love how oswald has literally never been shown in hospital over 5 seasons, despite getting the shit kicked out of him every two episodes.
he just relies purely on random fans fishing him out of rivers or dragging him out of the woods.
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DC Pride #1 - “Finding Batman” (2022)
written by Kevin Conroy art by J. Bone
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I am in tears
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Bye I just realised Oswald gave Martin his penguin pin in s4 sobbing
Pin can be seen on the lapels on the right hand side of the suits
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Should go without saying but never date a cop and christ never marry one. Rule of thumb if he's legally untouchable he's ethically unfuckable. You don't like that cop, you like buff men in tight clothing. I can show you more of those, better ones. Take my hand.
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(and after checking which seasons occurred during 2017 because I no longer have concept of the passage of time)
Okay, during mid season 3 to mid season 4.
Sorry, wish I had some quick links to something reassuring but I'm afraid I've been away from the fandom a little while.
Again, I'll stress I think the full circle of Ed coming to terms with his feelings didn't occur until season 5 (before then, even if he have the full on crush on Mr Penguin, I think after Isabella became train goo, those feelings had to be either denied or converted into the revenge/obsession).
I do recall that Gotham writer Tzu Chun mentioned on twitter that Ed stayed in Gotham for Oswald in the episode, 'They Did What?', so I would take that as writer confirmation.
my Entire Mood was killed bcz i found a thing that said robin lord taylor said ed didn't love oswald back .don't you Love hyperfixations ::)
someone please make me feel better im unwell
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ok so this is probably going to be rlly ramble-ly and incomprehensible and its definitely embarrassing how long it took me to work this out but here we go.
in how the riddler got his name, ed interupts hamlet, specifically the ghost scene. when i first saw it i was confused as to why they didnt go for the scene in macbeth with banquos ghost, assuming they were trying to compare ed to the title character for the whole ghost - seeing thing.
However, after an embarrassing amount of thinking, i remembered a very important part of hamlet.
ophelia drowns after hamlet tells her he dosent love her (and, if i remember correctly, hes lying)
ed thinks oswald drowned after telling him he didnt love him.
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because I can relate to times, in the past, where I felt letdown when actors discussed the ships their characters were involved in..
Out of curiosity, was it an old thing? Because I've noticed Robin changing views on the characters as the episodes/writing continued on. So I can see denial season 3 Ed not (from certain viewpoints) loving Oswald back, but come season 5...
< insert 'one can not deny love' gif because I'm too lazy to make one right now >
my Entire Mood was killed bcz i found a thing that said robin lord taylor said ed didn't love oswald back .don't you Love hyperfixations ::)
someone please make me feel better im unwell
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absolutely love oswald falling for ed and every person he knows going "ew, why?"
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in The Batman, the Riddler goes after corrupted powerful people in Gotham, even Bruce Wayne! BUT,, the Riddler does nothing against the Penguin... you know what that tells my monkey brain???????? that they're IN LOVE--
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Not my thread, but I wanted to share what was said at the 2022 German Comic Con panel with Robin Lord Taylor and Cameron Monaghan. Some interesting Oswald (Gotham) stuff in here.
Link to thread here (there are also pictures and videos in the thread).
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Deyassification of the Riddler : a tragic saga
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riddler came out as bi (or not straight) in a recent comic and it made zero noise lmfao.
I mean I definitely saw some people talking about it I think it just depends what circles you’re looking in, but it def didn’t get a big media presence. DC didn’t publicize it like other recent coming out stuff (like Tim and Jon) and I don’t think the writer of the comic really made any official statements or anything, so it def kinda slipped under the radar.
For anyone who didn’t read Strange Love Adventures and is curious, basically Riddler left a puzzle for Bruce on Valentine’s day:
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(Strange Love Adventures #1)
Each clue leading to a person that it’s either explicitly said or implied Ed had feelings for:
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(Strange Love Adventures #1)
…As you can see, one of them is a man!
In general I think a lot of people skipped this book and that contributed to how little attention this got (also, admittedly, it is a bit ambiguous, so I think some people may want a more explicit confirmation before really celebrating) But yeah, mlm Riddler 💕
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Catwoman #35 - “Street Thunder” (2021)
written by Ram V art by Nina Vakueva & Jordie Bellaire
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incase anyone's wondering why this blog's gone dead...
currently focusing on Venom-stuff @sweatyeddieandaliengoo
I love Goth, people eating Eddie lovers.
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The moment Edward stayed in Gotham for Oswald, right after Oswald told him to follow his heart instead of his head, Nygmobblepot became canon.
case closed
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