penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Monday is like a punch to the face with the realization of all the responsibilities you have, I don't see why Tuesday's any more worse."
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"Anyone who said Monday was the worst day of the week obviously hasn’t met Tuesday."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
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☆ LAW AND ORDER ☆ Regium, California
Give me the Facts, and I will give you the Law.
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
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RPD takes Karaoke
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Nope. Surprisingly, he's sixty three. Gosh, he looks a lot more older than he is." She continued to scroll down, failing to find any posts on Bill Nye. "Wrong again, all I've seen so far are just pictures of his house and his wife... Since when did he get married?"
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"Are you kidding me?" Hunter’s eyebrows shot up. His sixth grade science teacher wasn’t someone he had thought about in a long time. "Geez, how old is he now? He’s gotta be in his 80s… I didn’t think old people even had Facebook. I bet all he posts about is Bill Nye. I’ve got to see this."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
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"Gundam sake? Is it packaged in a Gundam figurine?" Admittedly, the marshmallow Nerf gun battles did tempt her so she shrugged. "If the others are joining then I don't see why not."
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"Yup. They have chocolate flavored craft beers. And limited edition Gundam sake from Japan." He already had a set of the latter at home, but he wasn’t ever gonna drink those. “They’re more teepees than tents. But we can split into teams and have marshmallow Nerf gun battles.”
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"You could always get a puppy now."
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"Spent it with family at home, though you’re pretty lucky to have a cat. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to drop the hint for a puppy to my dad when I was a little kid. I ended up growing out of it… It took a few years, though."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"That's interesting."
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"Business, actually. I work at Lupin Enterprises."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"I would be if there wasn't a drop in the crime activity here, which is a good thing though. But I just miss the adrenaline, you know?"
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"So, how’ve you been, Penny-Lou? Kicking ass as per usual, I assume."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"I know enough to know that what I've said aren't false accusations."
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"What could you possibly know about me? Are you envious, Pen? Stooping down so low that slander is the only course of action you’re aware of?"
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"I definitely agree with you on that."
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"I’m starting to think that it’s a requirement for reaching positions of authority within the force. ‘Must be a contender for grumpiest man alive.’" Wherein using the word man, as opposed to person, was completely intentional on her part.
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Oh my god, Hunter, you have got to see this."
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"I found Mr Huntington's facebook account." 
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Funny, because last time I checked, I'm supposed to be concerned when my best friend's hanging out with a person that I know is most definitely not up to anything good."
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"You’re just in a pissy mood today aren’t you? Or am I getting that mixed up with just about everyday? I’ll talk to Levin tomorrow. Maybe I’ll bring up his fangirl with a twisted attitude too."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
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"Raid Bevmo...? Whilst I agree with the badassery part, -- You have indoor tents?"
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"We can make our own bar! Raid Bevmo. Converge on my humble abode. Marathon the Dark Knight Trilogy. I have indoor tents. It’ll be like a sleepover. But a badass sleepover. Because we’re cops."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"It was fine, spent most of my time at home with the cat but it was good. And you?"
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"I’ll take that as a compliment. I’m Winston, and likewise."
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"On a slightly more upbeat topic, how was Christmas for you? Besides the problematic arrest, of course."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
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"It's three in the afternoon, Max. I doubt that even half of the bars in this town are open."
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"Tiger blood. Time to party down. Let’s grab the Scooby Gang and hit the bars."
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Suppose so. What's your business here in Regium?"
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"Well— all jobs can be fun if you make them fun right?"
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penelopexmatthews · 10 years
"Why don't you try coming back in... hm... never."
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"Ask him yourself. I’m guessing that since I’m talking to you our mutual friend must not be in right now. Pity.”
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