peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
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         breathe in. a smile                                        he’s in love nothing can change        finds its way upon                                         this and the doubt disappears        his face and nothing                                      from his mind, or almost, what        could change this,                                         if, after all, something were to        nothing could ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, take this moment away. (?)                                                                                            he’s smiling and he never smiles. he’s smiling and he’s happy                it’s quite funny, how strange this feels to him. as it he just        wasn’t cut to be happy. only to hurt. yet here is this smile. and         the relief in a sigh, breathed against lips too soft, he is there,        right where he b e l o n g s, right where he is L O V E D
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       and he is calm, but his heart beats too quickly.                                         his moves are quick too, when he sinks to                                         his knees. hands on Oscar’s hips. kisses                                         could never be enough, nothing could ever                                         be enough to show him the place he took in                                         morris’ heart. all of it. a part of him and maybe                                                                                                         m o r e        brother they’re brothers                                      his lips meet skin, his        and morris only adores                                     lover’s, just a button of        him. and the way he looks                                 his shirt undone, right        up there, the words he feels,                              above his belt and there        so deep inside him, echoing                              is the truth there is passion        through his bones before simply                       burning through him, and        reflecting in his eyes oh, just                             his fingers shake and it’s        before he says them. they could                        how they work. Oscar        be chaste these words. they are,                       guides him a second and        hidden behind a childish smile.                          he’s already getting ready for        a hand finds the fallen blanket                            more, giving more, to maybe        yet his stare seems fixed on                              one day be able to make him        Oscar. some shining star in                               happy. let him see he’s the only        the sky. his hope. a need, a want, some more, and the One he desires.                      and, oh so simply, oh so perfectly, the words fall.                                                                                                          truth. truth as it is.
                                                                    ❝ i love you. ❞
               ❝ morris –– –– we can't –– –– not now. ❞
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        oscar rolls his eyes, a chuckle passing through his         lips. as much as he would love to, they couldn't.          they both had a job to do, and they've already spent         too much time away. there was no doubt in his mind         that wiesel was back at the distribution center, waiting         for oscar and his brother to return as well.
                                with reluctance, he grabs his brother's                                 collar to pull him to his feet. yes, it was                                 a bit difficult to pull a giant to his feet,                                 but by now oscar was used to it.
                  ❝ 'sides . . i'se sick. i ain't in any mood for                      this anyways. ❞
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        his body aches. maybe it was because of all the          shivering he's been doing, or maybe it was because          of the 'conversation' he and his father had last         night . . . let's just pretend it was his constant shaking.         it was a much more pleasant thought than the latter.         the boy covers his face as he sneezes, taking the         time to find his jacket. what was left of a jacket. the         thing was so old, holes where everywhere. at least         oscar had sleeves he could roll down.
                                                        better than nothing. 
                   ❝ c'mon morris we gotta go! have you seen                      my scarf ?? ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
Your brother is useless
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               ❝ no he's not. morris ain't useless. ❞
     he hates that word. it makes him sound like one of those trashy    street rats the new york populous called newsies. oscar stares,    anger covering every inch of his face. lips twitch, nose scrunched    up tight. 
                                                             how dare they insult morris?                                                              they don't even know a thing                                                             about him.
               ❝ if anyone here is useless it's you. don't have                 a single statement to back up what ya just said.                 no proof, 'cause there is none. 
                                                             get out'ta my face. ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x. pseudonymized.
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               ❝ – – and i'm telling you it's nothin' !! ❞
     he didn't have a cough, absolutely not. the air was just dry.     so what his chest felt tight? really tight. and so what if every     phrase was followed by a fit of coughs?
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x. cocky son of a bitch.
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     a fist clenched tight, ready to smash something.      ready to smash oscar’s jaw, preferably. but damn      this guy just talked too much. looks too confident      too full of confidence to be honest. reading people      and their feelings might not always be jack’s thing      if there was one thing he knew, that was how to      recognize a lie. jack just tightened his grip on       oscar’s collar. strangely, he could feel he was right      deep in his bones. this feeling has betrayed him a      couple of times, but it couldn’t now. and even if      it was, even if he was innocent today, he’d be      guilty the next. 
          ❝ Shut up. ❞
     rough words from a sharp tongue.
     louder than his. listening to this boy was absolutely      tiring. god knew jack could listen to complaints      for days if he had to. but only from his newsies. only      if you were on his good side. a fist crashed against      a nose. he’d make him pay this time. even if he’d       scared his friend too much for him to tell a word to      jack about it. in the streets, you had to follow your guts.       and that’s something he knew how to do.
     not a step back. He could stay like this for a while.      he could try to force him to admit it. but it wouldn’t      change anything. it wouldn’t be punishment. to      anyone else, morris would be the honest one.      and maybe it wasn’t fair. and maybe this wasn’t      justice either. but this was how the streets worked.      this was how he could protect what mattered. or      just avenge them. now wasn’t the time to step back. 
             ❝ i don’t care about what you have to              say. i don’t care about your excuses or you              trying to make me feel guilty. my conscious              already rests easy.❞
     a lie. but one more or one less wouldn’t change much.
             ❝ YOU WERE HERE. he’s not. and you’re              right. you’re scum. and you won’t admit              it. but it’s good. i can punch anyway.               and harder if that’s what you need.❞
     he never felt so cool. so used to it all.      anger had eaten his mind already.      god only knew when he’d be back       to his senses.      maybe with oscar beaten to the ground.       as crutchie had been.
             ❝ Now, he’s got a gimp leg. He’s not his              leg. and I don’t care who else call him              that. I’m talking about you right now.
                               And what you DID.❞
     his fist was shaking. his mind was blank.      ready for another blow..
     oscars head nearly snaps to the side, parallel with the brick     wall behind him. he groans, too used to that kind of touch. too     accustomed to the pain a fist could bring. a punch coming from     anyone but his dad just didn't faze him. 
    rolling his neck, the boy faces jack kelly, a grin plastered to his     face. he honestly couldn't care if his nose was bleeding, or that     his teeth were staining red. his shoulders were shaking, as well     as his hands. didn't matter, nothing did.
                     he wipes away, well, smears the blood off of his face.                      oscar could at least try to look presentable in front of                      the fearless leader JACK KELLY.
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               ❝ okay, okay, alright, okay. maybe i was here,                  maybe i wasn't. that weak arm of yours isn't                  gonna make me talk.
                  you could do anythin' to me, and i still wouldn't                   talk to you. you aren't going to figure out what                   happened to that little crippled friend of yours.
                  don't think he's ever gonna speak up either. ❞
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    so what he was scum? any kid who wasn't in school right now     had done something awful if their lifetime. at least, from what he's     seem around. yeah, sure, oscar was definitely worse than most of     the boys around. it was just – – at this point he couldn't care! nothing     matters to him, not anymore. maybe oscar should feel a little bad     for trying to place the blame on morris. his own brother. it was just     him wanting one day to come out unscathed, just him being selfish.
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x. don't be silly.
            �� ❝ you don't. ❞
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       or maybe he does, but morris doesn’t want to think about it. he        knows he’s no good. he knows everything wrong that might happen        is his fault. he knows it’s because of him their mother left. and even        if it’s not always true, he’s sure of these things. but oscar was there,        right? Oscar stayed. Oscar held him and taught him so many things                                                                                     l  i  f  e.        Oscar kissed him and made him smile. the only one who could do        such a thing. yet the words shake on the verge of his lips.                              so do his hands. fingers too long cupping his brother’s        cheek. so gentle. anyone who’d seen him fight wouldn’t believe the        same person was standing there. tender. trying to smile, but not        able to push his lips to obey his brain. never been a good actor.        never been a good liar. then Oscar, who was his Oscar, he didn’t        w a n t  to hide a thing from him.                                                              he couldn’t even want it. not when                                                              was all he had now. and the doubt                                                             stays. the kiss had been as rough                                                             as the words. but he still is a child                                                             hidden there to kiss the one he l o v e s.
                                                                                  ❝ right? ❞
                                                      ❝ . . . ❞
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               ❝ 'course not. ❞
     the brute leans into morris's hand, teeth chattering. he was      so cold. why was it so cold? he knows he brought that up     a lot, but it was just so cold. he hates the cold, it's practically     ruining their moment. moments like this don't really come up     a lot anymore. 
                  not with oscar's dad around more often than usual,                     – – not with oscar's dad getting rougher day by day.
               ❝ don't be silly, of course i don't hate you. you're                  my brother morris, ❞ more than brothers.❝ couldn't                  hate you even if i tried. ❞
    oscar laughs, voice hoarse and dry from the chilly temperatures.      he presses his lips against morris's once more, obviously growing     more and more impatient as each second passed. his nose bumps     with the other's, making it just a bit more difficult to get at a good     angle.
    morris's lips are dry, just as usual, but that doesn't stop him. he     moves faster, blanket falling off of his shoulders just after wrapping     his arms around the taller one's shoulders. morris could bend down,     just a tiny bit.
                                                              it would just make things easier.
                ❝ work wit' me would'ja? ❞
    his voice is breathy. it wasn't like he already had issues breathing      today – – now he had to hold his breath sometimes. kid was too     greedy for his own good.
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x. maybe i like you a little.
            ❝ !?? ❞                         — what does that even mean
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          not that he’s stupid but oscar speaks too           fast. or maybe he just can’t really       follow properly, it happens sometimes.           he still follows when his brother gets           up. he wanted a break. just a little.. just           for now. and he was quick to be at the door before            him. Lean against it and smile. hands were            quick to find oscar’s shoulders. pull him closer            ~ and lips soon were pressed against others.
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          ❝ c’m’on, lemme warm you up. ❞  
          just a whisper.           he hates the cold, because of how helpless       it leaves his oscar. but at the same time           it’s a good excuse to get him closer.
            ❝ !!! ❞
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       oscar huffs, stubbornly leaning into his brother. it wasn't like he        wanted to. he was just cold, and for some reason morris always        managed to stay warm. the boy nearly melts with his lover's brother's        kiss. the normally brutish boy grabs morris' collar, pulling him in        close. they're lips however, are no longer one.
                                                        they're separated as he speaks. 
           ❝ morris we got work to do . . . we shouldn't               even be thinkin' 'bout this right now. ❞
                         ––––––– or ever.
        well, what harm could it do? they were alone, and morris could         help warm him up. reluctantly, oscar presses his lips against         his brother's once more. it's rougher than the first one. 
                                                                                  ❝ i hate you. ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x i dont like you.
            ❝ he ain’t back. think he went out              to get cigars. there ain’t anybody            waitin’ anyways. ❞                         — stay.
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          not that there’s no work left. but           with no one to watch over them.           no one to keep them from breaks,           or keep him from falling near oscar           head against his shoulder. or more           against his own head. too tall. a real                                                               break.
            ❝ you don't know that. you'se tellin'                me that you know for sure he's still                 gone despite da fact you is still here ?? ❞
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      there was work left, and oscar has already been out too many           days because of his heartless, son of a bitch of a father.           the boy stands up, keeping a blanket wrapped around him.           damn was it cold. why was it so cold. he hates the cold.           when it was cold, he was sick. 
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x ooc. might hop soon ! but like for a                 starter from yours truly. gonna be                on here and degxnerate the most                 out of all my rp blogs. trying to make                this the second most active.
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x ooc. spit on oscar and call him a whore.
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x fucking twit.
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            ❝ Okay! But takin breaks’ not bein’ busy, right?                So I can stay. ❞
          ❝ if you want to. i gotta leave soon any-              ways. i snuck out from the office while              our uncle was takin' a break. ❞
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          ❝ he's gotta be pissed at me for ditchin'.              i'll just say i had ta piss, he ain't gonna              know the difference. ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
"Ya wanna come explorin' wif' me today, Oscar?"
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      he drinks from a musty glass, which was most       likely filled with whiskey or scotch. something       of a golden brown. eying the little girl, the boy       swallows, adjusting the (over-sized) scarf around       his neck. damn was it cold.
          ❝ kid, it's snowin' in november, an' ya wanna             go explorin' ?? is there even anythin' left to             EXPLORE in new york? ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x ooc. with my new (and modified) theme i                am ready to rp like for a starter.
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x a bother.
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            ❝ lia’. and don’ shoo me like that. i’se not three.                                                               - what’s wrong? ❞
          ❝ nothin's wrong !! i'se just tired an' sore.              ain't nothin' gotta be wrong for me ta              take a break. ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
+ dxlancey
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          ❝ shoo –––––– i'se busy. ❞
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x ooc. so i really just want to draw so no more                replies sorry things came up i ran out of                 time. more tomorrow ;0
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peacekeepxrr-blog · 10 years
––x cute when she's scared.
            ❝ i really want my goddamn papers.                you can’t exactly blame me for trying.❞
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      — well, she certainly blames herself.        not only does she realize how stupid        it was to go to oscar, but she can tell        that she’s about to be seriously hurt.        damaged, somehow. she can see it in        his eyes.
          timid, gentle hands reach out and fix           the older boy’s tie, and she places           the money in his breast pocket. she           just can’t believe herself.
                                                               stupid,                                                                        stupid,                                                                                stupid.
     he raises an eyebrow, a fiendish smirk crossing      his face. he almost couldn't believe what he was      was seeing. of course, oscar was used to people      trying to bribe their way out of a beating; it never      worked. however, she wasn't bribing him, she      was only trying to pay for her papers.
     PECULIAR . . . 
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          ❝ what's your name, doll face ?? ❞
     oscar drops her, taking a quick drag from his      cigar only to end up blowing it in her face. he      was nearly at a loss for words.
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