pearlyemerson · 4 years
Seattle Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs
Seattle Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs
A common back issue that people will see a Seattle chiropractor for is a herniated disc. Chiropractic treatments at Foundation Chiropractic are a great way to deal with disc injuries, especially when a patient is proactive in seeking care. Chiropractic care for herniated discs helps patients avoid pain medication and its unwanted side effects.
What Is a Herniated Disc?
A herniated disc occurs when the outer area of the discs in your spine tear. As a result, the inner disc will expand through the fibrous wall. Other names for herniated discs are ruptured discs or slipped discs. Typically, the herniated part of the disc will irritate the surrounding nerves.
Common Causes
Aging or wear and tear are the main culprits behind herniated discs. As you age, so do your discs. Loss of moisture reduces flexibility, resulting in low-stress tears and ruptures. The following are common causes of herniated discs: obesity, physical labor, incorrect form while lifting, and genetics.
Common Herniated Disc Symptoms
Although uncommon, herniated discs can bring on very intense pain. A herniated disc in the lower back can result in pain from the buttocks through the hips and legs. On the other hand, a cervical vertebrae with herniated disc can result in pain in the neck, shoulder, and arms. Other symptoms include numbness, tingling, and weakness.
When to See a Chiropractor
After a herniated disc diagnosis from your doctor, your next step should be meeting with a Seattle chiropractor. Any of the symptoms above are treatable by a chiropractor who can create a specialized treatment plan for your needs. Communicating your symptoms clearly and early on can significantly reduce the amount of time needed for a diagnosis and treatment.
At Foundation Chiropractic our team is available to answer any questions. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to begin experiencing relief!
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Seattle Chiropractor Discusses Proper Child Backpacks
Seattle Chiropractor Discusses Proper Child Backpacks
Unbalanced and overbearing backpacks are common with children. These overloaded backpacks are a common cause of the most frequent health problem, lower back pain. Why risk long-term spine damage? Use the following information from your Seattle chiropractor for deciding on a correct backpack for your child.
Selecting a Backpack
To begin, find a backpack that supports and prevents stress on the spine of your child. The material and size of the backpack should be light and proportionate to the child’s size. The mistake of purchasing a backpack that can fit more supplies in it than a proportionate backpack can cause long-term issues.
Balancing the weight equally is important, so look for a backpack with numerous pockets. Straps for the waist and cushioned two inch wide straps for the shoulders are a good suggestion.
Packing the Backpack
The backpack should have the weight dispersed equally and should not weigh more than 15 percent of the child’s weight. Items weighing the most should be packed closest to the body. Backpacks that are too heavy will make the child lean forward to compensate for the weight.
Wearing the Backpack
Straps should be tightened to wear the backpack is close to the back. This is another technique in distributing the weight evenly, preventing spine misalignment. Both straps need to be used to prevent excess pressure on one side of the spine. Lastly, demonstrate how to bend your knees to correctly pick up a backpack, and to not twist or bend while carrying it.
Potential Issues
Overuse of an overweight backpack can result in:
Back and shoulder pain
Tingling and numbness in the arms
Poor posture
Reduction of blood flow
Head and neck pain
Distorted natural spine curvature
Strained muscles
To prevent long-term issues from overweight and oversized backpacks, contact our team at Foundation Chiropractic today for preventative care and more health tips to keep your children happy and health in Seattle!
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Headache Tips From a Seattle Chiropractic Office
Headache Tips From a Seattle Chiropractic Office
Most people will experience a headache in Seattle at some point in their life. Usually, they resolve themselves over time; however, continuous headaches preventing you from completing daily activities should be looked at by a professional. In order to understand the root of your headaches, refer to this information from Foundation Chiropractic for relief.
Why Does My Head Hurt?
Numerous reasons can be the cause of your headaches. Known causes are lifestyle choices, underlying health issues, genetics and poor posture. Triggers known to start headaches are certain foods, smells, bright lighting, loud noises, too much exercise, blood sugar variations, sleeping with an improper pillow, incorrect posture during the day and not enough sleep.
Fortunately, an estimated 95 percent of headache instances are unrelated to an underlying health problem or disease. Spending extended periods of time in the same position can cause muscle tightness in your neck or upper back which can cause headaches. In essence, improving habits and scheduling an appointment with your Seattle chiropractor can solve just about every headache.
Help Yourself First
Taking time to improve your own health is the best headache relief suggestion a Seattle chiropractor can give. Make sure to make time to move around if you are sitting all day during your job. It can be a simple walk around the office or some stretching, anything but sitting in the same position.
Demanding exercises should be put on hold during periods of common throbbing headaches. Working out is still acceptable, just reduce the stress on your body. Lastly, staying hydrated is a great tip for avoiding headaches. Make sure to drink water throughout the day!
Visiting Your Chiropractor
After using these tips, if headaches are still occurring you should contact our Seattle chiropractic team at Foundation Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment. WIth a simple spinal adjustment, the alignment of your vertebrae can reduce and eliminate your headache pain.
At Foundation Chiropractic our team can assist with any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Seattle Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health
Seattle Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health
Your health is the most valuable thing in your life. Your priorities will certainly be focused on your health in times of bad health, ignoring other things that once seemed so important. When your health limits you from working, watching your children or enjoying time with friends, it is time to make a change and these tips from a Seattle chiropractic office will help you come to realize the value of your health.
Many Facets of Health and Wellness
Your physical state is not the only component of health and wellness. You may notice you need to see a chiropractor once your physical state deteriorates, but there are many other things that need to be straightened out.
Your physical well being can be altered by your emotional wellness. Emotional incidents that are not dealt with can linger in your life and cause negative effects on your overall health. It’s crucial to control your emotions, but find time to express them freely in an appropriate way.
Social bonds with friends and family are also important in your health. Numerous studies have been done that come to the same conclusion - social bonds are good for health. Knowing yourself is the most important part of life, but knowing your community is a good one-two punch for a healthier lifestyle.
Happiness in your life and with your everyday tasks is crucial to health and wellness. Lots of people are stuck in careers that don’t provide joy to them, which takes a toll on them mentally and physically. Hating your job will make it impossible to have a joyful and healthy life.  
Living Life on Your Own Terms
Having your facets in order and good physical health will assist you in living a life that you control rather than doctors and medicine. It’s always a good decision to see your Seattle chiropractor to reduce pain and increase the range of spine and joints, but it is up to you to concentrate on all of the elements of health and wellness. You’re in control of the most important thing in life, your health. At Foundation Chiropractic our team is available to answer any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Fitness Tips From a Chiropractor in Seattle
Fitness Tips From a Chiropractor in Seattle
Seattle chiropractic clinics will frequently see patients who suffer from a work or sports-related injury. Specific injuries chiropractors deal with include pulled muscles, strains, sprains, ligament tears or disc issues. Prevention is the first step, but almost every physical injury is treatable with chiropractic help. Read these tips from Foundation Chiropractic to improve your fitness.
Importance of Your Warm Up
Many people are destined to have an injury from the way they prepare. Healthy fitness begins with warming up your muscles and body, and unfortunately, this is a commonly skipped step. Jumping into an exercise, without warming up, can cause a pulled hamstring, lower back strain or ligament tears. Even a light stretch or soft calisthenics will increase blood flow, adding length to your muscles and reducing your risk of injury.  
Proper Technique to Reduce Injury
Practicing proper technique when exercising is very important for injury prevention. After learning the proper form for your exercise, apply it every time you perform the exercise. Avoid overexerting yourself, try to stay within your limits. A competitive nature is always acceptable, but overdoing it may result in serious injury.
Flexible Muscles Recover Faster
By having flexibility, there is a good chance of reducing the chances of injury. Be sure to stretch before every exercise to avoid an injury which could send you to a Seattle chiropractor. If nothing else, make sure to stretch your most frequently used muscles during your exercise.   
Critical Cool Downs
After a workout, cooling down is a highly recommended. Before you relax after a workout or game, you should spend 10 to 15 minutes stretching your muscles and joints. Cooling down can be just as important as warming up in terms of injury prevention.
Staying hydrated by drinking water all day will help keep your muscles and discs in proper form to aid in injury prevention. Injuries can still happen even after following these tips. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor to begin down the road to recovery. The faster the treatment is started, the faster you can be at full strength again. Our team at Foundation Chiropractic is here to assist you.
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Health Advice From a Seattle Chiropractor
Health Advice From a Seattle Chiropractor
Everyone knows that your health is the most important thing in your life. Without health, you have nothing. A health issue can open up your eyes to what is really important, and make all other components of your life, that seemed so important before, meaningless. Hidden underlying problems such as a misaligned disc in your cervical spine can leave you immobile with headaches that are overbearing. Helping your body provide you a pain-free and disease-free life is the least you can do, and here are important tips from a Seattle chiropractor on how to do so.
Take a Whole-Body Approach
Supplements and the gym are two widely-accepted components of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are numerous factors that should be working together to better your overall health. The relationship with your environment, emotional health, social health, occupational health and a healthy brain are all factors in your overall health.
This may seem excessive, but these are all very important parts of life. If these were not important in overall health, then why isn’t every athlete experiencing the perfect lifestyle. This is because some athletes are physically healthy but not quite in tune with the other factors affecting their health. Avoiding emotional stress, anxiety, and depression while loving your job and having strong social bonds are all essential to a healthy life.
Move Your Body Everyday
Staying fit and flexible involves moving everyday which can also trigger a release of good feeling chemicals in your brain. Your “movements” don’t need to involve organized sports or aggressive physical activity, they simply must involve some level of physical activity in your day. Seattle chiropractors will always recommend exercise for a healthy life.
The Role of Chiropractic at Foundation Chiropractic
Most people that want to turn over a new leaf in health begin their journey with health issues that require help. After a thorough evaluation, your Seattle chiropractor will create a specialized treatment plan for you which may involve adjustments and other therapies. The benefits of the release of tension in the joint and spine are numerous, and a main one is the restoration of proper blood flow. Chiropractic care can help you kickstart your path to a healthier life.
Our team at Foundation Chiropractic is available to answer any questions you may have. Schedule your consultation to begin living a fuller, healthier life!
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Foundation Discovery Appointment at Foundation Chiropractic in Seattle, WA
Watch on YouTube here: Foundation Discovery Appointment at Foundation Chiropractic in Seattle, WA Via https://www.youtube.com/c/Seattlechiropracticcenter98144 Foundation Discovery Appointment at Foundation Chiropractic in Seattle, WA published first on https://chiropracticcenterseattle.blogspot.com/
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pearlyemerson · 4 years
Chiropractor in Seattle Talks About Headaches
Chiropractor in Seattle Talks About Headaches
A common issue many people deal with are headaches. These headaches range from being recurring to being a one-time occurence and can bring on mild to severe head pain. Headaches can disrupt concentration or even force you to lay in a dark room in search of relief. Thankfully, the chiropractic team at Foundation Chiropractic in Seattle can relieve your pain in more cases and help you get back to living your life.
Common Triggers
Along with the variety of headaches, there are also a variety of triggers that bring on the pain. The most common causes of headaches are bright lighting, loud noises, food, stress, changes in blood sugar, high blood pressure, chemical exposure, caffeine, neck tightness or vertebral misalignments. Incorrect posture, repetitive motions that affect the neck and other physical events can lead to neck tension which is the most common cause of headaches.
Headache Prevention Tips
Preventing these headaches is your best option, but a Seattle chiropractor can, fortunately, help with most headaches. Changing position every 30 minutes to an hour is recommended. Stretching your neck gently every 30 minutes is important when you are in a fixed position all day. Clenching your teeth should always be avoided. Many people are unaware that they are doing this, which is a common cause of headaches. If you are experiencing headaches after your workout, it is recommended to decrease your workload. Stick with an exercise that doesn’t give you headaches. It is also important to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated since dehydration is another common cause of headaches.
Spinal Manipulation Can Help
Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to align your spine which reduces stress on the spine. The cervical spine and your head are closely related, and spinal issues have been known to cause headaches. With a good track record, chiropractic care has been known to fix neck tension which results in the immediate cure of some headaches. Migraines are a less common and more complex headache; however, your chiropractor can still use specialized techniques to relieve symptoms. If prescription medication is not getting the job done and you want the possible permanent elimination of headaches, feel free to contact our chiropractic team at Foundation Chiropractic today for a consultation.
Monday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday Closed
Foundation Chiropractic
2326 Rainier Avenue South B1 Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 5 years
Structural Chiropractic and How It Heals: Or 5 Reasons Why You’re Always In Pain
This time of year it’s easy to get stuck indoors. With colder weather and less to do, it’s harder to get out and move. Often this leads to folks feeling less than optimal, and is often the time of year when many chronic spinal issues tend to flare up.  Without nice weather and activities to distract us, that nagging pain in our feet, hips, hands, back and head seems much more apparent. Then you notice it: you’re not just in pain now, but you have been for months! Fortunately as a chiropractor that has been working with happy patients for years, I know that these 5 things below are often why you’re not feeling your best. What’s more, I can show you how Structural Chiropractic (the modality I practice) can specifically heal your pain, and get you to a place even better than you were before.
1. Your spine isn’t in alignment
Your spine is the main support structure of your entire skeleton. Therefore, if your spine isn’t properly aligned, many health issues can occur from muscle atrophy and severe pain, or migraines and more. Dr. Josh will always start your care with an assessment of your spine so he can assess your situation and get you out of pain as fast as possible.
2. Loss of spinal posture can cause a host of issues
When your spine is out of alignment, your body will have a cascade of issues that radiate down the “kinetic chain.” Therefore a spinal alignment problem can manifest itself in an overworked knee, or a hip that gets inflamed after a long day’s work. If you have pain, trace it back to the source!
3. You’re Sitting Poorly
Often times, even among fit and active people, poor sitting posture can be a main culprit for injury or chronic pain. Sitting in chairs, staring at screens, and many other “normal” everyday duties and tasks are actually very damaging to our posture, and can lead to a large number of issues that will show themselves months or years later. Sitting with proper posture will at the very least mitigate the damage you’re experiencing while sitting.
4. You’re Sitting Too Much (And/Or Not Walking Enough)
If at all possible, don’t sit! Standing desks hold the benefit of not only increased spinal health, but also standing desk workers report a 40% better overall mood versus their seated counterparts. If a standing desk isn’t your thing (or it’s not allowed where you work) then a brisk walk during lunch or after work can help to move your hips and spine back to where they need to be.
5. Your Pelvis Is Tilted
A common symptom of sitting too much is pelvic tilt.  Pelvic tilt often occurs when muscles surrounding and supporting the pelvis over strengthen, or lengthen, and therefore pull the hips either in an anterior or posterior motion. This means your hips are pulling everything else out of wack! A structural chiropractor with years of experience will be specifically suited to help reset your hip position and get you back to a healthy, pain-free you. 
If you’re looking for a chiropractor who accepts all major insurances including Regence, Primera, and Aetna, then call your in-network insurance rep, or our office at (office Phone Number) and we’ll make you an appointment!
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pearlyemerson · 5 years
Best 10 Benefits you get from Chiropractic Adjustment
Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. “The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body’s physical function.”
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Chiropractic Care
This are the benefits from Chiropractic Adjustment:
Improves joint mobility, function and health.
Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.
Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.
Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).
Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).
Strengthens the immune system.
Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).
Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).
Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
Visit Seattle Chiropractic Center today! If you have a question for Dr. Bailey, he’s available for consultations at the following number 206-201-0145.
Reference: https://www.healthsourcechiro.com/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/chiropractic-adjustment/about/pac-20393513
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pearlyemerson · 5 years
Regence Chiropractor
Regence Chiropractor
Foundation Chiropractic is an in network Regence Chiropractor.  We are in the South Seattle area and specialize in Structural Correction. Structural Correction is a little different than Traditional Chiropractic in that we focus on detecting if your spine is shifted out of place and then we go about bringing it back into the normal range with a Structural Adjustment followed by Structural Rehabilitation.
As a Regence Chiropractor, we know your insurance well. Most of the time you have Structural Chiropractic coverage and Regence will pay for your Structural Rehab also.
When you come in for your first visit, we will be performing a full Structural Evaluation which includes Digital Structural Radiographs, Digital Structural Photography and a very thorough Orthopedic and Neurological Exam.
Our goal is to compare where you are to where we know normal structure to be. If your shifted, it really is a matter of time before you will start to experience a Secondary Condition. Things like pain, numbness, tingling or headaches just to name a few.
When your spine is shifted is changes the way all the joints function and the way stress is applied to the surrounding tissues. Your discs may be affected with Degenerative Disc Disease or Disc Herniations. Your spine may be affected with Arthritis or Joint Pain.
Our goal at Foundation Chiropractic is to provide Regence patients the best possible care. We want you to feel better as quickly as possible and then we want to correct your problem so, you don’t have issues in the future.
That’s what our complimentary consultation is about. We want to find out if our care is right for you.
We hope you choose us as your Regence Chiropractor in Seattle and look forward to meeting you in our office!
If you would like to set up a complimentary consultation, give us a call at 206-201-0145.
Foundation Chiropractic is located at 2326 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144.
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pearlyemerson · 5 years
Premera Chiropractor
Premera Chiropractor
Foundation Chiropractic is a Rainier Chiropractor office on Rainier Ave. S who accepts Premera Insurance. Our office has been serving this area for many years now and providing great service to the surrounding area like Beacon Hill.
Dr. Josh Bailey is the founder of Foundation Chiropractic and has been practicing over 11 years  in two different countries.
Our office focuses on a specific type of chiropractic, Structural Correction. Basically, what we do is like fixing the foundation of a house. Whereas, traditional chiropractors would usually do a manipulation for temporary reduction in pain, what we focus on is thoroughly evaluating your structure then creating a plan to correct the actual structure of the spine.
We do this through Structural Chiropractic Adjustments which is followed by Structural Rehab done in the office. Usually, appointments are not quick. The appointments can last on average 30 minutes. But, the change we can get is significant in that amount of time. Usually, one-half to one degree per session.
Meaning…if you come into the office we can make significant changes and then support them with specific exercises to strengthen what we’ve done.  After our initial phase of care, you’re eligible for the lowest rate we can give you with our protection plan.
We look forward to treating Premera insurance patients, because they’re insurance knows how to take care of them and are so easy to work with as a provider.  Premera has chiropractic benefits on many of their plans.
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pearlyemerson · 7 years
Can Cinnamon have Health Benefits?
The Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years.
 Cinnamon’s potent health benefits are derived from the Cinnamomum tree. The bark, specifically, contains several compounds responsible for its health-promoting properties including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. Together, these compounds make cinnamon one of the most beneficial spices, rich with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, cancer and heart disease-protecting abilities.
The best part? Even a little goes a long way. Just ½-teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, and immunity, among other benefits. Stronger doses can improve heart disease while curbing users’ risk for diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Some simple ways to get a little — or a lot — of cinnamon in your day?
Sprinkle cinnamon on top of oatmeal, cereal, or toast in the morning
Incorporate cinnamon into dishes such as classic chili or spaghetti sauce
Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your protein shake or morning smoothie
Stir a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of herbal tea or coffee, or stir your coffee/tea with a cinnamon stick
Combine three cups of milk with one tsp of vanilla extract and one tsp of cinnamon
Blend and serve chilled — this “cinnamon vanilla milk” is perfect for kids and adults
 Alternatively, cinnamon is available in supplement form and can be picked up at any pharmacy or drugstore. It’s commonly packaged as a solo supplement or as a component in blood sugar support supplements.
  Healthy Body Tip: Here’s the Rub!
Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain and function better by the way you towel off. When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body.
Healthy Eating Tip: Dip Your Carrots!
Snacking carrot sticks? Make sure you eat them with some fat — a dab of guacamole, let’s say, or a cube of cheese. Without any fat, you absorb very little of carrot’s cancer-fighting carotenoids.
As a Seattle Chiropractor focusing on Structural Correction, Foundation Chiropractic believes that many factors are necessary for optimal health and structure.
Our office has a monthly E-Zine that gives helpful tips like these. Sign up here:
Subscribe to Our E-Zine
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pearlyemerson · 8 years
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Have you been told you have a short leg?
Recent research has been shown to support what chiropractors have been saying for over a hundred years now-that a short leg can cause your back pain.
I can tell you that I see it on a regular basis in the office and it is usually pretty easily fixed with a series of pelvis and low back adjustments. I hope you enjoy this article on short leg causes and treatment.
Have you ever been told or noticed that one of your legs is a bit longer than the other? Do you have incidences of lower back pain? These two things could be related. Most individuals have a small difference in their leg lengths. For some, the discrepancy is small and negligible and will not be a contributor to lower back pain. This is usually the case for people if their leg length is less than 5 millimeters. However, a difference of leg lengths greater than 5 millimeters (1/4 inch) can contribute to lower back pain. If you have a leg length difference of greater than 9 mm, then you have a 6X greater likelihood of having an episode of lower back pain.
Leg length discrepancies can be caused by poor alignment of the pelvis or simply because one leg is structurally longer than the other. Regardless of the reason, your body wants to be symmetrical and will do its best to compensate for the length difference. The greater the leg length difference, the earlier the symptoms will present themselves to the patient. Specific diagnoses that coincide with leg length discrepancy include: scoliosis, lumbar herniated discs, sacroiliitis, pelvic obiliquity, greater trochanteric bursitis, hip arthritis, piriformis syndrome, patellofemoral syndrome and foot pronation. Other potential causes could be due to an injury (such as a fracture), bone disease, bone tumors, congenital problems (present at birth) or from a neuromuscular problem.
But, these instances are so rare, I have only seen them a few times in 10 years of practice.
• An obvious observance of one leg being longer than the other • Affected posture • Problems with gait (manner of walking) • Pain in the lower back, hip, ankle or knee
Leg length discrepancies can be classified as a structural leg length discrepancy or a functional leg length discrepancy. A structural leg length discrepancy is a hereditary circumstance that one leg is simply longer than the other leg. This is determined if the patient’s pelvis and sacroiliac joints are symmetrical and the leg length is simply due to one leg truly being longer than the other. The best way to determine if a structural leg length discrepancy is present is with an anterior-posterior x-ray of the pelvis or a supine CT scan of the lower extremity. A clinical alternative is using a tape measure to measure the length of the leg from the hip to the ankle. Functional leg length discrepancy is diagnosed when there is a torsion or pelvic rotation/obliquity, commonly a sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which causes one leg to function as though it is longer or shorter than the other. In order to determine if a true structural discrepancy exists, the chiropractor must treat the pelvis and return it to a neutral position before measuring for the leg length discrepancy. Once the pelvis is symmetrical it is determined if the leg length discrepancy remains or if it goes away, if it goes away it is classified as functional. If it remains and has a measurable difference, it is a structural leg length discrepancy.
Structural leg length discrepancy can be treated with a heel lift in the shorter leg’s shoe, if the leg length is greater than 5 mm. The use and size of the heel lift is determined by a physical therapist based on how much lift is needed to restore proper lumbopelvic biomechanics. In certain cases, surgical intervention may be needed to either shorten or lengthen the limb. An important component to any surgical procedure to correct leg length discrepancies is chiropractic and physical therapy. Chiropractic and physical therapy helps to stretch muscles and maintain joint flexibility, which is essential in the healing process. For a functional leg length discrepancy no heel lift is required, but proper manual therapy techniques and specific therapeutic exercise is needed to treat and normalize pelvic and lower extremity compensations. The number of treatments needed to hold the pelvis in a symmetrical position is different for each patient based on their presentation and biomechanical dysfunctions in their lower back, pelvis, hip, knee, and foot/ankle.
If you have pain in your lower back or lower extremity and possibly a length discrepancy; the two symptoms could be related. A good place to start would be a chiropractic evaluation to determine whether you have a leg length discrepancy and if it could be contributing to your lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or leg pain.
This article was originally posted here.
Seattle Chiropractic Center  2326 Rainier Ave S  Seattle, WA 98144 206-201-0145
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pearlyemerson · 8 years
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality.
Is Chiropractic care safe?
Below is a rebuttal to a marketing media blitz that occurred pertaining to the death of a model following a Chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Dan Murphy is a chiropractor in California who is well recognized in the area of chiropractic research. Here is his response to a local radio show on the topic of the safety of chiropractic care. 
Hi Jack and Joe:
I moved to Auburn 23 years ago and I have been a fan of your show since the beginning. I have turned on most of my family and many friends to your show. We all appreciate your combination of insight, logic and humor.
I am also a chiropractor.
Earlier this year the British Medical Journal published a study noting that medical error in hospitals kills 251,000 Americans yearly (the upper range was 440,000). Assuming that medical error deaths outside of the hospital (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.) results in an equal number of deaths, an estimated total number of yearly medical error deaths would be about 502,000.
Some years back, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that in the hospital, taking the correct drug for the correct diagnosis in the correct dosage resulted in the death of 106,000 Americans per year (the upper range was 137,000). These are considered non-error deaths as the drug, diagnosis, and dosage were all correct. The article notes that this number constitutes the 4th to 6th leading cause of yearly death in the US. Again, assuming that a similar number of deaths occur from taking the correct drug in the correct dose for the correct problem outside of the hospital setting (extended care facilities, nursing homes, at home, etc.), the number of yearly non-error deaths from medical care would be approximately 212,000.
Adding the error deaths and the non-error deaths from medical care would total approximately 714,000 yearly.
 Interestingly, from the Journal of the American Medical Association article, 2,216,000 Americans suffer serious adverse reactions from correctly taken drugs in the hospital yearly, but don’t die. The authors defined a serious adverse reaction as one that requires a hospital stay to recover and/or an event that resulted in a lifelong disability.
In comparison, chiropractic is exceedingly safe. There are about 70,000 practicing chiropractors in the United States, and over 10,000 in California (many of whom listen to your show). In a typical year, chiropractic healthcare results in no deaths, and when one is alleged, it tends to make headline news. There are studies comparing chiropractic to the best pain drugs for chronic neck and/or back pain, published in the best journals, concluding that chiropractic is better than 5 times more effective than drugs; the chiropractic care had zero adverse events, while those taking the drugs had more adverse events that were benefited. One of the drugs in that study was Vioxx. Vioxx was only on the market for 5 years, from 1999 to 2004. It was pulled off the market after is was realized that it was responsible for
2000 more American deaths in those 5 years (about 60,000) than the Vietnam war killed in 10 years (about 58,000).
Another example is the regular consumption of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief. Researchers from Stanford’s Medical School published an article in the world’s most prestigious medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, indicating that the taking of prescription NSAIDs resulted in fatal gastrointestinal bleeding 16,500 times (people) yearly, making that the 15th leading cause of yearly death in the US. These same drugs are linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, deep vein thrombosis, end stage renal disease, liver damage, hearing loss, atrial fibrillation, erectile dysfunction, and more.
 The young lady who is alleged to have died following a chiropractic adjustment (as Jack mentioned on your show yesterday) is problematic on multiple fronts. The press release on her death mentions 2 different arteries, the carotid and the vertebral artery. Chiropractic spinal adjusting has never been linked to injury to the carotid artery. Which artery was it?
It is documented that when both the professional and lay press ascribe a manipulative injury to the vertebral artery that they apply the words “chiropractic” and “manipulation” as being synonymous; they are not. Many people “manipulate” and yet they are not chiropractors. Published studies have documented neck manipulations by lay people (barber, masseuse, hair dresser, kung fu instructor, untrained family member, etc.), resulting in vertebral artery injury, and attributing the injury to “chiropractic manipulation” when in fact it was not. Only one type of adjustment has the potential to injure the vertebral artery, and trained-licensed chiropractors are taught not to perform that maneuver; a lay manipulator is not trained and hence would be associated with an increased risk of injury. Who did the manipulation in the case? Was it a chiropractor or a lay untrained manipulator being called a chiropractor by the press?
Recent studies, published in the best journals, have attempted to quantify the risk of a vertebral artery injury as a consequence of a chiropractic neck adjustment. One such study was published this year from researchers at John Hopkins’s Medical School. These studies are suggesting that there is no risk. In contrast, they are suggesting that it appears that the patient is having a post-injury or spontaneous vertebral artery dissection, causing symptoms that bring them to a chiropractic office, and that the chiropractic adjustment has nothing to do with it. Ironically, one study, in the best medical journal, suggested that being adjusted by a chiropractor actually reduced the chances of the dissection progressing to a stroke as compared to those that had similar pathophysiology and symptoms and went to a medical doctor; importantly, that study included 109 million person years of follow-up to make their conclusions. Another study from last year with a similar conclusion evaluated about 39 million people; the point is that these are the best and biggest studies on the topic, and they are concluding that there is no stroke risk from a properly delivered chiropractic adjustment. It is more probable that the injury that brought the young lady to the chiropractor’s office was responsible for her artery injury than anything the chiropractor did to try and help her (if in fact it was a chiropractor).
Even if these studies are incorrect and there is a stroke risk from a chiropractic adjustment, it is so rare that the incidence cannot be quantified. Good studies have suggested that risk might be 1 in every 3 million adjustments, which would mean that a typical chiropractor would have to be in clinical practice for literally hundreds of years to statistically be associated with a single such event, and the majority of chiropractors will never see such an event. Even so, modern chiropractors are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous or traumatic vertebral artery dissection walking into their office and are educated that such a presentation is an emergency and the patient should be referred to the hospital emergency room. My partner has made 2 such referrals in the past 13 years, to the amazement of the hospital personnel and a credit to her education and experience.
Every incidence of driving one’s car is more dangerous than seeing a chiropractor.
In writing this, I feel like I took a page from the Hillary playbook: a good defense is a better offense. Chiropractic is safe. Perhaps you might share some of this perspective with your radio audience.
 Dan Murphy, DC Auburn, CA
We hope you enjoyed this commentary. If you would like to get a complimentary injury assessment by our Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Joshua Bailey, give us a call at the office or just stop by!
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. posted first on http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/ Chiropractic and Stroke? Myth and Reality. published first on https://chiropracticcenterseattle.blogspot.com/
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pearlyemerson · 8 years
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain?
What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain? published first on https://chiropracticcenterseattle.blogspot.com/
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pearlyemerson · 8 years
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective?
Chronic Low Back Pain
For patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP), treatment guidelines recommend a non-surgical approach as the FIRST-LINE treatment. Ideally, the goal would be to avoid an initial surgery unless it’s absolutely indicated. That means, unless there is loss of bowel or bladder control or retention (which represents a medical emergency) or if there is progressive neurological motor and sensory loss, one can safely avoid surgery and conservatively manage the condition.
Interestingly enough, a systematic review of the results from three randomized controlled studies carried out in Norway and the United Kingdom found the outcomes or results between the surgical fusion vs. non-surgical treatment of patients with cLBP showed NO DIFFERENCE at an 11-year follow-up!
Studies have shown chiropractic to be highly beneficial for acute and chronic low back pain cases. In one study, researchers reviewed data on 72,326 cLBP patients in the Medicare system who received one of four possible treatment combinations between 2006 and 2012: 1) chiropractic only; 2) chiropractic followed by conventional medical care (CMC); 3) CMC followed by chiropractic; 4) CMC alone.
The research team found that chiropractic care alone (group 1) resulted in the lowest costs, and these patients had lower rates of back surgery and shorter episodes of care.
The group receiving CMC alone (group 4) had the highest costs, with the second and third groups being similar—both costing less and being more effective than CMC alone.
The conclusion of the study reads, “These findings support initial CMT [chiropractic manipulative therapy] use in the treatment of, and possibly broader chiropractic management of, older multiply-comorbid cLBP patients.”
This article was originally posted here.
If you are experiencing chronic low back pain, please call our office for a complimentary consultation to see how chiropractic care may help you. Our thoughts on this article would be that we see people every day who get pain relief from chiropractic care.
Seattle Chiropractic Center
2326 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
The post Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? appeared first on Seattle Chiropractic Center.
Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? posted first on http://seattlechiropracticcenter.com/ Chronic Low Back Pain: Which Treatment Is More Effective? published first on https://chiropracticcenterseattle.blogspot.com/
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