payne-arya · 10 years
What? I'm hungry.
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No need for judgment
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payne-arya · 10 years
Thank you
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Hopefully they have something good for dinner.
You're kidding, right?
It’s okay, Arya.
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Sure. Let’s go. [smiles]
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payne-arya · 10 years
I know, I know, and I'm so happy for that. I just don't want to talk about it right now, maybe later. [hugs]
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If we can't think of happy things to talk about maybe we should just head to dinner then?
You're kidding, right?
Of course it matters, Arya. But if you really don’t wanna talk about it now then we don’t have to. You know you can talk to me though, about anything?
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Well, I really haven’t got any ideas for conversation, have you?
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payne-arya · 10 years
Probably for the best, I would prefer not to lose any limbs.
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I'm sure there is, I've just been... thinking a lot and it's kind of distracted me from anything else. [pauses] That doesn't matter though, we're supposed to be talking about happier topics after all.
You're kidding, right?
Another reason why we should start far away.
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Why not? Surely there’s something that could motivate you.
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payne-arya · 10 years
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That would probably be exactly what happened too
You know, just going through the motions. I should care more and actually start to put in a lot of effort but I just never feel motivated.
You're kidding, right?
It’s possible that we could do both. In different places.
They’re going well. I missed a couple the other day because I had a hangover but aside from that, it’s all good. What about you?
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payne-arya · 10 years
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Hopefully, it'd be interesting to say the least. We'd either do amazingly or we'd somehow blow up half the city, one or the other.
Well..... How're your classes going then? That or we could talk about something equally exciting like the weather.
You're kidding, right?
Sure we could. We’d be unstoppable.
I don’t know. Anything that’ll get my mind off of Elizabeth and that goddamn wedding.
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payne-arya · 10 years
I mean, no. But we would just figure it out together I'm sure
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Well what did you have in mind?
You're kidding, right?
[raises an eyebrow] Did you?
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Maybe. Well, this conversation is getting a little dreary, let;s talk about something else, shall we?
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payne-arya · 10 years
You don't know that, perhaps I spent all summer learning about the muggle world and how to live in it
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Well maybe that's who she was all along, that or it's all an act that she's incredibly good at
You're kidding, right?
And what about you? You’d be just as useless as me.
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That’s not what I mean. She used to be nice, we used to be friends. And then over a matter of weeks, she had completely changed and seemed to wish I had never been born. She used to care about her friends and family and then suddenly it was all about her own reputation. Someone doesn’t change that fast.
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payne-arya · 10 years
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Not completely—just partially
Well it's been like six years, people change a lot...
You're kidding, right?
Hey! I so would be able to. I’m not completely useless without magic.
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It wasn’t the entire summer. Only a couple of days spread throughout and as far as I can tell, she’s got no redeeming qualities. None that she’d care to show anyway. It’s hard to believe she changed so quickly when we started at Hogwarts.
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payne-arya · 10 years
I mean I would say start in the muggle world but I don't know if you'd be able to survive without magic.
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She seems so awful. Is there anything redeeming about her you learned after spending your entire summer together?
You're kidding, right?
Where would we start? Somewhere far away I hope.
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You’re right. She is.
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payne-arya · 10 years
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Perfect, it's a plan then
Seriously... I'm sure she's an expert
You're kidding, right?
Now that, I would do. [grins]
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Maybe I should ask Elizabeth for lessons.
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payne-arya · 10 years
Wherever you want to go. Let's just both run away, make it one big gigantic road trip or something
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I mean anything's possible, right? You just need to become more creative with your options
You're kidding, right?
And go where? I don’t have anywhere to go and I’d be alone. Besides, they’d probably find me.
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[chuckles] Do I look like the kind of person who can be awful and undesirable to my family on command?
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payne-arya · 10 years
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Lovely.. Sounds just like her.
Just run away, or, better yet, make yourself so awful and undesirable that her parents just have to call it off for sake of pride.
You're kidding, right?
It was. She’s as cold and bitchy as always.
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Knowing my parents, they’d probably bribe the school or something to let me graduate. Even so, I’d probably still have to get married if I failed.
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payne-arya · 10 years
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That sounds absolutely awful. How was your darling Elizabeth?
I mean you don't have to graduate, just fail the year and perhaps they'll let you stay.
You're kidding, right?
Locked myself in my room to avoid wedding related conversations. Elizabeth and her parents came over sometimes. I’ve had much better summers.
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I wish I could just stay here forever. I don’t want to graduate.
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payne-arya · 10 years
It's fine, we both know how parents can be... So what did you do all summer instead then?
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You're kidding, right?
Unfortunately no. Parents refused to let me go out all summer. They were basically forbidding me from having fun. That’s why my letters were minimum. Sorry about that by the way.
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payne-arya · 10 years
You're kidding, right?
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payne-arya · 10 years
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