perezliz13-blog · 8 years
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Map Story
1.       First day of summer that always meant the park would be packed the voices would be loud and also the surveillance would be high. After all we do like to keep everyone safe and want them only to have a great adventure here at Six Flags. O but on this way how the heat was extreme , I began to wonder if those rides were going to be too hot to even sit on….? They all after all a bunch of metal wrapped around from left to right front to back zing sag to zing sag to get everyone having fun.
2.       To me surprise as those theme park gates swung wide open the crowds forgot about the extreme heat and began to pack, water slides, roller coaster, food stands, ice cream stands, restrooms water founts. They packed it all it is as if they had been trapped behind those gates for days not just the morning before open.
3.       The “kiddy” rides as some would call them (which I will never understand why because they are equally scary) too had the crowds looped around the ride, now if parents were so willing to stand in line as well for the entertainment of their child I wondered why tragedies have happened still every year at the great adventurous six flags.
4.       Not to be somber or anything I do get to live in this great place at the peak of its time which causes me to see the some pretty great things , how the eyes of a young child who has been waiting to be tall enough to get on the high roller coaster lights up when he finally can , and the biggest high five he turns to give his dad every time  it never fails , or the tears friends wipe away from each other’s face as they are getting off the roller coaster that required them to gain all their brave defenses up those images are great too.  
5.       Maybe I enjoy these little monuments a bit more then the next guy because I know I will never personally experience them. I must be forgetting to mention that as beautiful as it is being stuck here is not what I wanted out of life. Being a spirit stuck in these adventures of life can be very unamusing.
6.       I dropped a stubble clue when I said tragedies happened because well one happened to me I have learned to make the best of it but some days are tough, birthdays especially   why do I not get to get older and make my own decisions in life it was my parents choice after all to introduce me to this adventures place.
7.       I still remember like it was yesterday my last day of living like a human not just a roaming soul
I had been counting down for week for this great trip that as about to be. Finally was going to be the kid that’s eyes would light up and would be ready to turn around and high five my dad when I was given the go ahead on getting on the tall roller coaster. Now I won’t be able to experience that or even being able to get a group of my friends to crowd the ice cream stand I am missing all of that.
8.       Maybe it is that I call the kiddy rides equally as scary as the bigger roller coaster because a kiddy ride is what took my chances at furthering in life. On another day that too had the sun shining bright and the crowds at its fullest, I was the one who had all the attention in the park. More popular than I ever imagined I could get, the talk of the park was not the biggest roller coaster but instead it was the biggest accident.
9.       I tried to wake up from it I really did but I simply couldn’t, the fall out of the ride caused my impendent death never really did I have a fighting chance. I knew the very moment I hit the ground it was other that no mothers tears and my fathers painful howling were not going to be enough to bring me back, that at the moment we had stopped being the all American family.
10.   I try not to “ live” bitterly and most days are good I enjoy the smell of the food stands even though I don’t eat I do pretend what the extra fried stuff might taste like or how the newest ice cream flavor might refresh me. Once in a while I get brave enough to go visit the kiddy places where I make new friends because parents just think their kids are talking to an imaginary friend, those never last too long though most families but one or two day park passes and if they came back the next year to visit most likely than not they have out grown their imaginary fiend days.
11.   Just learn to enjoy the crowds don’t complain too much about having to stand in line or wait an extra year to the reach the perfect height to reach the rides, with time it will all come together.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
"Video Games and Literature."
How and why do video games increasingly employ the tenets of literature?
As I explore articles and videos to become confident enough to have a debate about the topic I realized I cannot be convinced on the “positive “side of video games.
On this debate topic I have to say that saying that video games connect to literate in a positive way is not the first opinion I would choose to argue. As I watched Kellee Santiago give her TED talk on how video games are art I must disagree. She compared to football that like any other type of art it changes over time yet football is a sport rigorous one of that requires so much physical movement and strong character, not just entertainment. So enjoyment is what most find when playing video games not much else. What about when the gamers are removed from the fantasy setting that are video games and are not able to simple beat up a car driver to steal his automobile will they are enough self-control to let that person be? Or will they actually attack those people since their brain has been wired to think that it is okay for them to take part in those actions? Apparently there have already been children that cannot control their rage and actions when dealing with video games. As much as we all want for our favorite things in life to also be what is best for us, more often than not the outcome is the opposite. Our brains are meant to feel the most pleasure when it releases dopamine that lead us to be happy.
 Many tents of literate maybe employed by video games because it is something they do not fully connect with and want to learn and explore more about. Really I don’t see why a mind like that a literature who I fascinate with real life exploration would settle in those jobs. Instead of trying to find ways to defend video games and trying to make people believe it is an art that benefits anyone. Video games should be held to higher standards when it comes to them being distributed in the market. Now more than ever video games have become a huge part of today's economy. Something so large in today's world such as electronic video games should be taken up with more caution. That is why video games should come with a warning label to parents when buying these especially violent games for their children. It is highly important parents and any other consumer of these video games are aware of what they are buying because studies have been linked to aggressive behavior. A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology discovered that violent video games that require players to show and expose them to more violence. Are more aggressive than their opponents when it comes to playing more stabilized video games. Also with that further testing on the more specific game that I mention "Grand Theft Auto" to showed more aggressive behavior against opponents.
                                   (Journal of Experimental Social Psychology." Elsevier.)
Congress is trying to make sure all video game companies have the appropriate warning label on each of their games, so the consumer of the game is aware of what they are buying.   The bill has been introduced Joe Baca representative of New Mexico and Frank Wolf representative of Virginia. The bill they are introducing to try and stop this problem of young teens and children being influenced by video games to commit violent crimes. is bill; H.R. 4204 would affect any games rated “E” Everyone over the age ten years and ''T'' (Teen), ''M'' (Mature) or ''A” (Adult) by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.
                                                            (Video Games Scrutinized, New Bill Seeks "violent" Warning Labels. “Sinews. CBS Interactive, nod Web.)
If passed this bill is going to ensure that within 180 days all the video games on the market sent out by the Entertainment Software Rating Board who are in charge of ratings provide guidance about video games and apps. Are held accountable for what they are publishing on the cover of these violent video games. when visiting their website (ESRB Ratings." Age and Content Ratings for Video Games and Apps from ESRB. Nap., nod Web.). The rating company states they will “provide concise and objective information about the content in video games and apps so consumers, especially parents, can make informed choices.” Holding them up to these words and standard is very responsible on the consumer's behalf also.
  In order to ensure what that the rating of the video is accurate what the label is saying a parent should consume the game if they feel it is appropriate; but watch over their child at least the first couple of times that the child plays it. When observing the actions in the video game be sure the parent has read the warning label and have an idea of the content the video game is holding. This will also help eliminate false or in a more violet tolerant way. if the video game seems to have content that the parent and or any other consumer was warned about. Calling the Entertainment Software Ratings Board and making sure the consumer is realizing their false advertising.
  To avoid all this cautious questioning video games should be help for higher quality grading scales. Relating to the fact that how are video games permitted to be released for the amusement of young children if they are not truly tested on whether or not it will influence a Child's thought. It is like when a parent wishes to teach their child about money. They will put a five dollar in their hand and a twenty-dollar bill in the other hand. If the child chooses the twenty-dollar bill and can explain why he or she chose it (because twenty is more than five). that child is ready to learn how to save money and responsibly spend. The child is being held to a higher quality of thinking and is then rewarded. Video games should be the same. If a child cannot truly explain why the violent action are going on the video game and understands that they are negative, he or she should not be able to play. It is important a child can distinguish the true meaning of “good or bad” before they are expected to be socially responsible contributing adults to society Ensuring this is can be made by not exposing them to unnecessary vulgarity. We cannot want to find praise in something when it simply is not there. Video games might influence a child to be excited about something like waning to started at the television all day while playing, but they do not influence the appreciation that should be given to literature. All the arguments are show the negative outcomes of video games but yet again the employment of literature may also be caused by the same reason some attorneys that swore they would represent business in need and fight for the environment end up in corrupt offices, because it cost to live.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
character transformation
With the passing of a great role model an honor to him Muhammad Ail would be to look into his story. Muhammad Alit had a career of twenty one year’s to maintain you completive and relevant in any profession for twenty one years are an achievement. Especially when that career involves getting hits literally thrown at you, such as boxing does. All American Muhammad Ail was actually born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr in Kentucky, January of 1942. Starting his boxing career after being angered by a thief that stole his bike Ail quickly had a name for himself in boxing. Muhammad had no better supporter then himself before, during and after a fight. Many times he was looked at as the underdog in the match which only inspired him to proclaim himself as the greatest every time.  In his person life a beliefs Malcolm X is that inspired him to convert to Islam thus came his “stage” name of Muhammad Ali and not his birth name. This belief was not to his favor when the U.S forces became an aware that he refused to serve in the Vietnam War, causes him to be sentenced to jail for five years. 1970 is when Ali retuned tot the rig making as he would explain The Greatest Come, he wanted all to realize that he was far from over. His great legacy will forever live on.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
What is a story ? ....
A story is something interesting that could inspire a movement in someone else. Hearing or seeing the achievements of another person is phenomenal when being in a slump. Listening to the troubles that many of us have to overcome and maybe think that we are in it alone is disclaimed when a story is told.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day 10
Okay can I just be as badass as those women parachutes like yes the girl power! Fun fact as I do love to volunteer I feel that when it comes to military personal one can never do enough to thank them. Throughout the whole novel the action has been so full of detail these authors have really put our brains to work when it comes to painting the book in our minds. Envision the troopers outside the tents and in a certain formation it is all there. All the law aspect of the book just makes it more interesting to me every time I see a law reference I must look it up for accuracy one can never start studying our future profession too soon. Tonight the quote that ended the chapter has been my favorite. “May your striving today result in actionable and profitable outcomes” to be exact that as the quote. This spoke to me because I see the profitable part not as a currency but as a way for all of to remember that what we do should I pact others in a positive way.  Let us have the bigger interest in showing everyone that paying it forward is the way to go. Over all the pickle index got the best and a bit of the worst of me. The complaints I made just made me realize that leaving my comfort zone is not always fun but I will learn and knowledge cannot be taken.  
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Day Nine
Day nine feel like I should be watching a mash up of the most interesting times of the Pickle Index maybe the funniest part it or the craziest recipe and of course the cliff hanger of the story. As an avid watcher of Jane the Virgin a comical TV drama the series before the grand finally is always the best. This can be proven true as well with the novel so far. This not known is getting pretty fun I mean one can feel the chills. This pre finally is having my mind act up so many situations to end the story. I mean I learned pretty early on that I could never describe myself as a creative person. Even with the basics like starting a new grade in elementary school and having to decorate my name tag to me if I out all letter legible right in the center of the paper with a bright color was sufficient. Unlike other children who would do bubble letters and a different color each letter, o well though one cannot have all attributes of the most part. Problem solver yes I can put all the components of a problem together and have a solution that most will be happy with. This novel is getting all types of my emotions riled up the imagery in my head is through the roof. And the “What Ifs” are the worst.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day 8
Okay so obviously my last post shows us that my mind can feel overwhelmed when I start to not understand something. A bit about me I mean why not I have been blogging for about a whole week now more things have fallen apart before that. (Seriously I had a job last two days before I quit). My main goal to achieve in life is to hold a J.D in law and be a successful practicing attorney. I purposely say goal and not plan because as a great old saying explains tell God your plans and he’ll laugh. As much as I enjoy humor like the next person my future is not what I would like to have as a comedy central special.  In the novel we are reading about a triumph is someone’s life I mean going from one pint to another and then backwards in life sometimes but all in the sense that the dramas is what makes novel more suspenseful and edger to the reader. The novel doesn’t really cause me to complain because it pretty self explanatory you follow the story line and look up whatever word one, might be confused about. The other features of this application though are hitting a sensible part under my skin. I am a bit happier then I should that soon I will not have to keep feeling so confused with this application.  I thought what made it so different is that every day we had to wait for the story to have a new chapter posted. However there is a hardback book with the novel already in it. As much as I understand that everyone is different a printed version might work out better for someone else the online idea is not as exciting anymore and it seems like it is more for profit then being creative.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day 7
Okay so the Citizenship Quotient is apparently also has feature in the Pickle Index, it has come as another step backwards to me. WHAT is it?! Is it like the number of people that are on the application because if so yay for the founders their numbers are through his roof? I kind of doubt it though. It seems that when I click on the feature of citizenship quotient I connect with someone who has posted a recipe maybe and send it to me. Honestly I don’t know and as much as I love knowledge and to learn new things this part of it all is not clicking well. Or is it explaining the “real-life” part of the novel. My entrée to the Pickle Index right now will turn out to be vague because of my confusion. Like I have said before we need to be able to chat on this application. Never have I been afraid to ask for help but I don’t know how in this situation to understand everything.  
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickled Index Day 6
Alright so knowing how to accept ones failures has been one of the ingredients to the not so secret formula for growing in life and succeeding. I can proudly say that I have hit the nail on the head when it comes to accepting those failures. Gladly this time it was in a humors way. No huge life lesson will come from this mistake but a great story makes this well worth it. With the way politics are surrounding us in a negative way lately I have taken the opportunity to teacher others about my culture anyway I can. Coming from a Mexican background with immigrate parents certain political attacks have felt a bit too personal. In my option instead of just arguing and bickering with someone who has the wrong idea about anyone, showing them that we are more alike than not is always better. So, in my last Pickle Index post I purposed to myself and everyone else to join the book recipe bandwagon that comes with one side of the Pickle Index.  Well with trying to join this pickled recipe book I wanted to do it with my Mexican heritage involved.  A Mexican recipe that had pickles as their main in ingredient would be fantastic in this situation so I believed. Well as much as the world wide net has to offer a Mexican recipe that had pickles as their main ingredient was not to my finding. The closest I got to any recipe had nothing to do with pickles it just involved picking carrots in a jar. My frustration did not even flourish It was just so funny to me that even though Countries can be so close they are worlds different in something like food. In American pickles diced and whole are in a lot of food yet Mexico has yet to be amused by them.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day Cinco (5)
Today I was looking into the application of the Pickle Index in a more detailed manner. Just because I feel like it might have more to offer I am just not looking in the correct places. I mean no secret honestly to any more that truly knows me but as much as my generation thrives on new technology for me it goes in one ear and out the other. I have more stories about how a technological advancement has failed for me more than gotten me excited to try something new. An example of that is even with just my cell phone that we all use every day. I wanted to jump right into high waters I remember and got an iphone. Rookie mistake not to self: do not buy the most complicated phone. Well my screen was acting up and I swore restarting my phone and that deleting everything would be the solution. Of course that was not the issue. The application has been confusing for me because I was not fully wrapping myself around the whole idea of it just like my phone. Like literally was it this just a book a comedy site? Well while snooping around the sight I did get out of it that legally I too should join the process for writing my own recipe. Of course the legality of this probably has as much leverage as those DO Not Remove tags from buying a new pillow. Never the less it is there so let’s see if I can come up with a recipe.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day 4
I feel like I have been going in circles when it comes to the Pickle Index.  Yes for the most part the Application has been funny because of all the different ideas that have been offered by it. The O so very different recipes that I have said before sound fun to try. Maybe only to those who like pickles or pregnant women they do have the tendency to have the craziest of foodie ideas. Trust me my aunts “midnight” pregnancy snack would consist of about everything in her fridge put together and then still she had room to search the cabinets. And I cannot forget those pintrest Do it yourself recipes she had convinced herself she had mastered but really only interested her taste buds. Still the videos of people gathered around enjoying pickles still give me a good laugh. It is so great how they use the literally image in the videos. Not like most that choose a creative name to catch the user’s attention then don’t really use the title anymore. Most applications have more to offer as much popularity as the application seems to be receiving the designers could maybe add a feature for more feedback to be offered.  If a feedback kind of chat option between users maybe was offered the entertainment would be better. Since we do all have to keep up with the Ten day novel day by day. Just like when watching a TV show and having to wait week by week that really gets people going into starting a great conversation because all interest are the same. What could happen next? Being on edge really bring people together and talking.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index Day 3
Day 3:
Still loving the fact that the recipes in the Pickle Index are actually a thing and have a cute back story to them. Talking about their grandmas and so on really makes the blog come to life. Requesting recipes and such is something I am continuing on doing.  The ten-day novel has slowed down a bit but still is keeping me interested because the climax of the story could be around the corner. Not being able to just skip ahead in the novel is still something to get used to. I am honestly say that when I can know he end of a story I go for it. Not that I don’t appreciate the authors time and story line but my nerves of wanted to skip ahead get the best of me. This is probably the top reason I haven’t made a trip to the movie theater in quite some time. Why wait for all the sometimes boring story line to happen when I can skip ahead? Still the ten-day novel is teaching me to appreciate the details in the novel and not zoom across some sentences. Since I do not want to be confused in any chapter due to the fact that there’s no going back really I am paying extra attention to everything.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index 2
Day two:
Although still getting a bit tangled up with all the features The Pickle Index is offering logging into it for the second time has been better. The story being displayed “We Got Him” has been very entertaining while I read about the missions the rangers are facing I have like a whole picture movie going on in my head. Just being able to image the sights of what they see and the nosiness they are listing to and enduring. That is when a novel is the greatest when all of it can come to real life in one’s head while reading it. Also being able to wonder off to a whole different part of the site makes The Pickle Index easy to want to be on. This type pf blog is clearly not just about getting us to read “some” novel but rather to keep everyone enjoying the novel connected. With recipes available to anyone who is willing to try something very new. I myself have actually looked into a couple recipes since like I mentioned before I enjoy to cook. Having a Q & A part of the website always makes it so unique it is not every day you can read a good novel then go just ask for advice afterwards. Like a saw happen on the Pickle Index where another subscriber asked if the website did constant publications to the site indeed of daily. His question was answered and that is great to know that someone is really keeping up with the blog for everyone to be inspired in some way by it.
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perezliz13-blog · 8 years
Pickle Index day 1
The One:
The Pickle Index first of all sounded great from the beginning because of my just the title I mean yes to anything pickled.  It truly helps us realizes that even though it has been said multiple times to never judge a book by the its cover, the title of a novel can sometimes make or break it. Now from actually downloading they Pickle Index and open in it much confusion was brought to me. I saw a videos of just what it seemed to me as a gathering of friends all literally enjoying pickles. In different forms though to my surprise. As much as I enjoy cooking form my family and fiends. I usually stick to making full on meals that might require many different ingredients, not just spicing up a pickle. That is exactly what I saw in the videos of the friendly gathering the pickles the people enjoyed were being enjoyed in a very creative manner and with many different toppings. Never would I of thought of putting any type of dressing on pickles. Although the more I explore with the application/website the more the introductory video started to make sense. This novel I knew would be different because it is a 10-day novel kind of like a telenovela (soap opera) that everyday a new chapter is added, but this was more than a story line. The pickled index to my surprise shares the most up to date new and recipes. It may be what we need in cultures now to spice up the world of reading to make it as popular as possible again.
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