peanutbutterandujelly · 5 months
Miss ya all, losers!
Send me a message if you live, have nostalgia or whatever.
I regret changing my URL to some stupid thing. My old one is taken.
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
I'm kinda lurking
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
"You are an idiot... You really think all this time gathering friends and people who care about you will suddenly 'stop' following you? You are a coward... They will keep following you, because they care for you. And even if you don't want that, and even if it's their choice... You are the one responsable for that trust and that love. And if you don't give two shits about who is lending a hand to you, then just do everyone a favor and go cry where nobody can hear you. Because if this is what you call "disspear" then you need to re-think some definitions..."
I’m done being nice. I’ve tried and tried for years, and I’m done. I’m done playing everyone else’s game. I’m done being a pawn that’s wasted time and time again. No one has to follow me. It’s their choice. And this is mine.
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
"No, you are forcing everyone to take the path you took. You are becoming that very same thing you are complaining about. Can you fight someone with their own weapons? Probably... But not always is what you should do. If you put you in a pedestal, above everyone, then you are truly steping on the feelings of everyone. So what if people treat you bad? That gives you the right to mistreat everyone?"
I’m not taking it out on anyone. I’m done fighting.
…When I fight for my life, people kill me. When I fight for my death, people try to keep me alive. I can’t win. So I’m going to force a victory. I’ll do what I want this time, not what everyone else wants.
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
He shooked his head again, it was a bit hard to make this work, more than he thought. But it wasn't futile.
"So to have a childish payback on a few, you take on everyone? You start to make everone feel pity sorry and guilt for you?"
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They’ll get over it. They seemed to enjoy making me suffer. Least I could do, even temporarily, is return the favor.  
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
He grabs his collar one more time, pulling him up and forcing him to stand up again.
"Then man up... If you want something to stop. MAKE IT stop. Gathering pity like this is worth as much as doing nothing. The only difference, is making everyone worry about you makes people suffer."
-He takes the hit without flinching.- I don’t hate anyone. I’m just tired of being used and thrown away. I don’t need attention. I don’t even want it. I just want everything to stop.
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
Moves his hand back, quickly moving his fist again into his face. He would repeat the same thing over and over, until he accepted it.
"Really, you really hate everyone that much? Or do you despise every single person like that, just ranting how it would be better to dissapear, making everyone feel bad about you? You want attention? Or you are really thinking of doing something so stupid like that?"
-He waits for him to finish, then speaks quietly and calmly.- I don’t care. It doesn’t even matter anymore. -He smiles- What’s it matter to you, anyway?
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
He moves and grabs him by the collar, pulling him towards his face. Filled with rage, with a serious expression.
"Have you snapped out of it yet? Don't worry, if you trip down again I will make sure to give you another one..."
Releasing the boy's collar, he stands up looking to him.
"You have my word... I will hit you every time you get down, and snap you out of that. So act like the man you are, and stand up, even to the assholes who 'kill you'..."
-And it connects. Hard. He staggers back, falling and landing on his back. He covers his face with his arms.-
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
Takes a step, and another one. In a matter of instants he was sprinting quickly towards the blonde kid, preparing his right fist.
"Let's see you grit those teeth!!"
In front of him, the depressed boy. If confort wouldn't help, you only have one type of approach left. His fist moved, right into the boy's face.
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
The male clenched his fist, trying to restrain his mouth for saying something he would regret. His mind was on overdrive, his feelings taking the worst of him, pushing his limits more and more. There was just so much to say that he shouldn't speak of...
"That's not an answer...."
Everything he could say without hurting eachother... Or at least not causing as much damage as most of the words in his mind would.
Bitter Reunion || Gumiya & Gumi
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
His hand kept moving around her hair, softly caressing it, pulling her tighter into him. Wanting to feel her even more closer, missing all this when he was away...
"Really? Well, that was work... But this is spoiling my gorgeous and adorable little girl... How am I supposed to stop doing it when I can't resist to your cute charms?"
Smiles a bit, and looks at her teasingly, enjoying her expressions, her innocence and her honesty. But in his mind, she was putting herself too low... She was truly something else, much more above an angel...
"Good... Accept it, because later you will accept you are even better than that... And then that you are as beautiful as a living thing can be~"
Giving her another teasing smile, he closes his face to hers, stopping at inches from her lips, wanting to give a last little "push" before stopping.
"Get used... You are mine, and mine alone.... You should be lucky I let others even see you, if it was for me, locked in here with just me..."
Even if it was a bit of a joke, it has a bit of truth in that. He was too possesive and jealous most of the time, and it can cause a little trouble or two if she wasn't careful with him. He might steal her off the world and keep her for himself...
In his embrace, her freed hands reached to grip the male’s shirt, head relaxing on his shoulder after receiving the gesture.
“How that pleases me,” she oozed. “But don’t you think you’ve worked enough?” Or ‘too long’ could have fit as well. Not that there was any complaint—in all she was grateful that he could still move freely. He’s here, and that was enough for her to survive.
“Papa…! Now you’re getting too far ahead.” Red hues dusted her features. “But for you, I’ll accept it for now. And because you’re my better-than-prince.”
She lifted her view to catch another kiss. But why so short! With a shut-eyes smile, lips grazed his again, this time deepening the contact as they slightly parted on his. The girl had never felt so warm in so long. Never felt so happy. Though before going for more, she reluctantly broke away.
“Gumiya: property of Kagamine Rin. I like the sound of that.”
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
It was hard to speak, but hte silence was just to unberable to stay for long. So much to ask, so much ot tell, so much he just needed to know and let out... But everything felt so wrong saying right now. Like even simple words would crush both of them even more.
But even then....
"Why didn't you tell me....? What was I supposed to do without you.....? You stupid... You stupid idiot...."
He felt like crying, but that was just another thing he got used since a while. There was no point in showing that type of emotion right now...
Bitter Reunion || Gumiya & Gumi
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
Pulls her into a tight hug, feeling her warmth tight to his, as he gives her another kiss in the forehead. 
"Don't worry my cute princess... I will do anything in order to make it up to you..."
Moves his hand along her hair, caressing it softly. At her doubt he gives a strange look. He was more than sure of his words.
"You are pure, beautiful and perfect... Yes, you are an angel..."
Gives her another short kiss, smiling. It was a long time since they met, and he was dying to just be with her and do nothing. But she might have a point, a few things happened, but nothing too important...
"Rin, I won't go away anymore... I'm yours, so I have to be here to take care of you..."
“There better be. I’ll make sure I get enough to make up for the lost time. Heh-heh.”
Soft hums were audible as they made their way to rest on the couch. It was too long since she’d been lifted like that; indeed it gave her a princess quality, but… “—An angel? Me? Why, I don’t think that’s the right word.”
Now on his lap, she tilted her head to receive a better view of the male’s features, gliding a hand to grab onto his. “And it shouldn’t have been that boring! Being able to work for so long—another think I can look up to. But—! To be honest, I’d rather have you here. Is that too much to ask?” 
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
Smiles and gives her a last kiss on the lips, caressing her face with his thumb. He really missed feeling her so close.
"Well... There is more~"
Gives her a smirk, and pulls her in his arms, carrrying her body on his arms, as he moves to a couch to be more comfortable the both of them.
"To start it was nothing, just a bit of work here and work there. It was pretty boring you know? After all I didn't have my blonde angel to have fun...."
“That’s it? Aw,” she whined under her breath. At least it was more than nothing at all! Her lips pressed together tightly to hold another moan, eyes closing as she silently enjoyed his touch for a few moments.
“Mmm… Heh, how about… tell your princess a story of her man’s busy days as we go find somewhere comfy. There will be many more available tasks there, don’t you think~?”
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peanutbutterandujelly · 12 years
Smiles giving her a few more kisses, softly moving away and kissing on her neck and ear.
"What else may I do for my sweet princess~?"
After taking in some air, her lips pursed as a red hue lightly brushed over her cheeks.
“You really like seeing me like this, don’t you… Meanie. How about… a few more kisses, then maybe I’ll reveal the rest.” 
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