peeclan · 1 year
moon 2
some new cats decided to join the clan this moon! first, we have...
SPARKYSHADE! a former kittypet, Sparkyshade, formerly Sparky, was convinced by Alderlarch to join PeeClan. her life was incredibly harsh for a kittypet, and although she was very hesitant and distrusting at first, she eventually decided that it couldn't be much worse than where they came from. a formidable fighter who has seen their fair share of scraps, Sparkyshade will make a great PeeClan warrior for many moons to come.
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GAMBLEPELT! while showing Sparkyshade around the territory with Gillstar, Alderlarch found Gamblepelt wandering through the woods. formerly a seafaring kittypet, he had decided a couple moons before that he needed a change of pace. after meeting the three Clan cats, he decided that they were exactly what he was looking for. Gamblepelt strives to serve his new clan as best he can.
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Alderlarch seems to have a knack for getting new cats to join the Clan.
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in other news...
Brindlecreek has a runny nose. insert Runningnose joke here.
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Ryefang somehow managed to convince Tumbledust to help her pull a prank on their Clanmates. Tumbledust refuses to admit he had fun.
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that's all for now! until we meet again, may StarClan light your path :3
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peeclan · 1 year
apologies for moon 2 taking so long, my health has been pretty shitty and its been hard for me to draw. but! ive been doing better and im trying to finish it as soon as possible! thanks for your patience, and may starclan light your path :3
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peeclan · 1 year
moon 1
moon 1 has been quite busy for PeeClan! we have 3 ceremonies to celebrate. please give a warm PeeClan welcome to...
ALDERLARCH! after training under Tumbledust, he's now ready to face the forest as a warrior. with his kind heart and teaching skills, he'll undoubtedly make a great mentor himself some day. he also got some maple seeds to decorate his pelt with!
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MAGGOTPAW! this little demon has gone from troublesome to bloodthirsty, and is being mentored by Ryefang, the sneakiest cat in the clan. StarClan save us from the hijinks these two will undoubtedly get up to.
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ECHOPAW! she's calmed down a bit since her playful kit days, and is determined to be a great warrior. she's very proud to be mentored by the clan deputy, Tumbledust, and is eager to learn!
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in other news...
Maggotpaw fell off a rock and hurt her leg. she'll be fine, although she was disappointed when Brindlecreek informed her that no, in fact, she will not end up with a "totally cool scar".
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Echopaw was pretty disappointed when Tumbledust led her to the training hollow to practice fighting moves, only to sit in the sun and teach her absolutely jack shit. she's confused- what, is she supposed to teach them to herself?- but tries to remain hopeful.
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Tumbledust and Brindlecreek can't seem to figure out whether or not they dislike each other. wonder what that's about...
Maggotpaw caught her first mouse! she and Ryefang are both very proud.
that's all for now! until we meet again, may StarClan light your path :3
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peeclan · 1 year
bonus moon 0 drawing!
looking at the character relationships, everyone's cool with each other, with 2 exceptions. tumbledust doesn't like maggotkit, and maggotkit doesn't like gillstar. this tracks for maggotkit, but i honestly expected better of tumbledust. imagine being the clan deputy and having beef with a literal kit. smh my head.
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peeclan · 1 year
moon 0
welcome, one and all, to the glorious beginnings of PeeClan! we shall start this adventure by introducing our founders- the cats from which a golden stream of new warriors shall come forth.
first up...
LEADER: Gillstar. Head empty, no thoughts. Perpetually ungroomed. Very silly.
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DEPUTY: Tumbledust. Somebody's gotta take some responsibility around here, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be Gillstar.
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MEDICINE CAT: Brindlecreek. Communes with the great PeeClan warriors of old.
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WARRIORS: Ryefang. Always up to something. Probably stealing... herbs... from Brindlecreek as we speak.
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APPRENTICES: Alderpaw. Total sweetheart. Unfortunately, he has been somewhat photobombed by Maggotkit.
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KITS: Maggotkit and Echokit. Maggotkit is a fluffy little demon. Echokit wants no part in her shenanigans.
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STARCLAN GUIDE: Heathertuft. May he rest in piss.
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that's all for now! until we meet again, may StarClan light your path :3
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