The most important thing I learned in Peace Corps is that people make sense when you take time to understand them.
8 people share how the Peace Corps changed their lives via @buzzfeedpartner (via peacecorps)
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Showing Hospitality in Swaziland
Within the last month, other PCVs in Swaziland finally started visiting my site to see the little slice of heaven where I live. Not only has this given me the opportunity to play host, but my “make” (Mother) loves it too. 
Visits always begin with greetings and introductions, which you can read about here (https://travelintheglobe.wordpress.com/2017/01/21/whats-in-a-swazi-surname/). Using praise names sweetens the process and shows off your knowledge of your fellow countrymen. 
Then my “make” and “babe”, if he is there too, will want to know where you live and comment on how far away and rural your community is.  
Now is the time to wow the family with some SiSwati and they will be even more excited you came to visit. 
Next, “make” will say how nice it was that her volunteer brought her friends to visit because she loves me so much and is so happy for me to be living with them.  
Finally, “make” will offer you some mangoes and perhaps some of the other fruit varieties that are currently in season and tell you that you truly are welcome. “Wemukelekile” 
When it is time for you to leave, “make” will make sure you have as much fruit as desired, and if you arrived in a big enough group, she will call a “khumbi” local transport, to collect you from the front gate. 
And then with a final “ngiyabonga” (thank you) and “salani kahle” (stay well), and from my make a “hamba kahle” (go well), you will leave my homestead well fed and appreciative of plentiful fruits and Swazi hospitality.
PCV Alison’s Blog
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