paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
Paxton's eyes widened but due to it scaring him, it was because he was actually really excited. "Really?" He returned her smile, "Let's do it."
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Waverly leaned down and put a hand on his cheek. "Let's go look at engagement rings." She said with a smile.
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paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
"No, I don't really want to push him. He'll come around when he's ready." He wanted it to be true but he didn't know if he were being honest with himself. Paxton's hands went straight to Waverly's hips as she straddled him. He smiled up and her and nodded, "Of course I do. Was there something you had in mind, sweetheart?"
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"Do you want to see him first when we get back?" Waverly asked. "I can go with you if you want me to." She offered and sat up in their bed and straddled Paxton's lap. "Wanna do something crazy today?" She asked with a smile on her face.
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paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
"We do!" Paxton beamed, "I think our parents would get along great. When we get back we'll have to set something up. I'm not sure if Dean's going to be there." He sighed, "I haven't spoke to him at all since he kicked the shit out of me." He admitted, "I just hope he's not getting back into the shit he used to do. I'd feel like even more of a dick if he did." He smiled as Waverly ran her fingers in his hair. "But regardless, my folks will definitely come."
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Waverly smiled. "We have to get our families together so they can finally meet. My mom wants to cook a whole meal for your parents and Dean is invited too. I don't know if you've spoken to Dean lately, but my mom just really likes to cook, as you know." She looked at him and ran a hand through his hair and looked at him.
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paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
"Of course, I'd like to think I'm always polite and I really wanted them to not hate me." He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, she keeps reminding me not to mess it up and that she wants you at all of the family functions from now on." He kissed her cheek, "They adore you, just like me."
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"Well I think it helps that you came over and actually were polite." Waverly looked at him and blushed. "Are you serious?" She asked. "I was so nervous they would hate me."
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paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
"I know, but I wasn't about to risk them saying no." He laughed and smiled over at her. "They do, right? I honestly thought they'd hate me after all the Gossip Girl stuff came out, but I'm glad they like me. My parents love you, too. I swear my mom hasn't stopped gushing about how beautiful and smart you are."
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Waverly giggled. "I feel like they woud have let me gone even if you hadn't had done that." She admitted. "They seriously do love you, Paxton and they can't wait for you to come over for another family dinner."
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paxtonxxwalker · 6 days
"I might've bribed them with unlimited tickets to any Broadway shows they want to see for like ever." He laughed and rubbed his hand along her arm, "I'm in, what's another day? Or two?" He grinned.
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"Yeah, how did you manage to convince them?" Waverly joked and giggled. "You know they love you and I've been keeping up with talking to them like promised." She looked at him. "Okay, but can we at least stay for one more day? We are on summer vacation."
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paxtonxxwalker · 7 days
Paxton grinned over at Waverly, pulling her closer against his chest, "Then don't get up." He kissed her temple, "I'm still surprised your parents let you come with me for a couple days, not sure how they'd feel about us pushing it?" He said with a laugh.
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"I don't wanna get up." Waverly pouted playfully and looked at Paxton. "This bed is the most comfortable one I have ever been in and these sheets....can we just stay in Italy?" @paxtonxxwalker
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paxtonxxwalker · 8 days
"I'm not going to hurt, Waverly. I plan on making her as happy as I can." He assured the other man. "I'd rather not end up in anymore disputes with you. So, what's new with you, dude?"
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"At least that's one thing we agree on, but I am going to tell you this, I don't give a fuck how Waverly and I ended, you hurt her, and I'll do more than just busting windows up on your car. I have no issue spnding a night in jail."
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paxtonxxwalker · 8 days
"I wouldn't break her heart, I love her, E." He promised. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind. He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts and I'm getting a little worried." He admitted and looked at Elise. "At least you know and now you can do with that information what you see fit. Have you talked to your birth mom yet?"
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"Yeah, the poor girl doesn't deserve to get her heart broken multiple times." Elise told her friend and looked like she was guilty about her actions that hurt the other woman. "I'll check on him the next time I see him. I'm worried about him. I just wanna make sure that I'm there for Dean seeing as you can't do that for him right now." She said and nodded. She sighed before answering his question. "I'm just glad that it's all out of the bag now. I finally learned the truth so that was good except everyone was literally gossiping about me and my mom."
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paxtonxxwalker · 8 days
"Dead serious." He smiled at Waverly. "Are you up for it? I could book two tickets right now." He offered. "I mean we should probably ask your parents first just so they don't hate me and think I kidnapped their daughter. Just go for a couple days?"
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"I actually kinda started always carrying my passport everywhere. Not because I expect to go anywhere, but because it's actually a good form of ID too." Waverly looked at him. "Wait, are you serious?"
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paxtonxxwalker · 14 days
"Can you give her a call at all? I'm sure she'd probably come back if she can to be with you right now." He suggested, he brought his hand out and gave Hal a light squeeze on his shoulder. "If you ever need to get away or if you and Amber need a place to crash or just hang, I just got an apartment in Manhattan. I got a spare room and you two are more than welcome to stay as long as you want to."
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Hal gave his friend a weak smile before deciding to fully open up to him about his family's current situation. "I kind of miss my sister who's in Paris right now. I hate hearing Mom and Dad arguing about his two daughters with Evelyn. They've never fought this much." He replied and sighed. "All I know is that I need to take Amber to a friend's place. I don't want her to get stressed or to hear them arguing. I just don't know what to do to fix this. I could go with Amber but I think I need to stay with my parents."
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paxtonxxwalker · 14 days
"That makes two of us." He laughed as her comment about transferring, "Oh c'mon, it won't be that bad."
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Rory smiled. "That's so sweet! I hope everything wroks out for you two." She said. "Oh well wih that threat, I'll just transfer." She joked.
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paxtonxxwalker · 14 days
Paxton's grin grew wider as she spoke, his eyes on hers, "You wanna hop on a flight to Italy?" He laughed, "You got your passport ready?" He knew she was just joking but he was still ready regardless.
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"As long as I'm with you, I don't care what we do." Waverly said. "We could hop on a plane to Italy and I'd go if it meant I got to be with you." She added with laugh.
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paxtonxxwalker · 18 days
"That's true, guess I shouldn't have expected anything less." He laughed, "You still enjoying work? You need to take a break, go on a vacation or something soon."
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"Well duh, of course Gossip Girl is gonna post your private life, it wouldn't be Gossip Girl if it didn't." Vanessa said. "Oh just been way too busy with work for my own good."
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paxtonxxwalker · 18 days
"As long as you're happy. I do hope you get that closure with him if you need it. It sucks to just have someone you loved so much get ripped away from you." He hadn't have it happen to him personally, but he could only imagine what it'd be like if he was ripped away from Waverly. "Oh shit, you're moving in? That's a huge step! Congrats. I hope you two have the best time. I just moved out of my folks place and got an apartment of my own. I'm hoping Waverly can move in after graduation, I mean if she wants to."
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"Honestly, yes. It felt like Romeo and Juliet's story without poison but there's no chance they'll let me go back. I am happy with Topper though." Vivienne said and gave him a smile. "They removed any trace of him on my phone so no. I have been scouring the internet for him but to no luck." She replied to his questions. "Topper and I are doing well, I'm actually about to move in with him!"
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paxtonxxwalker · 18 days
"You know my parents love you, they wouldn't ever get annoyed with your parents praising you left and right. I mean, you deserve it, Quinn. You're super smart and you did it, you graduated, got that degree. It should be bragged about."
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quinn laughed. "they are very proud, they're going around bragging to everyone so if your parents ever bring me up or are annoyed at my parents, i'm sorry."
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paxtonxxwalker · 18 days
"Wishful thinking, I know. Still, hopefully you guys just have a non-drama trip. You deserve one."
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"with gossip girl being a thing, avoiding drama is a pipe dream at this point. i'm sure people still del with drama even in their dreams because of her."
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