pawsfullofmischief · 6 years
Ideas Gone Wrong (Otayuri)
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Author’s Note: I can post this now, yeees! For the anon who requested Otayuri with numbers 9: “That’s a horrible idea!” and 10: “It’s… definitely shiny.” I managed to include both of them, yaay~! And I’m actually pretty proud of this one! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3
Description: Otabek returns to his and Yuri’s shared apartment with two new skating costumes. A few minutes after he talks with Yuri, he gets the idea to go shopping while showing off their new costumes. Does it go well? For Otabek, definitely! For Yuri?… Not so much luck there!
Word Count: 2,123
   Otabek locked the door behind him as he walked down the hall, two plastic shopping bags hanging from his wrist. He had just been out shopping to get Yuri an early Christmas gift, though he came back with something for himself once he saw the matching skating costumes for sale. He stopped in the doorway to the living room, looking over at Yuri, who was lying on his stomach on the floor watching television.
 “Heh, took you long enough,” he said, muting the show that was playing and averting his attention to Otabek. He pointed at the two bags, tilting his head. “And what might those be?”
 “Gifts. I saw something at the store and it made me think of you, so I bought it and the other matching one. They were the last two left,” Otabek replied, a small grin tugging his lips when he saw a light pink blush spreading across his friend’s cheeks.
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pawsfullofmischief · 6 years
40 with Weasley twins x reader (platonic)? Thx luvly
          “HaveI entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?” Aredheaded boy stared down at you, his body trapping you in the corner. Another identicalredhead appeared from behind him, a devious smile on his face.
           “Did you? Did you just smile for usY/N?” Fred asked, his head peering over George’s shoulder. “I must admit, thatjoke was pretty damn funny.”
           “It was stupid and no, I did not just crack a smile,” You snap,trying to push yourself out of the corner. “Get out of the way!”
           “Aw, are you pissy?” Fred cooed,pushing you back with one hand. “C’mon. Smile for us again. You do have thecutest smile.”
           “Shut up!” You felt heat rise onyour face, sure that your cheeks were the same color as the twin’s hair. Yousqueaked as George pinched your side and let out a peal of giggles as his otherhand grazed your ribcage.
           “Would you take a look at that Fred,they can laugh too!” George smiled, switching to scribbling his fingers overyour neck.
           “Aw, is Y/N a bit ticklish?” Fredteased, pushing his brother aside to prod at your belly. You screamed as he dugall ten fingers into your sensitive tummy, feeling your legs start to give out.“Hey, George. I bet I can make them fall over!”
           “Do it!” George cheered on as youfelt Fred lift up your shirt. You yelled out words of protest, but it was toolate.
           “NOHOHOHOHO!” Fred blew a raspberryonto your bellybutton, causing you to slip down the wall and fall onto yourknees. You rolled over onto your chest, trying to hide your most sensitive spots.
           “This just won’t do,” George startedto scribble his fingers on the backs of your knees, a spot you never knew wasso ticklish. You beat your fists against the floor, a grave mistake. Fred dovehis fingers into the hollows of your arms, causing you to shriek out withlaughter.
           “Stahahap!” You yelled out. All twentyfingers halted and were withdrawn. Fred sat you up, making sure you couldbreathe easier as George stroked your arm.
           “You alright Y/N? Did we gooverboard?”
           “No,” You replied, residual gigglesslipping out. “That was perfect. Thank you.”
           “Good to hear that!” Fred and Georgebeamed down at you.
           “Now it’s your turn!” You cried out,pouncing on them, sending them both into hysterical laughter.
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pawsfullofmischief · 6 years
Okay okay, but give dragon boys that work at coffee shops, greenhouses, and bakeries. Just some soft domestic dragon boys doing their best!
How’s this, Anon? }:3
Coffee Shops: The most detail-oriented barista there. Loves to do the latte art and can make some of the neatest designs around. Always friendly, though his sharp-toothed smile can frighten newcomers. Has to have his aprons custom made due to his height and width. Ironically, doesn’t have a caffeine addiction, but loves to collect coffee and teacups. And absolute fanatic for tea, however.
Greenhouses: Literally THE BEAST of the place. Always asked to do the heavy lifting, not that he minds. It’s easier and safer for him to do it, and he even comes in on days off to help out when needed. Has a sunroom full of trailing vines at home, and a collection of air plants around his house. Could start a spice shop with the assortment of herbs he grows in his garden.
Bakery: A little rounder than the others, he sticks to the phrase ‘don’t trust a thin chef’. Not that he’s not strong; have you tried to lift a seven-layer wedding cake alone? Absolutely loves to make spun-sugar roses for most of his pastries in the spring, and is known for his gingerbread far and wide. Has a friendly rivalry with the Minotaur-owned bakery across town, but they join forces to raise money at Christmas for Toys-for-Tots.
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pawsfullofmischief · 6 years
Room Monster Boyfriends 4
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You all screamed for it so here it is! Farrow and Barbol are fathers! So yes, this does mean there is some pregnancy in this, trigger warning for those of you are are sensitive to it. You guys have @fleeceofsteel to thank for this treat so go send them so love and thanks because I have and I am so happy to have finally written this amazing chapter in the tale of Farrow and Barbol. I hope you love their furry hamster babies as much as I do.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
   Barbol nudges you with his nose, grunting softly as he tries to urge you awake. “Get up,” he growls.
   You press your palm to his chest. “What?” You groan. “Why are you waking me so early?” You try to tuck your blanket over your head but Farrow yanks it away.
   You whine and open your eyes. “What?”
   “Get up,” Barbol growls again.
   You sit up and rub your eyes. “Ok, ok, I’m up,” you huff. “What’s going on with you two today?”
   “You’re late,” Farrow replies from under the bed,
   You glance at the clock and see it’s earlier than you usually get up. “No…I don’t even have work today,” you reply.
   “No,” Barbol insist. “You are late, late.”
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pawsfullofmischief · 6 years
Alien Boyfriend (Krir)
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I got a lot of alien commissions this week! This one is a water based alien and also features some ovipoistioning. A commission for @oceanmonstermama features a genderless alien and female MC. I hope you enjoy!
   You’ve been training for a long time, preparing for this trip. You and your friends have been excited about this trip for years. You’re traveling to a planet that is nearly all water, there you plan on competing in their yearly diving competition. The planet is famous for their games that happen every year ranging from skating to the diving contest you’ve been training for.
   You’ve been staying on one of the few islands on the planet, getting used to the place. The oceans are not much different from the ones on Earth but they do inhabit more life. Part of the diving competition is to not get hindered by any of the life in the water. It can get pretty dangerous, but you’ve been fitted with a special suit that camouflages you in the water.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
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You should share this for people in DC and close to you!!
Black Community we have to be careful. Protect our Girls! Spread this! 
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
A huge, horrifying creature with a grinning, sharp-toothed mouth, shadows swirling around it as it stalks you… and then you find out it has fucking toe beans.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Anubis Boyfriend
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A commission for @durankidu. I know you have all been clammoring for an Anubis fic well now you’ve got one! It also features a nonbinary reader. I hope you all enjoy!
   When you wake up there is a heaviness over you. You raise your hands and part through the sand you’ve been buried in. You sit up and the sand falls from you. It was like you had been buried at the beach. As you stand up and look around yourself you see you’re wearing a long white robe. You look at your hands and then out across the vast desert. At least, you assume it’s a desert. Everything is just hazy purple sky and sand. You take a few steps, noticing your feet don’t leave an indentation in the sand behind you.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
I need a monster that'll hold me in their big fuzzy arms after a nightmare...
You were whimpering in your sleep again. Ruuk looked over at your sleeping form, usually so peaceful, and frowned at the distressed expression on your face. He didn’t want to wake you, but…He gently turned you in his arms, pulling you closer to his broad chest. Murmuring into your hair, his massive hands ran up and down your spine as he tried to soothe your dreams. You slowly opened your eyes, squinting up at him in the dark.“Another nightmare?” he asked in his gravelly voice.“Yeah,” you simply replied, burying your face in the dark fur of his chest.He tightened his hold on you, his tail wrapping around your legs as he sought to encase you completely in his warmth. “You’re safe, my small one,” he whispered, “I have you. None who would harm you can reach you here. Sleep, now.”You stayed awake for a while, listening to deep thump of Ruuk’s heartbeat, the slow rhythm of his breath, the steady sweep of his tail up and down your bare legs. Your eyelids grew heavy eventually, though, and Ruuk smiled around his fangs as he felt you relax into him. None will ever harm you, precious one…
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
My favorite thing about Thomas the Tank Engine is that it canonically takes place in a train post-apocalypse where the Island of Sodor is the only safe zone in a totalitarian dystopia in which steam trains are routinely killed and their body parts are sold or cannibalized for repair
If you think I’m kidding you need to read the original books
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
The Honeymoon: Part 2
Here’s a little commissioned addition to the world of Tarruk and his S/O! Thanks to @roboticsanonymouss! Hope you enjoy!
A loud clatter sounds through the walls of your apartment, and you look up in alarm. You hurry to the bathroom where your husband was showering, and knock gently.
“Everything okay in there?” you call, and you can hear a few frustrated grumbles before an actual answer.
“Yes, it’s fine; I just… dropped… everything again,” Tarruk calls, his voice clearly annoyed. “Human cleansing units are always just so… narrow.”
You giggle and lean against the door. “Well, we can’t help the fact that we never thought to accomodate a huge, four-armed bug guy since we didn’t know you existed until the last few years.”
“Be that as it may,” you hear him say as the water shuts off, “it’s still terribly inconvenient.” You can hear movement and shuffling as he dries himself off. “Isn’t there a way we can get a larger shower?”
“Not without moving or shelling out thousands of credits to actually buy the place,” you say with a sigh. “And even the moving isn’t really an option at this point; they haven’t finished constructing the homes scaled to your species just yet. Though I have heard rumors that they have at least a couple floors completed.”
“That’s a bit of a disappointment,” Tarruk says as the door slides open. You can see the faint gleam of dampness on his exoskeleton, and his antennae were still dripping. “I know that they’d be at least as spacious as these…spartan quarters,” he adds with a wink, and you stick your tongue out at him, “But hopefully the ceilings would be higher.” He lifts a hand to touch the ceiling, barely a handspan above his head. You giggle for a moment before sighing and plopping yourself on the bed.
He was right; the human-sized quarters weren’t a good fit for him unless he was sitting down. And even then, only just because he was sitting down. The beds weren’t the right size, the doors were too small; it was like living with a giant. Though maybe in a sense, he was.
“I think I could do with a change of scenery,” you say suddenly, and Tarruk glances at you as he pauses in getting dressed. “Let’s go and see if any of those newer places are ready yet.”
“What’s this all of a sudden?” he asks as he fastens his shirt. “Hadn’t you just said not a moment ago that moving isn’t an option?”
“And that there were a few floors finished already? Yes, I did. Luckily, whole buildings aren’t closed all the time; they’re just renovating some old human residences to be a better fit. Saves time and costs to recycle,” you say with a grin, and he sighs.
“Well, there’s no harm in just looking,” he says as he leans down to kiss you, antennae swaying happily. “And I have to admit that I’m curious about the way they look.”
“Then off we go!” You grab his hand and drag him toward the door as he laughs.
A quick taxi ride later, and you’re in the Insectoid district, a place that was quickly renovated and set up for the incoming galactic immigrants. There were restaurants, clothing stores, street vendors, all lively and bustling with activity. You noticed immediately that humans were the minority here by a wide margin, and that it was just the tiniest bit unnerving being surrounded by so many taller than yourself. A whiff of aroma from a street cart sends your stomach growling, and you blush.
“I heard that,” Tarruk says as he grins down at you. “Forgot to eat lunch before we left?”
“Yeah, I did,” you admit, embarrassed.
“Well, then, let’s get you fed,” he says as he steers you toward the delicious smelling food cart. “I know for a fact you’re going to love this.”
He speaks to the vendor in his native tongue, a sort of clattering, clicking sound, and comes away with two chunks of a meaty-looking food on skewers. He hands one to you with a smile. “This is one of my favorite treats back on my home planet; you can find it virtually everywhere and it’s just… well, you’ll know once you try it.”
You look over the meat with curiosity; it’s a brown-pink tone and has the scent of ham or bacon. As you go to take a bite, however, Tarruk quickly intervenes.
“Wait, wait, wait; don’t just bite into it!” he says in a somewhat horrified tone. You pause, mouth open, staring at him. “You need to eat it like this-” he pulls at the meat, which shows to come off in a ribbon wrapped around the skewer, “-or else it’ll all just…fall off.”
You see the vendor chuckling behind their hand, and you blush as you close your mouth. Upon closer inspection, there are visible layers of wrapping, and you feel a sort of embarrassment at missing it initially. You carefully peel the ribbon loose and look to Tarruk for more instruction.
“Okay, so what you do is just eat it like this,” he sticks the loose end of the meat into his mouth and munches on it, pulling more with his teeth and mandibles as he chews. The skewer rotates as he does so, and you see the real idea behind it become apparent: it was a (near) never-ending noodle of sorts. You carefully place the ribbon in your mouth, and are surprised by a salty, tangy flavor that you hadn’t smelled before tasting it. I was delicious.
“What is this?” You ask through a mouthful. You had to use your spare hand to pull more into your mouth, as you didn’t have mandibles. “It’s fantastic!”
“It’s the root of a fern-like plant that grows on our homeworld,” Tarruk says through his own full mouth. “We call it ‘basrook’. When it’s roasted, it takes on this amazing flavor, and it’s fun to eat, too. It’s a great food to have at festivals because it’s so simple to handle.” He glances over at you as you pull more into your mouth with your hand. “Well, for us at least.” You pause before giggling; he had four hands but only needed one, but you only had two and needed both.
“So it’s a plant? I thought it was meat from the look and smell of it,” you say, biting off the ribbon to take a break.
“It’s funny how that works, but yeah; don’t you humans have something like that?” Tarruk says as he continues eating.
“We sort of do, but it takes a lot of preparation to get it to seem like meat,” you explain. “From the sound of it, you can just dig this root up and cook it.”
Tarruk nods as he slurps the last bit of his basrook skewer up and munches for a moment before swallowing. “Ah, I get great luck,” he says with a grin, antennae waggling. The vendor claps heartily and rings a bell, and a few passerby Insectoid applaud as Tarruk gives a quick bow.
“What just happened?” You ask as the sudden audience disperses. “What was all that?”
“Oh, it’s a sort of game that my kind play with basrook skewers: if you can finish your skewer without having to bite it off or it break on you, you get blessed with good luck!” He grins sheepishly as he tosses the empty skewer in a nearby trash can. “It’s not something most adults of my kind keep playing, it’s normally a kid thing, but I’ve never stopped trying,” he smiles at you, antennae swaying happily. “It’s the first time I’ve ever gotten it.”
“Really?” You say through another mouthful. Tarruk laughs and runs his fingers through your hair.
“Really. I’d like to think you bring me good luck whenever I’m with you,” he says, and you blush as you try not to choke on the last bit of basrook root. Finally finished, you toss the stick and grin.
“That was fantastic. Let’s definitely have that more often,” you say happily, and he laughs.
“Of course, my love. Now let’s go and see about our new apartment.”
“Hey, I never said we were actually moving. Just that I wanted to see what they were like.
"Of course, my love.”
“What’s with that tone? Are you mocking me?”
“Of course, my love.”
Tarruk takes off in a run as you swat at him, laughing.
“Come back here so I can bop you properly!” You call after him, dodging pedestrians.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” His laughter floats over the crowd, and you grin madly as you give chase.
“I love you, you big goof!”
Abruptly he appears beside you through the crowd and scoops you up in his arms.  Your startled gasp is cut off by a strong, passionate kiss. He pulls back and you can see the devilish twinkle in his eyes as his mandibles flair.
“I love you, too, my little star.”
You stare for a long moment before you raise your hand up…
And bop him on the head.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Here is a rebloggable version of my Monster Masterlist. Every single monster lover story is under the cut.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Strawberry Monster
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A small gift for @ellieot who request a fruit monster boyfriend.
   Ever since moving into your grandmother’s cottage, you’ve felt as if something has been watching you. You can recall ages ago when you were young and could feel the same prickly sensation on the back of your neck when you visited. The sensation still lingers and you’re almost able to follow where it comes from, but as you stare across your garden all you see is earth and foliage.
   You’ve tended to the garden since you moved in. It had been something your grandmother had taken great passion in but could no longer take care of in her final years. You promised her to take care of it and the cottage and you haven’t failed. You’ve brought it back to life, filled it with veggies and berries. The strawberry patch had all but taken over the hill behind the garden and you were planning all the amazing recipes you could make with the sweet red berries.
   One night as you’re settling into bed, you see something beyond the window. It is a shape, a shadow, something like fireflies glowing with it. As you approach the window and move to open it the strange shape is no longer there. That’s when you finally begin to suspect there is something in the garden.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
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UPDATED RFA member’s reactions after being affection from MC.
I’ve drawn for Jaehee and Jumin version continued THIS request.
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Argument Resolved (SFW)
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A/N: Mystic Messenger (Zen/MC) -  12. “We’ve been apart too long.” + Mystic Messenger (Jumin/MC) -  24. “I’m sorry, are we 12 now?” –both from the same anon, so rather than writing two separate stories I kinda made them….OT3?;) Luckylucky MC…. 
Summary: MC/reader gets home after a short business trip and is welcomed by these two lovely boyfriends! 
(this is my first time writing a OT3 in reader- style lolol this was fun!)
Word Count: 1960
Tinkle - rattle - jingle. Ugh you really needed to do something about this insane bunch of keys. You sighed as you struggled with the rattling silver mess. The luxury of your lifestyle was totally showing here. Not this one (Jumin’s penthouse), also not this one (your own)… 
After accidentally sticking the key of Rika’s apartment where it did not fit, and after gazing longingly at the key of Jumin’s vacation home, you finally found the one of Zen’s home and succeeded in entering the house. 
“I’m home,” you announced, dropping your bags and quickly fixing your hair nervously, never enough prepared to meet your perfect boyfriends. 
“You’re back!” Zen sounded as desperate as you thought he would, and you spread your arms in preparation before the guy came rushing around the corner. He wrapped you in his arms, picked you up and twirled you around.
“Guys keep it – !” Jumin came rushing into the hallway after Zen, trying to calm him down and prevent him from having you two knock over some of Zen’s own property.  
“Darling, my angel. We’ve been apart too long.” Zen put you back down again and kissed your forehead. You giggled at his overly-acted lines, but still, you knew he was genuine as well and that’s what you really liked about him.
“Welcome home.” Jumin casually grabbed your hand, stole you from Zen and gave you a gentle, more calm but firm hug. And this was what you liked about Jumin.
“I’m home,” you said with a smile, inhaling the scent of Jumin’s aftershave. Zen did not agree though and wrestled himself in between you two like an attention craving puppy.
“Zen. I’m sorry, are we 12 now?��� Jumin complained when Zen - after pressing himself in between your bodies - stood up straight so he formed a wall that separated you from Jumin. 
“No, I just missed our precious!” Zen whined, and he had managed to steal you back now and he resumed his cuddly hug that Jumin interrupted earlier. You giggled and allowed him to, but then heard the annoyed sigh coming from Jumin. 
“Missed? I’m sorry but you’ve been busy with work all week. With that silly role,” Jumin mocked. Zen now let go of you so he could turn around, and he crossed his arms and held his chin high.
“Yeah? What about you then? Did you even care our beloved and us were seven seas apart for a whole week?” Zen argued. You tried to pull his sleeve and correct Mr. Drama you were only in Japan for three days for work, but Zen and Jumin were totally into it now. 
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pawsfullofmischief · 7 years
Forbidden Laughter: Pt 2
(And here it is, my second and final part to my original Harry Potter tickle fic featuring a reader insert! If you haven’t read the first part, I would definitely recommend doing so before reading this, which my good friend @nonsensical-lee has given me the link to: https://nonsensical-lee.tumblr.com/post/169939368735/forbidden-laughter. But anyway, before I lose myself, @cas-kingdom and others, please enjoy and please leave feedback!)
You stared up at Harry with a gulp, a smile again curling up the corners of your lips, laughter boiling up in the pit of your stomach. “This-This is not fun.”
“Aww, it’s not?” Harry Potter trained his emerald eyes on you with a soft frown, looking a bit like a scorned puppy. You had to bite your lip to both keep from squealing from the cuteness and from apologizing. Instead, you steeled your nerves and nodded.
You were not prepared for his smirk to reappear. It was devious, threatening, but at the same time, it ignited a fire in your belly that craved more of it. You fell in love with the way it made you feel, so trapped, defenseless…but entirely protected. After all, you were with the one person you were sure you truly cared about. That felt amazing. But–
“You know, (Y/N),” Harry chuckled, his fingertips again swirling across the surface of your tummy, sending you into soft giggles. “You’re a horrible liar.”
“I-I ahaham not!” You squeaked, training your eyes up at the sky to gaze at the stars before your eyelids scrunched closed. Your fingers curled into fists before your eyes shot open. Uh oh. You misspoke. You hoped he didn’t hear, but, again–
“Oh, so you admit you’re lying?” He giggled, his fingertips now flying across your waist and scribbling along your hips quicker than his Firebolt. “How dare you lie to the Chosen One!”
“Ahahahaha, I-I’m sohoHOHOHORRY!” You whined in between giggles, squirming around underneath him, but his pin and his hands were unrelenting.
“I actually think…” Harry murmured, his voice soft and as smooth as velvet. “That you deserve something a bit worse than what I’ve been giving you, because I’ve been so nice, yeah?”
His fingers skittered along your ribs like spiders, delicately pressing into each of the spaces between them, leaving you no room for conversation. Noting this, the hands slowed. “N-Nihihice?!”
“Exactly!” Harry beamed at you with a chuckle, teeth flashing in the moonlight, before pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath. “But not anymore…” He brought out his wand from his robes again as he sat on your hips, humming in thought. “What did Hermione use when she was…oh, got it. Petrificus Totalus!”
In an instant, you were frozen. Your head was mobile, but not much else. You groaned and tilted your head up to view him, a flush of pink staining your cheeks. “Plehehease, nohoho…”
“Oh, it’s too late for that,” he chuckled, throwing on the invisibility cloak that had fallen off in the tussle from earlier. The green eyes, black hair, and slim figure disappeared, and all you could hear of him were the lithe footsteps as he walked around you, surveying his prey. Occasionally, his fingertips dug into the soft flesh of your belly and caused you to squeal loudly, melting into giggles from the extra jolt of fear caused by the Chosen One’s unknown location. The real fun started when you felt fingers feathering along your neck.
“EheheHEHEHEEP! Hahahaharry~! Stop, plehehehahahahaha-!” You fell into peals of laughter, snorts puncturing the sound, and you flushed all the more deeply when you heard him laugh in your ear.
“Aww, that was so cute!” Harry cooed with an unseen grin that you could feel all the warmth of before his fingers halted quickly. “Hang on.”
There was a snap of a branch that had you both shivering, and, performing the counter-curse, Harry let you up and hugged you tightly to his chest, just about to drape the invisibility cloak around you before–
“ ‘Arry! Coulda sworn I heard yer voice!”
Rubeus Hagrid broke through the brush with Fang by his side, the large Mastiff dripping drool. A lantern lit up his warm features through the black tresses of beard and face hair that covered him almost entirely, and he gave you a smile.
“An’ (Y/N), I shoulda known.” Hagrid took one look at you, breathless and flushed with a wide grin before he eyed Harry. “I musta told yeh a thousand times to not get up ter anythin’ after dark. Off with yeh, now.”
You nodded and went to grab Harry’s arm before you felt a hand fall on your shoulder, strong and protective. “Oh, an’ (Y/N)?”
“Mm?” You turned around to face Hagrid with a shy smile.
“His neck an’ knees are awful. But yeh didn’ hear that from me.”
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