pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“Hold the fuck up.” I say. I am the fuck up. Please hold me.
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“I don’t know what was on them, I didn’t watch them with the kid,” Oliver explained. “It’s probably their home movies or whatever.”
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“Duh, obvi you didn’t watch them with the kid, but you could have watched them without him,” Brooks pointed out. “I mean, I know I would have. Aren’t you curious at all? Or is his dad like ugly or something?” 
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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she definitely didn’t buy it, or even believe him — she was pretty sure his ego had just gotten the better of himself, why would a huge mafia like organisation go after him so hard or be too weak to approach if they did want him? light loved the drama of him though, everyday it was something and today, he was the middle of mafia recruitment ring that he was their top person. ‘ huh. ’ she mused, perhaps her disbelief leaking into how she spoke. ‘ i think, we should jack their tires then. or steal the car. they have to get out at some time. ’ 
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“Whatever. Don’t fucking believe me then,” he huffed through gritted teeth. All the Serpents he had spoken to had been skeptical about his story, and his patience had worn thin. Why was it so hard for them to believe this new gang was after him? Yes, he was a new member, but he was a hard worker and always got shit done, which was more than most of them could say, but no one ever appreciated him for it, or even acknowledged the fact that he was an asset to the gang. Hell, one snarky little comment was enough for their so-called leader to stop acknowledging his existence entirely. The Serpents were supposed to be his new family, like it had been for his biological father before he passed away. Well, to be fair, they did remind him of the only family he had ever known, the one he had grown up with; cold, uncaring and completely useless. “Slice their tires? Steal their car? You?” Gunnar chuckled, shaking his head. “Right, you would be crazy enough to pull a stunt like that and get yourself fed to fishes, or whatever those wannabe wiseguys do with annoying little bitches like you.” As much as Light frustrated him, he really didn’t want her to get hurt, or worse. Though he would never admit it, she had grown on him, and he even found himself longing for her company, not just her body, from time to time. He highly doubted she felt the same way about him and had any intention of taking their weird relationship to the next level, though, since she made it pretty obvious from the get-go that she just wanted him for sex. “I’ll take care of shit myself, as usual,” the male scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t need you around, messing things up for me. So, just forget I’ve told you anything, and stay away from the Silks.”
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“Is this just what you do? You start to get involved, get scared when the emotions are too much, and then dream up any excuse you can to run? Or to invite the other person to dump you?”
— Sherryl Woods, Moonlight Cove  (via thelovejournals)
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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my favorite boys ♡
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
he scoffed “you had plenty of motivation, don’t act like it was a chore,” he chuckled. “you got me fairly easily,” he told him. he poked at him playfully and bit at him slightly from his teasing. “you fucking loved me, i turned you on,” he grinned. “don’t tell me you didn’t get a hard on in class, because i bet you anything you did,” he said to him. he felt good with him, he could feel brooks really relax against him and he took this as a good sign. they were finally feeling like they were back together, even if it wasn’t official. doing this, was bigger than just fucking. that was easy to do, this was the harder thing for brooks and it made his heart swell up. he didn’t want to ruin this moment at all. “everyone?” he asked “okay, i don’t know about everyone, but maybe i didn’t notice because all i could see was you’re ass, so you’re right about that one,” he said. he was a bad teacher in that sense, but it didn’t seem like anyone cared since he dated him after he had graduated. he held him more, still peppering him with kisses along his jaw a bit, nipping. “oh i’ve learned my lesson, don’t date guys who won’t fuck me,’ he teased a bit. he knew what he had with matty wasn’t big or anything, it was weird dating someone else. he had thought about brooks practically the entire time even though he told himself he wasn’t. he looked at him, letting out a soft moan as brooks ran his fingers into his hair like that. he watched him, he thought he was kidding about that. he wasn’t. he couldn’t forgive him for cheating, that was like saying it was okay. it wasn’t. he realize though, he thought he was kidding and this moment was so perfect.. how could he ruin it? this was everything he ever wanted with him and he wasn’t about to fuck it up. he laughed softly, kissing him “just teasing,” he told him instead of saying the truth. “i want you to suck my dick, so definitely, just teasing,” he said and hugging him, hiding into his neck a bit.
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“I swear you just keep running your cringy mouth because you want me to make you shut up,” Brooks smirked as he turned around so he could look at the other. “Which I can do, easily. Granted, you’ll probably moan a little,” the boy continued, chuckling softly as he lifted his hand to Damon’s mouth, slowly tracing his lips with his finger. “Oooor a lot,” he added with a teasing wink. God, Damon was so fucking hot, how could anyone not wanna fuck his ex-boyfriend? It was mindboggling to Brooks, but regardless, he was very happy nothing happened between him and Matty. He knew it would have meant something to Damon if they had gone that far, and he just wanted his memory of the vanilla milkshake to be erased as soon as possible. Though he returned Damon’s kiss, his last remark didn’t sit well with him. It was an odd thing to joke about, even by his standards, so he wasn’t entirely sure what to think. Brooks fluttered his eyelids closed while the other nuzzled his neck, trying his hardest to enjoy his lips brushing against his pale skin and ignoring the knot that was tightening in the pit of his stomach, but that was proving to be more difficult than he thought it would be. “W-Wait, Damon, stop,” he stammered, pulling away slightly from the male. “So... you have forgiven me? Like I’ve forgiven you?” Brooks asked hesitantly, knitting his brows into a slight frown. He hated the fact that he felt the need to double check. Why did it even matter? They were just having ‘fun’ right now, and he was ruining it by saying ‘I love you’ out of the blue, and now this... “It was just sex, D. Meaningless sex,” he emphasized, cupping the male’s cheek. “You get that, right?”
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“I would question your sanity if you envied me,” Vinnie let out, pointing her spoon at him, “I’m going from a few kids literally going into kindergarten to a room full of two-and-a-half-year-olds. Literally toddlers. I’m gonna have to potty train them all. I’m just hoping they all sleep well, honestly. That’s the main hope. How have you been?”
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“Potty train? Wait, does that mean they still have ‘accidents’? They don’t have like, you know, other people to deal with that mess?” Blake asked, slightly horrified about what the brunette was telling him. “Well...” he started hesitantly, scrunching up his face. “I got dumped, sprained my ankle so I’ve been unable to train, and as I’m sure you’ve already noticed; I gained several pounds, that’s why I stopped uploading selfies. Needless to say my life is a disaster.”
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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‘ it’s not pathetic. ’ she insisted with a dismissive wave of her hand. ‘ it just shows how real it was or you and that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. if anything, it shows what a cold bitch she is if she can move on so fast with a baboon of a cave man. she sucks, you’re sensitive and sweet, people dig that. i wouldn’t worry. ’
“Sensitive and sweet? That makes me sound so... ugh,” he pouted, running his hand through his hair. “So... I don’t know, not very cool? God, that reminds me! I’ve lost so many followers ever since I got dumped. I wonder if she’s talking shit or if I just, you know, lost it. I don’t want to fall into the abyss or irrelevance, Rosie! I just can’t!” 
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“Hashtag No1curr, Ollie. Why don’t you tell me about what kind of tapes was daddy hiding in the garage, mhm?” Brooks asked curiously, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. “Anything saucy?”
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“Today I was talking to the kid of the person I was building for, and he found his dad’s old VHS tapes in the garage. And he didn’t know what the things were! When I told him we used them in the nineties he told me that he learned about the nineties in history, and now I feel old.”
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“I don’t think so. I mean, English is pretty hard to me,” Brooks chuckled. “Why are you learning Korean? Let me guess; kpop reasons? 
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‘ i’ve been trying to learn korean and i’m like, still stuck on the alphabet, shouldn’t it come naturally if it’s my ethnicity? ’ she huffed.
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
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kj apa
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“That’s what it fucking sounds like, Brooks. Like, you’re constantly shitting on her happiness,” Coley let out, shaking her head. His negativity pissed her off to no end, knowing it wasn’t that hard to just support the people you cared about, or person in his case. She rolled her eyes hard at his little jab, shrugging her shoulders again. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, B,” she scoffed, glaring at him, “You’re such a child, it’s actually kinda sad. And please don’t bring that movie up, I still have not seen it and have no desire to.”
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“Obvi you don’t know shit about me or my mom then. Which is actually cool with me. Let’s keep it that way,” he groaned, rolling his eyes at her comments. His step-sibling was the last person on earth whom he wanted to discuss his complicated relationship with his mother with. “An orgasm does help with that. Pretty sure that’s like scientifically proven and stuff,” he countered, a cheeky grin playing on his lips. “Oh man, no wonder you’re so moody. I guess I would be too if I had missed out on seeing Armie Hammer in his swimming trunks. I swear, that man could destroy my body and my life and all i'd say is ‘so, does tomorrow work for you too?’"
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
This was completely unlike Fleur, she knew it but for once, she didn’t care. She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted but Aiden was different to what she expected, certainly not this at least. She looked at him, pupils dilated. “I am…I enjoy this, a lot.” The blonde tensed slightly at the foreign contact, though began to relax slightly as they kissed again. Parting her lips, she moved one hand up into Aiden’s hair, pulling slightly. 
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His hand glided along the length of her thigh as his mouth sought her parted lips, teasing her tongue with his as he deepened their kiss. His fingertips trailed along the soft fabric of her panties, and his lips broke out in a self-satisfied smirk when he found a growing wet spot. “You’re so fucking hot,” he breathed huskily against her lips, caressing her through the silk material. “You drive me crazy, beautiful.”
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
Elle shrugged, “I’m your sister, so the next best thing.” She rolled her eyes, taking her bag through into their apartment. “Haha, funny. I just heard it, apparently, it’s big news because she’s your intern.”
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“That makes it even more creepy. Knock it off, Elle,” Aiden growled, crossing his arms over his chest. “How the hell do you even know about that? I swear to god, the people at the office need to get a fucking life. Anyway, I don’t see how any of this qualifies as big news, though. We’re both adults. Good looking adults with needs. So, if anything happens... it’s only human nature, you know?” 
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pavlovc-archive · 6 years
“They’re really not,” Liv let out, confused as she watched the male, “No, you’re definitely paranoid. How much THC you got in that thing? Also, what the fuck is Silk?”
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“If you don’t even know what the fuck Silk is, then how the fuck do you know they’re not following me?” Gunnar scoffed, taking another deep drag. “It’s just tobacco, blondie. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
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