peppeppeppepperoni-pizza · 18 minutes
Some GSC and Khonjin doodles, as well as a lil Angel n GSC interaction~
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Honestly I really love drawing Gay Spaghetti Chef. He's cute!
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Happy Pride Month, everyone! This art is absolutely fantastic, and I want you all to know you should be 100% proud of who you are and how far you've come. You're doing great and despite EVERYTHING, you're still going. It's impressive, it's incredible, and you have so much more to do. Happy pride month, be proud!
Also, I hold my beloved Angel. And Noel. And... okay I hold all of them you draw them AMAZINGLY
It’s pride month! You know what that means.. OBLIGATORY LGBTQIA+ FANART OF MY BIGGEST HYPERFIXATION-
I think ever since, literally yesterday, I colored in the characters with grey- I just love doing it now.. it’s turned into my favorite way to color in my sketches. Also it fits more in this context because the flags actually stand out, and they probably wouldn’t have as much if I colored it in normally-
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As usual, that beautiful small child in between Khonjin and Gay Spaggers is owned by @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza go check out their art it’s amazing ^^!!
I went with their canonical sexualities and identities because I don’t really headcanon anything lgbtqia+ related that’s out of the ordinary with the KH characters.
Except for Gino, which- I don’t think I spoke about this in detail, but a BIG Gino headcanon of mine that I genuinely love talking about is that he’s unknowingly Aromantic. He’s still cis and hetero in my head, but he feels very little to no romantic attraction. Something about this just clicked in my brain.
Also it kinda fits with the Pride Month episode when Gino starts to return to mother earth but goes back. I like to think it’s because both Gay Spaggers and Khonjin KNEW about their sexualities and identities, while since Gino doesn’t have a clue and probably never will; he doesn’t go with them.
Along with Gino being Aro, I wanted to make Noel Ace as well because that also clicked in my smooth brain. So the both the Fratellis identity with A :].
Also I know I’ve already stated that Noel doesn’t plan on coming out at all, and she hasn’t in her canon storyline in my head. But I just wanted an excuse to draw her with bad face-paint for pride month xD (also for her to be happy about being Acesexual for once instead of feeling like a weirdo..)
Btw just look at Shelly’s teeny tiny trans pin, they’re so silly- I don’t imagine she’d be very open about it but at least willing to participate in stuff like this. They just like me for real…
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so. have yall ever heard of wrongjin house?
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i don't know much about this au but. I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring since there are designs for Khonjin and GSC. Wrongel (as I have been lovingly calling him) is much more timid than her Khonjin counterpart. She tends to find herself being more bleak and laid back than his optimistic and crazy "original".
how crazy that we made a whole AU out of Khonjin fucking up his mic on stream huh /lh /aff
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As USUAL you knock it out of the park, this is absolutely amazing!! Your art continues to impress!! I'm eating this art rn--
Khonjin House and also a few Spooky Month doodles!!
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Angel Hair (the motherfrusker with the handlebar-mustache looking hair/j) belongs to @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza go check out their art!!
It’s currently 5am and I spent the past 2 hours making this entire thing while listening to a murder documentary
I REALLY love how I drew Shelly in the two doodles they’re actually in XD- I’m also very proud of the one with Dexter and Y/N (it’s kinda based around my “Cat Eyes” fanfic .—.).
Also would you believe me if I said that’s the first time I ever drew Kevin? I know, I know, I’m a natural/j Also I know the logos seems excessive at this point but I’ve had my art reposted without credit before and I don’t plan on that happening again anytime soon, especially with the drawings I’m actually proud of -_-
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Noel Fratelli Stimboard except I don’t know how to make a stimboard but I think I succeeded..?
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It’s currently 3am where I am and I can’t sleep so I’m probably going to post a couple things because IM BORED AS FU
Also I just wanted an excuse to bring more attention to the fan-sprite I made for Noel if she were ever on Khonjin House..
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anyways hi. you guys are absolutely amazing for putting up with my peppeppeppepperoni bullshit. you all rock <3
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Angel accidentally makes Fettuccine Alfredo
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I felt a little silly today so I made this stupid sketch-
it’s a reference to one of my FAVORITE Kurtis Connor skits
Angel is owned by @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza
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See, this is how I know the fixation has gotten bad. I'm idly working and just RECITING the Pent and Smack conversation FROM MEMORY. Not the Dishes One, though I'm sure I'll have that memorized soon, but the "A world awake, now SLEEPS!" one.
Genuinely it impresses me how well I can do this from memory. But also scares me--
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Once again I sob,,, even helping out with this, I couldn't even begin to imagine how it'd turn out... it's so perfect and amazing, as usual!!
I decided to make a small comic showing how Noel and Angel met
(click the image description to read dialogue if you can’t in the images)
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It’s just a silly idea I had today, and I’d like to thank @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza for helping me with Angel’s dialogue here! Go check out their page, they’re the creator of the Khonjin House OC/Fan-Kid: Angel Hair!
I might make and post other KH and SM comics soon.
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Noel Fratelli? In my Tumblr Blog? It's more likely than you think!
Noel Fratelli is of course owned by @fennecfics-the-simp-king, and a lot of info here was taken from This Post! Please, give it a read, Noel is such a fun and interesting character and I love doodling her--
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WOAH this is incredibly detailed!! Will definitely keep all this info in mind! Yeah, go read this, I definitely have some art ideas now--
Hey guys, look what I found
Weird, huh?
Also sorry about the absurdly big gaps between the text, I don’t know why it did that but it did and I don’t know how to fix it ._.
I hope you enjoy all this delicious and unnecessary detail of Noel XD
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pass out now because it’s currently 3am where I am-
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Lil comic inspired by a convo I had with Fennec!
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Despite how their parents act to each other, they're sticking together through thick and thin. ...so when are they going to Six Flags /lh
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Listen i can fix that I can draw more of Noel
I just realized me and Lavender are pretty much the only fellas keeping the Khonjin House and Supermental tags active at the moment, and like a quarter of it is me interacting with their posts or posting Fanart of Angel Hair for them XD
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I know you most likely meant she gets really nervous when trying to ride a bike, but as soon as I read that he was, and I’m quoting, “terrified of riding bikes” this was my immediate interpretation..
This shitpost video is referring to THIS BEAUTIFUL POST!! Go look at it, it’s giving a bunch of beautiful info on @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza’s OC: Angel Hair, aka the fella who needs to be protected at all costs.
ALSO IM REALLY SORRY FOR POSTING IT ON YOUTUBE, FOR SOME REASON TUMBLR WOULDN’T SAVE THE AUDIO WITH THE VIDEO, SO IT WAS JUST MUTE EVERYTIME I TRIED- but if it makes you feel better it’s unlisted, so you can really only see the video through this post. If you want me to take it down from YouTube I will, just tell me.
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Wow so like I was datamining like an 31it3 h4ck3rm4n and found this incomplete page on the Khonjin House Wiki woaaaa
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Seems there are a few inconsistencies, such as Pent going by multiple pronouns. But, hey, the page isn't complete yet. Also, that song is a dead link, doesn't seem to go anywhere...
(In all seriousness this was a ton of fun to make and it's a good way to keep track of everything! Thank god Google Docs added a pageless view. And yes, I do save all the amazing fanart you guys make--)
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How to make a fake wiki page asking for a friend
that friend is Angel
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I just find it really sweet how much @fennecfics-the-simp-king loves Angel-- yes this is a reference to all their Jesus holding Pizza Tower posts, heheh--
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