going to take them to hell. The bible clearly says so.
The following passage seems to relate to masturbation however it’s a very severe warning by the gentle teacher The Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 5:30
King James Version
30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
At the end of the day it’s either heaven or hell isn’t it for all of us, and we’ve got to figure out how to get to heaven and how to avoid hell.
Those homosexuals who make it all the way to hell will realise that they could have actually forsaken homosexuality but lacked the serious motivation to do so.
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