pencilrocketau · 2 years
5 Essential Instagram Stories Ads Tips to Grow your Business
Have you been using Instagram stories ads to boost your revenue and brand awareness? If not, you're definitely missing out.
What are Instagram stories ads?
Instagram stories ads are a 15 seconds video or a 5 seconds picture created by businesses to pop up in between an array of stories viewed by Instagram users. With statistics of one in five stories gets a direct message from viewers, Instagram stories ads undoubtedly has high engagement rates.
Countless businesses have reaped the benefits of this form of advertising, such as OGX beauty with 8% increase in sales and Ralph Lauren with 18% increase in online sales, as well as a 41% increase in product view page among its newly targeted audience, millennial and Gen Z with Instagram stories ads that contain a few if not all the tips listed below:
Although a completely unrelated concept to the one where you drop your food, this 3 second rule is just as important to remember when creating an Instagram stories ads.
Same as regular Instagram stories, your ads are easily skippable with just a simple touch. In order to avoid your viewers from doing this, you have to captivate their attention within the first 3 crucial seconds. Include the all your priority content (text and images) within this timeframe as well, by using strong visual and a short message.
Due to the short length of time available, keep your ideas simple enough in order to create a short and sweet message that would reach the audience at a simple glance.
No one likes feeling left out or missing out on an opportunity. This might be one of the best tip into turning your viewer into your customer, especially when you are selling something that can be purchased on a whim, such as clothing, beauty related products or other low to moderate price items. It is also a good trick to spread brand awareness by getting customers to visit your website and see what you're all about.
While Instagram has a feature that shows a little symbol at the bottom of the stories to swipe up, adding the actual swipe up words as one of the captions in your stories will give viewers a little further nudge they sometimes need into making that action. Its simple, yet super effective.
This might sound silly and a very basic advice, however there are a lot of businesses that neglect to show their brand name or logo in their Instagram stories ads, due to the fact that Instagram shows the Instagram handle (username) on the top left corner of the ad. Remembering to do this will help embed your brand in viewers mind, thus spreading brand awareness.
There you have it! 5 essential Instagram stories ads tips you need to help your business flourish! Do remember that there is no one solution fits all algorithm in creating a successful Instagram stories ads that will convert. Every business is unique and provide different value to its customers.
Excited to get started and grow your business?
Write to us for a free social media audit and take your business to a whole new level!
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
3 Reasons Why Your Business Need to Start Paid Advertising on Facebook
If Facebook paid ads has not been listed as one of your business main marketing strategies for the upcoming quarter, you'll be thankful for this article that might save you thousands of dollars while achieving significant results.
1. Set your Own Budget!
Everyone knows that traditional advertising methods are known to break the bank, in fact, the minimum cost of advertising through billboards in Australia is at least $3000 per month (and thats only for the smallest billboard size!).
With paid ads, you can start from as little as $1 per day!
You are able to set your own budget and start from a number that you are comfortable with. Using merely 1/10 of that billboard budget on paid ads can potentially give you substantial and measurable results, which brings us to our next point!
2. Measurable Results and Specific Targeting
With traditional advertising, there is never an exact rates of returns and businesses spend a lot of money on this marketing method just to be kept constantly guessing. However, when your business uses Facebook ads, everything is measurable, every click on your website, every video view, and basically just about every activity you want to measure, can be measured.
Even better, Facebook ads allows specific audience targeting, which means that all of your budget will only be spent on advertising for your own selected and targeted audience that is customisable based on not only demographics, but their interests as well! This allows for more accurate results and efficient spending.
3. Organic is Simply No Longer Enough
Moving on to our last point, you might still be unsure of why your business needs to  pay for ads when you may already have a quite solid online presence.
Sure, your business may have a social media account with a couple hundred, or maybe even a couple of thousand followers. You put effort and thought into your posts, only for it to be seen by the small percentage of followers your business have recently interacted with.
However, both Facebook and Instagram have changed their algorithm, which makes it impossible for you to show up in all of your followers feeds, let alone people who aren't following you at all.
On the other hand, using paid ads on Facebook lets your business reach a broader audience of up to a total of 2.38 billion users by ensuring a spot on your selected target audience's feed/ stories. The format is mobile friendly as well, allowing you to reach your desired audience at any time of the day.
Don't get us wrong, having excellent organic content is still crucial for your business, especially to maintain existing consumers' relationships, build communities, and delivering desired messages. Paid ads content is often built around these well created organic content as well. Its definitely not an either-or option, but if you want to further grow your business paid ads is undoubtedly essential.
Interested in growing your business using paid ads but have no idea how?
Or even still doubting the power of paid ads and want to learn more about it?
Click here to schedule a FREE 15 min Zoom consultation and learn all the ways we can utilize Facebook ads to help you expand your business!
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/3-reasons-why-your-business-need-to-start-paid-advertising-on-facebook
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
7 Best High Performing Video Content Options for LinkedIn
Videos do a better job of engaging the audience and boosting a brand’s social media presence compared to any other content format.
They involve more sensory participation from a viewer – auditory and visual – than images or text that solely involve sight.
This has been found to drastically increase attention span, engagement, and retention times.
Observing trends led social media giant LinkedIn to find out in 2017 that videos generate 20 times more shares compared to other content formats on their platform.
This led them to prioritize video features ever since – a trend that has continued well into the second half.
Based on research and internal usage figures, certain video formats have been found to perform better on the platform.
The recommendations for video include, but are not limited to –
1.    Industry Insight Videos
Professionals utilize LinkedIn to augment their network, showcase their expertise, and consume information relevant to their field of interest. Effective industry videos, made for business to business promotion, make the user look knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest trends and are thus, content worthy of being shared instantly. They serve as a potent tool for business to business video marketers to make an impact on their target audience by increasing brand and individual recognition.
2.  Trending News Videos
Trending news videos also have an inherently shareable nature as they make the sharer appear to be on top of their game. Speed is of the essence on social media, so a prompt video when the news is still developing is better than a perfect content made after all the buzz has faded away. Brands that keep an eye out for trending news in their industry are likely to witness an increase in information consumption among their target audience if they act on time and promptly generate a video worthy of being shared.
3.  Event Promotions
Business leaders who attend industry events or whose companies organize such events share videos from these gatherings after applying some jazzy edits and post-production magic to highlight their contribution to the field. These videos are excellent tools to help an individual or a business come across as a leader in their respective field and increase brand presence and recognition.
4.  Event Recaps
Recap videos are great for reaching out to viewers by providing a carefully curated retelling of the event in question not only for those who could not attend it but also for the recollection of those who did. They need to short and meaningful with enough impact to ensure the viewer takes away something from them.
5.   Promotional Videos
The online video space is already chocked full of advertisements and promotional content, but it remains the best way to garner interest and boost the launch of a new product or service. Advertisers however need to ensure their content has an edge over that of their peers. Effective promotional videos go beyond merely showing the product in question and highlights its special features, and explain how consumers can use it to meet their requirements better as compared to similar, existing products.
6.   Company Introduction Videos
A great way of telling a story, this kind of content has proven to be especially useful in recruitment processes by showcasing the perks and benefits prospective employees stand to gain. They are also used to tell inspirational stories about a company or its products to build connections with consumers.
7.   Webinars
In a world caught in the throes of a global pandemic, all aspects of life have shifted online, including business and work. Webinars have emerged as an effective tool to interact with a large audience. Marketing agencies are increasingly looking at helping their clients host webinars to engage with their target audiences and build fruitful personal connections in a virtual world.
The topics of webinars going live include general interactions, exchanges focused on specific aspects of business, question-answer sessions, etc.
Statistically, 51% of video marketers have used LinkedIn videos as part of their campaigns and 84% of them have found it to be effective in expanding their business.
The platform has also witnessed steady annual growth in video usage since the inception of LinkedIn videos in 2017, thus proving its efficacy.
Contact Pencil Rocket for Promotional Video Production Melbourne
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/7-best-high-performing-video-content-options-for-linkedin-in-2020
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
10 Best Practices for LinkedIn Video Marketing
Dedicated to the user’s professional growth, LinkedIn is a popular platform with an average income per user of about $109,000. It is one of the powerful tools for business marketing too.
Unlike Facebook or Twitter, this platform comes with a formal approach, and therefore, the users take this one seriously. Secondly, this platform has proved to be the powerhouse for B2B businesses and it widens the opportunities for B2C brands to make business connections globally.
These make LinkedIn an appropriate space where you can expect huge marketing opportunities.
As one of the most interesting online marketing methods, Video marketing is something everyone is laying hands on.
Starting from the small scale startups to big enterprises, everyone is producing video content for their business marketing. Here, we will try to explore the 10 best practices for LinkedIn video marketing so that you can be prepared before producing one.
#1 Be Unique
The first checkpoint for any content you develop is that it has to be original and unique and it is the same in the case of LinkedIn videos. Not only the idea but also the approach or the technique has to be original.
#2 Be Authentic
The second point is that you should sound captivating in such videos and the only way is to be authentic. Today, there are thousands of video ads on LinkedIn and the viewers will only connect with you if you sound authentic.
#3 Be Simple
Gone are those days when the viewers used to brainstorm over the tricky video ads. Today is the age of simple video advertisements that are easy to understand.
#4 Be Creative
You need to understand the target viewers before planning for the video ads and while planning, try to implement creative ideas as much as possible.
#5 Share Industrious News
It is important to keep the viewers updated and therefore, you can include the industrious news or anything that is trending in your videos.
#6 Share Product Demos
If you are trying to introduce your products to the viewers, what can be a better way than giving a product demonstration?
#7 Try Storytelling Method
Among all the captivating video ads, the ones with a storytelling approach become more popular on social media.
#8 Try Animations
People of all ages love animations and you can try this technique in your next LinkedIn video. Creating unique animation characters and letting them converse about your services and products is one of the best practices for LinkedIn video marketing.
#9 Crisp Content
Today, almost nobody wants to see a large video ad with jumbled up information. Short and crisp videos are seen by more people and you need to plan it accordingly.
#10 Video in Ads
Many brands, especially the B2B marketers run their ads on LinkedIn.
You can opt for video ads to increase their effectiveness.
Above are the 10 best practices for LinkedIn video marketing that you need to try in the upcoming days.
To know more about what’s trending, feel free to get in touch with us today.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, we, Pencil Rocket, help businesses tell stories through video and other forms of advertisements. We focus on social media marketing and therefore, can suggest you more on LinkedIn video marketing.
With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, we excel in a plethora of services including consulting strategies, creative content, social media management, and video production. We are a brunch of passionate creative minds looking forward to providing the most appropriate marketing solution to our reputed clients.
Check Out the Link Below For Some Example of Our Linkedin Videos
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To know more about our services and various packages, feel free to contact us now.
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
7 Reasons to Make a Corporate Video for Your Company
Creating the best impression of your brand and products is essential with beautifully crafted corporate videos. As the trend in marketing has evolved, applying well-crafted branding strategies to make your business stand out is now a priority.
Among the latest company branding strategies, having a bespoke corporate video made is amongst the most popular way for both large-scale businesses and startup businesses to present their company's brand's vision, mission, and service offering.
A corporate video production company is behind this success as it creates innovative videos for every brand. If you do not have an up to date corporate video to represent your company, you're missing out. Here are 7 reasons why.
Today, most of the viewers prefer videos over any other form of content. However, it takes skill and expertise to create interactive and innovative videos, and therefore, hiring a corporate video production company is the best option. So, without any further delay, let us explore the multiple reasons to choose professional services.
#1 Grow your Audience Reach
Videos are one of the most successful forms of content that the viewers enjoy. Since videos tend to have a higher reach, you can grow your business reach easily with video marketing. Corporate video production professionals know the exact way to elevate your business reach through successful videos.
#2 Present Elevator Pitch
As a brand, you need to be vocal about what your organization does. It helps you to spark interest in your products and services among the mass. Corporate video can give you the opportunity to present your elevator pitch in a smart way. Professional corporate video production companies can help you create a concise and compelling video that represents your company for moments like this.
#3 Create a Customized Video
Every brand is unique and each has a different story to tell. The most important part is how this story is relayed to their audience and customers. Video marketing is a great way to make the viewers see what your business specializes in and what your unique value proposition is. The professionals can help you create customized videos that are original.
#4 Video Production Requires Skill
Now you might ask, can't everyone make a good video? To that we answer, anyone can make a video, but not everyone can make it good. Video production requires special technical skills, expertise, and types of equipment that are usually only possessed by professionals. Starting from planning, strategizing, execution, to producing the final product, everything is taken care of by these skilled professionals. If you want to create a unique, bespoke, and high-quality video for your brand that you will be proud of, you should consider hiring a corporate video production company.
#5 Experienced Professionals
The video production companies with higher experience can produce the best video ads for your company. There are multiple technical aspects in a good quality video like light setting, noise cancellation, scriptwriting, shooting, and more. The more experienced the professionals are, the better the final product gets.
#6 Present Product Demo Easily
There are numerous ways you can go about with a corporate video. One of the types of videos you can make is a product or service demo video. For instance, if your brand manufactures electric blenders, you can create a short video that demonstrates how to use the product or different recipes to show the volatile use of the blender. The professionals can guide you the right way to make your video successful.
#7 Create Viral Corporate Videos
Viral corporate videos are one of the most interesting marketing methods that more companies are increasingly interested in. Creating viral content is one of the hardest, if not the most difficult type of videos to create as the audience are unpredictable. When creating this type of video, your best bet is to do it with an experienced professional creative agency.
Above are the 7 reasons why you should opt for professional services in creating corporate videos. To know more about it, feel free to get in touch with us. Corporate videos require professional touch and therefore, we will be happy to provide the best solution to you.
Pencil Rocket is a corporate video production company providing top-notch professional services that are innovative, advanced, and effective.
With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, we can help you create customized viral videos for your brand. So, why wait anymore?
Go ahead and contact us to know about our services and packages.
Article Source : https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/7-reasons-to-make-a-corporate-video-for-your-company
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
When Do You Need to Hire a Website Redesign Company?
Needless to say that the digital world is moving quite faster than we could imagine. What was sleek and stylish yesterday being chunky and old-school today.
And with such a rapid change, what has become crucial for every business website is a redesign service.
Hence, if you own a website that requires a minor or major change, all you need to do is contact a website redesign company.
But, do you know exactly why or when you need this particular service? Well, in case you’re wondering about it, follow this blog to know in detail.
To start with, we’ll say that the moment you’re thinking that your website requires some changes, it’s time for a redesign.
And that moment is probably right now. Here are some reasons why:
#1 To Ensure Traffic and Conversions
If you’re not getting enough traffic and conversions, it’s time for a redesign. Your website is the main online profile that enables you to promote your brand and fetch a huge number of customers through it. Then, making the most of this opportunity is what you should ensure.
Maybe your conversion and traffic have reduced with time as your website lacks the latest aesthetics or functionality.
This is why you should get your site reviewed by web redesign experts to know which changes are required.
#2 To Ensure Feature Updates
As your brand has expanded from what it was in the initial days, the number of products or services has also doubled. It means how your website used to look and function should also change. The features are supposed to get updated with all these changes.
For this reason, your website may require a redesign.
Otherwise, if you keep the outdated features on your website and offer new features, your customers won’t get any news and may not be interested in your brand anymore as there are so many other brands.
#3 You’re Using Outdated Technology
Today, mobile-friendliness and responsiveness are the two most essential aspects of web design. If your site is too old and it’s not mobile-friendly, you need to contact a website redesign company immediately.
Also, the site needs to provide equal functionality or seamlessness on both mobile and desktop devices.
Studies show that almost 8 out of 10 visitors leave websites if it’s not mobile-friendly.
#4 You Want Latest Designs
With the technology change, website design is also going through some massive changes. The latest updates and trends on web designing styles are followed by most of your competitors.
For all such reasons, if you are looking to make your website visually appealing, a website redesign service is what you need to opt for. You can search online for the latest web design trends to see exactly which types of designs you want.
Then, you can discuss the same with your web redesigning partner.
#5 To Meet Your Business Goals
Though every industry and business is different from the others, all have certain goals to achieve. Many brands specify them as short-term and long-term goals. However, in case you’re not meeting these goals the way you should, you can consider a website redesign service. That’s because your website has a lot of potentials to boost your followers and thereby increase your sales.
Target-driven web redesign service can benefit you immensely and help you achieve your goals.
#6 To Improve SEO
Redesigning your website can benefit you in multiple ways. It can improve your SEO strategies as well. When your website is not designed with the latest features such as voice search and others, impressing Google can be hectic.
Today is the world of voice-controlled technologies and if you don’t design your site with these features, securing a good SEO rank may not be possible.
Hence, getting your site reviewed by a web redesigning team is essential.
Now that you know when is the time to redesign your website, feel free to get in touch with us today?
We at Real Monkey offer high-end website redesign company services at an affordable budget.
Based on your brand values and goals, we can make your website totally customized.
So, without any further ado, contact us right away to know about our services in detail.
Article Source: https://realmonkey.co/web-design/when-do-you-need-to-hire-a-website-redesign-company/
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
9 Top Trends for Facebook Messenger Marketing in 2020
The key to successful marketing lies in knowing the right platform that your target audience will have the best chance of engaging with your digital ad or content.
It is a pretty known fact now that social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are good at reaching your audience, but have you considered using Facebook's Messenger app to run your digital ads?
Facebook's Messenger app had 1.3 billion users in far less time than the site itself had those many users.
A lot of businesses have shifted to Facebook Messenger for their marketing needs.
And this migration has caused a revolution in social media marketing.
Experts have noted the following trends emerging out of the change
1. Comment guards
These are bots added to Facebook posts from people or businesses. They are a good way to generate leads. Whenever somebody comments on the post, she or he will receive a message from the user.
2. Messenger blasting
Akin to email blasting, it sends out a message to everyone on a user’s contact list. The technique has 70-80% of hourly open rates. This means 70-80% of the recipients open the message in an hour. In comparison, emails, have a 5% open rate.
This is why messenger blasting has become a popular way to engage with followers. It creates brand recognition through sustained interaction.
3. Click to Messenger
These ads carry a 'Opens in Messenger' or 'Send Message' button. Users who see these ads and want more information have to click on the tab.
They have an almost 100% engagement rate and have become popular.
Anyone who clicks on the ad becomes part of the advertiser’s contact list.
4. Chat widgets
A common feature on websites, chat widgets let users contact a business. Live chats with actual humans have shown to increase lead generation by 40%.
But it is expensive to hire staff. This is where the trend of using bots in chat widgets has come in.
They are available 24*7, respond instantly, and are very cheap.
5. Organic content
Advertisers have started posting short, bite-sized organic content on Facebook Messenger. This is a good way to stay in touch with customers. For instance, sportswear brands can share inspirational quotes.
An animal shelter could share pet care and grooming tips with their followers. Such content is engaging and often prompts action.
6. NLP use
Over time, bots have become more like humans. This makes it tough to distinguish between the two over chat windows.
The secret behind this is Natural Language Programming (NLP). It is a tool that lets bots respond in naturally-flowing, complete sentences. It sets them apart from voice assistant systems.
There, users have to select from options provided to have their queries resolved. Used for customer service, NLP is gaining popularity.
7. Mainstream business channel
Even a few years ago, Facebook Messenger was a novelty. Its potential was unknown to most people. But, in 2020, that has changed and messenger marketing has gone on a path of explosive growth.
It has emerged as a versatile platform well-suited for a conversation with consumers. It leads to conversions, brand recognition, and brand loyalty.
8. Higher open rates
Messenger marketing has an average opening rate of approximately 80%. This means, almost 80% of those who receive marketing content on Messenger check it out.
This is a marked jump over average email opening rates which stand at 20%. This confirms that one in 5 recipients is likely to check what they have received in their email.
9. More revenue generation
Studies have found Facebook Messenger marketing generates 1.6 times more revenue than email marketing.
Messenger is also better at getting users to make purchases from abandoned online shopping carts.
Considering that it is still a new platform, Messenger marketing will only get better with time.
Facebook Messenger marketing has a positive track record to date. Its potential for exponential growth is still unexplored.
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pencilrocketau · 2 years
Instagram or Facebook - Which is better suited for your business?
Social media sites are the most popular marketing channel today.
With several options, brands that have to choose only one platform to advertise on are often in a fix.
In this article, let us explore two popular social media platforms – Facebook and Instagram.
Compare and contrast
Experts use some key parameters to measure the efficiency of marketing platforms.
Some of them are as follows –
A) Reach
The whole point of marketing is to draw more attention and become more popular than peers by reaching out to more people.
Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users and more than 500 million daily active users.
Most of these users are located outside the US indicating that the platform is popular all over the world.
Facebook marketing agency Melbourne makes it an ideal marketing medium for the 100 million advertisers who also use Facebook.
Facebook, however, continues to be the world’s largest social media network with 2.2 billion monthly active users. In terms of reach, it beats Instagram any day.
B) Engagement
Just promoting a brand through advertising content is of no use if the audience does not watch those ads or engage with them in any other way.
The success of a marketing campaign is determined by how well it has been received by consumers.
According to research, Instagram has some of the most engaged users who share over 95 million photos and videos every day.
Those posts garner over 4 million likes daily. These numbers have made Instagram the social media site with the highest audience engagement.
Facebook falls behind Instagram in this regard. But, it still has the second-highest user interaction numbers among social media sites.
C) Demographic
Most marketing campaigns aim to reach out to specific groups of people depending on the product or service being sold.
Thus, the choice of marketing platform depends on the target audience and the social media sites they prefer.
According to studies, Instagram is more popular among females. 31% of women who use the internet browse Instagram regularly, while 24% of men with internet access log in to the platform.
Also, people in the age group of 18 to 29 years form the largest chunk – 55% -- of Instagram users. However, it ranks 6th among social media sites in terms of overall popularity.
Facebook too is more popular among women than men with nearly 80% female and about 65% of male internet users regularly accessing the platform.
72% of all adult internet users are on Facebook, making it the most popular social media platform. Instagram and Facebook have their unique strengths and weaknesses.
Instagram is ideal for brands looking to reach out to a younger audience with a higher rate of engagement.
Facebook, on the other hand, is better suited for businesses looking to increase visibility irrespective of demographics.
At the end of the day, if you can, use both. If not, focusing on the one to maximize effectiveness and efficiency is still the smarter move.
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/instagram-or-facebook-which-is-better-suited-for-your-business
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
Tips on Choosing the Best Content Creation Agency for your Business
Business marketing strategies have undergone major transformations in the past few years and content has emerged as a new and key determinant of success.
Having said that content is king, you need an experienced kingmaker to ensure your business receives the boost it needs to make its mark. It's thus important to choose the right content creation agency from among the many in the market today.
Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting and finalizing one –
1.   Subject matter knowledge
The firm you hire must understand in-depth, the nature of your business, its objectives, and the kind of clientele you cater to, to be able to create targeted content that meets their needs and answers their specific queries.
2.   Preach and practice
Look at the agency's website and the kind of content featured on it, because who would want to hire an agency whose own content isn't up to the mark. An agency with a vibrant website is one that takes its work seriously and is likely to bring that same attitude to your project.
3.   References
An agency with a good reputation and proven track record is one you want to hire and happy clients are a great way to verify efficiency. So make sure you talk to previous clients and check out the agency's reference before signing a contract.
4.   Market research
The market being the key factor in any marketing initiative, always choose an agency that conducts fresh market research before creating content. Relying on stale data isn't a prudent way of ensuring success and not many agencies commit to collating the latest figure before launching a campaign.
5.   Multi-pronged approach
Grabbing the attention of today's audience requires a multi-disciplinary approach across several platforms including television, social media, streaming services, etc. In such a scenario, choosing a one-stop agency that has the resources to work equally well across platforms is a good move to ensure value for money.
6.   Feedback and revisions
Developing content is a creative process and it's unlikely that you will agree on the final content at the first go. Edits, alterations, and reworks would probably be required a few times before you and the agency executives arrive on the same page. So make the wise move of choosing an agency that has a reputation of being open to feedback and does not bill you for revisions.
7.   Performance indicators
Last but not the least, all the efforts put in are for naught if there is no way to monitor whether they are working or not. So check up on the performance indicators the firm uses to study the impact of its campaign and make alterations to approaches as and when necessary.
The bottom line is that you as the client should do your homework.
Make a list of attributes and requirements and conduct thorough research until you find an agency that perceives your vision perfectly and is in line with your requirements before you sign on the dotted line.
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/tips-content-creation-agency-melbourne
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
4 Ways to Market Your Brand During and After the COVID Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic affected every part of the world, and sadly, it is here to stay for a while. While there are small portions of businesses that remain unaffected or are even thriving, the majority has had to stop productions and operations lay off employees, and several industry giants such as Victoria Secret even had to declare bankruptcy.
It is time for every business to reevaluate their business – mainly their marketing strategy and restructure them based on consumer needs to maintain healthy cash flow and stay afloat.
To help your business adapt to this unprecedented and unfortunate pandemic, we have compiled a list of actionable tips that you can implement – applicable for most industries.
#1 Create Useful Content
Due to high unemployment rates, we find that there is an increasing number of people that are keen to pick up new skills or learn new things. They are most likely not looking to make an immediate purchase, but if your business can offer free courses, tools, or even information to them, you have the potential to nurture them to become paying customers in the future.
This is also a golden opportunity for you to increase your website traffic. Be sure to provide information or courses that are relevant to your sector.
For example, if you are a B2B business and offer services such as website building or even accounting, you can start by creating tutorials on YouTube or create a webinar explaining the best tips and tricks to move business operations online.
#2 Focus on customer needs & give back
You can tailor the content on your website to address the concerns of your customers. This will not only help you connect with your target audience but encourage a sense of brand loyalty too.
If you are an e-commerce store, you can decrease initial customer acquisition cost by offering a first- time discount and by creating a loyalty program that allows customers to share discounts and deals to their friends.
If you can afford to give back, this is a great opportunity for your company to improve your corporate responsibility strategy - donate to a charity that focuses on helping the unfortunate during the pandemic.
If you own a restaurant, you can provide free meals for workers and healthcare heroes that are helping us battle this pandemic, if you own a clothing manufacturing factory, consider producing free masks or face cover for those who can’t afford to purchase one, especially now that Victoria has ruled them as mandatory and will fine people who are out without face cover a $200 fine.
This highlights your ethical values as a brand and we’re sure that your customers and community will appreciate you for it!
#3 Focus on growing your social media
Due to current stage 4 restrictions in Victoria, most of us are forced to shut down for the next few weeks and are no longer able to leave our home to operate our brick and mortar stores. So, why not improvise and take the virtual route.
Market your products and services online on your social media platforms and find new innovative ways to serve your customers through social media.
Gyms have started hosting fitness classes online, and chefs too have turned to digital platforms to share their passion.
We even noticed that some bars in Melbourne have started selling easy DIY cocktail mix on their social media and delivering it straight to your door. Talk about adapting and improvising!
You can provide value and connect with your customers and clients virtually from the comfort of your home, don’t be afraid to be creative!
#4 Advertising your business after the pandemic
On top of the points that we have discussed above, we realize that one of the main challenges for brands after an international pandemic such as COVID-19 is advertising.
For some that are not accustomed to digital advertising and heavily rely on channels such as billboards, in-store advertising, or through trade shows and events, you will need to revamp your strategy to get in front of your target market.
So, what can you do? Customers will most likely remain home for safety precautions even after the stage 4 restrictions are eased, so be prepared to offer your products online paired with a strategic and effective digital marketing plan.
We recommend creating a social media marketing strategy such as Facebook advertising to reach new customers while they are surfing through their Facebook and Instagram feed and maintaining an active social media presence to nurture your relationship with existing customers.
Be sure to take note of the current economic struggles that your customers might be having, and that no one likes to be sold to all the time! Remember to always offer value and be kind to your customers and the sales will follow.
If you are currently struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remember that this won’t last forever and to keep a positive mind. With new antiviral medications and government efforts to eliminate the virus spread, here’s to hope that things will be looking up soon.
Stay focused on adapting and evolving your business strategy to stay afloat and if you need help creating a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, we, the Pencil Rocket team are here for you.
Contact us to discuss an actionable social media strategy for your business and learn the different social media marketing services we provide that can help elevate your business.
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/4-ways-to-market-your-brand-during-and-after-the-covid-pandemic
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
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The coronavirus pandemic affected every part of the world, and sadly, it is here to stay for a while. While there are small portions of businesses that remain unaffected or are even thriving, the majority has had to stop productions and operations lay off employees, and several industry giants such as Victoria Secret even had to declare bankruptcy.Contact us to discuss an actionable social media strategy for your business and learn the different social media marketing services we provide that can help elevate your business.
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
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If you are using social media for your business, you might already understand that platforms like Instagram or Facebook are not just for broadcasting your message, it is a powerful two-way communication platform.Before we go ahead and look at how you can implement social listening into your marketing strategy, let’s discuss why this is important for any business.
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
4 Reasons Why You Need to Incorporate Social Listening into Your Marketing Strategy
If you are using social media for your business, you might already understand that platforms like Instagram or Facebook are not just for broadcasting your message, it is a powerful two-way communication platform.
Instead of just posting on Facebook or LinkedIn, try to learn about your audience, by listening to them. You can effectively listen to your customers using a data-driven way called Social Listening.
Before we go ahead and look at how you can implement social listening into your marketing strategy, let’s discuss why this is important for any business.
Why Is Social Listening Important?
You might be well aware of the fact that popular brands, celebrities, or brand influencers are often bombarded with thousands of messages and mentions. Popular social media accounts see thousands of interactions every day, and it leaves less scope for such people to focus on “just their profile.”
Social listening helps you understand the trends and news about your industry, your city/state, and your competition. It gives you an insight into the culture and preferences of your target audience.
Knowing what people say about you is crucial for your success and this is more important if you are a product manufacturer.
Remember that social media helps you know what customers think about you – and it can either be good, bad, or ugly.
Tips to incorporate social listening into your marketing strategy
#1 Know the buzzwords
Did you know that more than half a million comments are posted on Facebook every minute? So it’s impossible to sit and go through comments to find insights and chatter about your brand.
The very first step you can take is to know the buzzwords. These are the words used by people when they talk about your brand. These can be
The product names
Slogans or mascots related to your brand
Name of the CEOs or Directors of your company
Brand related hashtags
Hashtags related to events or places
Related to your competitors
You can use these buzzwords to track the trends or learn about product feedback. If you are planning to launch an updated version of an existing product, you can use social listening to know about the upgrades your customers love.
#2 Know what the “Pain Points” are
Social media is not only a place where you can stay connected and informed but is a platform where people often post about their frustrations. This can at times be related to a product or service you offer.
If you are using social listening, you will naturally understand what the customer’s pain points are. You can use negative feedback or criticism to build your next product or marketing strategy, and connect with your customers in a more meaningful manner.
Pain points are often associated with self-identity and this is the reason why people prefer to do it via their social media account.
Therefore, instead of just focusing on how much your product or service is liked by people, you get to know the things your product lacks and it’s weaknesses.
Did the product you launched help them feel better? Was it useful and worthy?
#3 Time to compare
Did you ever want to compare your products or services with that of your competitor? If yes, you can do it effectively using social listening.
You can easily compare what people are saying about you and your competitor with ease.
If you find that your competition is neglecting a segment of their consumer, you can use that to your advantage. You can hire the services of top-notch social media marketing agencies to discover various ways to improve your market share.
#4 Seek opportunities
Why is it important to learn about trends in social media in real-time? This helps you spot new opportunities fast and allows you to make quick decision making.
A lot can happen within a few seconds on social media platforms.
Businesses can use social listening to develop a new product, or improving existing ones. You can easily quantify various unmeasurable factors and learn how many customers are looking forward to a certain feature or how they feel about the new software update.
Listening is an efficient way to hear what your customers think about your brand and helps you connect with them.
Are you listening to your target audience?
Some of the popular social listening tools you can make use of are HubSpot, Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer, and TweetReach.
Connect with us today to learn how we blend social listening with top-notch social media marketing strategies to make your brand stand out amongst millions of brands online.
It is time you grow your business by connecting with the right audience.
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/4-reasons-why-you-need-to-incorporate-social-listening-into-your-marketing-strategy
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
4 Reasons Why You Need to Incorporate Social Listening into Your Marketing Strategy
If you are using social media for your business, you might already understand that platforms like Instagram or Facebook are not just for broadcasting your message, it is a powerful two-way communication platform.
Instead of just posting on Facebook or LinkedIn, try to learn about your audience, by listening to them. You can effectively listen to your customers using a data-driven way called Social Listening.
Before we go ahead and look at how you can implement social listening into your marketing strategy, let’s discuss why this is important for any business.
Why Is Social Listening Important?
You might be well aware of the fact that popular brands, celebrities, or brand influencers are often bombarded with thousands of messages and mentions. Popular social media accounts see thousands of interactions every day, and it leaves less scope for such people to focus on “just their profile.”
Social listening helps you understand the trends and news about your industry, your city/state, and your competition. It gives you an insight into the culture and preferences of your target audience.
Knowing what people say about you is crucial for your success and this is more important if you are a product manufacturer.
Remember that social media helps you know what customers think about you – and it can either be good, bad, or ugly.
Tips to incorporate social listening into your marketing strategy
#1 Know the buzzwords
Did you know that more than half a million comments are posted on Facebook every minute? So it’s impossible to sit and go through comments to find insights and chatter about your brand.
The very first step you can take is to know the buzzwords. These are the words used by people when they talk about your brand. These can be
The product names
Slogans or mascots related to your brand
Name of the CEOs or Directors of your company
Brand related hashtags
Hashtags related to events or places
Related to your competitors
 You can use these buzzwords to track the trends or learn about product feedback. If you are planning to launch an updated version of an existing product, you can use social listening to know about the upgrades your customers love.
#2 Know what the “Pain Points” are
Social media is not only a place where you can stay connected and informed but is a platform where people often post about their frustrations. This can at times be related to a product or service you offer.
If you are using social listening, you will naturally understand what the customer’s pain points are. You can use negative feedback or criticism to build your next product or marketing strategy, and connect with your customers in a more meaningful manner.
Pain points are often associated with self-identity and this is the reason why people prefer to do it via their social media account.
Therefore, instead of just focusing on how much your product or service is liked by people, you get to know the things your product lacks and it’s weaknesses.
Did the product you launched help them feel better? Was it useful and worthy?  
#3 Time to compare
Did you ever want to compare your products or services with that of your competitor? If yes, you can do it effectively using social listening.
You can easily compare what people are saying about you and your competitor with ease.
If you find that your competition is neglecting a segment of their consumer, you can use that to your advantage. You can hire the services of top-notch social media marketing agencies to discover various ways to improve your market share.
#4 Seek opportunities
Why is it important to learn about trends in social media in real-time? This helps you spot new opportunities fast and allows you to make quick decision making.
A lot can happen within a few seconds on social media platforms.
Businesses can use social listening to develop a new product, or improving existing ones. You can easily quantify various unmeasurable factors and learn how many customers are looking forward to a certain feature or how they feel about the new software update.
Listening is an efficient way to hear what your customers think about your brand and helps you connect with them.
Are you listening to your target audience?
Some of the popular social listening tools you can make use of are HubSpot, Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer, and TweetReach.  
Connect with us today to learn how we blend social listening with top-notch social media marketing strategies to make your brand stand out amongst millions of brands online.
It is time you grow your business by connecting with the right audience.
Article Source: https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/4-reasons-why-you-need-to-incorporate-social-listening-into-your-marketing-strategy
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
10 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Marketing
LinkedIn is one of the most useful business marketing resources we have today. Starting from the start-ups to the multinational companies, all focus on online marketing for business, and LinkedIn makes a great option.
If you too are trying new methods to boost your online presence, this platform makes a wise consideration. Here are the 10 ways you can beat the competitors by using LinkedIn for marketing.
So, without any further delay, let us proceed to these valuable tips.
#1 Complete User Profile
The first way to appear on LinkedIn is by creating your profile and it needs to speak everything your business has to offer. In the Google search result page, a LinkedIn account usually ranks in the top five results when searched with your first and last name.
#2 Build Connection
The second step is to build a connection and grow your network fast. If you connect only with the people you know, the chances of great marketing are less. Therefore, grow the network as big as you want as that will help you spread the word.
#3 Add Company Page
This is an important feature on LinkedIn and not many users are aware of its advantages. Create a call to action for your business and inspire people to click on it. This point sums up the process of using LinkedIn for marketing.
#4 Recommend Others
As you help others with your valuable opinions, they are one step ahead in trusting you. It is true that the more we offer, the more we receive in return. Trying this method on this platform will get you more new connections as well.
#5 Add Company Profile
Now, LinkedIn allows its users to add a video, share more information related to their business, products, and services. Hence, you need to give more insights about your company by adding the same.
#6 Be Captivating
Your profile is the key to achieve your marketing goals. Therefore, try to be more captivating with it. There are boring profiles that we all hate and you need to sound catchy. It could be an interesting story in your summary or a video recommendation- anything that is not boring.
#7 Create Trending Posts
Writing relatable stories with LinkedIn-initiated hashtag lets the users create trending posts.
If you try this method more tactfully by relating the hashtags with your business, you can boost your marketing.
#8 Join Groups
There are targeted groups on LinkedIn related to your business and once you create your profile, search for such groups, and join immediately.
#9 Comment and Engage with Other Users
Though joining groups is essential, it is not enough to suffice your marketing goals. You need to start commenting and engaging with other users to mark your presence.
#10 Use LinkedIn Polls
You can easily assemble your colleagues and target audience by creating polls on LinkedIn.
That’s not all; you can analyze the real-time results to get a behind-the-scenes look, which is the ultimate marketing trick.
Above are the 10 ways that can help you to make your business more visible as well as promising using LinkedIn.
There are other awesome techniques like this and to know the same, feel free to get in touch with us today.
We, Pencil Rocket, are a Melbourne based content creation house dedicated to business marketing. Social media marketing and video production are the services that we excel in.
Our social media marketing techniques are innovative, up to date, and research-based.
So, why wait anymore? Contact us today and reach your future business goals using LinkedIn for marketing instantly!
Article Source : https://www.pencilrocket.com.au/post/10-ways-to-use-linkedin-for-marketing
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
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Reaching and engaging with your target audience,  driving traffic to your website, generating leads on Facebook - as a Facebook marketing agency, you name it, we can do it. Ads by Pencil Rocket's Facebook marketing agency never disappear into your news feed, they stand out, show off your brand and drive traffic to your site. Get started with Pencil Rocket to take charge of your Facebook marketing today.
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pencilrocketau · 4 years
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Reaching and engaging with your target audience,  driving traffic to your website, generating leads on Facebook - as a Facebook marketing agency, you name it, we can do it. Ads by Pencil Rocket's Facebook marketing agency never disappear into your news feed, they stand out, show off your brand and drive traffic to your site. Get started with Pencil Rocket to take charge of your Facebook marketing today.
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