peachytiny · 4 years
This edit took me like 3 minutes so idk!
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peachytiny · 4 years
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peachytiny · 4 years
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[ PARK SEONGHWA ] ; İncheon Airport
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peachytiny · 4 years
your seongsang was short but i loved it so much lol. nice work!
Akdjfjaka thank you so much ~~
I'm working on a few longer stories right now, so there's more on the way, but thanks so much for the feedback, it's super sweet of you !!!!
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peachytiny · 4 years
Hellow~ may I request a wooyoung smut where you're just chillin in the balcony of a hotel room and suddenly things get heated and then next morning they're on the cover of every dispatch article xD ??
There you go anon! This was actually so fun to write hehe, I hope you like it!
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peachytiny · 4 years
Calling for trouble
Wooyoung x Reader
Warnings : Exhibitionism (kinda???)
A/N : This was for anon, I hope you like it ! I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible, that being said, enjoy!
“The view’s so pretty” you let out a sigh of contentment as you took in the scenery of the city in front of your eyes. Wooyoung’s arms were wrapped around your waist, nose slightly tickling your neck. “Thank you for letting me hang around, I know you’re busy.”
“I’m never too busy for you, baby, you know that.” You felt Wooyoung’s hands shifting, slowly caressing you towards your thighs, way too close to your ass for it to be appropriate on the balcony of an hotel. “Plus, you know I always miss you when you’re not here.”
“You miss me, or this?” you answered with a scoff, pushing his hand away before turning to face him.
You found yourself staring back at him while he gave you the up and down glance he kept just for you, the one that you knew called for nothing but danger.
“Am I not allowed to miss both?” he said, pushing you against the fence of the balcony with a sudden  kiss.
You felt yourself getting needier by the second as the kiss deepened, Wooyoung’s hands resuming their wandering, going places so sensitive you could barely hold in the gasps of pleasure that were already forming in your throat.
“Shh, baby, people are trying to enjoy the view,” he whispered in your ear as he unbuttoned your pants. It was clear that he enjoyed the blush rising on your cheeks as you imagined one of the other members - or worse, complete strangers - on their balcony, hearing you moan his name as he made you his. You couldn’t figure out whether you were more embarrassed or aroused by the thought, but one thing was clear ; Wooyoung was making sure that you wouldn’t be able to hold it in for much longer.
“Wooyoung, please,” you whimpered, your hands grabbing hold of the ramp to keep your shaking legs from giving in.
“Please what, baby? Want me to fuck you right here, where anyone could see?” 
A load moan escaped your lips.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” he kept going, hands touching you in ways only he knew about, “showing the world who you belong to.”
“Fuck, Wooyoung.”
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?”
“I- I belong to you,” you uttered, already feeling yourself on the edge.
Wooyoung kissed you roughly before suddenly stopping, grabbing you by the ass and carrying you inside.
“God, you’re so hot,” he said as he dropped you onto the bed, almost forgetting to close the door behind him.
You were woken up the next day by a loud knock on the door. Your eyes fluttered open, a whine leaving your lips as you looked the number on the alarm clock. 5:23. 
“JUNG WOOYOUNG, OPEN THE DOOR,” you recognised the voice as Wooyoung’s manager, who was clearly in some type of mood to yell in the corridors at such an hour. You closed your eyes again as you felt the body of the man beside you finally shifting and leaving the bed to answer the door.
“What the fuck is this?” the distant voice was saying.
“The whole company is working to stop this from blowing up. For fuck’s sake Wooyoung, did you really fuck your girlfriend on the balcony?”
Your eyes opened again, and suddenly you felt wide awake.
“Dispatch better have put out the wrong information, because otherwise you’re in deep shit.”
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peachytiny · 4 years
Hi !
Since this blog is fairly new, friendly reminder that you can send in requests at all time, I’m down to write both ateez x reader and ships, and I’m also super down for MTL and confessions/fantasies.
Kink is something i’m pretty comfortable with, so hit me with your best shot babes!
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peachytiny · 4 years
“Baby, I’m working. Be patient, hmm?”
Seonghwa’s hand on his hip put a halt to Yeosang’s mindless grinding, his eyes fluttering open as he noticed himself moving.
“I’m sorry, sir,” he mumbled in Seonghwa’s ear, settling himself properly on the man’s legs again, making sure not to shift too much. He felt the change of position inside, a low moan leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around Seonghwa’s neck. Seonghwa loved the way Yeosang craved the constant physical contact, especially on the nights like this one, when the younger would run to him as soon as he got home, begging to warm him up as he finished his work for the day.
“It’s alright, my love.” Seonghwa shuffled his hair slightly before setting his eyes back the paperwork in front of him, already busying himself again. “I’ll be done soon, and then I’m all yours.”
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peachytiny · 4 years
I won’t fall for your tears
Mingi x Hongjoong
Warnings : humiliation, name calling, dom/sub dynamics
 “Kiss it.”
Mingi’s eyes slowly filled with water as he bent down, closing the gap between his lips and Hongjoong’s boot.
He knew he deserved this. Hell, he had hoped for this all week, worked for it even. The boy had thought that the end of promotions meant more time for him and his lover together, but he had found himself more alone and frustrated than ever, with Hongjoong spending all his time in the studio, or catching up on much needed hours of sleep. 
But Mingi had been craving attention, and he couldn’t stand the way his boyfriend was ignoring him anymore. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried to ask nicely either, but all of his attempts had been shut down with a flick of the wrist and a “Later, baby.” from the latter. Until tonight.
Mingi had known what he was doing when he had asked Hongjoong to tag along to the studio. “I got some lyrics I want to work on” had been his excuse, but it was clear in his mind that this was nothing more than an excuse. Mingi hadn’t been planning on doing anything close to working. He was going to get what he wanted, and he would do anything for it.
And there he was, naked, on his knees, crouching in front of an unbothered Hongjoong and kissing his feet in the most humiliating way. The man in front wasn’t showing any sign of enjoyment, looking down on him with cold eyes and crossed arms. Mingi wanted more than anything to look up at him with pleading eyes, to tell him how much he wanted his touch.
“When will you learn your place?”, the eldest asked, kicking his foot up lightly, pushing away Mingi’s face with the motion. “I thought trained you better, and yet look at you, acting like a fucking slut. I bet you’re enjoying yourself, right now, hmm?“
Mingi let out a sigh at the words. Yes, he thought. This is what he had needed all along. Hongjoong was what he had needed. He was the center of his world, and he would do anything for him if it meant he could stay like this with him forever.
“Come here, baby,” Hongjoong said as he uncrossed his arms and motionned for the younger to sit between his legs, “Come and show me how needy you are.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Mingi closed the small distance between them as fast as he could, naturally falling into position. This is what he was made for; kneeling in front of his lover, mouth as close as ever to his crotch, waiting to be ordered before even thinking about moving.
He barely registered the painful pinch of the first slap hitting his cheek. 
“Did I ever tell you to touch yourself like a fucking whore?” Hongjoong asked as he grabbed at Mingi’s jaw, making their eyes meet for the first time.
Mingi tried to shake his head, his tears leaving his eyes as he felt a hand hit his cheek again, harder this time. He was suddenly overly aware of the pain and the warmth of his cheek, and felt his dick twitch at the violent touch, the shame of how much he enjoyed it making it even harder to remain calm and motionless.
Hongjoong laughed at his predicament.
“Have you become so dumb that you can’t even talk anymore? I asked you a question, bitch.”
Mingi shivered before answering, his jaw yet again stuck in Hongjoong’s grasp, whose gaze hadn’t shown any hint of emotion at the sight of his boyfriend’s helpless shape.
“N-no sir, you didn’t.”
A loud moan escaped his lips as he felt the pressure of Hongjoong’s foot on his crotch. His whole body attempted to lean forward as the weight grew heavier on him, but Hongjoong’s grasp tightened, leaving him a shaking mess. His hands, which had stayed on his thighs until now grabbed at the wrist that was forcing him in place as his whines echoed in the small room. Hongjoong’s figured barely moved as his lips reached Mingi’s ear, his foot never moving from where it sat.
“You look so beautiful when you cry,” he murmured at his ear, wiping the flowing tears away as he said so, “It’s too bad you’re being so disobedient. I might’ve fucked you if you hadn’t been such a cockslut.”
And just like that, the pressure left. By the time Mingi’s body had adjusted, Hongjoong’s chair was turned towards his desk, his back facing the boy as he tapped on his keyboard like Mingi wasn’t a mess behind him.
“You should head home,” the man stated lightly without even a glance back, “I still have a lot of work to do.”
And just like that, Mingi had been denied.
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