Smoothie! A Braces-Friendly Recipe
Smoothie! A Braces-Friendly Recipe
Every person who is experiencing the wrath of braces knows how painful eating can be after getting an adjustment. This pain only lasts a day or two, but the movement of your teeth can be painful right at the beginning. When you have braces, Dr. Angelakis will always remind you that you are to eat foods that won’t provide any pain and discomfort to your teeth. You are asked to avoid any crunchy,…
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How To Get Your Braces Off In Time
How To Get Your Braces Off In Time
A person may wear braces for half a year to 30 months depending on several factors. It depends on how old the patient is, how severe the problem is, how cooperative the patient is, and how much movement is possible. There is no magic formula that will allow a patient to remove his braces in just three months, but there are steps that the patient can take to make it sooner. Attend your…
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Do Braces Increase the Risk of Cavities?
To say wearing braces is inconvenient is an understatement, but the results are definitely worth it in the end. Having a restricted diet as well as having to employ a more rigorous dental hygiene routine at home have most patients counting the days until they come of. So what’s the big deal about brushing and flossing anyway? Is it really necessary? Braces may not cause cavities on their own, but…
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FAQ About Adult Braces
Teeth can move with age as a result of injury, oral condition, or just simply of natural growth. This movement results in crooked or overcrowded teeth, which can cause jaw pain, difficulty in cleaning teeth, or simply an unattractive smile. Adult braces a re VERY common, and you won’t regret getting your teeth straightened! . Is it okay for an adult to wear braces? Although dentists recommend the…
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Fall Sports Are Starting - Importance of a Mouth-guard While Wearing Braces
Fall is fast approaching and along with it comes the hustle and bustle of fall sports everybody is looking forward to. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case for those who’ve got braces. Braces damage requires expensive treatment and repair, and in sports, the risk of getting the braces or your mouth damaged is unquestionably high. Fortunately, the risks can lower with the use of mouth guard.…
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What exactly are braces?
What exactly are braces?
Getting adult braces is becoming more and more common these days. If you have crooked teeth that affect how you smile, chew, bite or speak, you may be a perfect candidate for adult braces.  To help you better understand what you are in for, we are going to explain the exact components of the braces that work together to guide your teeth into their proper position and alleviate issues caused by…
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Myths of Orthodontics
You may have certain preconceived ideas when it comes to orthodontics. The truth is, there are many myths of orthodontics that exist. The following will help you to understand what orthodontics is and isn’t, as well as how it can help you. Orthodontists – Not Just for Kids It is not true that only children get braces. It really is possible for them to help straighten your teeth at any age. While…
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I’ve Finally Had My Braces Removed; Why Do I Need A Retainer?
I’ve Finally Had My Braces Removed; Why Do I Need A Retainer?
Don’t forget to wear your retainer! Finally getting your braces off is a very exciting day. You won’t have to carry a toothbrush everywhere you go, you can eat pretty much anything that you want and you can show off your gorgeous new smile! As far as your treatment plan goes, however, having your braces off is the step that transitions you into the next stage of your treatment plan—wearing a…
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Preventing Tooth Decalcification While Wearing Braces
Preventing Tooth Decalcification While Wearing Braces
You may have never heard of tooth decalcification but you’ve definitely seen it. More commonly known as white spots, decalcification is actually damage to your teeth but it is entirely preventable. Although commonly associated with braces, tooth decalcification can be caused by tooth decay whether you have braces or not. The reason why it is more common with braces is because the brackets and…
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Orthodontics - Myths and Facts
Orthodontics – Myths and Facts
Ceramic Braces You may have certain preconceived ideas when it comes to orthodontics. The truth is, there are many myths of orthodontics that exist. The following will help you to understand what orthodontics is and isn’t, as well as how it can help you.   Orthodontists – Not Just for Kids It is not true that only children get braces. It really is possible for them to help straighten your teeth…
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What Can I Do About Gaps In My Teeth?
What Can I Do About Gaps In My Teeth?
Have you heard of the condition called, ‘diastema’. Perhaps those who have been visiting a dentist as a matter of routine may be aware that ‘diastema’ refers to unwanted gaps between two adjacent teeth. This usually appears between the two front upper teeth though the term applies to gaps anywhere too. Human body and physiology is a complex thing and things could go wrong for a variety of…
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About Invisalign
Invisalign is the clear leader of this revolutionary  technology, which uses a series of clear removable aligners to gradually move your teeth as a custom-made plan for each patient. The movement is planned very precisely by using highly sophisticated three-dimensional computer technology. These comfortable aligners are virtually invisible so that can barely tell you are wearing them. This allows…
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Who Benefits From Invisalign?
Who Benefits From Invisalign?
For many of our patients, Invisalign clear aligners have been a dream come true. They love that they can wear braces that are practically invisible and still get a gorgeous smile. The fact that you can take them out while eating or brushing your teeth just makes them even better. Ideally, everyone would be able to benefit from them; but not all patients are candidates. Here’s how we decide:…
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Getting adult braces is becoming more and more common these days. If your mouth is having alignment issues that affect how you smile, chew, bite or speak, you may be a perfect candidate for adult braces.  To help you better understand what you are in for, we are going to explain the exact components of the braces that work together to guide your teeth into their proper position and alleviate…
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Tips for Making Your Child Comfortable With Braces
Tips for Making Your Child Comfortable With Braces
Despite their effectiveness, braces can make your child a little stressful, especially in the first few days when she starts wearing them. Even though braces will change her life for the better, she may find it hard to adjust, especially with the discomfort the first few days. In the following paragraphs, we highlight some tips on how you can make your child comfortable with her braces. Talk…
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About Ceramic Braces
Clear braces, commonly made of ceramic composite material are strong and do not stain. Among the braces, adults like ceramic brackets because they are more discreet and designed to be less visible that the regular metal brackets. These are the type of brackets that actor Tom Cruise wore when he had adult braces. Brackets designed to hold the wire on are usually clear or light colored. They can…
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Orthodontist or Dentist: Who Will Treat My Child’s Teeth?
Orthodontist or Dentist: Who Will Treat My Child’s Teeth?
Dentistry is a broad field, encompassing a number of skills and disciplines. Dentists are qualified to handle all aspects of dental care, right from routine procedures, to preventive measures, and from diagnosing issues, to performing surgery. On the other hand, an orthodontist is a specialist. Their job is to correct the shape, alignment and appearance of teeth which are crooked or broken.…
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