pckdrop · 1 month
ok but a plot where exes live together… they can’t afford to live somewhere else for the time being so they figure staying in the same apartment they’ve spend in as couple for months/years is the only temporary solution for now… give me the constant confrontation of watching each other date other people, realizations that what muse a never did with muse b, they do better with their new fling/partner and what muse b could never give muse a, muse a now receives from new partner etc etc. the jealousy, lingering bitterness, out of spite still flirting with each other, hooking up on the nights they drink a little too much or maybe indifference and realizing they consider each other as platonic soulmates, because romance doesn’t work for them???
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pckdrop · 1 month
give me best friends who harbor feelings for each other . they’ve acknowledged the feelings but they don’t do anything about it , because the friendship is too precious . and when one of them is finally ready to say “ fuck it, let’s take the risk ” , they see the other making out with another person .  cue  angst  .
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pckdrop · 4 months
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pckdrop · 4 months
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a small scoff was quick to fall from sol’s lips as he arched a brow in response, “if i wanted to end things between us and find someone better to fuck, i would’ve just said that. i just wanted to have a bit of fun tonight and got a bit carried away. it’s not a big deal.” he offered up a shrug of his shoulders to accompany his explanation. “i don’t see why it matters to you.”
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"right," darren said with a roll of his eyes. it wasn't ever supposed to be serious, but that was always a lie -- fucking one of your best friends always led one down a slippery slope. "was this your way of saying you found someone else? that i should just, like, not expect anything from you now?"
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pckdrop · 4 months
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tears welled in simon’s eyes as he shook his head in response to the other’s claims, his heart feeling unbearably heavy in his chest. “it feels far from divine…” his words trailed off as he nervously wrung his hands. “all of the happiness we had was built on nothing but lies, paul. you lied to me about what you are, who you are — all you’ve done is lead me astray. that’s not something that you do to someone you love.” his voice wavered slightly as he stared up into the other’s eyes. “i don’t think i could ever learn to trust you again.”
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the father swallowed thickly, simon’s words stabbing him through his dead heart. “simon, you cannot deny that our eventual union is a divine one. you must answer the call. the longer we play this game, the longer you put off the inevitable. we were so, so happy together. don’t you wish to feel that once more?”
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pckdrop · 4 months
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a small snort of amusement escaped paul as he cocked his head in what could be deemed a challenging manner. “i think hurting myself over you would be worth it in the end.” it was an amusing thing to say directly after claiming to merely tolerate the other. a gasp of surprise was quick to fall from his lips as he felt the tug on his hair, a dazed look etched across his features as he stared up at the other. he was tempted to let out a groan in response to the other’s teasing remarks, but luckily he managed to find the self-restraint to hold himself back. “you can’t just say things like that when you’re about to leave me. you know i’m not a patient person when it comes to you.” tiberius was his exception to that and always would be. “i’m satisfied but… at what cost? now i’ll be forced to touch myself while thinking about you in the shower before i get ready for the day.” a dramatic sigh for effect followed his words. at this point, he was simply curious if he could manage to pull out some sort of reaction out of the other or even sway him to stay a while longer.
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tiberius loved the way paul reacted to his touch -- even more so when it was far more intimate. "you tolerate me," he repeated, not at all sounding convinced. there was much more between them that toleration, if the tangled bed sheets had anything to say about it. "don't think too hard -- i don't want you to hurt yourself," he joked, tugging at the other's hair before pulling away after the stolen kiss. it sent a shiver down his spine and tempted him to stay longer. "i will. i will be thinking about how lovely you look when you can't keep your eyes on me. or, how perfectly pretty you are when i hold your hands above your head. or, the cute little noises that i get to pull out of you. does that satisfy you?"
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pckdrop · 4 months
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while elton was usually someone who claimed not to care about the opinions of others, his entire existence almost weighed on shayla’s opinion. it was borderline pathetic, but he had never felt this strongly about someone before. she was the most important person to him, yet he couldn’t properly showcase that. he was pulled out of his spiralling thoughts by the touch to his jaw, immediately leaning into her gentle touch. “i appreciate you looking out for me and i know that i would probably struggle with being in the public eye initially, but i think that being able to be with you and have all of you would be worth it. you’re worth everything, shayla.” he murmured, his hands moving to rest upon her hips as he held her gaze. “do i not get any sort of say in this all?”
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shayla saw him in a different light than most and that was what she kept secreted, between the pair. almost as if she was shielding him away from the world, her personal little secret. but it wasn’t because she didn’t think he was enough, it was because she didn’t need him to get corrupted by the people in her life. “no, you don’t get the full picture,” heart felt as if it was getting stomped on repeatedly. figure darts closer towards him, hand moving to graze upon chin, brushing against his jawline. “you’re my favorite person,” soothing words fell, “i just don’t want you to get wrapped up in the media, they turn things so ugly and you don’t deserve that.”
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pckdrop · 4 months
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dawson can feel his stomach begin to churn, knowing that this is his one shot to clear things up between them. “i know this is going to sound like an excuse but that kiss you saw wasn’t something i wanted. you walked in and out of nowhere kelsey pulled me in and kissed me. by the time i had shoved her away, you were gone.” his words come out as a rambling run-on sentence, panic choking him. “i don’t know why she did it… but i’m guessing she just wanted to piss you off or ruin things between us.” it’s a shot in the dark whether or not she’ll believe him, but at least he knows that he’s being honest.
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ember looks to him when he said he needs a minute to explain everything and crosses her arms over her chest. "Well tick tock - the clock is tick dawson you better start explaining." she sighs. truthfully she just really wanted an explanation for what happened and was at least willing to hear what he had to say.
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pckdrop · 4 months
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lucy gray nodded her head in agreement with the other’s comment as she allowed herself to lean against the bar’s surface in front of her, using her elbows as support. “i’ve learned in my travels that people who get involved when someone’s trapped is rare, so you’re the kind of friend that someone wants to have hanging around.” most people had the instinct to turn and look the other way, never willing to stick their neck out for someone else. although, she couldn’t necessarily blame those individuals when the world was such a cutthroat place. looking out for yourself was usually the safest route. “order whatever you’d like.” she chirped. “i’m lucy gray, by the way.” she extended a hand for him to shake as a smile spread across her lips.
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he watched as the man seemed to back down and leave the area. he lets his shoulder untense and relax now no longer needing to puff his chest and protect her. when she thanks him he gives a small nod of his head. "yeah - i hate it when i see it's very clear someone is trying to get away from someone else it's hard to not step in if there's something i can do." he says with a small no of his head. he was ready to back off form her so she could enjoy the rest of her night when she offered to buy him a drink. "uh sure yeah." he nods his head taking the spot beside her finishing off the beer he brought over.
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pckdrop · 4 months
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while realistically donghae knew that opposites usually attracted, he couldn’t help but worry that one day the darkness that lurked inside of him would begin to dim minnie’s shine. that was something he would never be able to forgive himself for. “you’ve already brought me so much light into my life, i just want to be able to do the same.” he confessed, his gaze flickering toward the ground before he glanced back up as she took a step toward him. no one had ever shown him as much patience and kindness as minnie had, it was something difficult for him to accept. a sad smile formed on his lips in response to her words, “so, i suppose there’s nothing i could say to convince you otherwise? i’m starting to question your judgment and taste.” his attempt at a joke, a weak chuckle following the comment. he felt as if his heart had been jump-started by her question, swallowing down the lump that formed in his throat. “of course.” that was something he couldn’t deny. he took the initiative to close the very short distance between them by reaching out to cup her cheek in his hand before catching her lips with his.
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"i .. i don't mind that you're closed-off and grumpy. i'm the opposite - an open book a ray of sunshine." she says gently. "i can bring the sunshine to you and wait for you to take your time to open up.."minnie says gently and takes a half step closer to donghae. when he says that he would be an idiot to turn down his chance a brightness comes to her eyes as she looks to him. "even .. if you don't feel like you deserve it.. it doesn't matter because i want you.. i pick you. and i'd pick you over and over again donghae.." she gently reached out taking his hands in her own. "can... can i kiss you?" she asked him softly.
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pckdrop · 4 months
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despite the words that left odessa, it was difficult for brandon to truly believe them. the uncomfortable silence that had settled between the two before he decided to voice his thoughts was proof enough to him that there had been a shift between them since he had decided to confess his feelings toward her. he knew from the start that it came with the risk of ruining things, but he hadn’t been fully mentally prepared for any actual changes. “we’re still the same us, but i’m not sure i’m the same me anymore…” it was quite a dramatic statement, but it was true. there were a lot of unspoken questions and doubts that were weighing him down, preventing him from truly being the same carefree individual he usually was. the sudden contact between them was simple in the form of a bump of her knee against his thigh, but it still caused his heart to jolt. his brows knitted together in confusion as his gaze locked with hers, “it… freaked you out?” he repeated her statement. “i promise that wasn’t my intention or anything, i just knew that i probably wouldn’t be able to keep it to myself for much longer without it blowing up in my face. but, we can pretend it didn’t happen if that will make you feel better.” maybe ignorance would make things go back to semi-normal. “although, i feel like i have to ask… is me liking you really such a horrible thing? am i that bad?”
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── "what? no, it didn't ruin anything." she sounds adamant as she says it, her attention snapping up from where it'd been fixed on her fingers in her lap instead of on his face. the truth was? yeah, things had been... different, ever since he'd made his big confession, since she hadn't really known how to react, hadn't known what to say back. not because she didn't have feelings of her own (she did, does) but because she's never been good at this sort of thing, especially with him, with someone she really doesn't want to screw things up with. "still the same us, right? same you... same me..." she's nervous-talking now, shifting her shoulders a little. looking at him though, the worried smile shifts into a worried frown, instead, and she bumps his thigh with her knee. "it just... it freaked me out a little, okay?"
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pckdrop · 4 months
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as the distance between them was lessened, the sight of her tears became clearer and so did the feeling of guilt that settled in the pit of alexander’s stomach. god, he felt like he was going to be sick. he had done a lot of things in his past that went against his wishes just to please his family, but this might’ve been the worst of them all. he quickly shook his head in response to her words, “you really expect me to celebrate when the most important person to me is out here by herself?” ironic that the woman he was marrying wasn’t even considered important to him. “i don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to after everything, but…” his words trailed off. “before you decide if you want to leave or stay, i need to tell you that my engagement was not my choice.” it wasn’t an outward confession — that didn’t seem fair to do right now — but it was the closest thing he could muster.
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watching alexander get engaged when she had spent so long being in love with him - and sure she knew this was to come that he's have to wed someone one day. she just didn't expect it so suddenly, and to be caught off guard by it. her heart aching not wanting to ruin the atmosphere inside she sat outside feeling her heart breaking. when her name was spoken she was quick to wipe away tears as he asks her to talk. "y-you shouldn't be out here, you should be in there celebrating.." she says softly looking to him nervously. she was trying her best to not cause a scene or make anything about herself and sour anyone's mood hence why she removed herself. "i .. i should really go. i'm just having a tough night.. i don't want to ruin your evening.."
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pckdrop · 4 months
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a shaky breath fell from loic’s lips as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “i’m no expert on love, but i’m pretty sure that’s not just something that comes out in the spur of the moment if you don’t mean it.” he was pacing the width of the hotel room that the two were sharing for the night. “i don’t know why someone like you would fall for someone like me anyway.” maybe planting the seeds of doubt in his teammate’s head was the best course of action at this point.
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cedric swallowed thickly, knowing full well that he'd messed up the moment the forbidden word had left his lips. he'd tried his best to keep his feelings separate from what they were doing, but it'd been impossible. "it's not ruined, loic -- it's not," he desperately pleaded. "i didn't mean it. it's nothing. just, please, ignore what i said. i was just saying things without thinking."
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pckdrop · 4 months
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a smile easily worked its way onto sol’s lips as he nodded his head in agreement with the other’s words, “i’m a big fan of challenges as well, it helps to keep things interesting. don’t you think so?” then again, that might have been the adrenaline junkie inside of him doing the talking. “i don’t think it will take you too long to tire me out though, especially now that you’ve been building your stamina up.” he teased as he threw a wink in the other’s direction. “see, surfing lessons were useful for you — even if you can’t stand up on the board for more than forty seconds.” once they reached the shoreline, he easily tucked his board underneath his arm as he began the trek up the sand. “i wouldn’t mind if you came over right away. i always need help washing those hard-to-reach places in the shower so any assistance would be appreciated.” the implications had been laid on holden’s end and now it was his job to meet the other halfway.
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holden needed the small confidence boost, glad this whole learning how to surf thing wasn't all for nothing. while he was definitely tempted to quit more than once, the idea of not seeing the other anymore was enough to keep him coming. he let out a small laugh, eagerly following the other to the shore. "we should all be confident about things we're good at or else what's the point. but, don't worry -- i obviously like challenges. i think it'll be fun to see just how much it will take with you," he coyly said. he was thankful when they finally got to the point that holden could feel the sand under his feet, walking the rest of the way out of the water before expectantly looking towards the other man. "if you bring me over now, you'll have to let me use your shower. you know, if you don't mind sharing."
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pckdrop · 4 months
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while the holidays had never been an easy time for luke, he was trying his best to keep his spirits bright tonight. although it probably hadn’t seemed that way with how isolated he had been at the holiday party, standing in a corner by himself with the neatly wrapped secret santa gift he had brought along with him in his hands. yet the sudden appearance of penelope caused him to perk up, a smile easily working its way onto his face. “wait, wait… are you my secret santa?” a look of surprise flickered across his features. what were the odds? “this is a surprise because i just so happened to draw your name as well.” he nodded toward the gift he held.
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with the holiday party in full swing, penelope may have had a few drinks more then she originally planned. mingling around being the social butterfly she was she was happy to see everyone in bright spirits. they had just wrapped up a difficult case - which probably lead to her over drinking tonight and she just wanted to forget about it and feel comfortable. playing secret santa was something she had enjoyed setting up and with her luck she had gotten luke and finally with gift in hand she headed over to him a bright smile on her face. "surprise." // @pckdrop liked for a winter starter!
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pckdrop · 4 months
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the fact that this all was being turned around on him so unexpectedly caused archer to feel as if his head was spinning. he was so caught off guard, unsure if he could come up with any sort of adequate response to the other’s harsh words. “it’s not a question of whether or not you’re enough, it’s whether or not my efforts will go to waste here. you don’t give a shit about me or my feelings — so why should i spend my time arguing with you when nothing productive will come of it?” there was a defiant look in his eyes as he took a step closer to the other. “how can anyone truly know you when all you ever do is put on this facade for the world, luke? i can only judge what you let me see. all i know is that you’re too much of a fucking coward to be honest and let people in.” a pause. he felt his heart clenching in his chest. “you deserve someone who will accept all of you and love you. i could’ve been that person, but as you said… i’m not good enough for you.”
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luke was surprised when archer continued to fight back, the corner of his lips twitching up into a slight smirk of disbelief. when he thought that he needed to be put in his place, he meant it -- he just didn't think it would be so accurate and painful. "i'm not worth it? and, what -- please tell me -- makes someone worth it to you, almighty archer? you like me. shouldn't that be enough? but, you barely know me. so, whatever you see and judge is only skin-deep. that's fine, though. like i said: i don't want anything to do with you -- especially now that i know you think that way about me." he was wholly unfair, forcing archer to say what he did. but, luke was a glutton for self-sabotaging.
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pckdrop · 4 months
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Photo © Gerardo Vizmanos
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