Percy and Annabeth are perfect for each other bc Annabeth's plans are so smart yet so stupid, and Percys plans are so stupid yet so smart.
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random pre-school mom: you are such a good dad, picking your son up from school so often
percy: well, my wife and i switch off depending on our schedules. she’s here the other half of the time
random pre-school mom: that’s so generous of you!
percy, confused: uh, why? i’m his dad
random pre-school mom: it’s just so selfless! oh and your little boy is absolutely adorable. he’s the most precious thing i’ve ever seen!
percy: thanks, he looks a lot like his mom
random pre-school mom: but clearly those eyes come from you
percy: well, yeah. i mean, i am his dad
random pre-school mom, flustered: um, well, are you coming to parents night? i can show you around so you know where to go?
percy: my wife and i will be there, and we’ll figure it out. thanks though
random pre-school mom: *weird fake smiling*
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians is 🔥
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@pscentral​​ event 28: throwback
↳ percy jackson and the lightning thief being a 2010 period piece
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some sketches
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i think about pre relationship percabeth all the time like what do you mean she could sense he was in danger despite knowing he was almost invincible. what do you mean she took a knife to the back for him despite not knowing that's his achilles spot. what do you mean he stopped everyone around him from fighting during a final battle in a war to get her to safety. what do you mean he showed her the one spot in his body that wasn't invincible and when she touched it he felt electricity down his spine. WHAT DO YOU MEAN
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Tired of “oh Percy would be a marine biologist” “oh Percy would be a teacher” that man is a stay at home dad. And I mean that.
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If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 26 (Babysitting)
Artemis, entering: Apollo, where is- Who is that?
Apollo, holding baby Nico: Hm? Him? Oh, this is Uncle Hades' son. His name is Nico. He's squishy
Artemis: Well, he is adorable *approaches*
Apollo: *turning away* Hey, back off. He's my squishy. Get your own.
Bianca: *tugs on Artemis' clothes*
Artemis: *looks down* Oh...well hello there. *picks her up* What's your name?
Bianca: Uncle, look! I found a seashell!
Poseidon: Oh, that's a pretty one, Bianca. It's shiny, too.
Bianca: Can I keep it?
Poseidon: Of course
Nico, pulling Poseidon's arm: Uncle Popo! Uncle Popo!
Poseidon: Woah. Slow down there, Nico. What's wrong?
Nico: Look! *shows baby turtles crawling to the sea*
Poseidon: Oh, look at that. They're going to the sea for the first time.
Nico: We have to help them! *tries to pick one up*
Poseidon: Uph! Not so fast, little one. We can't do that.
Nico: But-
Poseidon: They have to do it on their own. Or else they'll never learn how.
Bianca: AARRGH!
Ares: *sigh* C'mon. One more time
Bianca: I don't wanna anymore. This is stupid. >:(
Ares: Look, it's normal to fall on your first few times.
Bianca: But I've been practicing for months now.
Ares: Doesn't matter; you'll still fall. Doesn't matter how good you are. You'll still make mistakes. But if you want to be better than now, then you have to keep going. Understand?
Bianca: Yes, Mr. Ares.
Ares: Alright, c'mon. Stand up, dust yourself off, and let's perfect this dance.
Nico, playing with Hera's peacocks: Hehe, hehe. Pretty.
Hera: Who are you?
Nico: Hm?
Hera: How did you get in here?
Nico: I-I...
Hera: What are you doing in here?
Nico: ...the peacocks...
Hera: What?
Nico: The peacocks were hungry. So I gave them food. They took me in here.
Nico: I'm sorry, Ms. Hera.
Hera: *sigh then picks him up* You shouldn't be here, little one. Olympus is not a playground for you to wander on.
Nico: I'm sorry.
Hera: And it's very rude to enter someone's chambers without their permission.
Aphrodite, waking up: *looks in the mirror to see her hair full of flowers* What the-
Aphrodite: *looks back in her bed*
Nico: *sleeping with a basket of flowers on the side of the bed*
Bianca: Ms. Aphrodite
Aphrodite, braiding Bianca's hair: Yes, Bianca?
Bianca: What if I don't want to fall in love? Will you get mad at me?
Aphrodite: Of course not. Love isn't for everyone. Some people prefer to focus on other things like their work or something else.
Bianca: But...I don't wanna be lonely
Aphrodite: You don't have to be. Just because you don't want to fall in love with others doesn't mean they don't love you. And it wont always be a romantic kind of love.
Bianca: What do you mean?
Aphrodite: Hmm, you know how you love your brother very much? Well, that's a different kind of love. Or when you love your friends, that's also a different kind of love.
Bianca: So...you'd be okay if I never get a husband?
Aphrodite: Of course I would. You'd only be hurting yourself if you're forcing yourself to love someone you don't really love. *finishes braiding her hair* And, done!
Bianca, looks in the mirror: ...wow
Aphrodite: Do you like it?
Bianca: I love it...I look like mama
Nico: O-once...up-upon...a time... *trying to read Puss in Boots*
Athena: You're doing well, Nico.
Bianca, pointing to a word in her book: Ms. Athena, what does this word mean? Exqui-Exquisite?
Athena: It's an adjective. When something is exquisite, it means it looks beautiful.
Nico: Choo choo! Uncle Hepha! Can I play with choo choo?
Hephaestus: Sure, why not? Just don't touch it, okay? You'll hurt yourself.
Bianca: Uncle Hephaestus, can you please fix this? *shows him a trinket*
Hephaestus: What is it? *takes it*
Bianca: It was our mama's music box. When you open it, it should make a pretty sound and the people in the middle should dance around. But they stopped dancing.
Hephaestus: Alright. I'll try and fix it. But I can't guarantee you that I can
Hermes: Nico, we've run around 5 times already. You're gonna throw up at this point
Nico: No, I'm not.
Hermes: Yes, you are. That's enough running around.
Nico: Aww :(
Hermes: How about instead, we go and prank your Uncle Apollo? :D
Nico: YEA!
Hermes: What are we thinking? Cut the reigns on his chariot? Cover his chambers in tin foil? Shoot him in the butt?
Zeus: Ah! Hello, little ones. Why don't you come here and give your uncle Zeus a hug?
Zeus: Come on
Nico: *throws the dummy sword Zagreus gave him*
Bianca: *throws the dummy sword Achilles gave her*
Zeus: Ow!
Hades: ...good work, children! :D
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if we look at the original timeline (aka annabeth and percy being born in 1993) then 2009 was a big year for annabeth bcus not only did the battle of manhattan take place and she finally started dating percy, but also minecraft came out and i think that would be a big deal to her
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some little sketches and factoids for this pjo x atla au that’s been brewing in my brain for weeks now. lmk what other characters you want to see
also i should mention my story for this is original but i was inspired by @jiilll and their au here as well as @ awww.nutts’ au on instagram who were both posting first and you should definitely check theirs out to <3
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Gotta be honest, the popularity of blond Percy thanks to the pjo show is driving me insane because every time I see pjo fanart, I have a crisis over what little blond boy is being depicted
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Annabeth: Thalia we need to tell you something
Thalia: ok what is it
Percy: we're dating
Thalia: and this is News? I've known for the last 2 years
Annabeth: we got together a week ago?!??
Thalia: than what the fuck were you doing before???
Artemis, in the distance: language Thalia
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thinking about how annabeth’s entire core is to be remembered and to create something that is permanent and how percy lost all his memories and had no idea who he is but still remembered her. like what the actual fuck man
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i love how in heroes of olympus, there’s a boat full of couples (+leo☺️). and yet even if you didn’t know when each couple started dating, it’s so blatantly obvious that percy and annabeth have been together the longest, and are the most serious
cause frank and hazel are still pretty nervous/unsure with each other. they JUST started dating, and are so pure and adorable. they just haven’t quite figured out the romance part yet
and jason and piper have their moments, but they’re just so… distant. like not physically, of course, but they just don’t really seem to connect on a deep level. and they aren’t super affectionate, at least not physically or openly. piper is constantly unsure about where they’re at, and while jason has thoughts about how great piper is, he doesn’t openly show his feelings too often.
but percabeth? they’re the oldest in age (physically), have known each other the longest, and have been romantically committed to each other for the most time. they act like they’ve been together for eternity, which is funny since they were technically only dating for 4 months before percy got abducted. but they just have such a deep history together and such an intense connection. they’re in it for the long run. there’s no doubt or uncertainty - and it shows. like…annabeth is so wife girlfriend. there are so many funny/cute little moments, like her scolding him for putting too much syrup on his pancakes, and telling him to take a shower when he smells bad. and when percy suggests him and jason should go on a dangerous quest instead of annabeth and piper, instead of being like “omg he cares so much about me😍” (which hazel and piper would have done) annabeth is like “what seaweed brain?? you think two guys can do better than two girls??” and percy is immediately like “uh uh NO nope i definitely do NOT think that!!” he knows better. the immediate fear is so husband boyfriend of him. they simultaneously have the most disagreements (remember when percy called annabeth out when she thought she should navigate through rome alone, and basically called her stupid for thinking it was a good idea, and then they argued and had a face-off, which percy won) - while also being the most lovey dovey (they’re constantly putting their hands on each other - annabeth putting her hand on his chest to calm him down, putting their hands on each other’s arms for support, percy having his arm around her when they’re at the edge of the ship, always giving each other a kiss on the mouth or the cheek when they separate, etc). and they have no issues sneaking off in the middle of the night to do some talking and kissing. and quite frankly, making out in front of piper in BoO (remember that? when piper got super uncomfortable at how long their kiss was lasting, and then annabeth let out, and i quote, “grunt-whimpers”). they are just so natural and comfortable with each other. piper says it herself.
i just think it’s so funny. little frazel being adorable and blushing when they hold hands, jiper is happy to be dating but they’re also a little angsty and uncertain, and then there’s percabeth just being the old married couple they are. (and leo is being cute and fixing stuff)
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*At Camp Half-Blood*
Percy: I love my hot girlfriend and I like kissing her a lot and looking at her beautiful face lalalalala
*In Tartarus*
Percy: I will literally choke you with your own blood if you even think of touching my Annabeth
*At Camp Jupiter*
Percy: My girlfriend is so hot when she Judo flips me lalalalala
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they survived because aphrodite could not let this be their last words to each other
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zeus: your boy is out of control. he’s down there creating storms and tsunamis and causing mass chaos. i think you need to-
zeus: that’s not-
zeus: brother you need to-
poseidon: you’re just jealous.
poseidon: he’s wonderful.
zeus: he’s-
zeus: is he… doing the macarena?
poseidon: yes
poseidon: he likes to get on the nerves of his enemies. he also is physically incapable of staying serious for too long
poseidon: i’ve never loved one of my children this much
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