peggyloraine · 3 months
I watched a video on YouTube about season three and she captured my feelings about it perfectly. It was a letdown. I am not saying that Nicola and Luke didn’t act their bums off. I am saying that Shondaland fumbled the story yet again. By taking the plot points from the book and giving them to Eloise, they made it a feminist masterpiece and a romantic dud. The chive to make Eloise the first to know and Colin last to know destroyed the integrity of their relationship. In the books they were equal partners because that was what Colin wanted and believed marriage should be. They worked through their problems together. Yes, Colin owned Whistledown as a they problem. In part two Colin was barely there, especially after he found out about LW and it still is glaring that he left her on the street alone. it does not matter that the carriage was within eye sight, he would have escorted her and put her in.
The moment that he said he would never forgive her should have been the moment she offered to break the engagement.
It is like Shondaland doesn't understand the characters they created. They took the intimacy and companionship, the carriage scene after and the church dance were intimate. They sacrificed the very soul of the story for feminism. Why can't men be just as valuable as women in this day and age? In the words of Pen from season one, 'what about Colin' ? I think that them putting line of 'what good am I to you' and her saying she loves him but she doesn't need saved misses the point. Marriage is a partnership and Colin is treated like a token and not a partner.
There are too many people in their marriage and Colin doesn't seem to be a respected partner. That is why we all ended up feeling let down and deflated. We wanted the partnership of Polin. That is not what we got
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peggyloraine · 3 months
I would love to see him in a detective role like Remington Steele
Luke newton has potential as an actor. He would do so well in a thriller or another rom com
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peggyloraine · 4 months
It has been a while since I had done this but here I go again….
Why don’t we discuss the fact that Penelope is an abused child. The way Penelope is treated by Portia is mental and emotional abuse. Allowing your other children to bully and treat another child as less than is abuse. That mistreatment marked Penelope and made her shy and made her feel insecure. It marked Penelope and the ton picked up on her low self esteem and bullied her.
I don’t know if the friendship between Eloise and Penelope has always been on that dynamic. Eloise dragging Pen along and Pen just happy to be with someone who isn’t mean to her and seems to care. She is love starved and the BRIDGERTON family is warm and welcoming.
I think the lying and hiding 😶‍🌫️ parts of herself are responses to her trauma. The years of being bullied have made her feel like she is not worthy of love and if they knew who she truly was that they wouldn’t want her. When Eloise discovered LW and rejected her, she made her biggest nightmare come to life.
Mind that I am not saying Eloise is good or bad. What I am doing is adding to the conversation from someone who had similar experiences from Pen and can understand her mindset and illuminate it a bit.
Basically, what I am saying that Penelope has been taught that she is not valuable as herself so she has been taught to hide herself from others and has big trust issues. Others have let her down again and again, especially men. She still doesn’t believe that she will end up with Colin so she is trying to hold onto enjoy the fairytale of true love until it disappears.
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peggyloraine · 5 months
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BRIDGERTON SEASON 3 | Official Trailer | Netflix
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peggyloraine · 5 months
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official trailer
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peggyloraine · 1 year
I am a bit disappointed that it will be so long until season three comes out. But there will be fanfics
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peggyloraine · 1 year
More than slightly angry rant: PART 2 (Go read part one to understand what I'm talking about in this post). Now onto Eloise, which is pretty similar to Marina. Penelope told Eloise multiple times that she shouldn't be hanging out with Theo and that she was gonna get caught or get into a lot of trouble. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Penelope actively tried to stop her at Anthony's wedding from leaving but still left anyways. Penelope even tried to warn her that Whistledown might find out and write about it when she said that people had been talking and STILL CONTINUED TO SEE THEO. And then the queen accused Eloise of being Whistledown, no surprise there. When Penelope found out about this she didn't wanna write anything bad about Eloise to try and save her, we saw her struggle so much, she went to Madame Delacroix for ideas but still nothing better than what she had already thought of. Penelope was running out of time and Eloise and the rest of the Bridgertons had been threatened by the Queen there really wasn't anything Penelope could do to change the Queen's mind that Eloise wasn't Whistledown besides writing something about her, and felt absolutely horrible about it, she was crying just moments after she had written it. And it wasn't like what she had written about Eloise was scandalous in a romantic way or not the truth. She wrote what she did to save her friend and it wasn't like she was writing about someone who cared about their prospects or had a reputation that couldn't bounce back by the next season. This was a Bridgerton, which gets into scandals all the time and always manages a way out of it, so it doesn't add up that this would even impact Eloise that badly anyways. Eloise would have faced a much worse fate if Penelope didn't write what she wrote about her and she shouldn't be mad at her for what she did to SAVE her. And I have one last thing I need to argue. Many people think that Lady Whistledown as a character is irredeemable, but Penelope writes as her because no one cares to listen to a young girl's thoughts and opinions, especially if she is a wallflower and her own family doesn't treat her all that kindly and she feels like she's never noticed, even by her own best friend because most of the time her problems are the topic of conversation, she has a brilliant mind and wants to put it to work and show the ton what she can do. She shines a light on everyone's secrets that the ton has, and proves that no one in the ton is perfect, even a season's diamond and especially the Bridgertons. Also, this girl is a mastermind, being able to fool the Queen and all of the ton having no idea that it's her, and she's just a teenager.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
More than slightly angry rant: Penelope Featherington is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED with what she writes in Lady Whistledown and I'm tired of pretending she wasn't. Let's start with Marina, in the first episode you can tell Penelope likes Colin and doesn't like him courting her, but she doesn't say anything or make a big deal out of it. Then when Penelope finds out Marina is Pregnant she doesn't go off to immediately print it in Whistledown, and even tries to help Marina with letters from George Crane. And when lord Rutledge is courting Marina Penelope feels bad for her, and it isn't till Marina starts thinking about trapping Colin into a marriage that Penelope starts to change her mind. Penelope said to Marina that she shouldn't do it to Colin and that he's a good person, and literally says, "You can pick anybody but him." but Marina doesn't care and continues with her plan anyways. Even before the Bridgertons come over for dinner at the Featherington's home Penelope tries to convince her family that this plan won't work and they don't listen to her. Then while at the dinner, Penelope tries to talk to Colin privately about the situation without fully ruining Marina's reputation and breaking Colin's heart, but of course, Colin brushes it off. And I know a lot of people are like, "wHy DiDn'T sHe JuSt TeLl HiM tHe TrUtH?!" I think I might know why. For one thing, her family would be furious at her for revealing this to the Bridgertons, secondly, it's obvious to everyone that Penelope likes Colin (with him and Eloise being the exceptions) and didn't look too happy to hear about the engagement so even if she did tell another Bridgerton, they might just think she was lying and saying it just so that Colin wouldn't marry Marina. But even after all of that Penelope is running out of solutions to save Colin from a life of lies. So, she talks to Marina one last time to try and change her mind and tell her that George didn't give up on her and that the letters were fake and then Marina insults her and her crush on Colin and says really hurtful shit to Penelope after she has given Marina so many chances to change her plans and doesn't. Marina left Penelope with one last solution, Whistledown, it was too late for her to try something else as Colin and Marina were going to elope the next morning so Penelope did the very last she wanted to do and wrote about Marina. It wasn't like Penelope was happy about writing about Marina either because she preceded to run over to Eloise crying. I started writing about Eloise and ran out of space, so I wrote a second post that's out right now, go find it!
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peggyloraine · 1 year
I do not understand why people get the mistaken idea that Colin is ‘dense’. He is young and has done particularly foolish things, I get that. But he was 20 in the first season and 21 in season two. He is young and is making foolish mistakes, as young people tend to do. There is a significant age gap between Benedict and Colin of six years and his brothers often flank him in public, a protective gesture.
I also find that people are fooled by Colin’s charming facade. He is a people pleaser, so they fail to look into the deep waters that lay beneath his surface. He learned to blend in as a child and because of the age gap between him and his brothers, he probably spent more time playing with his sisters, so he ended up being more sincere and gentle than his brothers. He also was impacted by his father’s death at a younger age, and spent less time being molded into manhood by his father. His mother’s trauma would have greatly affected him too. I hope Shonda touches on these things and his position in his family and explains why he feels lost 😞. I understand the trauma of losing a parent and I was around the same age.
Colin is very intelligent and extremely curious. So curious that he has to know. We see that with his traveling 🧭. It is not just a way for him to escape, he is interested in geography, history and culture. He wants to know more about what he has learned in school. He wants to see and touch the world 🗺️ himself. His curiosity will not be satisfied until he does.
But his curiosity also shows itself in other ways. When we see him noticing details others miss. He knows that Eloise is sneaking around town and warns her. He also sees her slipping a piece of paper into her book when he saves Auggie. Plus looking into the Lord Featherington situation. That shows his curiosity, along with his sense of honor and protectiveness to those he loves. Our golden hearted boy.
Last point is that he is a writer. He has spent the off season corresponding with Penelope. She has said that his descriptions have transported her. Not only does she write herself, but she is an avid reader. I am sure that we are going find out he has kept journals, probably for years.
I really think that we were getting glimpses of Colin in last season to tell us that there is more to him than you choose to see. There are deep waters there and Penelope is about to take a deep dive and I am here for it.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
I’m a firm believer that sometimes when you’re in a relationship you don’t see it for what it is, and that applies to any type of relationship, familial, romantic or platonic.
Sometimes friendship grows toxic or one-sided, your family treats you like a child even when you’re a matured adult, or a casual acquaintance evolves into something deeper and turns romantic. But something has to happen to make one or both parties step back, reassess it and come back with new perspectives.
This absolutely applies to Colin and Penelope They’ve been in each other’s lives for so long that in many ways they still see each other exactly the way they did when they first met as kids.
Their relationship began for Colin with Penelope being his sister’s friend who became such a fixture in the Bridgerton household that he began to see her like another sibling or cousin, she has been in his life forever as an honorary Bridgerton.
For Penelope, Colin has always been confident, outgoing and kind. He’s the only boy she has felt comfortable around because she’s shy and her interactions with men have been extremely limited. We never see her speak directly to her own father, just as she warms to her cousin Jack but she discovers he’s untrustworthy and gentlemen at parties don’t even acknowledge her.
The only male who has consistently been in her life and proven to be kind to her or paid her any positive attention is Colin. Of course she has always adored him, he’s practically the only man in the world who has ever acknowledged or been good to her.
But hearing what Colin said and realizing that he isn’t perfect, forces Pen to take him off the pedestal she’s always had him on and consider what will become of her if she continues to exist in her fantasy that Colin will miraculously love and choose her as his wife. She knows she has to meet more men and she’s going to focus on stepping out of her comfort zone (in the shadows) and into the light.
We know Colin & Pen have grown closer since writing to each other because that’s how their friendship actually developed. Prior to that Eloise had claimed Penelope and she and Colin were far less familiar, it’s clear in how once Polin are more friendly, Eloise keeps interrupting their conversations and claiming Penelope to herself.
It’s important to note that Penelope basically bestowed upon Colin all the positive attributes of the men of fantasy, possibly from romantic novels and books she’s read and maybe that’s why Portia told her to stop reading because it would confuse her thoughts. Because Colin was still very much just a young boy in season 1 and hadn’t actually cultivated in himself what Penelope sees in him. She saw his potential and not who he truly was but we come to find out that her image of him is what he aspires to be.
That’s why Colin mentioned how Penelope’s letters encouraged him, that’s why he’s different with her in season 2. Penelope’s letters were likely full of positivity, she built up his confidence so he could be the man she sees when she looks at him.
Keep in mind Colin is young and desperately wants to be a man with purpose, the sort of man his father was (but his father died when Colin was like 11 so he doesn’t know how to become the man he wishes he was. So Colin has been doing his best to get by on flirting and charm but he wants to be taken seriously now.
So while on his travels, away from his family and his mother, relying on himself and free to act as an adult for the first time, he chose adventures and trying new things and spends time thinking about who he is. Cue Penelope’s letters and positive image of him as a brave, heroic, capable gentleman.
We know that when he left town he was broken hearted and his confidence had taken a major hit. Penelope’s letters were vital in getting him through something difficult that was also humiliating. It’s begun to dawn on him that she isn’t just his sisters friend, she is someone who genuinely cares about him, understands, respects and appreciates him for all the things that other people might mock, overlook or take for granted. That is why she’s special to him. It’s the same reason he’s been special to her, she thinks he sees her, and to an extent he does. But the way he sees her has not changed enough by season 2 which is why he has her in the friend zone box.
Penelope taking herself out of his life by ignoring his letters and/or distancing herself from Colin to focus on her own future is the closest thing that she as a young woman, can get to Colin’s travels because it’s her way of getting to know herself so she can become the woman she aspires to be.
This is Penelope’s time for self reflection and figuring out what she really wants and needs which is going to change everything because she has been surrounded by a lot of negativity. Sisters who pick on her for having bad skin or being chubby, a mother who’s constantly silencing her and hasn’t put any effort into helping her attract suitors.
Taking action that will change her life for the better is an extremely important step for Pen. But old habits are hard to break and she’s made herself small and quiet for so long she is bound to struggle with confidence. So where she helped Colin through letters because her writing is the way she expresses herself best (and the only way most people actually seem listen to her), Colin will help her in person once he’s had enough time and distance to realize how much he wants and needs her in his life.
Once Penelope finally embraces the confident woman she has become deep down (the one who comes out in her writing), more and more people will take notice of how remarkable she is. Because at her best Pen is kind, funny, loyal, and she protects the people she cares about.
Colin is going to be smitten once the more matured, confident man he has become over the last several months finally meets the mature, confident, emboldened woman Penelope has become. And these two newer versions of Penelope and Colin are perfect for each other.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
As sad as Penelope and Eloise’s falling out makes me and as excited as I am for them to eventually make up, I think this set up is a really good opportunity to showcase how people treat Penelope specifically and how that may have led to her writing out her frustrations. When you think about it, the majority of interactions we see involved Penelope & Eloise together, or are members of the ton commenting on the Featherington family as a whole, or how said family treats Penelope within it’s ranks
I want more of how society has been against specifically Penelope as a woman who has been previously treated as an undesirable even among the undesirables because that will make just how much Colin ends up adoring her that much more of a satisfying payoff.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
Hey, hey, look at me. Look into my eyes.
Penelope is an amazing person. A sweet, unsure, young, insecure, delightful, funny, brave, shy, and adorable person.
She’s also flawed and has made mistakes.
Colin is an amazing person. A kind, silly, adventurous, smart, insecure, confused, forgiving, flirtatious, and adorable person.
He’s also flawed and has made mistakes.
Neither is better than the other or more flawed or worse or bad. Colin would punch you in the face if you said that about Pen and Pen would shank a bitch if they said that about Colin.
I love Polin in all their messy wonderfulness because thats real! That’s interesting! That’s love! Neither are black and white perfect angels that have done no wrong. They’ve both screwed up and hurt each other and themselves and others but in the end they still love each other. And that’s beautiful.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
Love this idea
(Today on another episode of stories I'm too sleep deprived to write. I present)
Catching up to Polin week DAY TWO: 
Amnesia AU
After his trip to forget Marina, Colin happens to sustain a bad fall that leaves him without memories of the past year and somehow, he's also left with the mistaken belief ( gained after going trough all his letters from the summer), that Penelope Featherington must be his intended. Because what gentleman would exchange such personal letters with an unmarried lady unless he was indeed in the middle of a courtship.
The Bridgertons, in an effort to not aggravate his injury and help his memory come back, decide to play along with Colin and ask Penelope to stand in as his fiancee for the time being. Just for a while until the swelling in his head goes down and Colin's memories return.
Poor Penelope is left with a dilemma, between pushing for Colin to remember he's not actually courting her. And losing herself in enjoying the actual courtship of the man she loves, who will break things off once things go back to normal.
Unfortunately Colin's memories return when he accidentally discovers that Penelope is lady Whistledown and knowing fully that his dear Pen, will use that as an excuse to break things off with him, while she continues living her double life as Lady Whistledown, Colin continues to pretend he's amnesiac, determined to seduce Penelope into marriage, even if he thinks she's only with him because she pities his condition. He's grown to love her and he will use any underhanded trick he has in order to keep her..
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peggyloraine · 1 year
He is 21 during the show, so how many 21 year olds have it all together. Not many, I can remember feeling similar to Colin. Mine was more not knowing who I was or where I belonged.
I love Colin Bridgerton.
He is a young man trying to find his place amongst his family and peers.
He is silly and funny.
He is charming and witty.
He is handsome and smart.
He is endlessly kind and generous.
He is keen and perceptive.
He can be childish and has a hero complex.
He is too quick to trust others.
He says the wrong things at the wrong times and can have a temper.
He forgets who he is at his core in order to fit in amongst his peers.
He often is confused by his own feelings and wants.
Colin is not a perfect man. He is flawed and unsure of himself. He struggles with knowing who he is and what people want of him, and that keeps him from truly finding his purpose. He has so much room to grow into himself and his heart and I cannot love him more because of it.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
I don’t understand why people pick on Luke Newton. The man is 6 foot tall. He has thick arms and thick thighs yes. He has a larger bone structure and well developed body. He was never overweight. I greatly prefer his body type. I don’t understand disparaging him. I have only expressed my true opinions of the comparison of these men once. I am not picking them apart, but in comparison of attractiveness Luke Newton is the one I find most attractive and yes they are all handsome men.
This man also now has a six pack and has well defined muscles and his hair, eyes, smile and face are gorgeous to me. I love his velvety soft voice. It is nice and deep and he has a lovely singing voice. He seems to be a gentle giant of a man. To me HE is the total package.
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peggyloraine · 1 year
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Episode 1: Diamond of the First Water
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peggyloraine · 1 year
So true and hilarious too.
The thing is that in the books, I've always loved the duality between Anthony and Colin and the fact they basically turn into each other, as soon as they fall inlove.
No seriously hear me out. On one hand you have book Anthony. He's responsible, hard on everyone, doesn't joke, or smile, he lives for his duty so much he's planned to marry without love in order to fulfill it. Anthony has the temper of an annoyed father figure who just can't put up with his siblings anytime they cause yet another mess he must fix. And this is evident in.... How he treats Colin, the sibling who likes to prank him and lives to try his patience. But Then Anthony meets Kate, and lo and behold she makes him laugh, he can joke with her, he can be himself with her, confide his true thoughts, enjoy his life, feel free from his responsibility when he's with her, so of course she's the only person who sees this funny and immature Colin-like side of him.
Then we have book Colin. Charming, well spoken, people don't think he's ever lost his temper in his life, he's the life of the party going from sibling to sibling playing matchmaker and reveling in the way he can drive Anthony mad with his antics. Colin, who can get away with murder with just an impish grin and a flick of his fingers. Looks like the least responsible of his brothers, what with his traveling around and never setting roots. But then he realizes he's inlove with Penelope and she brings out not only the protective instinct in him, but also the Anthony like temper that he's never shown to anyone. She makes him angry and he lets her know it! but she also makes him want to set roots and take responsibility for her because she evidently hasn't considered the consequences of her actions as LW. Nevermind that Penelope didn't ask him to help, too bad, she's going to be his wife and he's going to be overbearing and overprotective and stern! Penelope needs stern! he can't be charming Colin with her, she's prepared to walk all over him if he gives her an inch. In the books its fun, because Colin pretends he doesn't have a temper until Penelope brings it out and from then on he's pretty much done with joking around. with her he's all MY WIFE, MY HOUSE, MY RULES. and Penelope goes NO IT AINT. Because Penelope is exactly the kind of person who can and will override his temper with hers. So he has to be his true self, and his true self is a bit more like Anthony than he lets people see.
And that's the meta of the day for you
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