peachhsoju · 2 years
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uhhhhhhhh .... hi 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
.........  hello  ??  
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peachhsoju · 2 years
maybe  cuz  i’ve  been  reading  red  white  &  roy.al  b.lue  but  …  royalty  plots  methinks  
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peachhsoju · 2 years
sowwy  for  no  activity  these  last  few  weeks  it’s  been  / struggle  city /  over  here ,  i’ve  kind  of  regressed  back  into  some  comfort  fandoms  cuz  of  it  wwkjwkj ...  it’s  dumb  but  i  feel  this  massive  guilt  being  away  from  this  blog  for  this  long  cuz  this  blog  was /  is  such  a  big  part  of  my  life ...  like  fr  not  to  be  sappy  over  ocs  but  [ michael  scott  meme]  i  love  you  all .  so  much 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
maybe  cuz  i’ve  been  reading  red  white  &  roy.al  b.lue  but  ...  royalty  plots  methinks  
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peachhsoju · 2 years
(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY PROMPTS   !    
send a symbol from your muse to mine.   add  ↪  for a reverse from my muse to yours !
🍳   :   cook breakfast in bed for my muse.
💝   :   give a box of chocolates to my muse.
🍿    :   watch a rom-com with my muse.
💐   :   give flowers to my muse.
👙    :   buy lingerie for my muse.
💌   :   leave my muse a card from a secret admirer.
🍽️   :   take my muse out for dinner for two.
❤️   :   give a gift to my muse.   (   specify.   )
🐶   :   surprise my muse with a puppy.
🐱   :   surprise my muse with a kitten.
💔   :   break up with my muse.
🏩   :   book a valentine’s trip away with my muse.
💍    :   propose to my muse.
🔥    :   flirt with my muse.
😳   :   confess your muse’s love to my muse.
😘   :   kiss my muse.
🐻   :   give my muse a valentine’s teddy bear.
💃    :   dance with my muse.
🚫   :   spend valentine’s day with my muse platonically   :   no partners allowed !
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peachhsoju · 2 years
ok  so  i  was  on  my  hp  blog  for  a  bit  there  &   ... whew  
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peachhsoju · 2 years
yall  i  am  just  [ braindead ]  so  i’ll  be  on  discy  :  #wonwoo’s gamer gf#2608 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
comfort prompts for a lover's nightmare
“ babe, wake up. “
“ are you okay, my love? “
“ i had a nightmare. “
“ are you awake? “
“ you woke up screaming. “
“ it just felt so... real. “
“ you wanna talk about it? “
“ just hold me. “
“ please don't go back to sleep just yet. “
“ i'm here, okay? “
“ you're safe. “
“ can i stay with you? i... had a really bad dream. “
“ i'll be there when you wake up. “
“ here, take my hand. “
“ it's just a bad dream. “
“ hey, look at me. look at me. it's not real. “
“ wake up! “
“ hey... are you crying? “
“ hey, look at me. what's wrong? “
“ let's stay up for a while. “
“ you're back in the real world where nothing can hurt you. “
“ look around you. “
“ i'm so embarrassed. “ “ nothing to be embarrassed off. “
“ you wanna tell me about [your dream]? “ “ it was like a horror movie. “
“ we can talk, or we can lay here, listening to each other's heartbeat. “
“ think you can fall asleep again? “
“ i'll stay up with you. “
“ i had a really crazy dream. like. really crazy. “
“ i think i'm gonna stay up for a while. “ “ want me to join you? “
“ you're... crushing my hand. “
“ hey, calm down. calm down. you're okay. “
“ i'm going back to sleep, but if you need me, you know where to find me. “
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peachhsoju · 2 years
fred  &  george  ...  just  like  ...  as  a  concept  
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peachhsoju · 2 years
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it’s  not  that  seonghan  has  never  been  outside  the  palace  walls .  he  totally  has  !  he  was  just  surrounded  by  a  cavalcade  &  ,  oh ,  six  bodyguards ,  maybe  ?  but  unbeknownst  to  most ,  the  prince  has  always  hated  all  the  fuss  that  comes  with  him  going  anywhere  ,  or  doing  just  about  anything .  he  can’t  even  set  foot  outside  without  the  sound  of  the  press’  camera  shutters ,  clicking  away  over  the  walls  like  cicada  wings . he’d  learned  as  a  child  that  privacy  was  a  privilege ,  not  a  right .  the  microscope  he  lives  under  could  be  cruel .  
&   he  feels  silly ,  complaining  about  all  this .  there  are  worse  things ,  he  knows .  so  he’d  just  rather  not  deal  with  any  of  it ,  choosing  instead  to  travel  through  the  worlds  of  his  books ,  to  live  a  thousand  other  lives  different  from  his .  
but  then  he  met  taio  ---  &  suddenly ,  he  feels  alive  again .  
❝ this  isn’t  going  to  work .  ❞  not  to  be  a  misanthrope ,  but  someone  is  bound  to  recognize  him ,  right  ?   a  hoodie  &  sunglasses  can  only go  so  far .  he  tugs  taio’s  sleeve .   ❝ let’s  go  back .  ❞  //  @springloved​ !! 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
damn  i  just  ...  college  best  friends  who  never  dated  cuz  naww  ur  like  my  brother / sister  n  then  they  graduate  n  move  away  n  go  their  sep  ways  mayb  date  some  other  ppl  n  just  lose  touch  but  then  reconnect  over  social  media  n  then  ‘ do  u  think  we  would’ve  dated  in  college ‘  wjkkjwjw 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
we’re just two friends goofing around and i’m sitting on your lap and you smack my ass as a joke, but i kind of get turned on ?? i laughingly tell you to stop but you do it again and again and now i’m laying across your thighs, underwear a mess and moans dribbling from my lips.
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peachhsoju · 2 years
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soobin, the real life walking typo
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peachhsoju · 2 years
every  so  often  i  am  reminded  s.unghoon’s  figure  skating  vids  still  exist  ... 
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peachhsoju · 2 years
🛏️ dae & haneul
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when the fighting gets too loud upstairs , when dae hears both glass & hearts breaking just one floor above , haneul likes to stay over . sometimes haneul is still angry , but most of the time , he's still crying , & the sight of haneul at his door with a backpack like a lost puppy is just too much to bear for daesung . what is he supposed to do , say no ? & it's instances like these where dae lets himself forget , for however briefly , that haneul technically still has a boyfriend . he'll let haneul in , order takeout , & let haneul cry it out on his couch . dae is always a good listener , mming & aahing in all the right places , but the whole time he wants to ask why do you stay ? he wants to scream it as loud as he can . what is it about him that makes you stay ? what is it about me that won't make you leave --- ?
but that isn't his place . more questions would just stress haneul out even more . so dae just plays audience to haneul's tearful ramblings , occasionally offering genuine words of support . he wants haneul to feel safe in his home , especially when he doesn't feel safe in his own .
even dae knows that crying that much is exhausting . right before midnight , without fail , haneul is usually already asleep in his bed , all the way on one side , clutching a pillow to his chest . in the most non - creepy way possible , dae likes getting to watch haneul sleep ; the worried crease that was usually between his eyebrows is gone , replaced with the serenity of sleep . haneul is just ... adorable like that . sue him .
dae pulls the covers up over haneul's shoulder before slowly , gently , getting into bed next to him . there was a time dae would sleep on the couch when haneul stayed over ( it wouldn't be right , dae had said at the time ) , but it was absolute murder on his back . anyway -- nobody had to know !! not even haneul's piece of shit boyfriend .
dae lays on his side for a few minutes , gazing at the rise and fall of haneul's back . how easy it would be for him to slot their frames together , with haneul's tiny one enveloped in his . there's a part of him that longs to spend every night with haneul , where the only crying haneul would do would be if they watched a sad movie . falling asleep with him , not apart like this but with haneul's back pressed into dae's chest , or at the very least with dae's arm thrown protectively over his waist .
but that's not daesung's shoes to fill . someone else gets to do that . it's hard to hold to , though , when said shoes always feel a little bit empty .
dae closes his eyes .
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peachhsoju · 2 years
👕 nat n ren ,, !!
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oh shit , are we in love ?
he pulls the lollipop from his mouth . the thought has been nagging at ren , pulling at him like a dog on a too - short leash . he won't let himself sink fully into the thought , because ren doesn't need anyone .
& he sure as hell doesn't want someone to need him , either . ren is the last , last person anyone should come asking for help . people were poison , the way they could seep into your veins & turn you inside out --- ren included . he didn't want something as good as nat . didn't need it .
( slow down , no need to rush )
but doesn't he go to nat's college to pick him up after class , especially at night , since the buses are hell ? dosesn't ren have their toothbrushes hanging together in the bathroom ? doesn't nat stay the night at least three times a week , & doesn't ren hold him tight just the way he asks ?
& now nat needs him , more than ever .
watching nat fuss with the fabric of the hoodie is twisting his stomach into knots . the black & blue ---- & in some cases , yellow --- that paint nat's chest , for starters . the pock - marks that litter the inside of his elbow aren't any better . ren feels his fist clench in an all - too familiar wave of frustration . nat had needed him , & he hadn't been there .
❝  here ...  ❞ ren sticks the dumdum back in his mouth , & holds the bottom of the hoodie so nat can get his arms through without exacerbating the undoubtable pain in his chest . ren can still hear a gentle hiss of pain , & he swallows . ❝ almost got it ... there .  ❞ ren tugs the hoodie down , smooths it out with a half - smile . it's way too big on nat , but endearingly so . it swallows nat up the way ren wants to sometimes , when he wants to hide him from everything in the world .
❝ haru knows you won't be in class . so don't ask me to take you . ❞
nat's sleepy smile is consolation enough . ❝ ok ... dumdum . ❞
( i only fell when i gave up )
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