paxton-wolfe · 11 years
"You fucking suck." Paxton muttered as she turned her head to face away from him so she didn't see the way his eyes looked into her, the way his eyelashes framed his eyes to give him a sense of longing. She knew the only way she could accompany him was by sitting in the chair and letting him push her around but Paxton didn't want him to know she swayed that easily. Her eyes trailed around his bedroom, catching on the furniture, the decorations, even the almost unnoticeably cracks in the ceiling; anything that wasn't Warren's own brown eyes. 
She could feel goosebumps rise along the length of her arm, trailing after Warren's hands. In his wake, he left an electrifying feeling. Paxton wanted to lean into him but at the same time, she didn't want Warren to know that she could cave so easily for him. 
The way his fingers felt on her chin as turned her face back towards him, forcing her to look at his eyes was soft and gentle. He was being careful with her, as if she were some kind of delicate flower. "Not...fair," Her lips brushed against Warren's before she sighed. "Fine."
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
He watched as she thought, trying not to grin as her expression darkened. He was certain she knew exactly what he was doing, but he was also certain that wouldn’t change the fact that she’d eventually give in. Plus, it was more fun for him this way. Warren knew that if she was going to come with him- and she was goingto go with him- there really weren’t many alternatives. Not to a muggle store anyway.
Warren sighed slightly, releasing her hands and moving his to run the length of her arms softly. He raked his eyes over her face, pouting slightly as he tried to win her over, knowing it wouldn’t take too much effort. The hardest part was not smiling, not giving in and laughing, giving her whatever she wanted. He was happier that morning than he could remember feeling in months.
He gently grabbed her chin, turning her face back to him as he met her eyes again, leaning in closer and kissing her lips softly, letting one hand come to rest against her cheek. He pushed her hair back with his other hand, kissing her once more before resting his forehead against hers. “Please?” He whispered.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
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Ashlyn Harris + yellow
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Paxton watched as Warren tossed the pillow back on the bed, halfheartedly before he winked at her, blowing her a kiss. It was so noncommittal, as if this were what their lives were about, waking up next to each other and having petty arguments that didn't mean anything. Was this their life now? Best friends who became lovers? Lovers. It was such an odd word swaying through Paxton's head. "I do. I really do." She replied, sitting at the edge of his bed with her feet dangling off the side. 
Unashamedly, Paxton's eyes trailed the length of Warren's torso, watching as his muscles rippled with each movement as he pulled the shirt on over his head. His fingers raked through his hair, allowing the strands to fall back into place. How did she get so lucky? To know that a man like him could return her feelings tenfold? 
Loosening her grip on her arms, Paxton rolled her eyes, gripping Warren's hands with her own. It was surreal, to be sitting in his bedroom with her hands wrapped in his own. Her heart fluttered, a normal occurrence when she was around him. A year ago she would have cursed herself for having any type of attraction to someone else, to make herself vulnerable when there were people who didn't -- wouldn't -- even hesitate to kill them. She had seen it happen when the Obscura attacked Hogwarts. 
She glanced at Warren, her facial expression changing completely. "Don't you dare--" Paxton glared at him, pulling one of her hands out of his grasp. She lifted a finger at him, furrowing her eyebrows. "Don't you dare-- fuck." Her words were exhausted as she bit her lip, trying to look away from him. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"No you don’t," he said lightly, not worried in the slightest by her words as he caught the pillow she threw at him. He blew her a kiss, winking once as he tossed it back onto the bed and continued rummaging through his closet, ignoring her arguments about the wheelchair as he hummed to himself.
Warren could feel her eyes on him, something he was glad she stopped trying to hide. He’d noticed it before, in fact, that’s why he could always tell when she was watching. Because he’d spent so long trying to pay attention to it. He smiled to himself while his back was turned to her.
"Rude," he tsked, turning around to face her, holding up the two shirts. "Fine. Grey, then." Warren nodded once, placing the white back into his closet and pulling the soft grey v-neck over his head and adjusting it as it fell against his chest. "Goes better with my eyes," he grinned, fixing his hair from where the shirt had messed it up as it pulled against his head. 
He made his way slowly back to the bed, pushing the chair slightly further as he knelt in front of Paxton’s place on the bed and grabbed her hand lightly, glancing down at their fingers as he sighed slightly. He wiped the grin from his face, and putting his best puppy eyed expression in place, glanced up through his lashes at her. “I just don’t want to be away from you,” he said quietly, blinking once.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Straightening herself on the bed, careful not to bump her feet against the frame, Paxton furrowed her eyebrows, watching Warren attempt to silently laugh at her. Narrowing her eyes at him, Paxton picked up one of the lone feathered pillows off the bed, tossing it with as much strength as she could muster in his direction -- "You're an asshole and I hate you."
Confusion flashed across Paxton's face as she watched him go through his closet, trying to find something to wear. She would have been lying if she said she didn't watch him shed his thin pajama pants and replace them with his jeans. Paxton truly had no shame. It wasn't as if she had to keep it secret anymore. A hum buzzed in her throat as she watched him change and she laughed, rolling her eyes. A sexually frustrated Fifth year girl -- that's how she was acting. 
Paxton watched as he tossed his pajama pants on the ground in front of her, watching as it transfigured into a chair with large wheels attached to it -- a muggle contraption that they called wheelchair. Her eyes went wide and she stared at Warren, burning a hole into his chest. "No. No, no, no. Fuck you and fuck that. I'm not going. You can't make me. Fuck you."
"Fuck your 'grey or white' shit." Paxton continued, glaring at the man in front of her. It was so upsetting how she couldn't even be truly mad at him because she was so distracted by how attractive he was. "Warren, I'm not getting in that fucking thing." She said, her lips twitching at the corners as she tried to hold back a smile. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren found an old pair of jeans, the last in his drawer, and scoffed slightly. Guess it was time to do laundry. He’d been so distracted lately, let so much slip by. He shrugged, shaking his head. That was over, now. On to bigger and better things. He glanced over at Paxton, trying to hide his smile as he watched her struggle with her pants. He leaned his shoulder against his dresser, shaking with suppressed laughter.
"Congratulations," he said coolly, throwing a grin her way as she straightened on his bed. He chuckled once, winking at Paxton. He turned back, rummaging through his half empty closet, trying to find a shirt. "Oh, I have a plan, don’t worry about that," he answered without looking back at her. He wasn’t exactly sure she’d like it, but it’s not like she could even really argue. Or get up and walk away.
He quickly shed his pajama bottoms and pulled on his jeans, tossing the discarded pair into the middle of the floor and pointing his wand at it. He murmured a spell softly, watching as they transformed into a wheelchair, seated right next to Paxton. After all, he couldn’t carry her the whole time, as much as he might prefer it. He turned back, positive he wouldn’t need to see her reaction to get her opinion.
Warren continued to flip through his clothes, clicking his tongue lightly. “Grey or white?” He asked over his shoulder, moving back and forth between two nearly identical shirts, intent on ignoring his spellwork.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Feeling Warren's hands trail the length of her thighs sent a shiver running along Paxton's spine and she shuddered, a grin spreading on her lips. It was exhilarating, sitting in Warren's lap as she was, with her lips finding surface against his neck, his collarbone, and his cheeks. It felt so right being close to him like she was. "Oho, there are stories that would make you rethink that statement." Paxton stated, chucking as she stared at Warren -- such a simple string of words that made her realize just how much older her was than her. Not that she minded. It was more of a shock to her than a hindrance, really. 
Paxton watched as Warren jogged out to her bag, rummaging through it until he found her pair of leggings that she'd more or less asked him to grab for her. There was no way she was going to get dragged to some Muggle store in nothing but a blanket wrapped around her pantless body. She had thought using some kind of stretchable fabric would be easier to put on in her position, but boy, was she wrong. 
With one foot through its opening, Paxton moved to slip her other one through, wiggling the rest of her pants on until they reached her mid thigh. She couldn't do much as is, with the bottom of her feet ripped from the glass. She needed help but she was not going to ask Warren. It was one thing to straddle him but to ask him to assist her? No. Not yet. 
"Nng," She mumbled, leaning back as she forced herself into her leggings, the muscles in her core screaming in pain. "Got'em." She mumbled, wiping her hair from her face. "How exactly do you plan on making me come with you?" She asked, looking down at her pants to make sure they weren't cattywampus. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren laughed once, trailing off into a stunned silence as she climbed on top of his lap. He moved his hands, running them slowly along the tops of her thighs gently before resting just above her knees and looking back up at her. “Yeah?” He asked, lips curling in a wicked grin. “I suddenly find myself wishing I’d still been in school when you were a fifth year,” he said, voice a low rumble as he moved one hand to brush her hair back over her shoulder.
He ran his hand along the side of her neck softly, over the curve of her shoulder and along her arm as they sat there, trying not to think about the fact that she as straddling his lap with not much between them but her underwear and his thin pajama pants and boxers. He traced her collar bone, drawing meaningless pictures into her skin as he thought.
"Not really," Warren chuckled, pulling her against him and leaning his head on her shoulder as she spoke. "I’m well aware," he murmured, lips brushing against her bare skin with each word, as he trailed his fingers along her thigh once more before grabbing her around the waist and gently putting her back on her side of the bed. He kissed her once more before getting up, jogging slightly out to where she kept her bag and grabbing her leggings. He slung them over his shoulder and made his way back to his room, tossing her the pants before trying to find a pair of his own.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Paxton scoffed, remembering the annoying poltergeist that called Hogwarts it's home. There had been plenty of times she had threatened to maim him after taking the brunt of his pranks. Several of them had involved her knickers flying across the Great Hall during breakfast. "I have a general hate for poltergeist's, to be completely honest." Paxton confessed, shrugging her shoulders. 
"'Cute' is not the word I would have used to describe 5th Year me," Paxton replied, laughing as she straightened herself. "'Cute' usually equates to being 'good' and that was definitely not something that I was." She added. A sly smirk grew on her lips. "I made a lot of bets that usually left me...like this." Carefully wrapping her leg over Warren's own, Paxton straddle his lap, leaning forward to kiss his neck. Once on the left, and once on the right. A laugh bubbled in her throat as she smiled at Warren, staring down at him from her position.
"Wait, what?" Paxton paused, looking at Warren from where she sat, with the comforter wrapped around her lower body. Her face changed as she thought about what he said. "I just told you what they look like, though." Paxton didn't want to leave, honestly. But at the same time, she didn't want Warren to leave. She frowned, conflicted. "I don't have any pants on, either," She muttered, looking pointedly at her lap. "Do you-- uh, there's a pair of running leggings in my bag, out there..." Paxton's voiced trailed off. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"Yeah, it was," he said sourly, glad they had at least managed to get rid of the damn thing. Even if it had cost him a fairly lengthy and painful recovery. He rubbed at his collarbone subconsciously as he thought about it, grimacing slightly at the memory. "Never thought I’d actually appreciate Peeves,” he mumbled darkly, glaring at the wall as he thought. 
Warren chuckled once, a deep rumble in his chest as he cupped her face lightly and kissed her lips. “A very cute fifth year,” he amended, teasing her. He watched her as she laughed, enjoying the way her smile lit up her face. Paxton didn’t smile enough, and he decided he would be the one to change that.
He grunted as she talked. “Yeah, I’ve seen those…tellies? Just a lot of pictures in ‘em looks like.” He shrugged. He didn’t really get it, but he’d never really inspected one that wasn’t bewitched or charmed. If Paxton wanted it, that was enough for him. “The hell is a Q-Box?” He muttered, scrunching his brows. He’d never even heard of that one. “Games, huh?” He asked. To be honest, it sounded fun. Sounded perfect for a day in together. And on the plus side, no one would see them out if they went to a muggle shop.
"Me? No way, we are both going. I have no idea what you’re even talking about," he bartered. Although his words were true, he really just didn’t want to be away from her for that long. He’d carry her the whole way through the store if he had to.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
At the mention of their last assignment together, the one where he had broke his collarbone, Paxton grimaced. She had always felt bad about his injury, even if he had taken it in stride. "Three years, yeah," She mumbled, sighing against his chest. "Wasn't that the poltergeist in Little Whinging?" She asked, tipping her head forward. He had taken three days off, two of which she had spent expelling her anger in the training room. The other day, she'd been holed up in Henry's office trying to explain what had gone wrong.
"You can say that again," Paxton muttered, looking up at Warren from where she was, tucked beneath his arm. She set her lips on the crook of his neck, giving him a light kiss before giggling lightly. "I feel like a 5th Year again, good Godric." Paxton felt like she was sneaking around, kissing boys -- and girls -- in the shadows of the Grand Staircase. Another laugh bubbled from her chest and she rolled her eyes. 
As much as she hated to think about it, the only thing that seemed fun to do while staying in, was watching that weird box that Tegan had in her living room. She had called it a telly. It was a muggle contraption, along with the game she had hooked to it. "I think I know what we can do. But you have to go get it first." She started, leaning forward so that she faced Warren. She explained what it was -- a picture box that came in different sizes and qualities. "Muggle's created it -- it's so cool," She added, her voice raising from the excitement. "And there's this other thing that connects into it. It's black and it's called Q-Box or something, I don't remember. But you can play games on it." 
Crossing her legs, Paxton smiled. "We should get it. I have muggle money from our last run -- it should be enough to cover the big box and a few games for the little box." The idea of getting them and actually playing it excited her, though, not as much as a day in with Warren did. Nothing could really compare to actually spending a day with him without working.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"Huh," Warren grunted as he thought about it. He hadn’t really had a day off either, not really. Not that he could remember at least. "The last time I stayed home from work…" he muttered, running his jaw along the edge of her hair absentmindedly. "Since I broke my collarbone, actually," He chuckled once, thinking back to the assignment that had landed him with that one. It had been one they’d had together, before Hogwarts. "Bout…what? Three years ago?"  He shook his head. Honestly, it didn’t feel that long ago.
"Don’t really know what to do besides work,” he admitted, glancing at her. When he’d been hurt, he’d sat in bed for days, unable to move, with Charlotte fluttering around him. Not something he wanted to think about, really. Now the tables were turned, and he was much more excited to be here with Paxton. Still, his days off hadn’t really been enjoyable, and the amounts of potion he’d had to take left him heavily sedated and he didn’t really even remember much of that time anyway.
He chewed the inside of his lip as he thought it over. Whenever he had free time, he usually read a book, or looked over blue prints. He’d spent so much of his time trying to get them whatever edge over the Obscura he could, he couldn’t really remember what he did before they’d been around. “I…Merlin, what do people do?” He asked her, slightly bewildered. “What do the students do outside of class?” He huffed slightly, watching little strands of her hair waver as his breath passed over them.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Paxton's eyelids fluttered closed as she felt the mattress beneath her bow with the weight from Warren's knee as he leaned closer to her, his lips brushing her own softly. It felt weird and out of place, kissing Warren. Not as weird as it felt to have him kiss her back. But it was a good weird -- the kind that left her stomach somersaulting and caused her heart to slam against her chest. It was the most perfect kind of weird she could have ever wanted. 
She was exhausted, and though her headache had long since gone away thanks to the pain potion that Warren had given her earlier, Paxton wanted nothing more than to sleep. She wanted to curl up beneath Warren's arms, with her head against his chest, letting herself slip off into wherever it was they went when they slept. Dreamland. It wouldn't have been fair to Warren, just sleeping, especially since she'd been the reason he'd woken up early in the first place but the idea was there. At least it gave her something to look forward to tonight. And what would happen if she did fall asleep, only to wake up again and find out that none of this was real?
Paxton couldn't allow herself to fall asleep against him, not now at least, but she did want to curl up against him, which is exactly what she did. She tucked her head against his shoulder, leaning into him as much as she could. With their height differences -- him a tower compared to her short frame -- they fit almost perfectly. "I don't...know?" She mumbled in response, her lips barely moving. It wasn't as if they could leave the house -- for one, she couldn't walk, and two, if they got caught moseying around in public, they'd get in trouble from the Ministry. "I've never had a day off, to be completely honest." She added, pursing her lips.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren chuckled once as she laughed, still quite unable to believe he wasn’t still dreaming all of this up. She was really there, Paxton Wolfe, sitting in the middle of his bed and patting the side for him to join her. It was almost surreal. He took a slow step away from the door, running a hand lazily through his hair as he walked.
He stopped at the edge of the bed, placing one knee on the mattress as he leaned in to kiss her once, softly. He smiled as he leaned back, grabbing an extra pillow that had fallen onto the floor at some point after they’d woken up. He tossed it onto the bed next to her, patting it back against the headboard before he climbed back in bed.
Warren scooched over next to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer into his side as he did so. He kissed her cheek, unable to help himself anymore. Now that he could, he wanted to show her how much he cared at every point possible. “So,” he sighed, murmuring quietly. The room felt so peaceful now, so calm, he didn’t want to disturb it after so long they had gone without it. “What do you want to do today?” He grinned down at her, knowing their options were limited by her feet, but he didn’t really mind. A day in sounded perfect to him, and a day in with Paxton was even better.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Paxton couldn't stop herself from smiling against Warren's lips as their kiss deepened. She could feel his fingers thread through her hair, pulling her closer to him than she already was, and she hummed in delight. Whatever she had imagined kissing him would be like, it was nothing compared to actually kissing him. Her fingers trailed the length of his jaw, coming to a rest on the back of his neck. It was almost as if she wanted -- needed -- more from him than she was already getting. 
"As if I have anywhere else to go," She called after him, watching as he trounced again to his living room. She wondered what kind of rumors would spread if anyone knew that she had stayed home, and Warren had too. Assuming it got out, that is. Hell, it wasn't as if there wasn't a rumor about her, Warren, and Wes already. If anything, it'd be fuel to the fire that was already burning. 
Paxton paused, waiting as she listened to him talk to who she assumed would be Henry. Her feet still throbbed but she didn't heed it any attention. Instead, her fingers found her lips, tingling from their kiss. Her lips pulled back in a smile again, and she laughed. Careful not to hit her feet, or get blood anywhere on his bed, Paxton moved herself across the bed, until her back was against the headboard. Leaning back, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. 
"You're such an idiot," She murmured, opening her eyes and shaking her head as she heard Warren returned to the room with a stupid grin on his face. Bringing her knees closer to her body, Paxton patted the empty section of bed next to her, inviting him over. Her lips had lazily smiled at him, laughing as she took in his expression.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren was encouraged slightly by her smile, heart still racing after revealing so many of his secrets at once, secrets he’d barely admitted even to himself. But as he sat there, looking at her, he didn’t regret it. He trusted Paxton more than anyone, and he trusted her not to hurt him like the others had. This was different, somehow. He couldn’t pin point it, exactly, he just knew.
His breath caught as she started speaking and said his name. This was it; there were really only two answers, yes or no. He could feel a smile stretch his face as she went on, a single laugh bubbling up out of his throat as he glanced down once more at their hands, squeezing hers within his. Warren looked back up, and suddenly they were kissing. Except this time was different. He knotted his fingers through her hair, pulling her against him tightly.
Warren broke away, breathing slightly heavier and placed his head forehead against hers. “Wait here,” he breathed. If he didn’t firecall Henry now, he never would. “Please,” he added, smiling crookedly as he planted a soft kiss on her nose. He ran his hand once more through her hair before getting up. 
He jogged quickly through the house, spilling Floo Powder all over the carpet as he hastily grabbed a handful and threw it into the flames. He barely paid attention to their conversation, thoughts solely on the blonde in his bedroom. He nodded a quick ‘yes, sir’ in answer to a question he didn’t hear before standing back up and making his way back to his room. Warren closed the door slowly, leaning his back against it as a slow smile broke across his features as he looked at Paxton.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
A surge of electric energy ran along the length of her arm as Warren held her hand. Paxton wondered if he had felt it, too, before she blushed, looking away long enough to get her bearings. Her heart thudded against her chest and her stomach began to flip flop as she waited for Warren to say something -- anything -- instead of them being enveloped in this awkward silence. Not that they had to hurry or anything -- there was no way in Hell she'd be able to go to the school, and as horrible as it sounded, she wanted him to stay with her. 
He liked kissing her? Paxton started mentally kicking herself right then and there -- how was she always drunk when they kissed? She couldn't even remember what if felt like to kiss Warren. She had thought about it, especially since her first initial freak out the night after the Ball, a lot. But the imagination of something happening never really compared to it in real life. 
When he mentioned Tegan, a burst of anger flared inside of her, which only grew as he began to mention the girl with whom he'd spent most nights with and a shutter went through her. What the Hell was going on? Was Paxton seriously getting jealous over two people who weren't in either of their lives, anymore? She could feel her fingers tighten around Warren's hand, and she forced herself to relax. What was the point, getting all worked up over something so dismal? 
Glancing at Warren, Paxton smiled softly. This was a side of Warren she didn't see very often, if at all. Walls and barriers they had managed to put up over years of being hurt, him more than her, seemed to fall faster than Rome had. "Warren, I--" The words were soft and whispered as she looked at the man in front of her, with his hand intertwined in her own. "Warren, this is everything that I've ever wanted." Her hand moved to cup his face, bringing it closer to her own. She could feel their lips touch, a welcoming burn that seemed to intensify the longer she kissed him. It was the first kiss of many more between the two of them that she'd remember, as horrible as it sounded. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren grabbed her hand lightly within his own as she fidgeted, as much of a distraction for himself as anything. He looked down at their fingers as he took a deep breath, trying to organise his thoughts. He’d thought about what he would tell her almost every day since she’ stopped talking to him, but now all that was running through his mind was the desire to kiss her again. To wrap her up in that blanket and lay in bed all day.
He shook his head, sighing slightly. “I…” Warren paused, biting the inside of his lip. “Paxton, I….like kissing you,” he admitted, heart racing as he finally put into the open everything he had tried to deny and hide for so long. He would never admit it, but he was scared. He kept his eyes downcast, trying to think of something else to say. He knew if he looked at her again, at her lips, and the way they pouted slightly when she was thinking…he kept looking at their hands.
"I…I’ve always liked you," Warren went on, quietly. "I mean, it was nothing, at first, and then you had Tegan, and I went out with-" he cut himself off, realising he had started to ramble. But part of him felt relieved that he could finally tell her what had been going through his head the past couple weeks. "I just…want you to get what you want," he finished, thinking that was the most true thing he’d said all morning. "Even if thats not…this," his voice was so quiet, he hoped she’d heard him. He met her eyes hesitantly, swallowing nervously as he waited for her to say something.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
"Henry knows what happened to my shoulder. He was there." Paxton added, shrugging. "He was actually the one who offered me a job as an Auror, even after it all happened." She didn't know why she was telling Warren what had happened -- he knew her shoulder was bad; he had always been the one to grab her an ice pack and a beer when their training exercises got the better of her. Just thinking about it gave her the ghost of a pain and she lifted one of her hands, tracing the scar. It was almost unnoticeable, covered from the tattoo that ran the length of her arm, but she knew it was there. 
Of course she had kissed him. That was all she could think about after he told her she'd kissed him -- a lot -- the last time she'd gotten shit-faced drunk. How was it that every time she actually got to kiss Warren, she could never remember it? 
"Warren--" Paxton paused, glancing at the man whose arm had flexed around her, almost as if he were begging her to not leave. Once more, guilt flooded through her as she remembered how she'd reacted the last time he had told her they kissed. It was almost as if it had happened yesterday, rather than almost a month ago. Paxton flexed her fingers, remembering how they had dug into his shoulders before she'd dropped her plate; the way she had run straight into this very room before she left without another word. "I'm so sorry about last time, I--" But Paxton paused, her eyes furrowing as she glanced back at Warren, waiting for him to talk.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"Alright, shoulder it is," he nodded once, thinking he would still take most of the blame if it came to it. Warren followed her gaze back toward the broken glass. He drew his wand and cleaned it up like he should have the night before, fixing the glass and banishing it to the kitchen before placing his wand on the table next to them. 
"That’s it," Warren nodded, "Well…you kissed me. Again. Once, just once, not like….before," he admitted, avoiding her gaze, flashbacks reeling through his mind from the last time a sentence like that had escaped his lips. His arm flexed convulsively around her, as if pleading with her not to leave again, even though she hadn’t moved yet.
"Well, you asked about last night," he teased, trying to get the heavy tone out of her voice. Did she not realise he had actually liked it? Had she changed her mind after all? He didn’t want to think about that. “I…don’t mind,” he said quietly, face flushing slightly with the admission. He had always been open with Paxton, more than anybody else, but that didn’t make conversations like this any easier. He pushed his discomfort aside, needing her to know how he felt. Warren swallowed heavily. “Pax, I…”
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
"Don't-- don't do that," Paxton murmured, shaking her head. "Just... tell Henry my shoulder's acting up. He might get angry, but it won't be as bad. He knows what happened." She continued, shrugging. How could she left Warren take the brunt of Henry's anger when it was her fault? She was probably the reason he threw the glass in the first place. Not only that, but she hadn't been watching where she was going. Her lips pursed as she remembered meeting with Henry after she'd been released from St. Mungos, her arm still wrapped in sling. 
"That's it?" She asked, looking up at Warren. It wasn't so unbelievable, really -- her back ached from his couch, though, the beds at the Three Broomsticks that had been reserved for the Aurors at Hogwarts were a Hell of a lot worse. Being as drunk as she had been, Paxton was surprised she didn't do anything worse, like what she'd done at the New Year's Eve Ball. To be completely honest, she was a little disappointed in herself. 
"You're forgetting the part where I basically sexually assaulted you awake." Paxton added with a small, yet very unconvincing chuckle. It was forced and heavy; unnatural. But she didn't really know how to broach the subject. Whatever had happened last night, it was obvious that she had made her mind up concerning Warren -- especially with the way he was treating her now. And Paxton didn't mind it at all.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"Fuck Henry," Warren murmured, sighing as he thought about how that firecall was going to go. He chewed the inside of his lip, wondering if maybe it would have been easier to follow a different dream, and maybe become a Healer, or a librarian somewhere. Hogwarts, maybe. Paxton and himself were arguably some of the best Aurors the Ministry employed, and yet that didn’t get them anything in the eyes of Henry Wade. “I’ll…figure something out to tell him. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he isn’t mad at you, at least,” He decided then that it was all worth it, since he got to know Paxton. He could smooth things out with Henry later, or take the fall entirely, it didn’t matter much either way to him.
"Mm," Warren hummed as he thought, feeling how tense her body was. He rubbed his hand absent mindedly along her arm, pleasantly surprised when she curled into him again. After all, it was only a few minutes ago that she had jumped across the room when she realised she’d woken up in his bed again. He brought his hand up to play with a strand of her hair, leaning his cheek against her head as they sat.
"Not completely,” he teased, a single low chuckle escaping his chest at her question. “You didn’t do anything, really,” he assured her, shrugging one shoulder as not to jostle her around. “Just crawled up in bed and fell asleep,” He wasn’t sure how to phrase exactly what she’d told him, but he was sure if it were really true he wouldn’t need to. Warren decided to hold his tongue for the time being, and enjoy the fact that she was letting him hold her, completely aware of their actions. 
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Why in the world had Warren even had broken glass in his room in the first place? Had it been because of her? Closing her eyes, Paxton forced herself to breath -- in through her nose, our through her mouth. The bottom of her feet throbbed; it was almost as if she could feel where each shard of glass had pressed into her skin. Having them wrapped up only amplified the feeling. Flashbacks of being in St. Mungos, over seven years ago, flooded the front of her brain -- the way her shoulder felt after everything they had done, the anger that overtook her when she was incapable of actually moving it. "God damn it." She muttered, shaking her head. 
The thought of ignoring Warren as soon as he left crossed her mind. Who was he to tell her what she could and couldn't do? Not that she could do much in her position, anyways, but still. Her eyes flicked around the room, stopping when she saw the bloody footprints. Guilt filled her and she frowned, pulling her feet carefully towards her body. The pain was numbing and yet it was still a constant throb. Paxton looked at it, her eyes following the lines of the bandages. The top of her foot was bruised though, yellow mixing with various shades of purples and green. From what? Had they gotten in a fight last night? 
"Henry's going to throw a fit, you know," She mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows. Six years on the job, never missing a day -- Hell, even working more hours than she was given -- and shards of glass were the reason why she was forced to take a day off. She pulled the blanket closer to her, sighing as Warren wrapped an arm around her. "Would it be completely horrible of me to ask what exactly I did last night?" She murmured, putting her face into Warren's neck. 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
"Sorry, sorry," he mumbled, frowning slightly at the fact that he was hurting her more, but she couldn’t walk around with glass in her feet. “S’my fault. I should have cleaned it up last night. Sorry, Pax,” he murmured again, gently placing her feet back against the bed. He stood up, surveying her. Warren sighed slightly, picking up the blanket and wrapping it around her as she glared at him. The room wasn’t particularly cold that morning, but he figured she might feel more comfortable covered up. 
"Don’t move," he ordered, not sure if she would heed his advice at all, but he made his way to the bathroom regardless, grabbing a phial of pain potion from its spot on the shelf. He had restocked the necessities after the last killer hangover, and to be honest it had been slightly irresponsible not to have them in the first place anyway. He came back to find her still on the bed -probably due to the fact she couldn’t walk- and he handed her the small bottle, sitting gently next to her.
"You shouldn’t go to work today," he stated quietly, looking at her in concern. Not only were her feet going to take at least a day before he could properly heal them, but he doubted it would do her any good in this state regardless to have to look after any teenagers. "I can call Henry…" he trailed off, wincing as he caught the bloody smears still on the floor with the corner of his eye. Hesitantly, Warren put his arm around her shoulders, holding the blanket in place as he pulled her slightly closer, murmuring another apology into her hair. He wanted to see exactly what he could get away with, find out where they stood with each other.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
"Shit, shit, shit..." The word tumbled from her lips as she stared at the ground, her eyes counting every small piece of glass that had splintered off from whatever it had originally been. The curvature of some pieces suggested a vase or a glass, but Paxton couldn't be completely sure. Whatever it had been was now a million pieces, half of which were imbedded in both of her feet. Blood was beginning to pool beneath her feet -- perfect. Not only had she slept in his bed, again, but now she was leaving bloody footprints all over his bedroom. 
Stop. Listen. 
And then he was in front of her, with his hands around her wrists. She hadn't even been paying attention to him once she realized what she'd done. "I-- I...wait, what?" It was too early and she was exhausted, she was bleeding and she was hungover -- Paxton's head was thinking clearly, obviously. "Argh," moving her feet sent bangs running along her legs and she clenched her eyes, breathing through clenched teeth. 
"Wait, what are you doing? Warren..." Paxton didn't stop him from picking her up, though. Instead, she felt herself fold into him. But just as soon as he had grabbed her, he placed her on his bed. "Warren -- don't. Don't you dare-- God damn it." Her hands gripped at the sheets as Warren pulled the glass from her feet. She held back a scream, for as much good as it did. "God damn it, Warren." 
Taking a deep breath, Paxton glared at Warren from where she was sitting, her feet wrapped in white gauze. She knew it wasn't Warren's fault -- it was the only he could do. Taking the glass out with magic would have torn her skin worse than it already was, but now she could barely walk. How the fuck was she going to work today? 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren sat up straighter, grabbing the comforter as she pushed it toward him, brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of what she was saying. She was still apologising. For…what? Climbing into bed and falling asleep on top of him? Warren really didn’t mind that. “Paxton,” he said, voice level as he tried to put a halt to her rambling as he realised she must be embarassed. ”Paxton,” he called again, but she kept talking over him, backing away. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he waited.
He glanced over her as she backed into the wall, wishing she didn’t look so good in just a tank top. Although if he was being honest, he actually preferred her in his shirt. He shook his head, clearing the thought from his mind as he refocused in on what was in front of him. He sighed, paying her no mind as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and stretched, another yawn escaping his lips. She was still rambling, and he was positive she would be paying him no mind. After all, they might be in a rocky patch, but he knew Paxton, and he knew her well. He stood up, cracking his neck, and made his way slowly over to her, stopping to stand square in front of her.
"Stop. Listen," he said, stooping a little to catch her eye as he took her wrists lightly within his own. "Stop apologising, ok? It’s really okay,” He glanced at her feet, a pang of guilt running through him as he remembered neglecting to clean his broken glass up the night before. She wasn’t going anywhere if he could help it. ”C’mere, you can’t…walk on that” he said, a question in his eyes as he moved his hands, slowly, and picked her up, carrying her back to the bed and setting her down gently. He held out the comforter to her, smiling crookedly. Warren’s movements were slow as he squatted on his heels before her, gently grabbing any glass left in her skin before accioing a roll of gauze. He wrapped her feet gently, not meeting her gaze, trying to give her a moment to think.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to formulate some kind of apology, one that wasn't stammered out in a fit of surprise. She was a hungover mess -- again -- and Paxton was thoroughly embarrassed.  Twice, in a month, she had found herself in Warren's bed without explicit permission, hungover and half-naked with flushed cheeks and a pounding headache. Twice. 
"I am-- so, so sorry," She mumbled again, blushing as her eyes met his, trailing along his torso. Why was he so attractive? Paxton sighed, pushing the comforter that she had shared with Warren not even ten minutes ago, until it covered him, enough so that she wouldn't be distracted by his own half-nakedness. Apologize. "I didn't...I was drunk last night, I am so sorry. I overstepped my boundaries-- I...oh, God." She muttered, untangling her legs from the sheets as she slid out of the bed, walking backwards until her back hit the far wall. Paxton had never been ashamed of being flirty, of showing her body, but as she stood against the wall in front of Warren in nothing but a tank top and her undergarments, she felt so exposed -- she wanted nothing more than to leave, or, in the very least, cover herself.
"I-- oh my God." She repeated, running her hands over her face as she started to side-step, making her way towards the door with her back to the wall. Her face was burning from the embarrassment she found herself in, again. "I'm just going to-- uh, go..out..out there," Paxton stressed, taking another step towards the door. "Motherfucking--" The words were hissed, as she glanced at her feet, pressed against a series of glass shards that littered the ground. It stung and she was bleeding and for a moment, Paxton disregarded Warren as she took a step back, bending down to look at the damage.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren jumped, startled by the sudden movement as she awoke. “What…wha’s wrong?” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes blearily as he tried to remember where he put his wand. She sounded so panicked. so frantic. He tried to shake the sleep from his head, attempting to remember at least some of their training. “Paxton?” He asked, sounding confused even to his own ears.
He paused as she said his name, and took a moment to look around the room. Nothing was even out of place, unless you counted the shards of broken glass against the far wall, except for Paxton. She was staring at him, and he didn’t think he liked the look on her face. Warren leaned back against the headboard, sighing as he closed his eyes briefly again. “Good Lord, you nearly gave me a heart attack,” He muttered, clearing the sleep from his throat.
He cracked one eye open, brows furrowed at her words. Sorry? He’d expected angry, to not talk to her for another month even, but not sorry. His brain hadn’t fully caught up, and to be honest he wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep. ”What are you…what?” He asked, not comprehending.
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paxton-wolfe · 11 years
It felt so real, laying against Warren's chest. Absentmindedly, Paxton lazily drew circles on his chest, sighing. For a moment, Paxton wondered what life would have been if her and Warren had dated when they first met. Would life have ended up like this? Her waking up wrapped in his arms, leaving a trail of kisses against his skin until he, too, woke up? Paxton rolled her shoulders, letting a yawn overtake her as she slowly roused herself awake.
"Oh my God!" Paxton pushed herself away from Warren, her eyes wide and frantic. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my fucking God." It wasn't a dream. Waking up next to Warren, laying on his chest, kissing his chest. It hadn't been a dream -- at least this time, it wasn't. Trailing her fingers through her hair, Paxton glanced at Warren, shirtless and tired, still. Her cheeks warmed, either from embarrassment or the fact that, even in the state she was in, she was very much attracted to Warren right then and there. 
"Warren, I--" She paused, glancing at the space between them. She could feel the warmth leech from her and wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him again, and fall back asleep, wrapped in his arms.  Paxton bit her lip. What had she done? "Oh my God," She muttered, staring at the attractive, shirtless man in front of her. "Oh...oh my God, Warren-- I am so, so sorry." 
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
Warren shifted slightly as Paxton settled in closer to him, trying to will himself back to sleep. He hadn’t slept that good since… he couldn’t remember the last night he’d gotten rest like that. He turned into her slightly, burying his face in her hair as it splayed across the pillow. It smelled sweet, like Paxton, and he smiled slightly in his drowsy daze.
He fought back a yawn, opening one eye tentatively and squinting as the sun hit it. He grunted, looking at his clock. It was still early, maybe if he just pretended it was still dark out they could get at least a few more minutes of sleep. He focused on Paxton’s breath, the way her chest moved in rhythm against his own and drifted in and out of slumber peacefully, all the while thinking mostly of the blond now lying beside him.
He didn’t bother thinking about what was sure to come whenever she did awake, he could deal with that when he had to. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy the feeling of her weight against his. Merlin knew he’d thought about it enough, what it might feel like to wake up next to her, exactly like this. Although somehow this was better than he’d imagined, and he sighed contently as he stifled another yawn, trying not to shift her too much with the movement.
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