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It had been raining the night Peke was born.
Normally, rain brought discomfort and inconvenience to the pride. Their coats would get soggy, each step they took risked greeting mud with their paws, in general it was just an uncomfortable weather to tolerate. But in the last few weeks, the rains had begun to come less and less often. It was a drought, but their home was not used to dealing with droughts, not the dense jungle they resided in. With the absence of rain, the lions began to forget the discomfort it brought and began missing the water. Now, whenever it rained, it was a bit of a relief, not only to the pride but to the landscape in general.
By the time Peke was born, it had been a total of eight days since it had last rained, the longest gap yet. Annua felt pride at this fact. Her son was born with the coming of relief. It was fate.
"He has your nose." Annua had spoken, her eyes firmly resting on their newly born cub. Both mother and father were tucked away in a den, protected from the wet outside yet still blessed with the pleasant noise that the rain shower was bringing. While Annua lied comfortably on the ground with her large front legs wrapped around the baby, Raha was standing and seeming quite restless. He could hardly stay still.
"He does!" The father replied, smiling brightly. Both lions were first-time parents with the coming of Peke, but it was only Raha that displayed an almost immature excitement over this. Annua was calm and collected, like she always was, though granted she was also quite tired.
"Keep your voice low." The lionness chuckled, to which Raha nodded eagerly. Lowering his head, he'd peer closely at the newborn, his blue eyes wide and adoring. 
“He looks so tiny...”
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Two lionesses
Two lionesses by Tambako The Jaguar Via Flickr:
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...I didn’t even have a prompt or a reason to draw this one.
I just felt like making it! :D
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Peke’s father.
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like as much as i love icons and a good psd, sometimes its just tasking to do. and not everyone has great resources. so if you’re okay with having threads with no icons, please reblog this so that people know you’re okay with it. i feel like roleplayers today are too focused on the aesthetics and won’t follow people who use base icons or even none at all. it’s not about icons, but about the writing !!
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Peke gave a frown as he seemed to be laughed at, and found it strange that his coat would’ve elicited this response from the other lion. Was it really so weird to see a white coat? For the first part of his life he thought that all lions looked like him, only to be told otherwise by his parents. To him, Kopa was the strange looking one, maybe he should’ve been laughing at him instead.
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“That’s... weird.” Peke muttered, leaning up to sit back on his haunches rather than remain in his defensive crouch. He might still be in trouble, but the cub found it hard to focus on that, not when he was able to speak to another lion cub. His tail flicked around his legs as Kopa approached, watching the stranger with a bit of caution, but mostly intrigue. It was so nice to talk to another lion again...
“Well-no, not all of them. But my whole pride looked like me. My mothers coat was even whiter!” He insisted, unable to help but smile a bit in pride. She really had been a pretty lioness, even if she was old and not young like the two of them. “You’ve really never seen someone who looks like me?” While this undoubtedly made Peke feel a little special, there was a twinge of sadness in this realization. It could mean none of his aunts or mother had been in these lands.
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@prince-kxpa continued from here.
Oh jeez, oh no, he ran right into a lion...
The collision had stunned the cub for only a second before he recovered, rising to his paws and immediately retreating back a few steps, his ears tilted down and teeth bared. The only reason he hadn’t turn and ran from the lion was because he wasn’t a full grown male. Instead, the prospect of finally seeing another cub near his own age kept him from staying, rather than bolting immediately. Though he didn’t defensively bare his own teeth, despite that his nervous expression and fearful demeanor didn’t make him the least bit intimidating.
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“Sorry-Sorry!!” Peke immediately blurted, the last thing he was wanting was to start a fight despite that this was his fault. But how could he have seen this coming? He hadn’t seen lions in ages, there was no way he could expect to run into one out of no where... 
At least that’s what he told himself.
“I didn- Uh...” Suddenly much of the tension left his body when his fur color was called into question, causing the young cub to blink in bewilderment, “I... huh?” Glancing over his shoulder, he’d double-check his pristine, pale fur, as if wondering if some of it was missing before turning back toward the other cub, “It’s... How is it weird?” 
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okay please reblog this if you are happy to write lengthy threads with long, complicated plots and multiple non-player characters, whilst driving the plot forward on a mutually-responsible, mutually-beneficial basis, sometimes winged and sometimes not, using the “yes and” technique to build a story 
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like as much as i love icons and a good psd, sometimes its just tasking to do. and not everyone has great resources. so if you’re okay with having threads with no icons, please reblog this so that people know you’re okay with it. i feel like roleplayers today are too focused on the aesthetics and won’t follow people who use base icons or even none at all. it’s not about icons, but about the writing !!
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“Life’s not fair, is it?” (from Janja)
Lion King RP starters.
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“N-No, it’s not fair… T-That’s why you should be careful!” The little cub was surely in trouble now… The fear was evident on his face, he was afraid not of the Hyena, but of getting hurt. “I-I could scratch your eyes right out! So… stay back!”
Despite this claim, Peke looked ready to bolt at any moment, his body hunched close to the ground and limbs tense, ready to turn and flee. His maroon eyes were fixated on the potential enemy, seeming ready to leap away and flee if Janja tried to attack.
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“Really? Never thought a tree branch could be comfortable... I’ve never been up a tree before.”
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“…It’s been really quiet here lately… It’s great for napping.”
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“You’re right… It’s been really quiet here lately… And this tree is really comfortable…”
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Seemingly convinced of the leopards harmlessness, Peke smiled wider. Though he didn’t venture any closer, not that he’d need to. His face shifted into that of a surprised look when the leopard already knew his name though. It was a new sensation to actually be recognized when he’d been used to being alone for so long.
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“Yup, that’s me! It’s nice to meet you, Badili.” Moving to the Pridelands had gotten the cub quite used to talking to other animals... So this time, he didn’t even bat an eye at holding a conversation with this one, and maintained his polite stature. Talking to another cat wasn’t all too strange for him, anyway. “Oh, well, I’m sort’ve used to wandering all over... And I guess I wandered over here. Truth be told I’m not very familiar with these lands, so it’s good to get to know it all...
Hopefully I’m being a bother by intruding?”
@peke-white-lion cont from HERE
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“Oh, of course I am…”
He was afraid of everything. Even this cub made him nervous.
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He lifted his paw to wave at the cub, claws extracted as usual. Last time he waved a paw like this it scraed the Galagos, maybe this time will be different.
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“I’m Badili, you must be Peke the cub Kion and the Guard was telling me about. Um, what bring you to Mirihi forest?”
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“When it comes to brute strength, I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool.” (from Badili)
Lion King RP starters.
Peke’s ears perked at this and he’d sit up, tail lazily twitching behind him.
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“Really? Well that’s good for me!” The cub blurted without even thinking. Hearing the leopard tell him that he wasn’t particularly strong seemed to keep the cub calm and prevent him from worrying about being attacked. “You are telling the truth, right…?”
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“...It’s been really quiet here lately... It’s great for napping.”
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Lion King Starters
“Life’s not fair, is it?”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?”
“He’s madder than a hippo with a hernia.”
“I quiver with FEAR!”
“Well, if it isn’t my brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.”
“That was today? Oh I feel simply awful.”
“I shall have to practice my curtsy.”
“Just think - whenever he gets dirty, we can take him out and beat him.”
“When it comes to brute strength, I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool.”
“Before sunrise, he’s your son.”
“Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”
“Cheetahs never prosper.”
“Oh very good. Pouncing. Pouncing!?! Oh no, you can’t be serious.”
 “One day you will be king; then you     can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers from     dawn until dusk.”
“I despise guessing games.”
“Yes. Well… forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.”
“Oh dear, I’ve said too much! Well, I suppose you’d have found sooner or later, you being so clever and all. Oh, just do me one favor - promise me you’ll never visit that dreadful place.”
“Okay, okay, I’m clean. Can we go now?”
“Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle-doves have no choice. It’s a tradition going back generations.”
“I wonder if its brains are still in there.”
“Hey, did we order this dinner to go? ‘Cause there it goes!”
“You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me.“
“What? You want me to dress in drag and do the hula?”
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Reblog if your rp partners (and followers) are great writers and you love each and every one of their portrayals!
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