peppermintcutie · 4 years
we’re the first generation to grow up with access to the past. Like we all get to learn about the past on our own time not just scholars and I think that makes us all collectively big brained
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I felt like a different person on a different energy level for a second and it was wonderful. But I’m falling back into my narsassitic ways.
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I swear to god if you have a smart mother cherish her.
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
At my age I’m realizing I didn’t grow up with the support every single child deserves. I’m being punished for having a disorder and being called defiant since childhood, although I was diagnosed with adhd and they made the decision to not use meds. Like every answer is there but they’re not accepting it. I turned into a brat because I was brushed to the side and labeled. My mom had two alcoholic parents but she never had abuse in the house neglect yes. Her family was able to develop a personality in formative years. not both parents barading you everyday and accepting others opinions of their child. I honestly think it’s worse, from no involvement to negative involvement. I’d rather have none. But then again I had my step dad taking me to the donut shop every morning when mom knew I reacted to sugar and told him not to give me any. it’s his dull defiant thinking that literally affected me. So enraged at him. He’s not evil because that would take a level of intellect. He’s mean. And although there’s no thoughts or meaning behind his words and has never taken the time to improve himself it still feels the same. Because all a kid knows is how he thinks and feels and what it opinions and feelings it would take for them to say those things to someone they “love”. horrible
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
of course everyone’s mom is ————able, you’re here right?
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
so annoyed. the way the internet and phones give everyone access to the end result and life lessons. you can’t be told a life lesson. you have to live life and get to that point. it just dilutes the meaning. And the people that come across ways of living or style and decide to take that path that they stumbled on unorganically. I dislike it sm
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I’ve been going through life with adhd and my mom didn’t tell me until I had failed out of school and thought I was dumb so I didn’t try to better myself. What kind of logic? as a parent? the fact my dad offered to put me in a private school and she said no????? When her kid was failing??? Genuinely there is no logic to be seen
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
Me thinking that when I grew up I would be pretty and able to wear things that I now cannot pull off🤡🤡🤡 did anyone else think they would magically wake up pretty when they were older
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
Life was so much easier when I was able to be myself and not worry about keeping a fake normal boring low brow get married or pregnant at 20 shop at department stores reputation to save face for people I’ve been associated with in the past, hook ups or whatever. and that’s on living for other people
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
the one time I was talking abt how beautiful women are in Oregon and he was like you’re not bad and I was like ty and idk what lead to him stearnly saying THERES A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEAUTIFUL AND HOT and I’m like ya that’s known idk I just felt like he was insinuating I thought I was on the tier of those women and I’m like...no
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I hold the belief that Kiera knightly has taken all the beauty and grace from generations now and to come.
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I want what literally everyone else who is not me has. What’s that called?
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
The years I lost purposefully staying off social media and spending so much time on here was such a mistake like I emerged a fucking social gremlin w no fucks to give about anyone and I also thought I was the hottest person alive
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I look like Mia Khalifa ooemg🤮🤧
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
I never found Evan Peters attractive then I saw it was a common thing so tried to convince myself that he was hot how dumb
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
‪Damn I hate ruining songs by listening to them on repeat when I’m spiraling‬
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peppermintcutie · 5 years
search out the catacombs of your own mind
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