pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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top ten new girl characters (voted on by my followers): 9/10 | dr. sam: โ€œI canโ€™t pleasure a woman and build a dresser at the same time, you know. Iโ€™m not God.โ€
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
[ rome flynn, cis male, he/him ] STERLING PALMER, MDย is a TWENTY-EIGHT year old 3RD YEAR RESIDENT. he is originally from NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANAย and has been living in los angeles for TEN YEARS. he can be a little EGOTISTICAL, but at least he is COMPASSIONATE. when i think of him, i think of the heavy feeling in your eyes when you stay up late to study, that resigning feeling of re-downloading tinder after a bad date, and cheesy pick up lines.ย 
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born in nola, where he grew up in a middle class family. both his parents are chefs, and together they co-own a restaurant in the city. that was hisย โ€œpart time jobโ€ growing upย โ€” not that he was getting paid for it. he was just expected to help outย 
the nickname silver had been coined by his uncle. his uncle was only 8 years his junior, so they were always very close. when he was a toddler, uncle b would call him sterling silver. it was meant to be a sports nicknameย โ€” any time sterling would play with his mini toy basketball, his uncle was there to narrate โ€œthere goes sterling silver, racing down the court, he goes for the lay-up...WHOOSH!! STERLING SILVER HITS IT AGAIN!โ€ anyway, from there it got shortened to just silver. his mom and dad picked up on it, his older sisters, his younger sisters, and by the time he started kindergarten he was introducing himself as silver.ย 
his older sisters were in high school when greys anatomy started and it. was. their. favorite. show. every thursday night, the tv was theirs, no questions asked. it was the unspoken rule in the palmer house. silver chose not to fight it to avoid getting scratchedย โ€” girls were ruthless. instead, heโ€™d sit down in the living room and watch with them. heโ€™d never admit that he kind of enjoyed it. no...he really enjoyed it.ย 
fast forward to eighteen, a senior in high school. he was a golden boy. everyone at school knew him, and loved him. he was co-captain of the varsity basketball team. he had a girlfriend who was just as beloved, and his parents loved her too. he got mostly good grades ( save for the C in world history, because he always ditched to go make out with cara ). but his favorite subject, by far, were the sciences. biology, chemistry, even psych. he loved them and he excelled in themย โ€” so when he graduated high school he knew exactly where the next four years would take him, and the next four years after that.ย 
despite some buzz of recruitment, he decided not to pursue spots in college, knowing fully well it would take up most of his time and he didnโ€™t have the bandwidth to spend four years playing basketball with no intention of going to the nba. he graduated high school and went to USC, university of southern california, where he attended the next four years with a biology major, which put him on the pre-med track to medical school.ย 
college was...no different than high school. half way through his freshman year he broke up with cara, his high school sweetheart, who was attending alabama university, becauseย โ€œhe had to focus on studyingโ€ which was quite obviously bullshit. he rushed and became a member of TKE and went to parties thursday-sunday. his gpa suffered his freshman year, but he got his act together after that.ย 
he had one girlfriend during his four years of college, a year and a half long relationship from his junior into his senior year. while heโ€™d thought he was in love with cara, this felt like the real deal. after all, he was twenty, he was older, people met their soulmates in college...didnโ€™t they? maybe this was it.ย 
it wasnโ€™t. beverly had cheated on him with his frat brother who had sworn he was too drunk to realize who it was. a bullshit answer and excuse that he had accepted, but he found himself pretty heartbroken? which he wasnโ€™t used to...he was supposed to be the heartbreaker!!ย 
he became one of those undergrad usc students who did their grad school at ucla. trojan to bruin baby!! after getting into uclaโ€™s med school, he decided to focus on solely school. no distractions, no girlfriends...so four years of studying and a couple tinder flings later, he graduated med school with top grades and an offer for an internship at the ronald reagan ucla medical center in santa monica, california.ย 
he is now in his third year of residency with a focus on pediatrics, where he found himself excelling in. heโ€™s a bit of a workaholic, but still manages to find time for a social life. the dating pool is limited when you work at a hospital, seeing as those are pretty much the only people you spend your time with the first few years, and silver learned his lesson after dating another resident (working in close quarters with your ex is not fun). he doesnโ€™t have that much time for meeting people outside of work though...which is how he ended up resigning himself to online dating. itโ€™s quick, itโ€™s easy, itโ€™s convenient, and 9/10 it results in a hookup that leads to nothing. a win win, in his eyes!ย 
also, his younger sister aaliyah moved out to los angeles a few years back with her daughter. sheโ€™s a single mom, so silver always helps out where he can, and heโ€™s grown really close to his niece. heโ€™s basically like a second parent to her! sheโ€™s 6 now, and theyโ€™re super tight.ย 
silver is a virgo sun, capricorn moon, so heโ€™s extremely organized and ambitious. he has clear goals that he sets for himself, and he does whatever he needs to do to achieve those goals.ย 
heโ€™ll put his work over his relationship any day, which is part of a reason many of his relationships havenโ€™t worked out
doesnโ€™t really tell his dates what he does, because he finds that as soon as he says heโ€™s a peds doctor they swoon and thatโ€™s not what he needs rn!!ย 
all of that being said, heโ€™s not really a stickler. outside of work, with the amount he likes to drink and party, you probably wouldnโ€™t guess heโ€™s a doctor! heโ€™s pretty funny but he has a sort of dry sense of humor (very capricornesque, if u know what iโ€™m saying)
very smart, but a dumbass. iykyk
can be an asshole and can be a sweetheart. it honestly depends.ย 
9/10 times he isnโ€™t looking for a relationship and if he sees it heading that way, heโ€™ll call it quits. itโ€™s mostly a defense mechanism, heโ€™d rather end it before he feels too seriously, because heartbreak? was not very fun for him
champion @ true american...he always gets the drunkestย 
he comes from a family of chefs!! cooking comes naturally to him. makes the best black bean soup
he surfs on the weekends but he sucks at it
always has lollipops on him thanks to being in peds. like he will whip out a lollipop from some pocket at any point if he doesnโ€™t know what to do in a situation. hes just like.....sucker?ย 
wanted connections
best friend/ride or die
college friends?! if they went to usc undergrad or ucla grad school
going off the above ^ frat bros. BROS FOR LIFE. you know iโ€™m a sucker for a good bromance
like a nick miller/cece type situation....they tolerate each other because of mutual friends but if theyโ€™re alone together thereโ€™s nothing to talk about KJSGH
ex? or almost ex? shoulda coulda woulda? good terms? bad terms? we love to see it
current hook up
i love a good enemies plot but there needs to be a reason...so if we can come up w something spicy letโ€™s mf do it
weekend surfing buddy, or basketball buddy
thatโ€™s all i can think of but iโ€™m open to anything tbh
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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You do not want to clap at me right now. I will clap back. Wait, wait!
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
My favorite type of characters are โ€œtheyโ€™re not dumb but they are a dumbassโ€
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), dir. Nicholas Stoller
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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pclmers ยท 4 years
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