peeka-byakugan · 6 hours
Most of you were either not born or old enough to remember the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon and the scale of the terror Israel inflicted. In 2006, Israel killed about 1,200 in Lebanon in 34 days which was the whole duration of the aggression. Yet, today alone, Israel killed close to 300 in Lebanon. This intensification is the direct result of the way Israel faced absolutely no consequences for its unprecedented violence in Gaza for a whole year.
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peeka-byakugan · 20 hours
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peeka-byakugan · 3 days
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peeka-byakugan · 3 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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peeka-byakugan · 4 days
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*Saw Theme Song Plot Twist Reveal*
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NYPD chase a man for fare evasion, tase him, become “aware of a knife” and then started blasting, hitting a cop, and two bystanders (one in the head) before getting this guy. Backtracking with “well this guy has done xyz before”, the cops didn’t know that. They frantically looked him up so they could justify a mass shooting of New Yorkers.
They drew guns over skipping the fare. They fired at anything that moved when they thought he had a knife. No confirmation that he even did have a knife.
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peeka-byakugan · 4 days
From /r/tyranids:
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God I LOVE weird little six year olds. Someone please get her a wee ripper costume immediately.
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peeka-byakugan · 5 days
Can't make this shit up but Israel really just detonated walkie talkies across Lebanon today killing 9 so far and injuring 300. This comes only a day after Israel had detonated pager devices simultaneously across multiple areas in Lebanon, injuring almost 3,000 and killing 8.
This is some cartoon villain shit and the only reason Israel was able to execute an almost replica of the same attack 24 hours prior is exactly because not a single international body had condemned Israel for its terrorist attack, let alone held it accountable.
In the same timeframe, Israel had also bombed countless areas in Gaza including a school filled with displaced Palestinians, killing 8 mostly women and children, while also committing two massacres against families, killing 20 and injuring over 50.
Israel is a terrorist state.
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peeka-byakugan · 5 days
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peeka-byakugan · 5 days
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peeka-byakugan · 5 days
is this what it was like in 9/11. trying to reason with people whose entire concept of human decency flies out the window when presented with the possibility of causing the smallest amount of harm to a "terrorist", no collateral damage is too large, no civilian too innocent, no connection too murky for people to deserve to die or be permanently crippled. people citing world war two urban warfare statistics to try to make a bad situation seem less worse and not balking at how fascist they sound
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peeka-byakugan · 6 days
From “City of Death,” part two.  One of the most famous scenes in all of Doctor Who.
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peeka-byakugan · 6 days
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u can call ur skull-head deer oc literally anything else u don't even have to change the design
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peeka-byakugan · 7 days
i genuinely don’t think the haitians eating pets lie is something that should be laughed off bc the rhetoric literally rooted in some of the worst acts of colonial violence known to man but i just know liberals are going to try and meme it away. this isn’t a funny haha republicans are so stupid thing this is a hey they are trying to justify a resurgence of specific atrocities against this specific group of people
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peeka-byakugan · 9 days
There are two kinds of 40k books: "Space Man Shoot Bad Guys With Big Gun" and "Meditations on the dehumanizing nature of war and the futility of mutual kindness in the face of suffocating oppression and predjudice by Askaurazoth the Child Flenser"
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peeka-byakugan · 10 days
i want to see more EVAs in 40k. like 'space' is on the name of space marines, have them fighting it out with the tau on the hull of a starship, or skitarii pinned down by traitor marines as the prevent a boarding action, or a group of votann kin being repelled by an imperial knight that has magnatised itself to the hull
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peeka-byakugan · 10 days
Hi everyone! I'm running a fundraiser to get lifesaving treatment for my friend @the-sera , she's a indigenous Kanienʼkehá:ka (Mohawk) lesbian and a former game dev behind games like Dragon Age, P.T. and the Mass Effect Trilogy. She is currently battling a rapidly deteriorating health condition which is going to kill her without treatment. Please reblog to spread the word and donate to help save her life. She is going to die without your help, we are all she has. We are setting a short term goal of $18K for September to get her foot in the door for treatment access. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and support, it makes all the difference.
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peeka-byakugan · 11 days
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Custer CCW-5 Channelwing, an aircraft that, to understate it, is a bit unconventional. It's a pusher-engine 5-seater that utilizes a semi-circular wing to provide a bit more lift than a conventional design.
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