paulsteinberg · 3 years
The Best Instructional Kayak Rolling Video Ever!!
The Best Instructional Kayak Rolling Video Ever!!
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paulsteinberg · 3 years
Peatrick - A work in Progress
Peatrick – A work in Progress
I know thee, salvation boat. For we have performed upon thee, thou abramanation, who comest ever without being invoked. this gray wilderness – no moon – the endless heave of steel ice wave, salt sting, the urgent whump of my mammal heart blood draining dark into cold water so cold wait wait not yet swooping tide through a narrow pass of stone pillars leads to a wide-open space. I am swept into a…
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paulsteinberg · 4 years
Paddling the Columbia River with Jay
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paulsteinberg · 7 years
the dead mourn the living
the dead mourn the living
There was a time when sun-washed water drenched livid mold and rot and decay fed voracious generation
the living mourned the dead confident in the pulse of regeneration assured by an endless recreation of green buoyed by slow overcurrent of riverwater washed in light-sparkle bluewater shrouded in foam-born whitewater raised in silt-laden brownwater risen they rejoiced in their tears
Knowing that…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Way Back
New Poem, "Way Back" published on torsorotation.com
once We clambered down from the trees and stood upright, peering over the horizon with eyes like ripening apples, grasping a pathetic rock, searching for the Panther endlessly pacing
That was not long ago in time measured by stone but long enough for us to insist, never to return to the trees and never to let slip that rock from our grasp
once I lifted her on my shoulders “Horsey!” she cried. “Ho…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Trip Report Netarts Bay- An Introduction to Moving Water with OOPS
Trip Report: Netarts Bay- An Introduction to Moving Water with OOPS Aug 2, 2015
Netarts August 2, 2015
Trip Report Netarts Bay- An Introduction to Moving Water with OOPS Some Netarts considerations
Netarts Bay Oregon is a great area to experience dynamic conditions in a contained environment. That said there are a few things to keep in mind:
Tide -You cannot paddle safely with a led group on Netarts on the ebb.
Wind– Netarts, like all of the coast, can get high winds.…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Phall if you but will, rise you must: a video prologue
Request for feedback on video. Phall if you but will, rise you must: a video prologue #torsorotation.com
OK, here is something new and experimental.  This is a video introduction to the story Phall if you but will, rise you must.  I am thinking of animating the entire story and maybe others as well.
So your task, dear reader, is to let me know something about this video – What do you think in general?  Does this add value to the story?  Does the video hold your interest?  The whole story would be…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Cape Falcon an Introduction by Denise Harrington Looking through some old videos, I came upon the inimitable Denise Harrington giving quick introduction to her favorite paddling place - Cape Falcon on the Oregon Coast.  Enjoy.
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Harvey Golden's Skinboat Replicas at SSTIKS 2015
Discover Harvey Golden's tradiotnal kayak replicas at SSTIKS 2015
Harvey Golden in a kayak replica off of Cape Falcon, Oregon. Photo by Brian Schulz.
I build replica kayaks because they are pretty, because every traditional kayak I build teaches me about modern ones,  because the the Greenland hunting kayak imparts a sense of history, even if it’s not my history; and mostly,  by simple virtue of proximity, the Greenland kayak conveys a powerful intimacy with…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Friends, there is a new poem available on #torsorotation.com. "Silence" http://wp.me/p1YJLz-D3
  How long since last we embraced? Silence cuts through the years as rock splits water
The seamount binds the traces of clamorous tides The ocean swells and spawns a standing wave
Its bellow, A cry, a protest -Why was I born?- lost in a wilderness of silence
Again we embrace I older now you unchanged Then silence, still as stone
I loved you in your glory you loved me in mine Until our fingers…
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paulsteinberg · 9 years
Peat Rick
  I know thee, salvation boat. For we have performed upon thee, thou abramnation, who comest ever without being invoked . . .
August 22, year 1
carried by the swooping tide through a narrow pass into a wide open space. I was in a deep bay, the cold water black and the mist hanging heavy in the light of the full-moon.  My sorry eyes dazzled by the blue light on the dark water.
As I pass though…
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paulsteinberg · 10 years
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