pencilmoon-a · 4 years
I’ve moved! If you’re interested, I’m over here now.
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pencilmoon-a · 4 years
focus whomst? i only know Hyperfocus and Floating In The Void™
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
okay but i may actuall have to make a new blog again because my tags here are so messed up that i can’t function lol
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
General PSA: I’m totally fine with starting over! If we tried to write together once before and the thread fell flat or got dropped, I’m game to try again. Not all first interactions are going to be golden, and sometimes it takes a few tries for us to understand how our characters might merge together in writing. I’m still interested in roleplaying with you, so feel free to send asks / like my starter calls / hit me up in the DMs!
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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She never questioned anything. Even though that sent up some curious things, it wasn’t out of distrust. Simply curious as to what goes on with everyone. Her circle was relatively small. “C-Can I do anything?” 
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*+:。.。 he heard that. the crack in her voice. the concern. it made his stomach flip with guilt over being the one causing her enough concern that her voice broke that way. he sat upright and took both her hands into his own, “ ...my headaches are just...a painful side effect of what my parents did to me. there’s nothing that can be done about it, but you make it easier. you’re a calming, centering person for me. and i care about you very deeply. you’re doing everything just by being here. please don’t...be overly concerned about me. it doesn’t do you any good. and i’m not a really good boyfriend if i just let you fret and be upset like that. “
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“I was trying to be a successful fan, and now you’re telling me I am. What am I supposed to do with that information?” He teased easily, trying to keep from being too dramatic. “The fans are going to gif any interaction we have now.”
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*+:。.。 “ if you really want to up your fan game, cover Adios when you get the chance. I actually choreographed that one. Maybe I’ll cover something of D:Fi’s. What’s your favorite song you guys have done? ”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“Is it really bad? I can make you some tea if it’ll help at all.” As long as she could be of some sort of help, it did worry her when her boyfriend was in pain. Even if it couldn’t be helped. “It’s not for another few weeks, don’t worry about it right now.” She gently reached out, tentatively playing with his hair. 
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*+:。.。 “ it is. it has been since... “ he trailed off, realizing he hadn’t yet told leia what happened in the practice room that day. “ ...since something with falyn and hyunsik and all that it’s...a really long story. it just has to subside on it’s own. “ 
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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He raised an eyebrow. “Hey, at least he’s not doing what I did. Literally showed the entire world I have a BDSM relationship with my longtime girlfriend via the entirety of the internet. Guess I’m the right person for the job, then.” He grins. “Don’t worry, hyung. I’ll keep a close eye on him. If anything, I’ll talk to all of them and make sure they’re all on track together, right?”
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*+:。.。 " right. see? you’re already on the right track with this. “ yeri had been the right choice for this, that much was not abundantly clear. assured in his decision, he let his hand fall to his side, “ speaking of your longtime girlfriend, have you asked her about moving into the new dorm with us, yet? i remember you saying you wanted to do that.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“If this was my responsibility and my subunit, sure. And I’d listen to you, because you’re CEO. Or going to be. I have to watch what I’m doing.” He raised an eyebrow. “But this is your responsibility. You want him to stay, you want him to get over it, you talk to him. This subunit is your baby, not mine.”
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*+:。.。 " you’re an awful friend. “ kt sighed, “ what angle am i supposed to come at this from is the question. do i have to be the boss who tells him to suck it up, or the coworker who empathizes, or the hyung who wants him to succeed-- “ the ceo-in-line learning curve was a tough one. he’d done fine with the business aspects of things. money, plans, etc, he had few issues with that. it was the damn social dynamics that he struggled with.
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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offline #6
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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jb x saint laurent x dazed korea
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“Wait, wait. There’s a lot riding on this? And you trust me with this?” This was going to have both KT and Baekhyun on him, especially knowing how Baekhyun was with the D:FI boys. They didn’t do anything without Baekhyun trailing behind. “I’m glad that you trust me and I promise, I’ll work my hardest with them. This…this means a lot, hyung. Thank you.”
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*+:。.。 an affirmative nod and a firm pat on the maknae’s shoulder was kt’s response, “in particular...” the thought hit him suddenly, “keep an eye on hanuel. he has a thing for one of the girls. but she’s already seeing someone and hanuel is her fan so it’s messy. we’ve always had a thing about keeping an eye on each other and watching to make sure our mental health doesn’t fall so do that same thing for hanuel. it’s probably just a dumb crush, but i don’t want things to go south and we weren’t anticipating it at all.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“No, but who’s going to be CEO one day, hm? It’s not me, it’s you.” He pointed out, crossing his arms. “KT-ah. He’s not our age. He’s not to the point of being able to really separate that. He’s not even twenty one yet. You and I both remember how brazen Yeri was at twenty. We’ve had time and knowledge to know that we can’t let our relationships get in the way, but we’ve had time and experience to know that. These kids are still considered rookies. They aren’t us, but they need a steady adult to guide them, and as CEO, you’ll have plenty of Haneul’s and Yeri’s.”
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*+:。.。 “we’re not that much older than him.” then again, he himself was probably the biggest shit to exist when he was twenty, so what point was he even attempting to make with that comment? he let out a breath, realizing immediately how weak an argument that was, “ -- i’m not great at heart to, “can i pull a ceo move and tell you to go talk to him? he’s your kid after all.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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Right. Sometimes she forgot that she’s actually dating an idol. Nothing phases her though, she’ll think of something else easily. She lifts her head, a smile ever present on her face. “It’s okay. We can do something else. That would probably put you in a bad situation. I’m looking into buying a projector so I’d be cool with spending it inside. I’m happy as long as I can spend time with you.” Though it fades to a look of concern. “Another headache?”
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*+:。.。 “i always have a headache. sometimes it’s just worse than normal.” he explained, a small breath escaped him as he tilted his head to the left, then the right with his eyes closed, “ -- i have to finish my birthday gift for you. lost track of time. didn’t realize how close the day was.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“Don’t take this away from him, simply because he’s got a crush. Remember how I was with Sora?” He shrugs, with a laugh. He understood Haneul, mostly because he’d been there, pining over a girl who ended up his wife. “It’s definitely a problem, I agree. My suggestion, and probably your best bet, is to talk to him and just keep an eye on him. He’s a great dancer, and a great performer. He’ll do anything you want him to do. He just has a big heart.”
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*+:。.。 “i shouldn’t have to talk to him.” but that was the reality of being a ceo, wasn’t it? at least for this company. it wasn’t just managing groups and making decisions. it was teaching and talking and guiding dozens and dozens of people coming from different walks of life and levels of maturity, “he should definitely know better than to let a crush come between working here. surely he knows at least that. none of us let our relationships get in the way.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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Yeri’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?” Part of him felt like he wasn’t really capable of that, but….if KT believed in him then he must see something, right? He’s come to realize his hyung is really good at that. No wonder he’ll be CEO. “I-I…sure….”
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*+:。.。 “you’re doing it? good!” somehow he anticipated more of a fight. but the fact that one did not come just reassured KT in his belief that the maknae had grown, “it’s a co-ed group, with two members of D:FI, and then two members of Dianthus from Rosebud -- if they do well, they’ll be a group with regular comebacks. so there’s a lot riding on this.”
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pencilmoon-a · 5 years
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“Their version of being okay with it is my dad telling me not to do anything I wouldn’t do if he was around and my papa crying that I’m growing up too fast and need to stop. So…yes, they’re okay with it.” Leia chirps, gently resting her forehead to Ethan’s shoulder. “They trust me, and by extension, you.”
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*+:。.。 ethan couldn’t help but let out a small, but curt chuckle, “i guess that’s good.” the seer rubbed his forehead, more vain attempts to massage away a constant headache, “but...it doesn’t seem like something i’d be able to do.”
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