percytalia-rp · 11 years
Just a little update!
Chiara Vargas will be on a semi-hiatus for the next week. Mathew Whittaker will also be on a sinister hiatus.
Our resident Alfred is, unfortunately, leaving us! This means that our Alfred post is now open! 
Also leaving us is Juliette de Sinistre -- APH Monaco! 
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
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Holy Hades, guys! Cerberus is loose! He has chewed himself off his leash! And because the gods can’t come down from their high mightiness on Mount Olympus, it’s up to the following campers to wrangle this beast back into the Underworld.
Teams and Tasks
Veronique and Chiara - procure a chew toy (preferably three large bones so that the heads don’t have to share)
Mathew and Alfred - procure or make a leash (remember, this is a 20 or 30 foot tall hellhound with three heads. Plan accordingly) and then give it to Arthur and Katherine
Xuan and Matthew - procure or make a cage (can’t have Cerberus escaping the Underworld and terrorizing humans again, now can we?)
Arthur and Katherine - go find and capture Cerberus (don’t get killed) 
Toris, and Heracles - wash and feed Cerberus once he’s been found (Hades’s orders; he likes a clean dog)
Anya and Francis - Take the clean Cerberus into this cage at the entrance of Tartarus without letting him escape again (he has a tendency of doing that, doesn't he?) Please get the leash before getting him from Toris and Heracles.
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Hey Guys!
Just so we all know, there will be a quest posted overmorrow (Saturday, March 8th, 2014)! Please prepare accordingly.
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Mathew Whittaker || son of Tyche || 23
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
May I reserve 2p!Canada? Thank you!
2P!Canada will be on reserve until Tuesday, March 4th, 2014. 
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Anya Braginskaya | 23 | Daughter of Hephaestus
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
What about the members that don't have tasks yet?
All members who do not have a task should make open starters. There will be a new task pointed sometime before noon tomorrow. -- Mod H
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Toris Laurinaitis | 17 | Son of Apollo ((Dependant RP blog for Percytalia))
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Can I reserve Nyo France?
Nyo!France will be on reserve until Sunday, March 2, 2014!
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Nyo!Russia will be on reserve until Saturday, March 1, 2014!
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Matthew Williams - 18 - Son Of Nemesis
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Hey, I have a quick question: Are Face Claims required? I'm terrible at finding them and I really don't like using them for canon characters.
Face claims are required! Many canon characters -- like Monaco, for example -- have never appeared in the show/do not have certain reaction gifs or pictures available to them. If you are having trouble, all you have to do is simply ask a mod for assistance!-- Mod H.
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Arthur Kirkland || Son of Hecate || 22 || Dependent Blog
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Veronique Delorie | 19 | Daughter of Posiden 
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Dionysus is Sick
Everyone needs to collect ingredients in pairs... or at least, mostly. There will be one group of three. After careful consideration, the groups are; 
Daughter of Aphrodite, Juliette de Sinistre, and daughter of Eris, Chiara Vargas.
Son of Zeus, Francis Bonnefoy, daughter of Hades, Katherine Pierce, and daughter of Poseidon, Veronique Delorie. 
Daughter of Thanatos, Xuan Nguyen, and son of Zeus, Alfred F. Jones.  
You may not take any of these items from Chiron's personal stores -- you may not contact your mother or father. 
Items Needed -- 
One (1) feather from an owl -- Juliette and Chiara
Three (3) hairs from a horse of Poseidon -- Xuan and Alfred
One (1) ounce powder from a boar's tusk -- you may not kill this creature -- Xuan and Alfred
One (1) feather from an eagle -- you may not kill this creature -- Juliette and Chiara
Two (2) feathers from a dove -- you may not kill this creature -- Francis, Katherine, and Veronique
One (1) leaf from a laurel tree -- Xuan and Alfred
Three (3) pieces of fur from a deer -- you may not kill this creature -- Juliette and Chiara
Ten (10) sacred grapes from Dionysus' personal vineyard -- Xuan and Alfred
One (1) feather from a male peacock -- it must be real and you may not kill this creature -- Juliette and Chiara
Two (2) bushels of wheat -- Xuan and Alfred
One (1) scale from a snake on the Caudceus -- Francis, Katherine, and Veronique. 
One (1) metal spider from Hephaestus' forge -- Francis, Katherine, and Veronique. 
Three (3) coals from the fireplace in Hestia's temple -- located in the dining hall -- Francis, Katherine, and Veronique. 
Four (4) dog hairs from a hell hound -- Juliette and Chiara
Total number of tasks per team -- 
Juliette and Chiara -- 4
Francis, Katherine, and Veronique -- 4
Xuan and Alfred -- 5
Get busy, children.
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percytalia-rp · 11 years
Welcome to Camp Half - Blood! We are Officially Open!
Hello again Campers! The doors have opened to those of you that are just coming back from life in the real world. Although we are glad to see all of you, I'd kindly like to remind you all that we have revised the rules since you last came around (mostly because the people that live here can't listen). Please review them before getting too comfortable.
Welcome back to Camp Half Blood.
And below, a message from Mr. D. 
what the horse said.
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