pauperblossom · 7 years
Pauperblossom and Antlerfaire remain closed for the Forseeable Future, Nohrianlady Open
(I realize that I never made a post here about the matter and it’s been a couple of months since then. But, the basic summary is that I acted out rashly and decided on a whim to close my blogs. I was emotionally wraught over what was happening in my life at the time and I am sorry to my followers who were subjected to it (and I have updated my rules and taken steps to prevent acting out in the future). And indeed that is what trying to close all my blogs but radiantcavalier was about. 
I chose to come back and both my blogs nohrianlady and radiantcavalier are open and active for the time being. However, due a variety of concerns and an inability to be reasonably active on all my blogs, I chose to keep Pauperblossom and Antlerfaire closed (inactive) for the forseeable future.  I find it much more feasible to have two blogs than four. 
I want to thank everyone who took an interest in Pauperblossom and Antlerfaire, and I apologize for not being able to do a lot more with them.)
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pauperblossom · 8 years
Small Announcement
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(Hello everyone! As some of your are aware, I manage more than one RP blog, 5 to be exact.
Due to having trouble with managing blogs, I’m cutting down from 5 blogs to 4. My fandomless OC, manawellspring, is being deleted as a/ I haven’t been active in 2 months, b/I was struggling getting that character to work in a Tumblr RP context, and I feel having one less blog to worry about will help me be more productive on the other ones.
As much as I often have the impulse to add more muses, sadly I am the type who can only handle so many. (For right now, that’s @nohrianlady, @radiantcavalier, @pauperblossom, and @antlerfaire.)
I will update my Mun page on all my blogs accordingly sometime tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully this will help me be more balanced as far as activity on my blogs is concerned as I hope.)
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pauperblossom · 8 years
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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pauperblossom · 8 years
"Mozu..." Claire turned to the villager and took a deep breath to calm her words. "Did your village...have any... traditions, events...or festivals during the winter?"
“Festivals? Yeah, we had a couple during the winter time. Helps make the colder more bearable you know.” Mozu found herself smiling at the fond memory of winters past.
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“New years was always the biggest one. We’d all get together to celebrate letting the worries of the year past go and eat buckwheat noodles. There would be games the adults set up for the kids to play too.” She laughed gently. “It was really something to see. I remember I especially liked helping them make cards for their relatives. We usually didn’t do that sort of thing most other times of the year, so it was an extra special thing, you know?”
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pauperblossom · 8 years
Roleplaying History
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Tagged by Stolen from: @xechoes-of-absolutionx Tagging: @reginalucem, @byakuyanya-purinsesu, @lambentlodestar, and... whoever wants to do this.
Currently Playing:
Mozu from Fire Emblem: Fates
Siegbert from Fire Emblem: Fates 
2 OCs for Fire Emblem: Fates 
1 Fandomless OC (With Fandom Verses)
Want to Play:
Priam from Fire Emblem: Awakening 
Sumia From Fire Emblem:Awakening
Nowi From Fire Emblem: Awakening
Benny from Fire Emblem: Fates
Nyx from Fire Emblem: Fates
Ryoji Mochizuki from Persona 3
N from Pokemon
Emily Kaldwin from Dishonored I and II
Merrill from Dragon Age II
...More OCs of both fandom and fandomless sorts tbh
Used to Play:
A Yu-gi-oh! OC (elsewhere)
Various OCs, self-inserts, and canon characters from Fire Emblem:Awakening and Persona 3 (for Private RPs with Friends, mostly elsewhere)
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pauperblossom · 8 years
“Where the hell am I?”
First Interaction Starters
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“O-oh! Prince Leo!” Mozu was somewhat relieved to see the Nohrian prince. After what seemed like forever wandering through these woods, it was good to see someone familiar. “Beats me. I’ve been wandering around this place trying to find my way back to the others. You’re the first person I’ve run into... this place is like a maze, isn’t it?”
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pauperblossom · 8 years
“Hey- Oh! Sorry, thought you were someone else.”
“Do I know you? Cause I’d like to.”
“Oh sorry! I was zoned out!”
“Ooo, that’s an awesome tattoo!”
“Ah crap, the door’s locked.”
“Woah, that’s a cool eye color.”
“Where the hell am I?”
“Ugh… I think I’m lost. Can you help me?”
“Well this is a fun way to meet new people.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Don’t you know to look before you cross a street?!”
“You lost or something?”
“Do you need some help?”
“You need something?”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be walking around this part of town alone.”
“Hi, I’ve heard so much about you.”
“I think you knew my parents.”
“Hey, you dropped this.”
“Oh goodness! I’m so sorry!”
“Um… Hello…”
“What are you looking at?”
“Hey aren’t you ____?”
“Well I didn’t expect this to happen today.”
“I don’t know you, but will you marry me?”
First Interaction Starters
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pauperblossom · 8 years
“You’re Lady Mozu, right? I’m here to help with making dinner! I got finished with my duties in the medical tent early, so I got sent here! Oh goodness, I haven’t even introduce myself! I’m Kiwa Cho! I prefer to be called Cho.”
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The shrine maiden ran her mouth while waving her overly large sleeves up and down in excitement. When waiting for Mozu’s response, she placed her arms behind her back as she stood before the other. A grin curved onto her lips now that she swayed side to side. She really isn’t one to stand still.
The shrine maiden assumed she found the right person by what the young woman was carrying. The vegetables are a dead give away! It would be awfully embarrassing if Cho’s assumption was wrong though. She would never allow herself to live the mistake down.
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“Yeah, that’s me! Although, I don’t think I’ve been called “Lady” before. I’m a country gal, you see.” Mozu found her face flush slightly. She noticed the other’s excited gestures and body language. Cho was certainly a ball of energy. That certainly wasn’t bad though - Mozu appreciated the friendly new face and certainly the offer of an extra pair of hands to help with dinner. 
“It’s good to meet you, Cho. And here I thought maybe you were coming to ask for help, and you’re offering it. It’s very kind of you.” She couldn’t exactly gesture to the girl without letting go of the bag, so instead she motioned a bit with her head. “Follow me then, I’m bringing in these vegetables so they can be cleaned and chopped before anything else.”
Mozu thought it worthwhile to ask. She didn’t know how much experience the shrine maiden had with helping prepare meals on a large scale. It would help her determine how to proceed. “Have you helped out in the mess hall before?”
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pauperblossom · 8 years
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✵ rules ✵ ask
✵ nonselective/oc&crossover friendly/3+ years experience ✵ ( promo image by @subakalicious )
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pauperblossom · 8 years
@pauperblossom previously
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“Y-yes ma’am…M-Master Sabre…”
The half wolf shifted nervously, scarred fingers moving to try and assist the woman in cleaning herself off from the collision. After a moment however he pulled back, realizing that might not be a good thing to do around humans other than his master.
“He o-owns me, you see….”
 She finally looked up when he tried to help and suddenly pulled away. Turns out this guy was... not quite human. Though, that meant squat to her compared to what he was saying.  If she wasn’t concerned by the term master before, she sure as hell was now. Well, concern didn’t really cover it, actually.
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“Wh-what!? You mean...” Mozu certainly knew what slavery was, though she’d only heard stories from the people in her village and folks that would pass through. She was left near speechless. 
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pauperblossom · 8 years
The small blonde stares up at the girl for just a moment, scrambling to get up off the ground. "I-i'm sorry, miss! Really! P-please don't tell the m-master...!"
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“It’s alright, now don’t you worry about...” Mozu was quick to try and reassure whoever knocked into her. She was busy dusting off her clothes at first, not looking up at first to see who she was speaking to.
 A certain pair of words said by the other gave her pause, causing her posture to stiffen a bit. Were they somebody’s servant or hired hand? Gosh, she wasn’t about to get anybody in trouble for a small mishap like that. “... The master?” 
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pauperblossom · 8 years
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Tempura Udon
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pauperblossom · 8 years
@xborderline-butterflyx liked for a starter!
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“Oh, hey there,” Mozu was surprised upon seeing someone approach her. A...shrine maiden no less? Or she had the garb for it at least, Mozu thought. She had to wonder what she was doing here. Coming to bless the soldiers or assist with healing, perhaps?  “May I help you with something, miss?”
She was on her way to the mess hall with a sack of vegetables; they were going to need them for dinner preparations soon. She could certainly spare a moment to help someone of the cloth though. 
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pauperblossom · 8 years
@bloodadorne liked for a starter!
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“Hey, Saizo. How are you feelin’ today? ...Is it alright if I come in?” Mozu’s hand tightened a little on what she was carrying. She’d been concerned since he was badly injured protecting his liege in the last fight. The healers had been working hard to make sure his wounds were treated and that’d he’d recover quickly. “I fixed you something to eat - folks in my village used to make it when someone was trying to get their strength back.”
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pauperblossom · 8 years
@wxlfish liked for a starter!
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“Oh hey there, Cerys,” Mozu greeted her, having caught sight of the wolkfskin nearby. “You planning on heading into the Forest too? I was thinking of doing some hunting myself. Maybe bring back a bear... that’d be helpful, wouldn’t it...?”
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pauperblossom · 8 years
@nesufuratu liked for a starter!
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“Oh, wow. What are you doing perched up there, little guy?” Mozu asked softly. She found it an unusual sight to spot a bat hanging from the edge of the roof of the Records Hall. Still, it was probably not the best place for it to be napping. Edging a little bit closer, she wondered how best to approach the situation. Assuming she should, that is.
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pauperblossom · 8 years
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(Trying another attempt at getting things active here! Like, reply, or reblog if you’d like a starter with Mozu. These will be on the short and simple side. Cap will be at 5!)
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