My name is Keeley Hammers, finanical officer at Perceptive Distortion Inc, and I have a concern regarding an unauthorized transaction performed on a PERDIS bank account. For the purpose of confidentiality, I'd like to keep this report classified.
Two days ago I saw a transaction being made on an account I control. I asked around and nobody seemed to know who was making the transactions. I traced the location of where the transactions from to a warehouse in the Germanic country of Hennfirr.
Of course, I immediately followed the instructions in the manual for unauthorized transactions, and sent the location of the warehouse to PERDIS security. Two days later, PERDIS security raided the warehouse and destroyed all technology, but transactions were still being made. The security team deployed, Alpha Major, came back to me and alerted me that the transactions were being made to a personal account owned by my coworker, Erwinne Pryce, who was arrested two days later.
After being arrested, Erwinne Pryce was transferred to a PERDIS facility for psychological examination, and it was determined that she had a "trait" that required he be held for an extended period of time.
That leads me to the purpose of writing this document: Erwinne was spotted in two places at once; at his cell and outside of my place of residence. Of course, I called PERDIS security and not the police, following the instructions in the handbook, but after looking at the security tapes, they said not to worry.
I'm not sure who to talk to about this, so I think a confidential file is the best bet. Maybe this file reaches the desk of someone important, or maybe it doesn't; either way, I hope the situation is resolved as quickly as possible so we can all sleep easy.
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In collaboration with Las Garrens University, PERDIS is proud to host the first course—a 6 part lesson plan focusing on the workplace—as part of a free six course program. The six courses are Workplace Prep, Legal Operations, Maintenance, On Site Training, Time Management, and Behind The Scenes. These courses are to train upcoming PERDIS employees. With that intro out of the way, let's start with our first lesson on organization.
Being organized is important, so it's required for all employees looking to join the company to have some knowledge on organization. Different positions in the company require different ways of organizing, including but not limited to:
for medical staff, keeping a list of all incoming and outgoing patients;
for janitorial staff, keeping a list of all cleaning supplies and
and for office staff, keeping a convenient supply of pens, pencils, and paper on hand at all times.
Organization isn't just important for offices and our "facilities" around the world; when the work life bleeds into personal time, you have to keep your house, your apartment, or other place of residence organized.
Disclosure: Employees may be subject to a residence check if management feels like it may posit a threat to the employee's health or the operations of our company.
The best way to stay organized on the job site is to follow PERDIS' procedures for organization listed in our employee handbook, or call your manager and ask for group survey days, where employees can break into groups and clean out their parts of the "facilities" they work in. These group days are scheduled once a month, but more can be scheduled if the situation calls for it. Please contact your manager for more details.
If there is an issue between you and your coworker regarding work practices that lead to disorganization, it can disrupt the working environment and halt the flow of our operations. That's why it's important to refer again to our employee handbook. More specifically, refer to the FREE solution.
FREE stands for:
Fix the problem: try to fix the problem, individually and without your coworker's influence. Immediately attempting problem solving with your coworker will only heighten tensions.
Reframe your minds: individually, you and your coworker try and rethink the problem. Immediately trying to rethink the problem together will only drive tensions to a boil.
Explain your positions: if individually a solution can't be found, you and your coworker meet—preferrably outside of the workplace so that company time isn't wasted—and try and come to a solution.
Examine faults: If no solution has worked, reframe your mind yet again and try and see what went wrong. Repeat the FREE model until solution is found.
In conclusion, organization is important, and it is important that organization is a commonly understood topic when working for PERDIS. From us at PERDIS to your screens, we hope you've found this lecture to be informational, and we hope to see you again soon.
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Start audio. Hello, my name is Emery Sawyer, and I am 57 years old. I was born in Kentucky, raised by my fathers. I have a confession to make: I'm not a happy man. Over the 57 years I've lived on this planet I've been shot, stabbed, choked, belted, laughed at, scorned, spit at, mocked by words, and went through indescribable things, things no human should ever be subjected to, and for the 23 years I have left in me, I want to go after my tormentors and one by one, put them through the same pain they put me through all those years ago. To put it simply, my life is not easy, and I want revenge. For every tormented scream, for every tear they drew from my face, for every drop of blood, they will be paid back. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. They will bleed, scream, cry, beg, mourn, grovel, and apologize in a futile attempt to stop their deaths, but this won't work. It will only prolong their suffering. Suffering: the price that had to be paid to keep my family safe from those who sought to hurt us, and now the price those who sought to hurt us had to pay. In ten years I will be called the bad guy. I will be called the villain. I will be antagonized. But when some random passerby finds this recording, they will know I tried. I tried to be the good man. I tried to not stoop to their level. To whoever should discover this recording, whoever should find this tape, wherever it ends up, if it even ends up anywhere, I want you to know I'm not the bad guy. I let the real bad people inflict all of their pain onto me, and that still wasn't enough to stop them from killing everyone I love. The suffering I let them put me through still wasn't enough for them to spare my family, my friends. The moment I got out of their prison, I fell onto the roadside, crumpled to my knees, and mourned until the Sun fell. Then I thought, if I can't have those who loved me, they shouldn't either. Now this is my mission: take the lives of those closest to the ones who made me suffer, then take the lives of my tormentors, those who held me captive, those who limited me, those who did me wrong, those who did me dirty. If shedding others' blood in the name of those you love is revenge, then let me taste vengeance over and over. Let me bask in vengeance, and let me feel it rush through my veins. Revenge was a last resort. Then it became a necessity. Now it has become an addiction. Vengeance is my food and drink. I need it to survive. So I'm sorry to the innocents whose lives were snatched away at the expense of my need for revenge. If you're one of the innocents unlucky enough to be my target, look around you. You live with bastards. Your friends, your family: they made me do this. To those unlucky few innocents who were in my path, and to those who might be in my path down the road, know this: every man and woman who lives with a murderer deserves an apology, but no man or woman who lives with a murderer is innocent. Goodbye, and good luck. End audio.
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Functions of the Body Post-Mortem: Discoveries on the Configuration of the Human Mind 1998-12-16 Jay Bob Henrichs
Your brain is the powerhouse of your body, controlling everything, like how you see, hear, taste, smell, feel, and process life. Commonly, it is believed that after your brain dies, your body can no longer function. However, my studies have shown that your brain can survive long after death with a patent-pending process known as Artificial Cognition Surgery ("ARCO Surgery" or "ACS.") This surgery stems from the idea that the brain is not necessary for human function, however it is necessary for the human to function properly.
This is untrue, however, as we've proven in our labs that through ACS, which removes your brain and replaces it with a temporary organ granting you certain abilities (the specifics of which have been removed as per request by my professor.) Soon thereafter, the body is put through a type of exposure therapy, where it soon learns to function without the brain, and the temporary organ is removed, leaving in the place of the brain: more blood vein growths running in and out of the skull, and improvements on the five senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. Again, since the brain is gone, replaced by more channels for blood flow, blood can move faster through the body, allowing for more agility and quicker reaction times.
One might question how a body without a brain would think. Our class, class A671-kB09t, is proud to say that the body is able to, instead of processing information and transmitting it theoughout the body through the brain, process info on its own, because the eyes and ears are now directly fused to the bloodstream. Our class has created more efficient humans, and we hope to popularize this surgery, and start a trend of newer, more perfect humans worldwide. The PERDIS Uni Online Class# A671-kB09t of 2026 is proud to report that brain removal is possible and, as per our studies, can save lives.
However, we have to be fully honest. Patients subject to this surgery have become terrifying. They've become more prone to diseases, as with the removal of the brain, these diseases cannot be fought off easily, as their brain is not there to detect these diseases. They're more prone to cardiac arrests and heart disease, and what's worried me the most is that they're without morals. They'll stab, shoot, and kick; and punch, and shriek and groan and yell; and bite, and scratch, and pull and tear apart anything in their way; whatever makes them satisfied, whatever quenches their thirst, whatever eases them until they become hungry again precedes the need of any man with a brain, and I'm afraid this could make them dangerous.
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My name's Doctor Ensage Talls; I'm a psychiatrist working for PERDIS. Recently I've visited my patient (whose statistics and health growth you can see below, and I'm getting worried, honestly. I think his mental health is rapidly declining, and he's crossed the line of safety. I'm not sure if this report will ever be seen by anyone, because only the state governor and the head of our institution can check these reports off to be seen, and until then, only they can see them. Hopefully, someone does see these.
My patient's name is Joseph McCawley, but he claims that amongst his friends, he goes by "Anti." Joseph seems to have discovered a curtle: which he says is a passageway between two earths, relying on the use of a black hole. These curtles, he claims, are disguised as altars, usually hidden in churches. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or not, but I'll leave it to whomever should read this report to find out.
He's said, and I quote, "I wanna go home... back to my family... send me back... send me back..." Usually, people diagnosed with Multi-Reality Confusion Misconcept (MRCM) like to brag about what they have in their supposed reality, but this... this seems genuine. I can't express enough how much I worry for this patient. He also claims he wrote this universe and he "knows" I'm going to die on my way home from work, and the file will get leaked afterwards, but who knows?
Either way, I'm hoping he makes a steady recovery. To whoever reads this file, good luck.
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Reality Misperception and Misinterpretation Disorder
Disease Patent Number: 7892 54 6835 09 6726 894
Description: A disease that causes misperception and misinterpretation of events in reality, affects the neurons that are involved in memory; not necessarily hallucinations, and can sometimes involve but not always include the following other effects besides the misperceptions: memory loss, headaches, stuttering.
• Reality Exposure Therapy
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Patient #6825962572
Patient Patent Code (PPC): 5k-7NH268-891jB
Patient Name: Jannie Mackinson
Sex: Female
Age: 70
Diagnoses (if any): Supernatural delusions
Side Effects: rambling about the Underworld, claiming to have seen demons, shaking and screaming; patient claims they'll go to Hell, and that there's "nothing that can save them."
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Scyllum Phyllis
Scyllum Phyllis is a genetic disease (exo genes detesta) being developed by Claire & Alexander's, a science corporation owned by scientist Brandy Hughsonnes. He believes this will modify the genetics of a human, adding more properties of a lizard. We are yet to learn more, as Claire & Alexander's went defunct. Some propose, however, that Hughsonnes is developing this further on his own. We are yet to see the outcome, though.
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PERDIS Somnology 1.1 (Course 1 Lecture 2 (Audio Recording))
[PROF WENDISON] Qui-quiet down class. I SAID PIPE DOWN. (students' discussion goes to a murmur) Okay class. We'll be continuing the lesson on Somnology. Now, (coughing) please take out your Somnology textbooks and flip to (clears throat) section twelve (students groan.) C-calm down class. We're nearing the end of this unit. We just have a couple more things to cover, including "Somnus perplexia." Does anybody have any idea what that is?
[STUDENT HARRIS] M-may I pipe up? I don't want to get in trouble this time sir—I promise!"
[PROF WENDISON] Yes you may. Speak up please. You're at the back of the class in a college room (student laughter.) I can't hear you.
[STUDENT HARRIS] Well sir, Somnus perplexia is a case where strange cases do not fit mental, physical, or spiritual hallucinations.
[PROF WENDISON] Exactly. Somnology is the study, if you don't recall, of the mental, physical, and spiritual hallucinations: mentis, corporalis, and anima. These are the three domains of the psyche, and if you forgot, we will go back over them, starting with the spiritual. Now, for the anima, these hallucinations, if you recall, are caused by animemata, a change in the spiritual balance each and every human has. If you are confused about this, please refer to the dictionary at the back of each of those textbooks, as well as the one on the online textbook. Now, for mentis and corporalis, we also have balances in those. Sanitas for physical, and bene esse for mental. Write these down in your notes please.
[STUDENT HARRIS] Write in our notebooks? Write this in your—(inaudible)—and go to a retirement home! (students laugh)
[PROF WENDISON] That's enough. If you cannot handle being in my class, you will leave and or meet with your guidance counselor. Leave. Leave now (student Harris leaves.) Okay, now that he's gone... refer back to—(long, inaudible instruction)—your homework is to have this done by tomorrow. Got it?
[WHOLE CLASSROOM] (agreeing noises)
[PROF WENDISON] Good. Have that done by tomorrow. And by the way, the bell doesn't dismiss you. I do. (bell ringing) Alright that's the lecture have a wonderful day folks! (coughing) Bye Chris! Bye Lucy! Hey Tim, see you tomorrow, alright? And don't be late next time. Bye Jeffrey, get it done. Hey Solomon don't stay behind, get moving. Haha.
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A statement on the incident that happened just a month ago, which forced this company to temporarily stop hiring and all the factories to be closed down for refurbishment, is impertinent for our public relations. What happened that day is unfortunate. It is always a tragedy when a beautiful life is taken from us. Even more sadly, however, is the fact that people seem to misinterpret what happened on that day.
Security footage released by the manager of that factory shows the man intentionally leaping into the machinery which eventually crushed him. Media masked this as us being irresponsible, claiming we had workplace hazards, when in reality, our factories are the safest of any to work in. This man was a suicidal maniac getting treatment at one of our mental facilities. We only let him work because he was poor.
Anything the media says is wrong. Do not believe their narratives.
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A message to all PERDIS employees: it is safe to return to the workspace. After a "maintenance issue" resulting in the fatal injury and brutal death of one of our employees, it is now safe to return to your workstations. Please contact James "Slingshot" Robinson for more information about workplace safety and hazards, and consult your local factory manager if you have any complaints.
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PERDIS Somnology 1.1 (Course 1 Lecture 1 (Audio Recording))
Editor's Note: This lecture was interrupted by a disruptive student. The student has been disposed of as necessary. As such, the teacher from Pryce West University will publish articles online instead of lectures to cover the topics from 1.1 to 1.9. Thank you for reading.
[WHOLE CLASSROOM] (inaudible chattering)
[PROF WENDISON] Hello, hello everyone! (inaudible) —seats. Find your seats. (coughing) Find your seats.
Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Now, who here knows what somnology is? (students interrupt) Yes, yes.
(inaudible) —yes, thank you. Somnology is the study of hallucinations in the scientific field. The word somnology comes from the Latin word for dream, and does anyone know what that is?
[PROF WENDISON] Correct! Yes, somnology is the study of hallucinations. There are three aspects of the human psyche. Physical, or corporalis, mental, or mentis, and spiritual, or anima. Therefore the subdivisions of somnology are corporology, mentology, and animology: the study of the physical hallucination, the mental hallucination, and spiritual hallucination. Can anyone tell me what physical and spiritual hallucinations are like?
Can anyone give examples? Does anyone know?
[WHOLE CLASSROOM] (inaudible discussion)
[STUDENT HARRIS] A physical hallucination is something you can touch, such as an object that feels different only because of physical reactions in the body. A spiritual hallucination is caused by a shift in the animemata levels in one's spirit.
[PROF WENDISON] Correct again! My boy, you are nailing this course!
[STUDENT HARRIS] That's funny—I was nailing Ms. Harris in the bedroom just hours earlier.
[PROF WENDISON] What the f**k did you just say b***h? You s**tting with me right now?
[STUDENT HARRIS] I said I was banging yur Wifey in the crib, hag.
[WHOLE CLASSROOM] (silent giggling)
[PROF WENDISON] (runs over and slaps Student Harris, returns to professor's desk)
[STUDENT HARRIS] Slapped me and left a mark harder than the (inaudible) I put in your wife.
[WHOLE CLASSROOM] (jeering, mocking laughter)
[PROF WENDISON] How about you keep my wife's name out your f**king mouth?
[STUDENT HARRIS] I can keep her name out of my mouth but her—(inaudible)—yeah, I can't keep my mouth away from those, hoh hoh, those...
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Perceptive Distortion associates only with itself and GRAIN. Man's Grudge is not a PERDIS ally. We wholeheartedly support the protection of wildlife, and have funded many charities, which the CEO of Man's Grudge allegedly hasn't.
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Furry Psychosis
Description: Furry Psychosis is a disease where one associates themselves with a community/fanbase known as "furries."
•One calls themself a "furry" and puts on a costume.
•One dances around in said costume and attends furry-conventions.
•One writes "fanfiction" about themselves and frequently posts it.
•Anti-Werwolf Cure
• PERDIS Therapy
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-- -.-- / -. .- -- . / .. ... / .-.. .- -- --- -. - . / -.. --- ..-. ..-. .- .. -. .-.-.- / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... / .. ... --..-- / .. .----. -- / -. --- - / -.. . .- -.. .-.-.- / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... / .. ... --..-- / .. .----. -- / .- .-.. .. ...- . --..-- / .-.. --- -.-. -.- . -.. / .- .-- .- -.-- / .. -. / .-. .. -.. .-.. . -.-- .----. ... / -... .- ... . -- . -. - .-.-.- / -... ..- - --..-- / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.-. --- -- . / .-. . ... -.-. ..- . / -- . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / - --- --- / -.. .- -. --. . .-. --- ..- ... / --- ..-. / .- / .-. .. ... -.- / - --- / - .- -.- . .-.-.- / .. - .----. .-.. .-.. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / -... . / .- -. --- - .... . .-. / .-.. .. ..-. . / .-.. --- ... - / - --- / .... .. ... / - -.-- .-. .- -. -. -.-- .-.-.- / .-. ..- -. .-.-.- / .-. ..- -. / .- ... / ..-. .- .-. / .- .-- .- -.-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / .--. . .-. -.. .. ... / .- ... / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . -. .----. - / .-- .... --- / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. -. -.- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- --..-- / - .... --- ..- --. .... --..-- / .. ..-. / .. - / .. ... / - --- --- / .-.. .- - . .-.-.- / ... .- .-.. ..- - --..-- / -- --- -. / .- -- .. ... --..-- / .--. --- ..- .-. / -.-. .----. . ... - / ..-. .. -. .-.-.-
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Dear public,
we, or rather, one of our employees, "accidentally" released a file which was supposed to remain secret. The issue has been resolved and the employee was quickly taken care of. We would like to apologize if the file in question, which was encoded in morse, caused some mental disturbance in any of our followers. If any of you feel mentally shaken after reading the post, contact a PERDIS psychiatrist to be diagnosed and treated immediately.
In retrospect, we have realized that our security is weak. Therefore, if you wish to join us, you must provide us with your GRAIN ID badge and card, and VISA/passport; as well as other important. information regarding who you are such as your sex/race/gender. Again, we are deeply sorry, and are taking steps to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future.
Ridley Pryce
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