peachie244 · 5 years
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Bruce, Steve & Tony vs their past selves
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peachie244 · 5 years
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tony + sacrifice
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peachie244 · 5 years
Sometimes I missed this part of him when he all grown up (I mean he still has it, but not too much). It will be lovely if Morgan inherint this personality part of him (while being smart) lol
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#my favorite tony is little shit tony
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peachie244 · 5 years
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These two names have unlimited possibilities.
p.s: Translation by my friend Glo .
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peachie244 · 5 years
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If the end of the story is unsatisfactory, I could recreate it by myself. This is the meaning of fandom.💪
Hope you will have resonance.
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peachie244 · 5 years
Brilliant, I feel like I have just watched a glimpse of what happen in another Marvel universe - an ideal world
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domestic!superfamily (◠‿◠✿) +bonus (like father like son)
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peachie244 · 5 years
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My friend commissioned me to draw a Stark sitting on iron throne. Hope I understood it right.. :P
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peachie244 · 5 years
So, my friend asked me why did Tony's angriness projected toward Cap much more than Bucky?
#you see Tony basically said "I give my trust on you and you crushed it before" "it's okay, here I give my heart, do what you want"
#but gawd I love Steve in the end game
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“Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus-” “And I needed you.”
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peachie244 · 5 years
OMG that's so true! He's soo tired hearing his younger self saying that without know what's ruined in the future. He's mocking (and appreciate) himself is pure comedy gold.
#'yeah i know' is one of best liner
#he's tired of younger himself who make his beloved Tony weary and sad
steve was so frustrated at the “i can do this all day” phrase because the last time he said it was to tony. that phrase is ruined for him. 
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peachie244 · 5 years
the one that got away
(Pepper inviting Steve to watch Tony’s recordings, post stevetony breakup)
“Hey, Steve?”
Steve stiffened and turned, dread curling in his belly.
Pepper was smiling at him, Morgan in her arms, curled up against her mother’s chest. “You should come inside.”
Steve’s eyes widened, his heart stumbled and clenched. “Oh, no. I couldn’t possibly -”
“Steve,” Pepper cut in calmly. “He would’ve wanted you to be there.”
“Are you sure about that?” Steve asked, and it came out exactly the wrong way: accusing, bitter, sad.
“Yes,” Pepper said easily.
Steve looked back at the lake. Its calm water was glistening in the sunshine.
What a beautiful day it was, really.
“He told me about you, you know?”
Steve was pretty sure he didn’t want to hear this. Knowing what Tony had told his now widowed wife about his ex-boyfriend Captain America - it might just be what would take the last spark of strength in him.
But he also didn’t have the heart to tell Pepper no.
“He said he never stopped missing you.”
Steve turned to face her. “He chose you.”
“That he did.” Pepper smiled weakly. “You can love more than one person, Steve.”
Steve felt as if someone was slowly closing a vice around his throat. He couldn’t get a word out of his mouth. And even if he could have - there was nothing to say.
Morgan uncurled a little from her spot in Pepper’s shoulder and and frowned at Steve.
“Are you Mister America?”
Steve could barely muster up the strength to meet her eyes. She was looking at him with an eerily familiar sort of curiosity. As if he was a mystery she needed to solve.
God. Tony had had a daughter. And here Steve was, having lost only his shield and not his life.
Pepper was gently rubbing a hand across her back. “I think you can call him Steve, baby.”
Steve swallowed. “Y-yeah. Steve’s fine.”
He little girl was still frowning at him. “Daddy never allowed me to touch your stuff. Said you still needed it.”
“I did.” Steve avoided her young eyes. He couldn’t bare looking at her, now that Tony was gone, knowing he dragged her father into that fight.
“You should really come inside,” Pepper said quietly. “Please.”
Steve couldn’t refuse her. Much less her daughter.
Still, he felt wrong in his skin. Out of place. As if everyone in the room was looking at him, judging him for being amongst them.
He felt like an intruder in a room full of the people Tony had loved most. That recording was the last thing they had of Tony. And for some reason, Steve was here still, despite of what happened between him and Tony.
It felt real.
Way more so than the procession of the battlefield did, when Rhodey had carried Tony’s lifeless body out of the rubble, with Steve and Pepper right behind him. They’d heard all the others mutter amongst themselves as the message of who saved them was passed along, and they all paused to watch when Rhodey carried Tony past them.
Now, the adrenaline of the battle had faded. There was no relief, no glory.
Just this.
Tony’s last words
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peachie244 · 5 years
post endgame headcanon, or steve’s little adventure
he would go to vormir first; there’s no way the steve i know wouldn’t try to get natasha back from the dead, and he probably grilled everyone he knew on the soul stone to come up with a plan. clint warned him about the red skull, and steve knows him, knows how the exploit him: if theres a way a sacrifice can be unmade, steve will get it out of him. and he succeeds, although it takes more effort and time than he thought he would. five seconds later in the original timeline it’s natasha who returns to bucky and sam. 
steve goes on to return the power stone, and that one goes off without a hitch.
his next stop is the tesseract. this time he does contact peggy, and after assuring her that it’s really him, he goes back with her. they have their dance (on the floor and in the sheets) and then they talk. they realize that while they could have a life together, they have also both moved on. the memory of the relationship that could have been was sweeter to both of them than the reality, and so steve says his last goodbye to her.
and so comes his last stop. the time stone is easy to return: the ancient one is already waiting for him. loki’s scepter arrives safely at shield in the hands of captain america. but, because they mucked up that timeline a bit (by letting loki escape with the tesseract and steve’s hail hydra shtick) he decides to stay around and help straighten it out. he reveals himself to that times avengers in a safe way, and explains as much of what happened as he can.
(it’s a very confusing affair: tony is the one who finds him and as soon as he confirms that it’s a genuine steve from the future he calls the other avengers back. everyone except for thor comes. tony and bruce and both excited and furious about the time interference, and how it will affect them. old-steve is very careful about how much he tells them, and it’s hard to work with so little information. old-steve also keeps looking at tony constantly, and there’s another story there that tony wants to unpack)
so he stays there, and helps thor track loki down. because of him, hydra reveals itself sooner, so he helps with that too, gets bucky back faster, and makes sure, this time, there’s nothing hidden from tony.
and he keeps looking at tony, like he hasn’t got anything better to look at, like tony is not only worthy of his attention, but the only one worthy of his full focus. and how can someone like tony respond to something like this? well he kisses him. and steve kisses him back. and finally finds his home. and maybe there isn’t and end to the fighting for him yet, but he’ll damn well make sure, that both him and tony die of old age, instead of any other causes.
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peachie244 · 5 years
That look on Tony's face, start from blank speechless, then dad having emotional burst. Just like he finally has his first son coming back to him!!
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Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I musta passed out, ‘cause I woke up and you were gone, but Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, “It’s been five years! C'mon, they need us!”
in Potato Quality
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peachie244 · 5 years
OMG hahaha!!!
Steve: *running with a needle in his hand* JUST STAY STILL IT WON'T HURT MUCH!!
Jane Foster: NO!
Jane Foster: NOT GONNA!
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peachie244 · 5 years
This! THIS!! THIIS!!!! A4's Steve is like a redemption. He's sooo likeable. And he basically goes all "ok honey, whatever you want baby" to Tony. And he even make joke of his past self. He's..... more like Steve than Cap. And I love him because of that.
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I gotta say, I like A4 Steve A LOT:
- Repentent
- Self-Aware
- Mental Health ninja/facilitates group counseling?
- Not coping well but channels depression mostly productively
- Laughs at himself (literally)
- Shows emotion (Yeah Cap/Evans out there showing us healthy masculinity!!)
- Doesn’t get hung up on the small stuff (“language”? The fuck is that???)
- Respects Tony
- Trusts Tony
- Still dramatic but smarter about it
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peachie244 · 5 years
do you know what i love about tony stark? he has a special smile for all his loved ones. the slow smile with his eyes open wide that he always gives pepper like she constantly amazes him. the grin, with his eyebrows up, that he gives rhodey when he’s about to do something he shouldn’t. the knowing smirk when he’s with peter bc he sees himself in him. his lopsided grin around steve, as if he can’t help himself. and, of course, the way his big smile crinkles his eyes whenever he looks at morgan. if you can’t see how much love shines through this man, LOOK HARDER
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peachie244 · 5 years
Just finished watching Endgame.
It is, indeed, a Stony movie.
(that’s what it felt for me! I swear.)
Fantastic movie. I’ll probably post my whole feelings about it when everyone is ok with spoilers hah.
But seriously, the movie gave me so much Stony feels. Ok.
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peachie244 · 5 years
Well said!!!
Avengers: Endgame spoilers
To all of those who didnt like the movie or how some of the characters stories turned out in the end:
Lets start with Captain America, because I have read the most hate about his ending. He did not ruin Peggy Carters live. Like Bruce said the past becomes the future and the present the past, so it does not affect the story of the MCU in any way (thus, Peggy wanted it too).
Also he did not abandon Bucky. Bucky knew about this in a certian way.
Also this was not Captain Americas decicion, but Steve Rogers. He gave the title of Captain America to Sam. It was the ending of the story of the man out of time. Steve always wanted this and he deserved this.
So, now Iron Man. He died defeating Thanos. The man who started all of this ending all of this and dying while doing so. Also he chose to do the whole timetravel thing. He knew the risks, otherwise he wouldnt have left a message. He had a good live before, married Pepper, had a kid. Of course he didnt just want to leave it behind, but he had a few years of a wonderful live, that he chose himself to risk in bringing everyone back.
Natasha also chose to die, because she knew Clint had a family by blood, that needed him. She knew she did her best, she said so herself in the beginning of the movie (cant remember the exact quote). She sacrificed herself, knowing it was the best she could do to be a good person. Because we all know she regretted what she did before she came to Shield.
Again it was the only choice that made sence for her.
Clint just wanted his family back and revenge, which is what he got in the end (I havent actually heard hate about him, so I cant write much here).
Yeah, Thor gained a lot of weight. But that is what everyone would do after loosing absolutly f*cking everything and blaming themselfes for all of this. He just drunk himself in the blame.
And another thing, that is important is that he still was worthy. I bet a lot people who are not comfortable with their body weight seeing Thor finding his inner hero again without loosing his weight during the movie got sime more selfconfidence (I hope so, because honestly heros dont have to be thin).
Also him going away from New Asgard was not out of character. The whole Thor movies just showed that he never wanted to sit on the Throne. And he found someone who was Throneworthy so he gave it to someone who would fit better than him.
Bruce finally came to terms with the Hulk. And yes, we didnt see that. Because there has been a timeskip of 5 years, we didnt see how the characters grew during that time only the outcomes and sadly the ends.
And that is the main reason some characters might have changed their mind on some things.
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