peachblossomsofair · 3 years
are you a jimin only/centric account?
yes, jimin centric 
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
In your honest opinion what do you realistically think will happen with the members once BTS disband/go on indefinite hiatus? Will they all stay in bighit for solo careers or will they find a new company? Or will some of them disappear from the scene all together? Personally I think RM, Suga and JK will for sure stay within the company. I think it ends with BTS for some of the members as far as touring/releasing albums is conserned.
i actually think they’d stay together as a group and stay with BH while doing solo work and sub unit work.
They don’t need to leave the group to do solo work. 
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
Hi I know ur not a km blog anymore but I recently read over ur blog and I’ve been following u for a long time I was just wondering if JK’s rumor with the girl made u doubt anything about km like was there information in korea that intl fans didn’t know about ? Idk I feel kinda sad bc it seemed like their relationship was a hoax in a way :/ If u don’t answer this it’s fine I was just curious bc I genuinely do think there is something between them but being a intl fan it’s hard to decipher things
hi, I will be frank. The main reason for stopping to write a KM’s timeline is coz I was busy, and that I was no longer curious about the relationship. But there was also one other reason, being that I am not comfortable with the shipping mindset.
The Jk rumour came out in Sep 2019, right? My decision to stop writing about KM was months before that, so my decision to stop being a km blog was NOT at all related to the JK scandal.
I remember back in 2018, I started to think, based on the things I see, that if they were indeed dating, that the two were liking going through a rough patch. I tried to discuss this here on this blog, but to my surprised I got a lot of hate messages when I suggested that the two might be taking a break.  
This is also one reason why I stopped writing about KM. I don’t mind discussions or even the hate, but I don’t want to feed any sort of delusions for shippers just for the purpose of shipping. If people accept that two very real people might be in a very real relationship, then they must accept that the two could have real arguments and maybe even break up.
As shippers it’s ok to live in one’s delusions (but then one should keep it confined to closed circles where it would NOT affect those two people’s real life). But as supporters/fans who do think they were/are indeed dating, and are there to support the two and their relationship, we should also support their decision to take a break or to break it off if that is their choice.
Since many many many of my readers are not willing to respect this, and refuse to hear anything but how good things are going (or how it’s hidden if the relationship doesn’t seem so good), I no longer wish to continue contributing to this mindset.
I am still very convinced myself that they were together until 2018 at least, so to answer your question, no, i don’t think it a hoax. But not every relationship works out in the end, so even if they had a fight, took a break or decided to break up, that should be something that is very normal and equally accepted by jikook supporters.
I stopped following bts’s events/appearances closely soon after that, since I no longer was interested in observing KM, and simply viewed mostly things related to Jimin only.
When the Jk scandal broke out in Sep 2019, I read what was complied (translated), and posted on the sk and C forums. It’s easy to read those and also the comment sections to see what people thought on the subject if you know the language, and it’s also quite easy to draw your own conclusions on the subject.
I personally don’t even think it’s a scandal, i.e., it should be fine whether he is dating her or not. For me:
1) I just think jikook might have dated until at least 2018, I could very well be wrong;
2) even if they were dating, as I already mentioned, I do believe jikook were having problems and taking a break in late 2018. IF Jk dated the tattoo artist in Sep 2019, i.e., after the two decided to break it off/take a break, it is JK’s right as a grown man; if there was no relationship between Jk and the girl, then even less to discuss.
Bottom line, if one supports JK and JM, then you should respect their choice of a partner? If they decide to be together, then we respect that decision; if they decide to be with other people, we respect that decision; if they decide to be single, we respect that decision...
They should be dating they one they like, to make themselves happy. They are not dating to make fans happy....
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
I was on twitter today and said to an army “Jin isn't as good as the dance line when it comes to dance, and cannot write as many songs as fast as rapline, but I think his great humour and natural charm is amazing, and he would be a gem to any variety show. I wish BH would promote him in that area as fans wait for him to do his own mixtape".
And they told me that it’s very disrespectful, they object to the ‘but’, and think jin is an artist so it’s lowering his status when I say I wish BH would promote him in sk via varieties.
I wonder what you guys think? Why do i feel like ot7s and I now don’t even live in the same reality...
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
Jimin majored in dance. Fact. End of discussion.
Ot7s are stupid to believe that this even needs to be discussed.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
I think it’s funny that people still scream and cry about solo stans when it’s obvious the number of solo’s have been increasing for awhile now. I wouldn’t even say JM has the most solo stans, just more people have issue with JM solo’s. If only the little sevens could realize it’s their behavior that are driving people twords solo stanning.
i don’t get why army cries about solo stans, like army keep saying solo stans are not part of the fandom, then why are they this pressed about another fandom?
and a lot of ‘ot7s’ are just jimin antis in disguise, that’s why they have problems with jimin fans.
I never considered ever being a part of the bts fandom (i.e. army), coz i-army haven’t been fair to Jimin since he became the most popular member.
I remember all the “hobi is the only main dancer narrative“ that started since 2016, which later developed into all the “vote for Hobi over Jimin, coz Jimin gets so much already“ narrative, bullying even jimin biased armies to give their votes and attention to another member, then never give their own time or support to jiminie in return. Those are all misinformation campaigns started by army to purposely suppress or discredit Jimin.
To be honest, those fans who bias jimin, why would they even want to belong to a group that is constantly shady to Jiminie?
also, if another member is less popular or gets less attention, that’s not jimin’s problem. So army being shady to jiminie is beyond disgusting.
tbh, it’s 2021, I don’t believe anyone who call themselves army have jimin’s best interest at heart. If they did they’d see what their fellow army is doing, and hence not want to be a part of that group.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
truck protest
Making a record of the truck protest that is happening outside BH building. Information from Mochi Union (@guardiansofpjm) on twitter:
Jimin’s fans are asking BH to take action against antis who are spreading malicious rumours and hate. It is BH’s responsibility to protect their artists. The blogs have existed for a long time, and sk jimin stans have sent countless emails to ask BH to take action, but except for some vague statements, BH have taken no action against antis.
I think it’s brilliant that fans have finally decided that enough is enough, and make it so that BH gets the message. 
Truck protest have been going on for three weeks now, and seems to be continuing. Thanks to all the fans who cared enough about Jimin to make this kind of statement. 👏
1st truck: 13 Jan-20th Jan
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2nd truck: 18 Jan- 22 Jan
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3rd truck: 25 Jan- still on going
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
What made you stop being a KM blog, if I may ask?
1) most important reason is that I got real busy.
2) I personally think I knew enough about their relationship, so it’s no longer interesting to me.
3) shippers tend to only want to hear about the rosy side of their ship, and freak out at any mention of trouble. But a real relationship always have ups and downs, and it’s unrealistic to think KM’s is one without any down time. Hence I lost interest writing a timeline for an audience who I feel only wants too see one half of what I think is happening.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
all new jikook blogs and getting asks about you lol they are so insecure
really? which new blogs are there? please tell, I will be interested in reading what they are saying.
and i am flattered if any of them actually know me and my account... it’s been a long time, and I already stopped posting about KM since late 2018.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
What did you think of the last few comebacks? Jimin's black swan solo dance and the end of year performances? I love watching jimin dance so much, wish we were given more opportunities to see it 😭😭😭
He is so perfect. He is always so amazing when he is on the stage, and especially mesmerising when he is doing modern dance.
He is just so graceful, like he is so light and so angelic it feels like he might grow wings at any time and just float float float ~~~
I watch it so many times!!!!
I wish that he’d have a solo debut soon and give us more stages like that.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
So don’t you mind sharing what’s the final puzzle you found in jikook history? That it is all just friendship since the start with fanservice (to gain popularity) time to time?
hmmmmm? maybe read my posts on the subject. If you have you’d know that I think they were dating since 2015/2016, then I simply stopped observing them.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
Who let the brainwashed kids inside your inbox that believe if you solo a member its a crime and the reason for everything they dont like?
it’s 2021, and now it seems like only Jimin solo stans care about his well-being and personal development.
the 7 in ot7 seem to stand for the six members and BH, from the way ot7s are protecting BH and making excuses for BH’s ill treatment of members or oversight or how badly they manage the group.
so, proud to be a solo stan, won’t want anyone to mistake me for a company stan instead. Jimin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BH
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
So, um... I'm finding it pretty weird the way people are reacting to you coming back, as if when you left you were still a km blog and now you came back all changed, when it actually wasn't like that??? I actually remember that it was a very organic and progressive changing in your content, like...middle to ending of 2018 maybe? Not sure, but I remember you talking abt how KM dynamic wasn't a puzzle to you anymore and you started to talk less and less about them, only if questioned, till the point you just said that you didn't see your blog as a km one anymore, and you would focus on jimin, all of that WAY before you had your hiatus, and way before any scandal.
People just blocked like a whole year of your content of their minds or what? Cause 2019 you were already like this and made it very clear, wtf
I find it pretty weird too, coz like you said, I just lost interest coz I think I solved the puzzle. I was interested in mapping KM’s development on a timeline, then coz I lost interest, I didn’t want to spend time finishing it.
I actually only came up coz this is already 2021, but people were still interacting and commenting on my old posts about KM (kept getting email notices) and I was a bit curious on why people were still reading them.
And there were more than 1,500 asks in my in box, so I read a few and answered them.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
sureeee it's a coincidence and now you come back as a solo jm believing the scandal lmao
?... why the lie?
you only need to read my posts and see that i’ve been a jimin solo stan long before jk’s “scandal”, as you call it.
tbh, it doesn’t matter if he is back hugging girls outside ktvs. he’s 25, more than grown enough for it.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
The last post you made in 2019, the sad face, what was that about?
I remember that was the day jk's pictures with the girl got leaked and after that you just went missing, so I couldnt help but to think it had something to do with the news, (the sad face and your disappearance) even though, it doesn't seem like something you would do, so that's why I'm curious abt the last post you made
can’t remember, maybe it is a coincidence. I’ve posted sad faces before too, smily faces also.
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
Lately I been feeling like an outsider in the fandom, it seems like you can’t speak your mind now a days and it hurts me soo much because I love the boys but Jimin will always be more special to me, but as soon as those words come out your label a anti or a solo stan, and to be honest I think the fandom has pushed a lot of fans away, but I will always support them especially Jimin, sorry for the rant😞
Hey, sorry this is late. But don’t worry about labels. I mean, people saying you are a solo stan doesn’t make you one. And being a solo stans is not a bad thing either.
You can just be a fan in whatever way you want, as long as one is not toxic and sending hate to any other artist.
I mean, i don’t mind ot5s or ot6s even, if they don’t pretend to be ot7s and shade the one or two members they don’t stan...
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peachblossomsofair · 4 years
do you think all/ most shippers are bad? I love bangtan and i (respectfully) ship kookmin, but my priority had always been their music. Shipping is just a cute bonus (that was long ago ruined by delulu uninterested in anything other than ships :
I don’t think shippers are bad. It’s only bad when people are being too delusional and then go over the top with their fantasies.
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