penelopelima · 48 minutes
If this doesn't have Chloe and Max still together for those of us who chose to save Chloe, I'm not buying. Also, the premise contradicts the events of the first game.
LIFE IS STRANGE: DOUBLE EXPOSURE will release on October 29th
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penelopelima · 7 hours
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penelopelima · 1 day
This is just untrue. The Bible refers to hell in many, many, many occasions as a place of torture and eternal fire. The church did too, for most of its history. Some of the most important theologians in the history of the church (Agustin de Hipona, Tomas de Aquino) stated that hell is not only a place of eternal suffering, but that the majority of humanity was condemned to it. Its is only extremely recently that they have changed their tune, with pope Juan Pablo II describing the fire as a metaphor for a life without god, in 1999. I was alive when this new speech started, that's how recent it is. The have to adapt or die, so they turn their doctrine soft to appeal to more people.
The doctrine of Purgatory also has a long history within the catholic church before Dante, between the third and sixth century it was defended by the fathers of the catholic church (San Cipriano, Agustín de Hipona, Gregorio Magno, etc) and it is included in the catechism of the eleventh century, two centuries before Dante was born.
Dante had a myriad of inspirations, such as roman literature and muslim scripture, real contemporary figures, and also put in a lot of his own creation. But he absolutely did not invent the most popular image of hell with "no theological basis". You would only think that if you were analyzing Dante from a protestant point of view, since protestantism did away with basically all of the doctrine and flowery imagery regarding the afterlife (or anything, really), that had been developed for centuries.
Now, why the hell would anyone do that, right? Dante was catholic. The Comedy was one of the most powerful promotional texts for catholicism in its era and probbly to this day. It just makes no sense to analyze it in isolation from catholic history.
Stop whitewashing religious doctrine and spreading misinformation about history.
The fact that Dante created the most popular image of the afterlife with absolutely no theological basis for it will still be the funniest thing to me
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penelopelima · 2 days
So, what I understand from all of this, is that these ten or something years of slow but sure progress are coming to an end and we will pay them dearly, and soon. Goodnight.
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penelopelima · 2 days
I've never, in my almost thirty years of life, seen the right win in Andalucía. I'm terrified.
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penelopelima · 2 days
Hey Germany, are you going to become fascist every 80 years? Is this like a cycle for you?
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penelopelima · 2 days
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I swear to fucking god Germany, don't ever fucking say to me shit about guilt.
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penelopelima · 2 days
Nothing like being on the brink of another world war and virtually no young people showing up to vote to drive you fucking insane.
I am sitting on the electoral table for the european elections right now. It's going to be long day.
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penelopelima · 2 days
I am sitting on the electoral table for the european elections right now. It's going to be long day.
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penelopelima · 4 days
Bisexual by birth, strange and offputting by choice 💕
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penelopelima · 5 days
Character development is going from "nobody understands the depth of my suffering" to "lol of course I'm depressed, everybody is. Everybody wants to kill themselves once or twice a day and then move on, right?"
I didn't say it was good development, just development.
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penelopelima · 6 days
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 PJ Harvey in 1993
Photograph: Paul Natkin/Getty Images via The Guardian
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penelopelima · 6 days
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LA BELLE ET LA BÊTE (2014) dir. Christophe Gans
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penelopelima · 6 days
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Thomas Mann, from “Death in Venice”, originally published c. 1912.
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penelopelima · 9 days
In fact, it has very much been my experience that people of other cultures have invariably been much more respectful than those of my own. It is actually a nicer experience teaching your language to foreign speakers than natives.
Me, looking at my phone "that better not fucking be a text from a student at ten pm on a Sunday"
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penelopelima · 9 days
girl, my international students don't pull this shit even if I would forgive them because it's ok to get confused with time differences. You live in my same country.
Isn't it funny that people who have it the easiest to respect you, don't?
Me, looking at my phone "that better not fucking be a text from a student at ten pm on a Sunday"
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penelopelima · 9 days
Me, looking at my phone "that better not fucking be a text from a student at ten pm on a Sunday"
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