pcrsonas · 4 years
someone give me the motivation to do things on here please for the love of god. i miss writing so much but i’m just ... dead on the inside.
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pcrsonas · 4 years
hey guys . i am still alive i promise i’m just re-doing my muses ( again ) before i do any replies . i’ve also been busy with work , and have been using all my spare time playing video games bc i just got the remasters of grandia and final fantasy x so like ... i’m hype . SO i’ll be around i promise , i’m just not really sure when .
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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worry soon takes the place of anticipation once the male notices the soft sniffles coming from the blue haired boy next to him. ‘is he crying because it’s bad? does he not like the lyrics?’ haneul asks himself, turning the other around so he could see the damage he’d done. “hey, why are you cry –” the brunet is cut off by the smaller’s soft voice, eyebrows knit together as he waits for the boy to speak. the smile that spreads across his lips is instant as he reaches up to wipe at kaiser’s tears – cupping the boy’s cheek gently. “i’m so glad you like, sweetheart.” 
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head instinctively tilts into haneul’s touch as the other’s hand cups his cheek , returning the smile that’s already sending his pulse racing . “ i love it , han . ” voice is a whisper , face smooshed into the other’s palm so he can press a kiss to the skin . “ i love you . you have no idea how much this means to me —- how much you mean to me . ” he’s tried voicing it before , but the words just don’t exist . he feels as though he owes haneul his entire life , wants to give him the world —- and although he hates feeling like he owes anyone anything , it doesn’t matter with haneul because it’s almost as if kaiser knows he has a lifetime to pay him back . “ landing you is like ... my second best life achievement after getting my own shop . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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“ i mean, it’s a like a vow, you know, like, a promise, i don’t know. i’ll do this if god lets this happen. am i sound like the crazy religious girl ? i, it’s just, i don’t know, catholic school habits die hard… ? ” hannah let out a small awkward laugh, shook her head a little. “ then, hm, what do you do ? like video games ? ” 
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“ what would happen if you didn’t uphold your end of the bargain ? god lets you live and you were just like , ‘ jokes on you ! ’ and kept your hair long ? ” giggle slips elsie’s lips and she tilts her head to one side , genuinely interested in how the other’s thought process worked . “ i mean .. i play games sometimes , yeah . but i mostly read . i spend a lot of time looking at scripts when i’m not working , and i like to read books and immerse myself in stories . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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levi has a short temper, it is a bad quality that he had. one that had gotten him into many fights in his time. fighting was almost second nature to him at this point. it was why he didn’t see a big deal with the matter. he didn’t think it was wrong to be fighting with someone. especially when the male had been asking for the fight. shaking his head he looked back at the other. eyes on the male, yes he can see that kai is upset. worried about him, maybe even scared for him…but levi doesn’t get that? doesn’t understand why he would be worried about him. it wasn’t something levi was used to. not many people had shown this sort of concern for him before. his shoulders slumped, as he leans back in his seat groaning lowly. “i’m sorry– i see that you are worried about me. i didn’t mean cause worry.” he wants to say this was nothing for him, but he doesn’t want to upset kai more. “i’m not badly hurt, it happened because he was talking about you. i wasn’t going to let someone talk poorly about you.” it might have been a stupid reason for other people, but levi stands by his choice.
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it’s not as though kaiser is a stranger to anger . he has a short fuse himself , and back in his foster home he’d been the one that would always start fights with other kids over the most trivial of things . but over the years he’s learned to internalise that anger , opting instead to let it out through his art , rather than his fists . he had to when he first came to america out of fear he’d get deported if he got into trouble , and it’s stuck with him now even after obtaining the necessary paperwork to be here legally . “ of course i’m worried . i just ... don’t like the idea of anything happening to you . ” he sighs , chewing on his lower lip . he comes to a halt though , as levi speaks again . “ he ... what ? y - you were defending me ? what did he say ? ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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   ☘   blush  on  her  cheeks  feels  like  it’s  actual  singed  skin  at  this  point  ,  eyes  boring  into  phone  screen  as  she  reads  the  messages  over  and  over  again  ,  (  on  lock  screen  -  even  subconsciously  she  doesn’t  want  the  other  to  think  she’s  ignoring  her  !  )  it  honestly  feels  like  some  sort  of  sick  joke  ;  things  like  this  simply  .  .  not  happening  for  fleur  ,  or  at  least  not  that  she  knows  of  .  fleur  is  closeted  herself  ,  though  it’s  more  of  a  choice  than  the  other  has  ;  uncomfortable  with  the  idea  of  anyone  having  any  leverage  against  her  -  far  more  settled  in  being  the  cold  ,  aloof  character  than  having  much  depth  .  thumb  will  finally  unlock  screen  ,  taking  her  to  the  open  chat  as  she  looks  a  little  longer  ,  teeth  gnawing  into  side  of  cheek  .  
fleur  :  …  i’m  not  gonna  block  you fleur  :  i  guess  you’re  right fleur  :  i  didn’t  think  there  was  too  many  elsie’s  running  around  either
face  falls  into  cushion  next  to  her  as  she  lets  out  a  muffled  scream  ,  sighing  as  she  comes  back  for  air  .  it’s  times  like  this  that  she  wishes  she  was  better  at  flirting  ,  already  not  wanting  conversation  to  end  despite  fact  that  she  really  has  offered  little  to  reply  to  .  she’ll  open  phone  back  up  defeatedly  .
fleur  :  if  you  ever  need  anything  ,  don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  😊
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moving apartments is always tough , but it’s made ten times harder when you have to dodge paparazzi so they don’t figure out your new address . elsie had managed to do it successfully with the help of prince , but it had still been a stressful process —- made worth it only by the discovery of the very cute girl next door . “ stay cool el , stay cool . ” cool , unfortunately , is not a thing elsie actually is . in fact , she’s pretty far from cool . she’s sat on her bed in silk bambi patterned pyjamas with her stuffed bear boogie ( whom she’s had since she was four ) between her legs . her phone lock screen is a picture of her cat darcy — yes , named after mr . darcy from pride and prejudice , a book she’s read hundreds of times — and she hates the taste of vodka . no , elizabeth lee is not a cool person , and her social skills reflect as much .
elsie : oh ! okay ... will do . thanks !
head falls back against pillows as she stares up at her ceiling , stupid smile on her face . she wants to desperately to ask for fleur’s help with something , but there’s nothing she needs right now , is there ? ... except ,
elsie : how good are you with flat pack furniture ? elsie : i have a bookcase i need to build but it’s a two person job .
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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“ i don’t know prince, why would we ? “ he can feel the panic resonated from the poor boy and it has him cooing, not wanting to give him a heart attack. he’d just wanted to tease after all. ” well, to be quite frank some of these campus parties are just sloppy. i can handle going to a few every once in a while, but sometimes i just want to be around you.“ he confesses with a delicate smile before he’s holding out his hand for the other boy, hair falling over one eye gracefully. “ what do you say, my prince ? ”
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oh GOD , is he trying to kill him ? prince is about one sweet comment away from a heart attack , and he’s not sure how or why any of this is happening . it’s an absolute dream to get the chance to spend an evening with the other alone , but he can’t help but feel this is some kind of set up . no , it can’t be . they wouldn’t do that , right ? he probably just genuinely doesn’t want to go to the party , which is fine by prince . brunette tries not to choke on his own saliva as the other calls him his , and simply nods , shoving hands into pockets . “ i mean yeah , sure . whatever . you wanna play overwatch ? fortnite ? fifa ? ” ah yes , maybe if you list enough stereotypically male-oriented video games , someone will finally believe you’re straight . 
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pcrsonas · 4 years
@prosperatur​ .
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anything for some extra cash . that’s what kaiser had told himself when he’d gotten himself registered as a professional cuddler . sure , the title may sound strange but the boy is lacking in both physical affection and money , so it isn’t so weird in practice . he gets to lay down on a comfy bed , hold someone for a couple of hours ( sometimes even take a quick nap ) and then get back home in time to open up shop the next morning . he’s only been doing it a few weeks , but it’s been working out well so far .
right now , standing in front of the door of his next appointment , a new client he hasn’t met before . all he knows is the client’s name is maddox —- his boss , who takes the bookings , hasn’t told him anything else . finger presses doorbell and he waits , chewing his lower lip .
when the door swings open he’s preparing to introduce himself , but eyes widen as they land on a familiar face . nixon ? this has to be a joke . “ uh ... ” he falters , taken aback by the presence of the other . “ i’m uh ... here for maddox ? ” maybe it’s his roommate or something , and this is just freaky coincidence . 
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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   ☘   hold  makes  everything  ten  times  worse  ,  mind  inundating  with  an  overwhelming  amount  of  voices  telling  paxton  to  back  the  fuck  out  while  he  still  can  ,  but  how  can  he  ?  eyes  are  locked  on  prince  ,  heart  thumping  in  ribcage  as  he  tries  to  decode  the  cryptic  way  prince  is  speaking  ,  ❝  tell  me  what  you  want  prince  .  it’s  that  easy  .  ❞  eyes  drop  back  to  hands  that  are  interlocked  ,  thumb  brushing  atop  prince’s  as  he  remains  uncharacteristically  quiet  ,  as  if  holding  breath  for  some  sort  of  miracle  ,  ❝  if  you  want  me  to  go  ,  i’ll  go  ;  but  i  want  to  hear  it  from  you  .  ❞  
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“ it doesn’t matter what i want . it never has . ” he sighs , stepping back to lean against the wall , arm outstretched to keep fingers intertwined with paxton’s . as much as he hates to think about it , it truly doesn’t matter what prince wants —- at least not as far as his dad is concerned . “ i don’t want you to go . ” eyes fixed on the ground , the heir doesn’t want to risk looking up at his ex , not when the air is so heavy between them . “ but that doesn’t really change anything —- you still will . maybe not tonight , but in the morning . ” 
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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smile is this time growing into something else  ,  that seems to hit closer to the most genuine reaction you could expect from someone like minjun as lips part and mouth slightly opens in surprise  ,  eyebrows raising as he stares at the other .  well  ,   wasn’t this an unexpected turn of events  ?   it is not like he trusts kaiser’s words from yesterday to be a hundred percent true  ,  knows how people are more likely to fall victim to their own feelings and intuitions instead of sticking to whatever their mind had originally planned out and who knew–––– perhaps that was exactly the case .   surely  ,  minjun never had had the pleasure of meeting someone who he found absolutely adorable as he did with kaiser  ,   sweet personality of other having the casino owner soften up involuntarily––––– something that usually ruthless behaviour did not leave a lot of room for .   INTERESTING    to see how quick thoughts must have change for other  ,  tone sounding much sharper and meaner the first time they had actually met each other  ;      “     NOW   ,    that’s a warm welcome  .   i   can’t  believe you made something for me  !    you really don’t have to thank  me  ,  it’s all good  ,  hm   ?   i enjoyed yesterday’s little talk with you .   “   he nods lightly at own words  ,  voice having grown softer in process of speaking  ,  switching into a  lower pitch and quieter volume .  for a second he freezes  ,  though he does not have to think twice about what he would like to say or do next now that other had made the effort of  making  something for taller male and coming to visit–––– goes without saying that he cannot just let other go like this at least he  SHOULD NOT . he flicks his left arm up to catch a glimpse at his watch before eyes switch back to the other .    “   would you like to join me for lunch now then  ,   kaiser   ?    only if you have time  ,  of course .   bill goes on me  .   “   ,  there’s a wink flashing before smaller smile is back on features  . 
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“ don’t let it go to your head , it’s just lunch . ” sweater covered hands thrust the pokémon themed box into the other’s chest , eyes locked on his face as he waits for him to take it . “ just shit i had in my fridge . nothing special . ” kaiser is a proud boy —- it’s hard for him to accept help from anyone , and he has a habit of being distrusting of just about anyone who offers him any semblance of kindness . after all , he’s been fucked over his whole life ; it’s only natural he would begin to learn there’s not a single soul looking out for him . so the offer of lunch takes him by surprise , and at first he shakes his head —- an instinct , built up over years of getting used to refusing any advances . but he doesn’t really want to say no . he doesn’t want to turn minjun away ( a thought which scares him more than the prospect of actually having lunch with him ) , he just doesn’t want to agree to those terms . so he sighs , blinks up at the taller boy , and tries again . “ we go somewhere affordable . and i pay for my own food . take it or leave it . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
open to: m/nb plot: your muse has had a crush on gemini for quite some time and he’s caught on, making it his personal mission to be as flirty as possible
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       "i know we were planning on going to that frat party tonight but..how opposed would you be to just coming back to my dorm and chilling?“ the dancer is stroking his fingers through his hair and delivering his friend a lingering glance that rakes down and then back up again, the corners of his lips twisting upwards. "unless you’re that dedicated to your nightly beer pong? in that case, i suppose i can find someone else to hang with.”
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“ uh ... why would we do that ? ” prince is panicking . of course , he wants nothing more than to spend quality one on one time with gemini , but this request has come out of seemingly nowhere —- and it has the poor closeted boy worried about what the other might know . “ i mean ... not that i don’t like hanging out with you , because i do , obviously , but ... why don’t you wanna go to the party ? ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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   ☘   ❝  no  ,  you  can’t  .  i  can  do  whatever  i  want  .  ❞  and  he  will  ,  leaning  in  to  connect  their  lips  if  only  for  a  second  ,    hands  with  a  firm  grip  of  tshirt  between  them  .  the  action  is  despite  all  better  judgement  ,  already  hearing  the  voices  of  his  friends  ring  through  his  cognisance  ;  cursing  him  out  for  doing  something  like  that  after  months  of  swearing  that  prince  khim  is  a  plague  on  this  earth  —  even  if  that’s  the  last  thing  he  really  believes  .  the  sensation  actually  makes  him  want  to  cry  as  soon  as  he  pulls  away  ,  tears  springing  to  eyes  as  familiarity  of  the  kiss  manages  to  unearth  everything  that  he’d  packed  tightly  away  in  his  mind  .  for  a  second  smug  demeanour  falters  ,  trying  to  blink  away  emotion  he  knows  is  evident  on  his  face  ,  ❝  i  —–  shouldn’t  have  done  that  ,  .  .  .  sorry  .  ❞
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gasp is the last sound to leave prince’s lips before paxton’s pressing his own against them , and the brunette barely has time to let his eyes flutter shut before the other is pulling away again . despite being brief , the contact is enough to leave prince breathless — reeling , confused , hurt . he’s wanted to feel that again for so long , and it’s all over before he’s really had a chance to enjoy it . sigh slips lips and hand finds paxton’s , fingers fitting perfectly between the spaces between the other’s . “ don’t be . ” words are muttered , and a small smile makes its way onto features . “ at least one of us is honest about what they want . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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old boring shit  ,   different day  though minjun never ceases to be unable to make his daily work life interesting nevertheless as he strolls through own office .  obviously , the only thing keeping his mind busy with something else then numbers  ,  money  ,  meetings or any other problems regarding what he was managing was the unusual encounter he had had to deal with yesterday  ,   gotten his hands dirty in the process of putting trouble makers back into place–––– rather wanting to forget   THAT  part and hold on to what had come after that  ,  angelic sweet face of someone who had made it clear to minjun that he wasn’t easy  in any way and wouldn’t just fall into the hotel owner’s arms just like that .  which was  FINE   by all means and honestly  ,   he almost did not expect to see other ever again  ,   had seen the distrust in their eyes as well as the fear and perhaps it would be for the better for that–––– slightly had minjun enjoyed to toy around  ,   even if it had only been a little bit––– does own sadistic side show  ,  with him using it for own entertainment whenever he got the chance .  other’s soft skin almost under his thumb  ,   almost right there for him to grab and feel over smooth surface––– except that it had never gotten that far  ;   SUCH   A   SHAME    .   so it was even more irritating and confusing for hotel casino owner when he got a call from one of his staff who seemed just as bewildered as minjun  ,  description of other’s appearance in addition until eventually a  NAME  dropped and eyes immediately illuminated as he already made his way to the entrance area  ,  telling his staff he would be right there in a second––– and for kaiser to wait for him inside .  there’s a different kind of excitement hitting him as veins seemed to practically pump with a sudden kick of adrenaline that had just begin to spark–––  HADN’T EXPECTED this at all  as hands quickly grab for cologne he kept in his bag , applying it to his own neck and wrists–––  just subtle enough to still be noticed if stood close enough  ,   cedar wood and citrus are hanging in the air as he’s stood on the same spot for a moment  before he grabs phone and immediately heads out  ,  casual light blue shirt he’s wearing today that is loosely buttoned .  quickly making his way through the giant open space  ,  marble floors and marble pillars  ,  shiny floor under his feet as confident walk has him spot the other almost right away .  smile can’t help but brighten up playfully  ,  endearing is other’s appearance and at the same time  ,  overly curious his own mind as he stops right in front of other .  other’s pink sweater has minjun raising his eyebrows in awe  ;     “     WELL    ,    WELL   !    LOOK WHO’S HERE     !      don’t you look adorable  !    i  didn’t expect you to come  at  all  .   are you feeling lucky today  ?  might   win   a million here  today  ,  who knows  ?   “   ,  hand raising up to feel the fabric of the awfully soft looking sweater as head tilts to the side and smile flashes . 
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it’s as he stands inside , eyes wide and scanning the room around him , that kaiser truly begins to feel out of place . what did he think he was going to achieve coming here ? had he not told minjun last night that he isn’t easy ? yet here he is , walking straight into the lion’s den . eyes flicker up to a nearby marble pillar and he sighs — he shouldn’t be here . places like this are not for boys like kaiser . he doesn’t even have a home , let alone something this flashy . too busy staring at the opulence around him and letting his hatred of capitalism fester , the blue haired boy doesn’t even notice the other man approaching him until voice makes him up and gaze shifts to meet theirs . wow . he’d thought minjun had looked good the night before , but somehow seeing him in his own setting makes him glow in a way that kaiser finds alluring and unsettling in equal measure . “ huh ? oh ... no . no , GOD no . ” he shakes his head — he knows how these places work , how the odds are usually stacked against the gamblers . besides , he has little to offer as a wager in any case . “ i uh ... brought you lunch . to say thanks . for uh ... helping mitchie get home . ” face screws up as he winces at his own delivery , rapidly realising how silly it sounds .
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pcrsonas · 4 years
someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every.time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls
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pcrsonas · 4 years
muse: kim haneul . open to: m / f / nb . plot: haneul writes a song for your muse and is nervous about letting them hear it . 
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haneul thought making the spare bedroom in his apartment into an at home studio wasn’t going to be the best idea, but, in all honesty, it was the best decision he could’ve made. it was becoming increasingly more difficult to commute to the studio every single day, stay until the wee hours of the morning, and come back home to his already sleeping significant other. he’d been working on this particular song for some time now. he wanted it to be perfect before they heard it, so when they interrupted the male in putting some finishing touches on the song, he was a bit reluctant. “okay, okay wait.” he laughed, putting a pair of headphones on them, a fond smile finding its way onto his lips. he watched intently as they listened to the song he poured his heart and soul into, anxiously waiting for their response.
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kaiser would be lying if he said his life hadn’t got increasingly better since meeting haneul . not only was being in love the single greatest experience of his life , but it also didn’t hurt having somewhere to sleep when nights on the store room floor were particularly uncomfortable . sure , he felt bad leaving his brother behind to stay in a nice warm bed instead of on a blow up mattress , but the other didn’t seem to mind — he spent most nights out on the streets anyway . yes , being with haneul makes kaiser happy . which is why , when the other finally lets him pull the headphones over his messy blue mop to listen to the song he’s been working on for what seems like forever , it doesn’t take long for kaiser’s eyes to fill with tears . “ it ... ” the smaller male pauses once the song is finished , chewing on his lower lip . “ it’s beautiful . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
open to: m/f/nb situation: a date ?? idk whatever else can come to your mind. i just had the idea for this starter and it mad me laugh.
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“ so i was there, in a tropical forest, lost, stranded, covered in mud, and a jaguar showed up ! so yeah, i was like god, if i survive this, i’ll shave my head, and that is why now i have short hair. ” she shrugged, slurping on her milkshake, smile still splattered across her features. “ anyway, enough about me. tell me about you ! you like adventures ? ”
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“ wait ... why would shaving your head save you from a jaguar ? ” elsie’s always been a little naive , but she’s genuinely invested in the story and wants to hear the full conclusion , no matter how ridiculous it may be . “ me ? oh ... no , not really . i’m pretty boring . i like staying in better than going out . ”
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pcrsonas · 4 years
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what the hell is he doing ? honestly , he’s not even sure if he knows any more . last night had been a blur for the blue haired boy , and all he’s been thinking about this morning is the feel of the tall stranger’s chest under his palm , and the look in his eyes as they stood mere millimetres away from one another . sitting at the reception desk doing admin work has him reminiscing of being perched on top of the light wood , and he swears he can still feel the other man’s hands either side of his thighs . 
it’s that thought that had him fishing around for the box he uses to keep his spare earrings in , sighing as he catches a glimpse of the pikachu printed on top as he tips out the contents onto his bed . ( he maintains the lunchbox was just the right size and on sale at the time , and he definitely didn’t buy it because he thought it was cute ) . once the lunchbox is empty , kaiser fills it with whatever he can find in his fridge — which , to be honest , isn’t a lot . an orange , a chocolate bar , a yoghurt , and a sandwich he’d managed to make using the last two slices of bread and the thinnest slice of ham you’ve ever seen.
so now , stood in front of the casino minjun had told him about the night before , kaiser swallows . he looks out of place with pokemon lunchbox clutched in his grasp — giant baby pink sweater almost completely covering his hands and finishing at his mid-thigh — and the security at the door know it . what the fuck was he thinking ? there’s no way he’s getting in here . “ i ... can you tell mister uh ... minjun . can you tell him kaiser’s here to see him , please ? ”
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