pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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Soshite Ikiru / And, Live (2018) dir. Sho Tsukikawa
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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yappappa yappappa 
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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Musabey in the Ghosted Wrap Duster by Selkie
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
One day you’ll sit in the sun and things won’t feel so bad
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
walking through the flower field 💐
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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pchprk1 · 4 years
How To Figure Out Someone’s Sign
this can apply to sun, moon, rising, and in some cases even house placements if someone has multiple personal planets in a certain house
personality: extremely opinionated and blunt. is not afraid of confrontation. highly emotional and expressive. usually athletic. courageous, loves adventure. very competitive. very ambitious and extremely extremely stubborn. won’t stop until they get what they want. persistant, determined, resilient. usually has an odd relationship with the father, either they are very close or they do not get along at all.
physical appearance: athletic body. muscular. can be on the shorter side. piercing eyes, there’s something raw and wild in them. square, chiseled faces, noticeable jawline, arched brows. thicker hair. veiny hands. effortless sex appeal. might have scars or moles on their face.
personality: there’s a sleepy vibe to these people. they always seem relaxed and unbothered. they dress nice and they always look effortlessly put together. graceful charm. big foodies and this is usually the main giveaway. loves comfort and the finer things in life. sensual and sweet. can come off as being lazy, passive, or stubborn.
physical appearance: doughy, sleepy eyes. thick hair, maybe curly. wider noses. noticeable cheek bones. women can be curvier, men can be shorter and more stout. symmetrical faces. there’s something natural and earthy about them. effortless beauty. full lips. might look a little like a bull. thicker necks. the neck will be noticeable. men can be on the hairy side.
personality: so fun to be around. giggly childlike innocence. their laugh is infectious. always talking. easily bored and distracted. friends with everybody. witty and loves a good conversation. flirts without realizing it. “crackhead” energy. crazy and all over the place. very indecisive. changes their appearance a lot, mainly because they get bored of how they look easily. can be mean spirited and come across as two-faced because they are constantly changing.
physical appearance: slender build. long hair. sparkling eyes, within is a youthful curiousity. childlike eyes. thin lips, bright infectious smiles. youthful look and vibe to them. freckles are common. their style is constantly changing however they tend to follow the trends.
personality: soft and gentle vibe to them. sensitive and intuitive. some can seem closed off and distant, others have a very open and nurturing vibe. drawn to vintage things. very nostalgic and often stuck in the past. soft spoken. intuitive. you can always know what theyre feeling just by looking at them, its written all over their face. expressive faces. transparent even when they try not to be.
physical appearence: big, watery eyes. glassy eyes that resemble mirrors; how the moon looks on water (this is usually the biggest indicator). thick eyelashes. emotionally expressive faces. round faces and cheeks. sharp cheekbones. long arms and legs. full lips, small mouth (think the queen of hearts from alice and wonderland). thinner hair. sharp eyebrows. innocent looking. face might literally resemble the moon. feminine features, even in men. dresses for comfort, not style.
personality: vibrant. lights up the entire room. infectious personality. always telling stories. ambitious. men can be cocky and authoritative. women are flirty and charming. they draw you in like a magnet. effortlessly attractive. just want to have fun. loves socializing, shines brightest when others are there to see them. can be selfish, when making decisions they think only of themselves and not of others. has a tendency to lie, to embellish.
physical appearance: thick, sleek hair, like a lion’s mane. cat like eyes. sparkling eyes. white teeth, red lips. full smiles. tall and slender. elegant and glamorous movements. faces that radiate confidence. good posture. always dressed to impress. they want to show off their status through their clothes. likes designer things.
personality: calculating and analytical. they always seem to be observing something. detail oriented. very observant. fantastic memories, they remember everything. intelligent. naturally smart. good writers. shy and reserved. don’t enjoy being the center of attention. can have a god complex, they think that their way is the only right way, that their ideas are superior. can seem like they have a stick up their ass. virgosplaining.
physical appearance: they way they dress is the dead giveaway honestly. always looks put together, like button down and khakis put together. probably has glasses, usually interesting frames to match their style. strong features. thin nose. thin lips. tall and lean. dark thick hair. naturally attractive. looks mature. glassy, determined eyes, a little like pisces but more earthy.
personality: charming and glamorous. sweet to everybody. has lots of friends. innocent and pure aura to them. beauty queen vibes. women can sometimes be on the superficial side. men can be mean spirited and extremely cocky (if you meet a man who’s a dick for no reason he’s probably a libra lol). indecisive. needs constant verbal validation. lies a lot. tries very hard to fit in, will lie and hide parts of their personality to achieve this. needs social validation.
physical appearance: naturally very beautiful. symmetrical faces. dainty, doll-like features. bright, youthful eyes. ski slope noses. pretty arched lips. straight teeth. might have a gap between their two front teeth (think brigitte bardot). dainty bodies. women tend to be very feminine in style. men have more feminine features. looks good in whatever they wear.
personality: dark humor. sarcastic. mysterious and closed off. nobody really knows them. portray themselves the way they want to be seen. very sensitive and emotional, however some of them won’t show it. can have a faux-innocence, try hard to maintain the reputation they want. can be some of the most manipulative and vindictive people you will ever meet. tantalizing. dark, mysterious sex appeal. can be drawn to darker themes.
physical appearance: the easiest to spot in my opinion. the eyes are a dead giveaway. dark, intense, brooding eyes. when they look at you you FEEL it. their gaze can be uncomfortable, it feels like they can see right through you, into your soul. dark thick hair. thick eyelashes. interesting noses. men can have more facial hair. gravitates towards dark colors. hot tbh.
personality: so lively and fun. they live to have a good time. down for anything whenever. life of the party. carefree and wild at the core. wanderlust. fits in anywhere they go. bohemian vibe. funny. never takes anything too seriously. has deep beliefs that they defend. can get along with anybody. hates just sitting around at home, needs to be moving constantly, even if it’s driving down the street to get coffee. tend to lie. can embellish stories to make them more exciting.
physical appearance: people with a lot of sag tend to have red hair ive noticed. thick hair. tall and muscular. attractive bodies (thighs!!!). unique, bohemian-like style (think the 70s lol). round cheeks. full lips. jovial expression. round, full faces. hearty looking if that makes sense. strong form. smiling eyes that hold a mischevious look.
personality: dry and reserved. extremely sarcastic. dark humor. intimidating. stand- offish. intelligent. depression vibes tbh. always seems tired. resilient, determined, and ambitious. goal-oriented. sees right through bullshit, will call you out if they need to. isn’t one to initiate conversation. super chill. melancholic. cynical, sometimes annoingly so. sly, witty remarks. wants to outsmart you and will. can be very pretentious. know it all. can be downright mean at times, often without even realizing. very stubborn and very blunt. honest sometimes to a fault. mean and uses the excuse that they’re just being honest.
physical appearance: tall and lean. olive skin and dark straight hair. piercing, cold eyes. calculating eyes. strong features. noticeable jawline. arched eyebrows. simple, classic style. timeless and elegant. women can have femme fatale vibes (think ava gardner), they remind me of a black cat. men can have a rough, wild sex appeal.
personality: pretty unconventional hobbies and interests. their energy is all over the place. scatterbrained. honestly incoherent at times. into activism. fiercely independent. doesn’t really care what anyone thinks of them. does things their own way, doesn’t follow the crowd. down to earth. odd. probably smokes weed lol. into aternative music. skater vibes.
physical appearance: this one is pretty easy to spot. the way they dress is usually the biggest indicator. very eclectic style. ive noticed women with aquarius placements tend to wear unique earrings. lots of interesting jewelry on both men and women (especially rings). eyes that look like they hold another universe. beak like noses. big smiles. an otherwordly vibe.
personality: very sensitive. caring and sweet vibe. very creative. musically inclined. actually quite talkative. elvish like aura. innocent vibe. needs a form of expression, whether it be visual arts, writing, dancing, etc. spacey and daydreamy. can have a serious god complex...like...the worst of the zodiac. incapable of owning up to their actions. will play victim no matter what and manipulate the situation to make you believe it. manipulative and sneaky. tendency to lie.
physical appearance: tricky to spot as they tend to take on traits of all the signs. the biggest indicator is usually the eyes. the eyes are very big and watery, usually lighter in tone no matter the color, however this isn’t always the case. glazed over eyes, as if they are gazing off into another world. thin, fish like lips (if that makes sense). a lot of times ive noticed their faces kind of resemble a fish in some way?? if that makes any sense. translucent skin, no matter the shade. dainty noses. soft, doll, elf-like features. cozy and artsy style (mom jeans, big sweaters, etc.)
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pchprk1 · 4 years
How To Figure Out Someone’s Sign
this can apply to sun, moon, rising, and in some cases even house placements if someone has multiple personal planets in a certain house
personality: extremely opinionated and blunt. is not afraid of confrontation. highly emotional and expressive. usually athletic. courageous, loves adventure. very competitive. very ambitious and extremely extremely stubborn. won’t stop until they get what they want. persistant, determined, resilient. usually has an odd relationship with the father, either they are very close or they do not get along at all.
physical appearance: athletic body. muscular. can be on the shorter side. piercing eyes, there’s something raw and wild in them. square, chiseled faces, noticeable jawline, arched brows. thicker hair. veiny hands. effortless sex appeal. might have scars or moles on their face.
personality: there’s a sleepy vibe to these people. they always seem relaxed and unbothered. they dress nice and they always look effortlessly put together. graceful charm. big foodies and this is usually the main giveaway. loves comfort and the finer things in life. sensual and sweet. can come off as being lazy, passive, or stubborn.
physical appearance: doughy, sleepy eyes. thick hair, maybe curly. wider noses. noticeable cheek bones. women can be curvier, men can be shorter and more stout. symmetrical faces. there’s something natural and earthy about them. effortless beauty. full lips. might look a little like a bull. thicker necks. the neck will be noticeable. men can be on the hairy side.
personality: so fun to be around. giggly childlike innocence. their laugh is infectious. always talking. easily bored and distracted. friends with everybody. witty and loves a good conversation. flirts without realizing it. “crackhead” energy. crazy and all over the place. very indecisive. changes their appearance a lot, mainly because they get bored of how they look easily. can be mean spirited and come across as two-faced because they are constantly changing.
physical appearance: slender build. long hair. sparkling eyes, within is a youthful curiousity. childlike eyes. thin lips, bright infectious smiles. youthful look and vibe to them. freckles are common. their style is constantly changing however they tend to follow the trends.
personality: soft and gentle vibe to them. sensitive and intuitive. some can seem closed off and distant, others have a very open and nurturing vibe. drawn to vintage things. very nostalgic and often stuck in the past. soft spoken. intuitive. you can always know what theyre feeling just by looking at them, its written all over their face. expressive faces. transparent even when they try not to be.
physical appearence: big, watery eyes. glassy eyes that resemble mirrors; how the moon looks on water (this is usually the biggest indicator). thick eyelashes. emotionally expressive faces. round faces and cheeks. sharp cheekbones. long arms and legs. full lips, small mouth (think the queen of hearts from alice and wonderland). thinner hair. sharp eyebrows. innocent looking. face might literally resemble the moon. feminine features, even in men. dresses for comfort, not style.
personality: vibrant. lights up the entire room. infectious personality. always telling stories. ambitious. men can be cocky and authoritative. women are flirty and charming. they draw you in like a magnet. effortlessly attractive. just want to have fun. loves socializing, shines brightest when others are there to see them. can be selfish, when making decisions they think only of themselves and not of others. has a tendency to lie, to embellish.
physical appearance: thick, sleek hair, like a lion’s mane. cat like eyes. sparkling eyes. white teeth, red lips. full smiles. tall and slender. elegant and glamorous movements. faces that radiate confidence. good posture. always dressed to impress. they want to show off their status through their clothes. likes designer things.
personality: calculating and analytical. they always seem to be observing something. detail oriented. very observant. fantastic memories, they remember everything. intelligent. naturally smart. good writers. shy and reserved. don’t enjoy being the center of attention. can have a god complex, they think that their way is the only right way, that their ideas are superior. can seem like they have a stick up their ass. virgosplaining.
physical appearance: they way they dress is the dead giveaway honestly. always looks put together, like button down and khakis put together. probably has glasses, usually interesting frames to match their style. strong features. thin nose. thin lips. tall and lean. dark thick hair. naturally attractive. looks mature. glassy, determined eyes, a little like pisces but more earthy.
personality: charming and glamorous. sweet to everybody. has lots of friends. innocent and pure aura to them. beauty queen vibes. women can sometimes be on the superficial side. men can be mean spirited and extremely cocky (if you meet a man who’s a dick for no reason he’s probably a libra lol). indecisive. needs constant verbal validation. lies a lot. tries very hard to fit in, will lie and hide parts of their personality to achieve this. needs social validation.
physical appearance: naturally very beautiful. symmetrical faces. dainty, doll-like features. bright, youthful eyes. ski slope noses. pretty arched lips. straight teeth. might have a gap between their two front teeth (think brigitte bardot). dainty bodies. women tend to be very feminine in style. men have more feminine features. looks good in whatever they wear.
personality: dark humor. sarcastic. mysterious and closed off. nobody really knows them. portray themselves the way they want to be seen. very sensitive and emotional, however some of them won’t show it. can have a faux-innocence, try hard to maintain the reputation they want. can be some of the most manipulative and vindictive people you will ever meet. tantalizing. dark, mysterious sex appeal. can be drawn to darker themes.
physical appearance: the easiest to spot in my opinion. the eyes are a dead giveaway. dark, intense, brooding eyes. when they look at you you FEEL it. their gaze can be uncomfortable, it feels like they can see right through you, into your soul. dark thick hair. thick eyelashes. interesting noses. men can have more facial hair. gravitates towards dark colors. hot tbh.
personality: so lively and fun. they live to have a good time. down for anything whenever. life of the party. carefree and wild at the core. wanderlust. fits in anywhere they go. bohemian vibe. funny. never takes anything too seriously. has deep beliefs that they defend. can get along with anybody. hates just sitting around at home, needs to be moving constantly, even if it’s driving down the street to get coffee. tend to lie. can embellish stories to make them more exciting.
physical appearance: people with a lot of sag tend to have red hair ive noticed. thick hair. tall and muscular. attractive bodies (thighs!!!). unique, bohemian-like style (think the 70s lol). round cheeks. full lips. jovial expression. round, full faces. hearty looking if that makes sense. strong form. smiling eyes that hold a mischevious look.
personality: dry and reserved. extremely sarcastic. dark humor. intimidating. stand- offish. intelligent. depression vibes tbh. always seems tired. resilient, determined, and ambitious. goal-oriented. sees right through bullshit, will call you out if they need to. isn’t one to initiate conversation. super chill. melancholic. cynical, sometimes annoingly so. sly, witty remarks. wants to outsmart you and will. can be very pretentious. know it all. can be downright mean at times, often without even realizing. very stubborn and very blunt. honest sometimes to a fault. mean and uses the excuse that they’re just being honest.
physical appearance: tall and lean. olive skin and dark straight hair. piercing, cold eyes. calculating eyes. strong features. noticeable jawline. arched eyebrows. simple, classic style. timeless and elegant. women can have femme fatale vibes (think ava gardner), they remind me of a black cat. men can have a rough, wild sex appeal.
personality: pretty unconventional hobbies and interests. their energy is all over the place. scatterbrained. honestly incoherent at times. into activism. fiercely independent. doesn’t really care what anyone thinks of them. does things their own way, doesn’t follow the crowd. down to earth. odd. probably smokes weed lol. into aternative music. skater vibes.
physical appearance: this one is pretty easy to spot. the way they dress is usually the biggest indicator. very eclectic style. ive noticed women with aquarius placements tend to wear unique earrings. lots of interesting jewelry on both men and women (especially rings). eyes that look like they hold another universe. beak like noses. big smiles. an otherwordly vibe.
personality: very sensitive. caring and sweet vibe. very creative. musically inclined. actually quite talkative. elvish like aura. innocent vibe. needs a form of expression, whether it be visual arts, writing, dancing, etc. spacey and daydreamy. can have a serious god complex...like...the worst of the zodiac. incapable of owning up to their actions. will play victim no matter what and manipulate the situation to make you believe it. manipulative and sneaky. tendency to lie.
physical appearance: tricky to spot as they tend to take on traits of all the signs. the biggest indicator is usually the eyes. the eyes are very big and watery, usually lighter in tone no matter the color, however this isn’t always the case. glazed over eyes, as if they are gazing off into another world. thin, fish like lips (if that makes sense). a lot of times ive noticed their faces kind of resemble a fish in some way?? if that makes any sense. translucent skin, no matter the shade. dainty noses. soft, doll, elf-like features. cozy and artsy style (mom jeans, big sweaters, etc.)
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pchprk1 · 4 years
“I don’t think people love me. They love versions of me I have spun for them, versions of me they have construed in their minds. The easy versions of me, the easy parts of me to love.”
— (via 8hy)
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pchprk1 · 4 years
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“I am a mover.” - Ren Soda
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pchprk1 · 4 years
2020 gothic
- you join a zoom call. everyone’s mic is muted, but no one is talking anyway. you stare at the squares with faces in them. which is your face? you can’t be sure.
- the news is full of numbers. you try to learn what they mean, but the articles are full of jargon from fields you have no experience in, and you swear the numbers change when you blink. 
- you wake up. you sleep. you wake up. you sleep. how many days was that? you have no idea.
- you go for a walk. a shadow follows you down the street, moving when you move, stopping when you stop. always the recommended six feet away.
- every day you get several emails from corporations you’ve never heard of. each company name sounds fake, too vague, too optimistic. “Stay healthy! :)” they say. “We’re committed to keeping you safe! You must stay healthy! We love you very much! We learned everything about you so we can keep you safe! Please believe us we love you so much we’ r e  , s 0Rry:):)):))”  You try to unsubscribe, but the link just takes you to a blank black webpage. Suddenly, you can make out your reflection in the screen. What’s that over your shoulder?
- you’ve been wearing the same clothes for days, but somehow there is laundry.
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