penguinguy21 · 5 years
I know you probably are still processing it and keep fighting as well as I do. But these here made me laugh and I hope it will make you too.
Please remember to eat lots, drink and stay hydrated (especially if you cry lots like I did/do :')), get enough sleep, watch a movie, read a book, distract yourself, get some nice coffee (if you like it), go out with a friend, catch some fresh air, just take care of yourselves, we need you all, we are one family, much love ❤
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penguinguy21 · 5 years
I know you probably are still processing it and keep fighting as well as I do. But these here made me laugh and I hope it will make you too.
Please remember to eat lots, drink and stay hydrated (especially if you cry lots like I did/do :')), get enough sleep, watch a movie, read a book, distract yourself, get some nice coffee (if you like it), go out with a friend, catch some fresh air, just take care of yourselves, we need you all, we are one family, much love ❤
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penguinguy21 · 5 years
i miss this cutie
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penguinguy21 · 5 years
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penguinguy21 · 6 years
We finish each others.....
Pairing: Sam x Reader (GENDER NEUTRAL ) 
Prompt (Request): Supernatural Investigating a crime scene 
Words: 930
Warning: Honestly none. Its just  Flirting In a total supernatural type of way mostly lol Plus a teasing Dean is good for the soul. I had to really make up most of this as the request was not really specific. 
A/N: Hello dear reader! I hope you like this drabble request and this is what you wanted, this was a little vague but I worked around it <3 
“Dean, take a look at this.” Sam stated, bending down next to the corner of the now abandoned house.
“What is it?” Dean asked, stepping over to join him at the far corner of the room. 
“This yellow residue, it smells like….”
“Sulfur.” He finished, picking up on the scent. 
“So what, this is the work of a demon? This seems a bit sloppy even for them.” You noted, gesturing over to the opposite side of the wall, which held intricate lines of blood spatter along the off white paint. 
“This could easily be the work of an armature, we have had our fair share of freshly made demons.” Dean noted, earning a nod from you as you continued ot look at the surrounding objects in your direct view.  
“Hey Y/N,” Sam spoke, walking over to your position at the end of the walkway. 
“Yeah Sam, whats up?”  You spoke, looking to him. 
“Do you think you can contact one of your local hunter friends in this area? Maybe they would be able to get more information on any other events we may have missed.” 
“And then see if this was an act of revenge or if they brought this upon themselves.” You started with a bright smile, earning a nod from him. “We should also interview more people around the area, and have another talk with the sheriff-”
“See what the residents here were like and get an idea of what they could be hiding, if they are hiding anything at all.” Sam finished, looking to you with a smile. 
“Jesus.” You heard from behind your friend. You blinked, not noticing how long you and Sam had been starring at each other. With a scrunch of your eyebrows you tilted your head peering behind Sams right arm, to look at Dean, who stood straight up with his arms crossed, his eyes starring straight at you, and head shaking in what seemed like disapproval.
“Is there a problem over there?” You asked, your eyes meeting his. 
“Oh no.” He spoke sarcastically. “I was just wondering if you were finished flirting now, cuz ya know, we do have a case to solve.” 
“What!?” You and Sam spoke in unison. 
“You heard me.” 
Sam turned around suddenly, looking at Dean in shock. “We were talking about the case Dean, how is that flirting?”
“Really? You guys were finishing each others sentences like a honeymoon phase married couple.” Dean laughed. 
“Dean, we do the same thing, the hell are you on?” You asked him. 
“And? We don’t do this nearly as much as you and Sam, and we also don’t make goo goo eyes at each other every other hour for weeks on end.” 
Sam Scoffed, rolling his eyes as he chimed in. “I do not make goo goo eyes Dean, and finishing sentences is not an indication of flirting, just so you know.” 
“I mean I don’t consider it flirting, but I never really figured out how nerds flirt. Anyway, I mean I can leave if you want, you can continue….whatever this is in private.” He teased, lifting his right hand to gesture to the two of you with his pointer finger. “I would really like to keep my lunch from earlier in my stomach, it was a really good burger.” 
“You are such an ass Dean.” You spoke, crossing your arms in defense. 
“And you suck at flirting, we all have our faults.” 
“We are not flirting!” You exclaimed. 
“Yeah okay.” Dean nodded, his signature teasing smile growing on his face. “I’m gonna go call cas, see if he can help us out on this one.” 
Dean took one last look between you both, before chuckling to himself and carrying himself to the nearby room. Leaving you alone with Sam. 
The air was a lot more tense than it was before, obviously due to Deans big mouth and relentless teasing. You were not really flirting with Sam…were you? Of Course, you and Sam were always together, but it came with the territory, you worked together, and of course you found yourself looking at him more than normal, but who wouldn’t? He was not an ugly man, anyone would be foolish to think otherwise. 
Okay so, maybe you may have taken some time to daydream about the tall hunter, but it was not like….often or anything! It was a simple wonder of what it would be like to go to dinner, or maybe enjoy a couple beers and talk about past experiences and what makes each other happy….that’s….yikes….totally a whole crush. Ah, Shit. Dean was right…..how should you go about this?
“So um…”Sam started rubbing the back of his neck, bringing you back to reality. How long had you been standing there in silence? “Don’t let Dean get to you, he likes to talk out his ass a lot-” 
“Pft.” You started with a wave of the hand . “I won’t, i’ll just tease him even harder when Cas gets here, it’s easy to get him flustered.” You finish with a smile. 
Sam chuckles, making you join with a small laugh of your own. “I’ll help, lord knows it’s my favorite past time…but hey..”
“Yeah?” You asked, looking in his eyes once more. 
“Maybe later, after this case is over….we could..I don’t know, have a beer at the bunker…talk about dean and his annoying habits later?” 
You blinked twice, letting your brain connect the dots on it’s own. You smiled, a hidden blush creeping on your cheeks. “Yeah sure….Whats a better way to bond then making fun of Dean?” 
“There isn’t one.” 
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penguinguy21 · 6 years
BTS jimin drablle
pairing: Jimin x Reader
Prompt: You and jimin go on a date  at the park
Warnings: None
A/n: My first fanfiction! Hope you enjoy :) 
you and jimin went on a date at the park. and you and jimin ate olive garden. you talked about how you loved each other so much, and then you guy became boyfriend and girlfriend or boyfriend.  
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penguinguy21 · 6 years
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penguinguy21 · 6 years
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