peoplesbayonet · 3 years
New South Radio: Why Do We Oppose Reform and Retribution? (Opportunism)
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peoplesbayonet · 3 years
In times of anguish, times of strife, times of unimaginable suffering, who must we look to? who will lead the way? we will. you and I. all of us. the workers. 
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peoplesbayonet · 3 years
Fuck Tumblr’s New Initiative
"Queerest Place On The Internet” post contains the phrase “This Is Who You Are” and it's honestly more offensive than cringey transphobic crap tbh.
I am more than my identity, my identity is more than queer, and you, tumblr, are a corporate entity that just got sold to new owners.
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peoplesbayonet · 4 years
We Are The Workers A New South will rise from the ashes of the old to throw out the parasites, to dump the bosses off our backs, to unite against yesterday’s oppressors for a brighter South tomorrow!
We southerners ain’t stupid, we know what’s happening, we know the people in charge don’t give a single damn about us! We know they think we’re idiots for “MaKiNg BaD dEcIsIoNs” like we got a choice. We know they think we’re disposable because we’re “idiots.” We know they treat us like chattel because we’re “disposable.” We are not CHATTEL! We are not DISPOSABLE! We are not IDIOTS! We are WORKERS and we DO NOT COMPROMISE WITH THE TERRORISTIC THREATS OF BOSSES! We are WORKERS and we have MADE the decision to organize and fight!
What do we have in common with the greedy parasite? Do they work? No. Do they get paid more than the people who do? Yes. In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold! WE have the power! WE should own the business! WE will not surrender! WE CAN BRING FORTH A NEW SOUTH, TO RISE FROM THE ASHES OF THE OLD! We… are workers. And the union makes us strong.
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peoplesbayonet · 4 years
Tumblr media
Death, Reborn. Today I bury this corpse. This me I used to be. This barely functional mistress of unfathomable pretention. Today I am born anew. This me I am right now. This bayonet at my fingertips lusts endlessly for the end of the corruption and the systems of oppression and the bullshitters who think we’re stupid.
Today, a new south rises.
Today, we rise.
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