peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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just a little bit more for the people in the back 
What are three Netflix shows that they’ve rated five stars? stranger things, because i don’t believe anyone could not love that show - it wouldn’t be the sort of thing penina herself would have expected to love, but she does and she awaits season three with as much enthusiasm as anyone. she also adores the crown okay, and for a third she really loves anne with an ‘e’ okay because it’s so precious and sweet.
Where do they prefer to read? On the sofa, in bed, at a table, on the porch, in a cafe? anywhere and everywhere that has a spot of sunlight - penina loves to curl up like a cat and read, usually accompanied by some form of a warm drink even in the midsummer heat when she feels ready to burst into flames. but she has a particular liking for reading outside, the room she’s renting actually came with the bonus of a tiny little balcony so she spends a lot of time out there. 
Do they like to play games? What kind of games: video, card, board? What are some of their favorites? penina’s a nerd and would love games like charades okay, anything that involves a group of friends all getting together and giggling sounds like a good time to her. 
What’s their food weakness? What food can they never turn down? she can never turn down anything fruity - she adores apples and strawberries, treats herself to jam pastries whenever she needs a pick me up.
Do they prefer movies or TV shows? Why? penina loves movies, because the feeling of completion and things having come full circle is incredibly satisfying to her. she also finds herself getting distracted in her every day life if she’s invested in a tv show trying to figure out where next the plot will go. 
What holiday is their favorite? Which is their least favorite? penina loves any excuse to get together with family to be honest so christmas is probably her favourite, because she gets to return home and see everyone again. her least favourite... i don’t think she has one - actually, penina isn’t a huge fan of halloween to be honest, she doesn’t like masks i have a feeling. 
What’s their diet like? Are they vegetarian, vegan? Do they have any food allergies that make them have a special diet? penina is allergic to honey, so that really is the only allergy she has to contend with. she’s not a vegetarian, but she doesn’t eat an awful lot of meat to begin with. 
What sort of toys did they play with as a child? penina loved being outside as a kid, probably the best thing she ever received as a gift was her bike when she was five or six, because it allowed her to explore her small little corner of montpelier with greater ease. 
How often do they go grocery shopping? Do they tend to do one large trip, or smaller ones throughout the week? she never does a huge shop to be honest, is always popping in and out of the little shops surrounding her accommodation. 
Do they eat breakfast? What’s a typical breakfast look like for them? a luxury to penina is a leisurely breakfast, where she can go the whole nine yards with yoghurt, and museli, and fruit - however a typical breakfast is probably a cup of coffee and an apple eaten hastily on her way to classes. 
Do they like going to museums? What type of museums do they like to go to? Art, science, historical; interactive, quiet, a mix? penina adores museums, literally she could wander around one for hours upon hours. it doesn’t really matter what exactly is the subject of the museum, she more so loves the vibe and atmosphere. 
How do they organize their books? Alphabetical by author, by title? By size, color, date published? Is there any rhyme or reason? there is absolutely no rhyme or reason - her desk is a bombsite the majority of the time, a mix of her textbooks with recreational reading, folders overflowing with sheets, an out and out mess to be honest. 
Have they ever been do Disney World/Land, or any other amusement park? What do they prefer to do at them: go on the rides, play the games, eat the food? during her first year of college in paris, penina went to disneyland with a few friends and absolutely loved it - once again more so for the atmosphere than anything else. she enjoyed every single aspect, but i don’t think in general she’s the kind of person who would regularly seek out the thrills of an amusement park.
How do they eat their popcorn? What do they put on it? buttery and salty, without fail. 
When do they pay their bills? As soon as the bill comes in? At the last moment? Or are most of their bills automatically taken out of their account? as soon as the bill comes in, she hates owing a debt to anyone - be they friend, or electricity company. 
What time do they normally go to bed? How many hours of sleep do they usually need to function in the morning? to function penina needs about five, but she regularly gets between seven and eight hours - she’s usually in bed by eleven, and isn’t that much of a night owl. 
Do they have cable, or do they rely mostly on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services? she relies solely on netflix to fulfil her entertainment needs. 
What is their preferred weather? What would be a perfect weather day? perfect weather is golden sunshine, with a little bit of a breeze so it isn’t stifling - the sort of weather where the only thing she wants to do is eat ice cream with her toes dipped into the sea. 
Are they more of a snacker throughout the day, or they eat three meals and call it a day? definitely a snacker - she always makes sure to have a decent dinner, but she loves to just pick at pieces of fruit, or a little bit of bread throughout the day - or a packet of chocolate biscuits. 
Have they ever had an imaginary friend? probably, but not one so significant that she remembers them - penina was always a friendly person, so she didn’t really have difficulty in finding people to interact with as a little kid. 
What were they a part of in high school/college, if they went? Were they a part of any clubs, did they play any sports? What clique would they have been considered a part of? penina was a theater and music baby, for sure. she would have been part of the school choir, and would have tried her best to become involved in any productions which might have been put on - be that on the stage, or behind the scenes. 
Do they have a favorite restaurant? How often do they go to it, and what’s their usual order? penina prefers cafes to fancy restaurants, honestly. i don’t think she would be particularly snobby about coffee chains or anything like that, but she would enjoy a little dinky cafe as much as anyone else. her regular order would be a coffee, and a little pastry - very standard, but never mess with the classics. 
How do they prefer to watch movies? In the theater, on a streaming site, from an owned DVD/digital download, rented from somewhere? penina loves going to the cinema, and goes as often as she can - both with others, and alone. but she also enjoys cuddling up in her bed and watching something in the comfort of her own room, so - 
Do they watch any sports? What are they a fan of, and what teams do they root for? Do they watch the games/matches on TV or do they try to be there for some in person? Do they just catch the highlights on their phone later on? she’s not particularly interested in sports to be honest, but will patriotically tune in whenever france is partaking in a particularly important match or game - completely a fair-weather fan. 
What do they prefer to do in the summertime? Do they like going to the beach, do they prefer camping, staying in the city? Do they like to stay indoors and away from the heat?  penina adores the beach - her dream place to live is right on the shoreline. she literally goes as early as she can, and won’t leave the sand until it’s nearly dusk. she loves heat too, and doesn’t deal very well with the cold at all. 
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
i am afraid that if i open myself i will not stop pouring. (why do i fear becoming a river. what mountain gave me such shame.)
Jamie Oliveira (via lazypacific)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
She is strong, but not in the ways most people think. She loves more than she’ll ever get back and she knows it. And yet, she loves anyway.
dilbaram  (via wnq-writers)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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• hogwarts houses: hufflepuff • dedication, hard work, fair play, patience, kindness, tolerance, loyalty; those patient hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil.
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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here with the answers to those burning questions, take a peek under the read more, 
what would completely break your character? 
penina herself would answer this question with a shrug, and a bemused smile because in all honesty she hasn’t really been pushed that hard in life yet - so she really has no idea. however, i, as her loving and evil creator know that losing her mother would completely devastate penina. even though she doesn’t see her for months at a time as-is, the sort of separation looming over them is one that’s entirely more imposing - and presents some pretty iffy legal challenges to boot. 
what was the best thing in your character’s life?
the best thing in her life is music - always has been, and always will be. penina adores everything about the process of creating music.  the initial drumming of fingertips against a tabletop, to the arrangement of the notes into a pretty melody, to finally performing it for the enjoyment of others. it’s a process she adores, and it’s one i can’t ever see her leaving - no matter what.
what was the worst thing in your character’s life?
the worst thing in her life - from an outsiders perspective - is that no one in her life taught her as a young child that it was okay to give up on someone. no one told her that forgiveness should be a privilege and not a guarantee. however, in asking penina herself this question, she once again wouldn’t be able to formulate an answer. both due to an optimistic nature, and the fact that nothing quite so terribly bad has ever occurred. 
what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
the gratitude and the gentle smiles that random acts of kindness can elicit from people. someone thanking penina for holding a door open will stick with her all day, two strangers acting kindly towards each other is enough to lift her mood no matter what sort of day she’s been having. 
what would your character make a scene in public about?
i don’t think penina is capable of ever making a scene the way other people might be, but she’s the kind of person who would interrupt an argument in the street in order to check that people were okay, the kind to step in where she sees that another person is struggling and offer her support - not loud and brash, but equally as fervent as someone who might approach screaming and shouting.
what is your character afraid of?
penina is deathly afraid of pigeons, and will always give them as wide a berth as possible when she encounters them in public places. birds in general made her wary, to be honest. and on a deeper level, i think... penina is afraid of not living her life. she’s afraid that she’s going to wind up dying without every actually living in the first place, but she can’t quite seem to figure out how to change the course she’s taken. 
a song that describes them? 
kill ‘em with kindness - selena gomez seems like a decent fit, encapsulates her outlook on life.
most three recently watched on netflix? 
stranger things (bc who hasn’t lbr), in your eyes because she might be a sucker for romance i mean in the privacy of her own home let. her. live, and then the crown.
do they have allergies? 
penina is allergic to honey, i believe. 
do they eat breakfast? what’s a typical breakfast look like for them? 
depends on what sort of mood she’s in i think, and how much time she has on her hands. she adores a leisurely coffee with some toast and berries when it’s particularly pretty and sunny, and she doesn’t have anything to do - but in reality it’s usually a hasty cup and whatever she manages to lay her hands on going out the door - often can be seen walking down the street early in the morning munching on an apple. 
what do they do when they cant sleep?
when she’s given up on tossing and turning, on calm and clear nights she might indulge that inner romantic and sit at the window, looking at the stars - otherwise she probably tries to tire herself out by reading a particularly boring part of theory from her textbooks, and makes herself a cup of warm tea.
how do they act around children?
penina doesn’t have much experience around children beyond those she used to tutor in her teens, but in all honesty she thinks they’re adorable - she would be absolutely rubbish as a childminder, because she would just end up laughing instead of disciplining anyone. childlike innocence is one of her favourite things, and she loves the questions and the awe answers receive. 
did they have a good childhood?
yes - penina loved her childhood. her childhood apartment always seems edged with a gold lining to her when she reflects back on being a kid, and she has only the best things to say about both of her parents.
what are fond memories they have of it?
living so close to the beach meant that a good portion of penina’s early life was spent slathered in sunscreen, with golden sand sifting between her toes. even though they lived a bare five minute walk from the shore, penina’s mom would still always pack up a picnic for their ‘beach days’, so memories of sitting on a blanket, nibbling at fruit and cheese sandwiches, her hair wild from the salt water, those are some of the best she has. 
what’s a bad memory? 
...hmm... a bad memory for penina involves a nasty fall i feel, where a sharp rock had guaranteed a trip to the emergency room, and a slew of stitches on her knee. 
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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penina's top played:
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
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name / alias  : sj timezone : gmt+1 skeleton applying for : applying for the syrupy! favorite song right now : hmm… i always struggle with this question but i’ll say anything from reputation tbh favorite fc to play : oh gosh… do i even have one - there’s too many pretty people in this world to choose, don’t be cruel. but i mean back in the day i could never say no to the chance to play a luke h soooo... favorite movie to watch : dirty dancing - hands down. i watch it at least once a month, it’s a problem. fun fact about yourself : well - how sad is it that my fun fact is going to be that i’m irish… says a lot for my personality, i’ll tell you that much. fun fact about your character : penina is… scared of pigeons, actually. birds in general get her very thanks but no, but pigeons freak the girl out she did not sign up for this subscription, she would like to cancel the free trial why are they following her around  a lyric or quote that would relate to your character: “just because you are soft doesn’t mean you are not a force. honey and wildfire are both the color gold.” - victoria erickson, edge of wonder: notes from the wildness of being something you’re excited for in the rp : honestly is it slightly sadistic that i’m looking forward to all the trouble that’ll be unleashed as they all scramble to try appease the creator of that dastardly blog? oh well, colour me evil. what are some of your favorite type of events to have in a rp? : all of them - but really i love the ones where a mysterious party has been organised oooh and a million things happen within the span of a few hours that have me weeping while scrolling through the dash what are some of your favorite tasks to complete in a rp? : i’m a sucker for tasks that involve music - being tasked with creating a playlist to encapsulate your own muse, the relationship they have with different people - all of it. if you had to relate your character to a movie, tv show, book character who would you relate them too & why? : hmm... okay real time i struggled with this question but honestly - jane bennet if her inner monologue was narrated by lizzie.  what’s your favorite ask meme to use in rps? : uhm... can you feel a recurring theme? honestly - any, throw any at me okay do you enjoy doing honesty hours? : uhm heck yes?? quality drama?? grand reveals?? random questions where i’m allowed to ramble?? anything extra you wanna say : uhm just a brief apology for saying uhm and honestly every five seconds, and - just really to say hi??
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
I wonder if I ever meant anything to you, but then I remind myself that I cannot bring into perspective the words you’ve never said.
allthefleekyppl (via palmerwrites)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
Katherine Henson  (via nathanbrake)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
I’m not the girl your mother warns you about. I won’t kiss your best friend or break your heart. I won’t make you choose between what you love to do & me. I’m not cold. I’m not reckless. I will love you more than anything. I will kiss you when you cry. I will stand by your side until you decide otherwise.
(via therestislife)
pretty much
(via vanillx)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
peach juice swims in my veins. when i bleed, it’s sweet. honeybees fly right to me.
sarah addison allen, the peach keeper (via figblush)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
His dark eyes took me in, and I wondered what they would look like if he fell in love.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Love of the Last Tycoon (via austenns)
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peninalaur-blog · 7 years
can you seize my lips like you mean it? like you’ve been searching for somebody’s mouth in the crowd and as our hands brushed you knew i wasn’t just  a breadcrumb but the gingerbread house and your eyes are drunk of my sweetness, honey. can you kiss me like this is only for tonight, for a hazy disco-ball-dream.
kissing strangers ( h.v. ) — poetical advent xvi (via jimhcppcr)
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