pentakillmaven · 7 months
Can anyone give me advice for improving my score on the Cosmic Basic exam this go-around? I am getting 5 Duo magics in 4 turns and overkilling, but for some reason I can't seem to get my score above 15k.
This is the team I used to get the below high score. Silver and Malleus are both at 10/10 on spells, Vil is at 4/7, Leona is at 7/10, and Sebek is at 8/8. As far as Buddy Bonuses go, Leona has his Power buddy (Vil) at 10, Silver has his Power buddy (Leona) at 10, Malleus has his Power buddy (Sebek) at 8, and Sebek has his Power buddy (Silver) at 7. With the Tsum event going on right now, I don't really have much time or LP to dedicate to grinding for textbooks or buddy levels.
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EDIT: On my very first battle of the day today, I went to 5 turns due to not getting any duos on turn 1, and ended up scoring over 15k for the first time:
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So I ran 9 more Cosmic battles today, and I recorded them all so I could try to figure out what was going on. Most of the battles I tried to end on turn 4, and I was consistently scoring in the mid- to upper 14k range. Battle 6, however, was one where I changed plans midstream and did my two non-Duo spells (Malleus M1 and Vil M1) on turn 3. Ruggie healed once the entire fight and I finished with Vil M2/Leona M2 on turn 5, netting me this score:
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I also noticed that I was consistently only getting one heal from Ruggie, despite the fact that he can do it up to twice. I am still analyzing the video to see if I can find any trends on what triggers him to heal—or if it's completely random.
April 16, 00:00 - April 30, 23:59 (JST)
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COSMIC BASIC (Hard: 70,000 HP)
Labwear Ruggie Story: Ruggie, Leona, and Trey
Ruggie heals for 4,288 HP, can be used twice
Leona has DMG UP (self/1T)
Trey has Shield (self/1T), can be used twice
Recommended Cards
SSR: Dorm Riddle, Dorm Azul, Dorm Leona, Dorm Vil, Dorm Rook, Dorm Epel, Dorm Floyd, Dorm Jade, Dorm Cater, Groom Ace, Camp Ruggie, Bday Lilia
SR: Robe Azul, Robe Vil, Robe Cater
FIRE DEFENSE (Hard: 77,000 HP)
Robe Idia Story: Idia, Malleus, Riddle, Vil
Idia has DMG DOWN (opponent/1T)
Malleus has ATK UP (self/1T)
Malleus has DMG UP (self/1T)
Riddle has DMG UP (self/1T)
Vil has DMG UP (self/1T)
Recommended Cards
SSR: Dorm Deuce, Dorm Trey, Dorm Ruggie, Dorm Azul, Dorm Jade, NY Kalim, Silk Jamil, Dorm Epel, Birthday Rook, Masq Idia, Birthday Silver, Club Lilia
SR: Robe Riddle, Lab Ace, Silk Cater, Halloween Ruggie, Lab Floyd, FG Kalim, Lab Idia, Robe Ortho, Lab Lilia,
R: Uniform Rook
The list of recommended cards will work better if you keep in mind their DUO potential with SSR cards. If you need any help building a team, don’t hesitate to send in an ask!
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pentakillmaven · 10 months
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Looks at story update. Feels obligated to pull these out of my back pocket.
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pentakillmaven · 1 year
ghost choir 👻 🎵
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pentakillmaven · 1 year
Manic thought again
Sooooo who else wants to see a fanart crossover featuring Vash "I don't wanna lose any more love" the Stampede and Cloud "there is nothing I don't cherish" Strife just hanging out together, please raise your hands
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pentakillmaven · 1 year
I try to stay away from a lot of fandom discourse, but since I’ve been seeing this on my dash again and in tags, I feel the need to make a statement on this, particularly for any young fans who follow me that might get drawn into this mindset.
Stay away from purity culture. Warn your friends away from it too, if you see them starting to fall for it. It’s very easy to get drawn into it
Almost always, it starts with one of three roots, pedophilia, incest and/or abuse. Usually it’s pedophilia. Funnily enough, that’s also what congress usually uses to try to justify passing bills that undermine online privacy & security. Because it’s an easy, extreme target, and when people attempt to argue against it, it’s nice and easy to say “Oh so you like pedophilia” rather then actually engaging with their argument.
The logic goes like this, although there’s many forms of it.
“Pedophilia is bad.” -> Obviously, you agree with this. You’re a reasonable person, and the idea that anyone would do something like that to a child is horrible. This is a normal human reaction.
“Because pedophilia is bad, all fictional explorations of it must be equally bad.” -> Here you might hesitate, but it adds up, doesn’t it? The thought of pedophilia in any context probably gives you a bad feeling, that makes you inclined to go along with this logic. 
“Anyone who creates content with a fictional exploration of pedophilia is also bad.” -> Maybe you pause here, or maybe you don’t. But still, it adds up, it’s a very easy flow. After all, we’ve decided that that is Bad, so why would anyone Good want to create something like that?
“Since people who create content with a fictional exploration of pedophilia are just as bad as people who engage in pedophilia in real life, it’s okay to harm them.” -> Here’s where you might pause again. The argument might not win you over entirely, you might not be willing to do harm yourself, but you may be a lot more willing to turn a blind eye to harm being done to someone. Or to consider it ‘justified’.
The pattern now repeats for anything else that’s considered “morally impure”, and “pedophilia” is expanded and expanded, often to ridiculous points, such as merely shipping two underage characters. “Abuse” becomes any ship that the person pushing doesn’t like, for any reason. And so on and so forth.
This is the foundation of “anti” culture, and it’s important to be aware of it so you can catch this false equivocation. Fictional explorations of something, are not the same as the thing itself. Fictional explorations are fiction. The characters are not real people. There is no actual harm being done. Equating fake harm and real harm is a dangerous, slippery slope, which leads us to fundamentally flawed ideas of moral purity. It’s a form of controlling people & making them feel guilty for their very thoughts, rather than holding people accountable for their actions. 
A very handy trick for when you encounter this sort of argument, is to replace whatever the selected purity term is with murder. After all, we can all agree that murder is bad, but at the same time, we understand that a murder in a book =/= a murder in real life.
Let’s see that argument again, shall we?
“Murder is bad”
“Because murder is bad, all fictional explorations of it must be equally bad.”
“Anyone who creates content with a fictional exploration of murder is also bad.”
“Since people who create fictional explorations of murder are just as bad as the people who commit murder in real life, it’s okay to harm them.”
Hopefully, it’s now easy to see why the above argument is fundamentally flawed.
Keep your eye out for purity culture in your fandom spaces, and when you see it, refuse to engage with it. Warn your friends if you see them falling into the same traps, although try to be kind about it; this is a very easy thought pattern to fall into. I don’t recommend trying to argue/debate anti’s. The attention only feeds them. Block them instead. Don’t let people control or shame you for what you create or consume, and don’t control or shame others for what they create or consume.
Also, as a note, let me be clear about something. If you are uncomfortable with any of the above discussed things, or anything in general in fiction (ie, underage ships, murder, incest, abuse, penguins, needles, etc), that’s perfectly fine (it’s also called a squick, for those that haven’t heard that term before). Absolutely control your fandom experience by blocking people, filtering tags, unfollowing, etc. However, just because you are uncomfortable with something, does not give you the right to control other people. Other people have no right to control what content you create or consume, and you have no right to do that to them either. 
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pentakillmaven · 2 years
I hate to break it to you, but there are way more instances of actual child predators and groomers and pedophiles existing in "anti" spaces, decrying fictional pedophilia and declaring themselves "safe" adults, than there are instances of child predators in "problematic" fiction spaces.
Because guess what? The majority of people who create problematic content are adults and actively try to prevent minors from seeing said content, as much as the websites they use will allow them to do so.
Meanwhile there are plenty of instances of adults in "safe" spaces actively reaching out to teenagers and positioning themselves to get the minor's trust in order to take advantage of them. It's just like how the majority of IRL child abusers are teachers, or faith leaders, or family members, or even doctors (e.g. Larry Nassar)--they're all people who children are told to trust, and who take advantage of that trust to hurt those children.
As the saying goes, the foxes are already in the henhouse.
Is it me or is the anti movement... really american? We have that stereotype over here that americans are super uptight about sex and super shy about it and obsessed with purity and hiding it from the children and stuff. Idk as a european it always striked me as a product of american culture
it’s very, very American. While there are certainly antis who aren’t American, many of them are.
I have a lot of theories as to why this is, but a lot of them are covered in this post: anti-shipping as the cool new trend (while it’s mostly about the age bracket of anti-shippers as of June 2017 (this time last year), it’s an americentric post talking almost entirely about US phenomena).
tl;dr version? anti-shipping is:
the natural result of growing up both LGBT+/queer and marinated in American-flavored Puritan Christianity/purity culture 
with a side order of valuing safety over freedom 
b/c you’ve always had freedom of information 
but you’ve never known a sense of security 
thanks to lifelong internet access 
paired with post-9/11 paranoia.
add a dash of radical feminism/exclusionist thinking
never being taught how to think critically, and
zero education on sex of any kind, and
viola: anti-shippers. 
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
surprise, fellow kids. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of pentakillmaven
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
apparently, I joined this tumblr place at 09/16/2012 8:18:55 PM.
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that everyone deserves the right to free healthcare and @tpatwilight absolutely crushes #feferi.
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
#pokemon go and Other Things That Ruined My Life: An Autobiography by pentakillmaven
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
If the groundhog sees @biowarewolf, that’s 6 more weeks of winter.
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
Pour one out for #critical role.
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
Ew, @likelytofail, no.
Warmest regards,
The Tumbeasts
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
we’re even more addicted to tumblr than you. in fact, we need these posts to live.
the tumbeasts
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
Nice Tumblr ya got there...would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
One #fanfic makes us larger and one #drabble makes us small, but the #tikki mother gives us don’t do anything at all. Go ask @tumblrbot when they’re 10 feet tall.
the tumbeasts
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
Like if you’re a #humanstuck fan, reblog if you’re a #pup fan.
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