peacemcgee-blog · 6 years
Yesterday’s Observations
I was extremely upset yesterday. I was scrolling through my timeline on my twitter feed and watched a horrific video of two men being shot to death before my very eyes. I was even sadder when I noticed that I was completely desensitized to the entire thing. I reminisced and realized shit like that happens every day... And if a little privileged white girl from the suburbs is barely phased by something as traumatic as a man getting his head shot off I can’t even begin to fathom how heavy the weight is on the shoulders of those living in the midst of it all. It hit me like a bag of bricks I kid you not... The world is so fucked up right now. People dying left and right brothers turning on brothers, mothers turning on daughters, racism poisoning the streets like a plague while society pretends it doesn’t even exist. What are we doing? What happened to kindness? What happened to loving your neighbor as you love yourself? And that’s the primary issue I think. Something we beings commonly overlook. We spend so much unnecessary time focusing on what others think or are doing wrong bc somewhere along the road we lost sight of who we are and the purpose we hold. So, we continue to spiral into this hole of darkness unleashing the beasts within us eventually becoming the worst versions of ourselves. Spiteful, angry, alone. Yes, this is what it has come to. A world created by God himself out of genuine love, peace and compassion gone rogue. What makes even littler sense is the mere fact that it never had to come to this in the first place. Unfortunately it did. And now that it has what will we do? Will we just sit back and do nothing to change it? Or will we stand up for what is right? Don’t get me wrong the world is not entirely evil. Those of you strong and brave enough to try and make a change by enlightening other with the bigger picture are very honorable and acknowledged. Do not be naive however, there are also those that simply go through the motions saying what everyone else wants them to. Painting an image of themselves that barely familiarizes with their actual reality. We as humans are incredible intellectuals. Deep down we know what is right we just often continue to deny and distract ourselves to maintain the little bliss we have left. It’s time for a change.
Have no fear, just like the world can get worse, it’s potential to grow into something more peaceful and alive is limitless! YOUR POTENTIAL TO THRIVE AND BLOSSOM INTO WHATEVER IT IS YOU CHOOSE TO GROW INTO IS LIMITLESS! Do not be fooled into believeing the lies the world whispers in our ears every day. It is not to late to wake the fuck up and let your light out. To digress a moment, this entry as well as those preceding it are not to establish a following or to emanate myself a saint or prophet or guru by any means. I am human just as much as the rest of us here. I make mistakes and am in no way shape or form worthy of any type of idolatry. I am your equal. I created this journal to share my own observations of the world anonymously. I hope to change at least a couple perspectives. You know, do my part, spread the love. The choice to listen, agree or disagree is yours. The fact of the matter of today’s thoughts is this... If I have learned anything in this life It is that we as humans do not need to hide behind pain and hurt, we do not need to resort to hate or spite to solve anything. Rather, it is imperative to understand the true beauty of life is hidden in the revelation that we are all humans, together, with senses, toes, hands, feelings and insecurities. We all are going through the same journey to a prosperous and joyous life. Taught all the same lessons in unique ways that best match our character. Once we realize, believe and act on it I undoubtably believe the world will be a little lighter than it is today.
With love,
Peace McGee 🧡
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