paviidus · 10 years
I really need to get some threads started. Who's willing to plot?
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paviidus · 10 years
Like for a starter!
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paviidus · 10 years
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gif meme
→ scott + looking down
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paviidus · 10 years
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"Yes, you should be aware of the fact that I'm twenty. We were neighbors for like three years, then I moved into a different foster home. --- You're right, I'm very grateful I don't look like a grandma."
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"Wow. I’m twenty-one. I should be aware of the fact you’re a year younger. We were… neighbors, right? —— You should be glad you don’t look like a grandmother."
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paviidus · 10 years
"Yeah, sure you aren't."
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"I’m not becoming a stripper —- so don’t worry, I was just wondering." 
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paviidus · 10 years
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Cicely liked this, this whole entire scene.  Being able to be with someone and just relax. No effort, no pressure, just two people being able to be with one another and be so happy. 
               " I dunno--- some guys don't like to cuddle. But I'm happy you like to cuddle. It makes you cuter. --- Hey Yoshi, what are we gonna do all day? Are we just gonna be lazy?"
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            Pressing a soft kiss to the supple flesh on her neck,             Yoshi softly hummed; fingers glissading up and down             the bare skin of her arm. This was nice, wasn’t it? How             they were acting like stereotypical teenagers who were dating?             Very quaint, if you asked him. 
                        “’Course I will, babe. That’s a silly question to ask, why would I even say no?”
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paviidus · 10 years
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paviidus · 10 years
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     Cicely was on one of her rants. You know, the ones where she drones on and on over stupid pointless things. Once she heard the male she rolled her eyes. "Seriously? ---- I was talking about my day at work. Geez, what do I have to do to get you to pay attention to me?"
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Edward was deep in thought when he realised that somebody was talking to him. He pulled one headphone out of his ear and turn to face the stranger. “Sorry, could you repeat that?”
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paviidus · 10 years
"If I was a stripper, would it change your perspective of me?" The male tilted his head as he asked the question he’d been curiously wondering.
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paviidus · 10 years
Starters anyone?
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paviidus · 10 years
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"Yes I'm twenty...---- Oh wow that's such a great compliment, I love knowing I look like a little kid." Quit the sarcasm, Cicely.
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"Wow. I can’t believe you’re twenty. I always thought you were younger. You look like a kid.”
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paviidus · 10 years
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"Yes of course we can watch The Breakfast Club. It's a classic, definitely one of my favorite movies."
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paviidus · 10 years
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paviidus · 10 years
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paviidus · 10 years
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paviidus · 10 years
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paviidus · 10 years
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"Well-------- no.... But I didn't think it was gonna taste bad!"
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”Did you even drink this thing?!”
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