“It’s the Ten Credit Commandments”
Not exactly the title of one of the most prolific songs recorded by the Notorious B.I.G, but nevertheless key commands that you should follow in knowing/understanding/controlling credit.  With credit, opportunities are endless.  
Without further ado, here are the Ten Credit Commandments (according to B. Folks)
Know your FICO Score - Equifax, Transunion, and Experian all can report differently.  However, it’s important to know your numbers.  Look at it from this perspective:  People find other people attractive due to looks, brains, body, mental stimulation, etc.  Banks find you attractive by your credit score.  So make sure your credit score is attractive!
Cash is not king, credit is - Consumer credit and business credit are two different things.  As Roger stated in “Training Day”, you figure that out and you figure the streets out.
There is no 3 strike rule with credit - it can ALWAYS be restored, repaired, and rebuilt.  So take chances!  As Jay Morrison said, “There is no need to die with a dope credit score.”
Understand how credit can be improved - On time payments, types of credit established, credit utilization.  
Be a deadbeat - Google “deadbeat and credit.”  I’ll let you fill in the rest...........
The power in being an authorized user - Credit piggybacking/inheriting credit history is powerful.  Great way to set your kids up for success!
Keep it simple and organized - “When I say DISCI, you say PLINE.”  DISCI............  PLINE  DISCI............... PLINE
APR - Please understand what variable means on any running balance
Sight vs. Vision - Having/spending money means you are moving by sight.  Having/spending credit means you are moving with vision.
Take off your financial blindfolds - The biggest trick that the 1% ever pulled was to make people believe that they use THEIR cash to build and maintain THEIR wealth.
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Overcoming Paralysis by Analysis on Y.P.T.G (3 Steps)
Your Path to Greatness......................
Success is literally right on the other side of discomfort, heartache, and pain.  On the other side of life’s brick wall is freedom.  However, our 1st step is to figure out how to climb out of our current mental conditioning.  
The Reality:  Ideas (most of the time) never materialize to anything more than just that............... Ideas
Paralysis by Analysis is by far the #1 dream killer.  Here’s the usual set up:
Wonderful idea pops in your head
People that you love and trust give you pros and cons
You start thinking of a business route/plan
You start thinking of the money that it will take to make your dream a reality
You get discouraged because maybe you don’t have the money/resources
You put your idea on the shelf to “grind” doing something else
You lose momentum and focus
Matter of time before you get “another idea” and repeat the aforementioned process over and over
However, you don’t have to let paralysis by analysis kill your dreams, goals, and mindset.  I have 3 ideas that can free you from the grips of paralysis and operating in a dream that is outside in the car waiting for you to drive off in.
Jump Into the Deep End of the Business Pool
One of my best friends joined the Marine Corps back in 2004.  He let me know that in basic training in Parris Island, all of the new recruits were taken on a boat far out into the waters.  Once out there, everyone was pushed off into the waters whether they could swim or not.  Pretty much, you had one choice:  Swim and survive OR get saved and pushed in again until you learned.  We have to take that approach in the business pool.  Don’t have all the ideas mapped out?  Jump in anyway and figure it out.  Don’t have the money and resources?  Jump in and learn on the way to getting the resources?  People don’t believe in you?  Jump in anyway.  People didn’t believe Jesus and He was raising people from the dead IN FRONT OF THEM.  Achieving your dreams is all about believing that you are worth the risk.  And also, it’s key to realize that you never lose in this game.  There is winning and there is learning.  Most of the time, these two happen independently of each of other.  But the good news is that both happen.  However, you have to jump in.  Life changing things happen when your life is on the line and you are forced to fight for survival.  
You wanna know what's more important than throwin' away money at a strip club? Credit You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it
Jay-Z dropped the best 2 bars in the history of the rap game in “The Story of OJ”, but you may have missed it if you were not financially paying attention.  If you judge wealth by “having money”, then you will forever miss the opportunity boat.  Credit is the #1 asset to establishing wealth.  Your credit is literally a jet pack that can launch you from living paycheck to paycheck into financial stardom immediately.  If you want to be successful, then establish and maintain credit.  
Know Your Why
And if your why is having/making more money, then you will not be successful.  Money is not a concrete thing.  Our Treasury Department literally makes money appear out of thin air.  Having more money isn’t a why because it’s not a sustainable motivator.  Let me explain by giving this example:
Goal:  You want to lose weight
Why:  You want to fit into that dress/tuxedo for your 20 year high school reunion
Goal:  You want to lose weight
Why:  Your family has a history of diabetes and you want to be healthy to have a long life with your husband/wife and children
Which scenario gives you more motivation to lose weight?  Which scenario changes your mindset short-term AND long-term?
Set strong “whys” and don’t change them.  Mental focus, clarity, and vision are key. 
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3 Lessons I Would Teach My Younger Self
1.  Own and operate multiple businesses - Be an Entrepreneur    
When I was 18, there were tons of business opportunities that I thought about doing.  Literally, I had idea after idea after idea of how to make money.  However, with every idea came a fear that this plan may not work.  Throw in paralysis by analysis and I literally never started anything.  I was fearless yet fearful of every little thing.  The 1st thing that I would teach my younger self is to go for it.  I literally had nothing stopping me.  If you are to take risk, do it when you are young.  At that time, I was smart enough to run my own business and dumb enough to literally consider doing anything that was financially sound.
So to my younger self - Become a business owner.  There are some things that college can’t teach you.
2. Buy a house or a town-home instead of staying on campus or renting
One of the most amazing experiences that I went through in undergrad was staying on campus.  The stories that I have can literally occupy MULTIPLE blog sites, but nonetheless the dorms are where the action happens.  However, now that I am older I realize that I missed out.  From 2003-2012, I stayed in a housing development that I didn’t own.  Let me repeat:  I paid EVERY YEAR a large sum of money to stay somewhere that I didn’t own.  Let that sink in for a sec.  Knowing what I know now as it relates to real estate, you are always paying a mortgage.  Either your paying your mortgage or someone else’s.  Had I bought a town-home then, I could have:
Lived there throughout my undergrad years
Built up equity
Owned real estate
Been able to sell or rent after graduation
So to my younger self - Buy a home.  Put money into a piggy house rather than a piggy bank.
3. Invest in stocks
Every day, consumers consume.  Every day, people buy.  People buy when they have money.  People buy when they DON’T HAVE MONEY.  But, people buy stuff.  The easiest way that I can teach stocks is in this format:  Everyone has bought stocks in some fashion.  The question is have you allowed that consumable item to bring you money back.  I used to work at Champs Sports for roughly 14 months.  Back then, I had an employee discount that allowed me to purchase shoes with 30% off.  Sometimes, we had 50% discounts!  At that time, I probably bought 3 pairs of shoes a month.  So all in all, I bought 42 pairs of sneakers.  I thought that was cool.  Let’s just say that each shoe was $70.  I invested $2,940 in shoes that gave me no return in monetary value.  As of 2008, Nike stock price was $14/share.  Even if we assume that was the price in 2004, I could have purchased roughly 175 shares of Nike stock.  Assuming I didn’t purchase anymore stock in Nike, I would have 175 shares of Nike.  As of Friday, Nike shares were $77.58.  Let’s just say I bought 100 shares a year since then.  I don’t have to calculate the math for you to say that I would be independently rich based on 1 stock.  A stock that I understand, know, and purchase every year in the form of sneakers.
So to my younger self - Buy stocks.  You already do, just make sure that you do it in the stock market rather than the marketplace.     
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5 Things that Everyone Should Buy!
1. Buy A Home - You can buy a home!  You can afford a home!  Let me repeat:
Now, I know that you may be thinking................
My credit is jacked up
What if I don’t want to live there forever and I want to move
Renting provides comfort without a “commitment”
I don’t make enough
Something else not listed above
What if I told you all that you have been thinking of home-buying from the wrong lens.  Think of it this way:  whether you are renting or buying, you are paying a mortgage of some sort.  The question is whose mortgage are you paying?  Plus, you can’t sell your apartment when you want to leave for profit.  However, you can either sell or rent the property you own.
2. Buy Homes - Once you do #1, you’ll find that purchasing other homes are much easier than you think.  Look around your neighborhood.  Now imagine that same look around in EVERY STATE.  There are plenty of homes at plenty of prices to invest in.  Imagine the blessing you can be to someone they need a place to stay and you have multiple properties.  You can do it!
3. Buy Stocks - The stock market has averaged returns of 9%-12% since its inception!  That’s including 2 stock market crashes, multiple recessions, and multiple financial crises!  Also, buying stocks is much easier than you think.  To simplify it, think of a product that you a lot of.  Let’s take Air Jordans for this example.  The average price of Air Jordans are $200.  Now, let’s say you brought 5 pair in a year.  You spent $1000 on Jordans.  As of today, Nike stock price is $77.69/share.  For that same $1000, you can buy 10+ shares of Nike and then make money on EVERYONE else who PURCHASES A NIKE SHOE period!
4. Buy Time - How Sway?  By continuing to learn and learn skills is how you buy time.  Have you ever heard of the phrase “time is money”?  Well, by learning new information you just bought time.  That time invested into learning a new craft can then be traded for dollars.  So the more time you buy learning/reading/studying something, the more......................
5.  Buy peace of mind - Everyday, something can happen that can jeopardize a main source of income.  I cannot stress to you the importance of having an emergency fund.  Having an emergency fund is not always a fund needed for “when bad stuff happens.”  Having a funded emergency fund allows for you to potentially tap into your creative juices without having to run and find another job immediately.  Who knows?  Maybe your creative juices lead to something you would have never imagined?
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Be Encouraged!
A very good friend of mine that I have known for quite some time now shared this story with me.  It’s a somewhat well-known story that will tie into my main point.  Without further ado...........
There was a man jogging through his neighborhood.  The man has been jogging systematically for about 1 week now and has witnessed the same atrocious occurrence for 7 days straight.  Over the past 7 days on his jogging route, the man continues to jog past a house where outside of that home is a homeowner and a dog that belongs to that said homeowner sitting on the porch.  The man jogging passes by this particular home every day around the same time and the same occurrence has continued to happen.  While the homeowner is sitting on the porch, the homeowner’s dog is whimpering in pain.
Day 8 - The same
Day 9 - The same
Day 10 - You’ve guessed it!  The same!
Day 11 - Finally, the jogging man has had enough and decides to go and say something to the homeowner about the blatant neglect and abuse that he is allowing his dog to go through.
As the jogger approaches the home, sure enough it’s the same site that he’s seen for the last week and some change.  The jogger musters the courage and walks right up to the homeowner and says, “You must have some nerve allowing your dog to sit right beside you in pain and you do nothing about it.”
Quite puzzled, the homeowner responded back to the jogger “my dog has chosen to sit on a nail.”
Here’s the moral of the story:  Sometimes throughout life, our actions resemble the actions of the dog in this story.
Disclaimer:  I am not calling anyone a dog by no means literally! 
However, let this story sink in for a minute.  The dog was whimpering in excruciating pain.  To the outside eye, SOMETHING of magnitude had to have happened to the dog for it to be in its predicament.  But overall, the dog was the one that made the cyclical choice and put themselves in that position.  The dog CHOSE to sit on the nail.  
However, there is a simple answer that can happen at any time for the dog and for us respectively.  And that is for the dog (us) to simply “GET UP & MOVE.”
A lot of times, people showcase lots of potential energy.  But, fail to turn that potential energy into kinetic energy.  Potential energy is defined as the amount of energy stored in an object at rest.  Kinetic energy is that same energy that was stored is now in motion.  
Ladies and gents of the jury, be encouraged today/tomorrow/tomorrow’s tomorrow/tomorrow’s tomorrow’s tomorrow.  We all possess the potential (pun intended) to be great and do great things!  But, don’t sell yourself short and keep all of that potential energy stored within yourself.  Move.  Convert it to something that is edifying to others.  Let it impact others.  Create and be the change you wish to see.  
However, first things first........
Are you sitting on a nail?
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Fahrenheit 2018
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Evidently, burning books and outlawing dissenting ideas are a little too overt for everyone’s taste.  So you have to...................
Convince people that the truth doesn’t matter
Allow people to believe and perpetuate lies to make themselves feel better
Make people believe that European explorers discovered a new land “that indigenous people were ALREADY inhabiting”
Convince people that they are the “rightful owners” of stolen land
Make people believe that the Constitution was written for everyone regardless of race
Allow people to create their own subjective narrative whenever convenient
Believe in standardized testing even though the creator of standardized testing suggested that format of be abandoned
Allow everything to be updated and made more efficient...... except grade school
Allow individuals to diagnose/prescribe rather than explore/solve
Make disagree and dislike a synonym
Make violent content so easily accessible that it is seen as normal
Isolate prevalent issues as “some people” problems rather than “all people” problems
Make people forget that history books are always written from the perspective of winners
To be continued..................
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Why I Agree with Kanye
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Now, before you jump to disagreeing with me please read through.  If you still disagree, then cool.  Let’s discuss.  But, I actually agree with Kanye.  Here’s why:
Kanye made a point in his TMZ interview that most will gloss over out of frustration with Kanye.  However, I thought this sentence was the main crux of his entire argument.  Kanye said and I quote:
“When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... for 400 years? That sounds like a choice”
Immediately, anything else that Kanye had to say after this sentence you probably didn’t hear because you found yourself thinking this:
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However, his immediate next sentence brought his point full circle.  But, you probably missed it.  Let me remind you.  Kanye immediately followed up with:
“Like, you was there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all? It’s like we’re mentally in prison. I like the word ‘prison’ because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks.
Kanye was 100% correct on this assessment.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Van Lathan was also 100% correct in his rebuttal.  However, Lathan’s rebuttal speaks directly to the exact reason why Kanye had switched the term “slavery” to “prison”.  
I immediately think of the Civil Rights movement.  It took hundreds of years for people of color to say, “enough is enough.”  Not that they haven’t been saying this and fighting for their lives up til this point, but the 1950s and 1960s sparked change that we will still reap the benefits still to this day.  People of color literally broke out of white America’s mental/physical/verbal/emotional prison and fought for their inalienable rights that were taken from literally anyone that shared their same melanin.  
And here is the travesty.  Slowly but surely, blacks are finding themselves back in the same prison.  Only this time, the prison isn’t a plantation that you’re forced to work on.  But your prison is your own mind.  Now, I hate blanket statements but that doesn’t dilute the accuracy of the info below but..........  
Majority of blacks are not invested in the stock market
Majority of blacks do not own real estate property or land that has been passed down
Majority of blacks do not support other black businesses
Majority of black men find mentors in the streets rather than in the home or church
Majority of blacks do not see the value in homeschooling 
Majority of blacks see boycotting/protesting as the only way to have their voices heard 
Some black folk haven’t been out of the country (let alone their hometown)
Majority of black folk do not have life insurance on themselves or immediate family members
Majority of blacks very rarely let people “know their next move” as the running thought is other blacks will be negative and not support your vision (but then you still don’t follow through on your next move)
Now, I am a history buff.  You can read my previous blog entries or FB posts to know where I stand as it relates to my understanding of history.  I understand how redlining, lynching, Jim Crow, slavery, benign neglect, cointelpro, Iran Contra, and MANY OTHER FACTORS have literally marginalized blacks.  I realize that, historically speaking, black folk were put on a downward trajectory through OK’ed institutional racism.  However, I also realize that I currently have no excuse and nothing standing in my way of getting any information I need to be successful.  I realize that I do not have to stay in historical prison.  I absolutely need to understand historical context and how it applies to my life.  I absolutely realize that America has brainwashed and conditioned me to not love myself. 
But, I don’t have to continue being a victim of historical oppression.  I can stop the cycle and create a new path for my family.  More importantly, I can help a multitude of others do the same.
All in all and wishfully thinking, maybe I just said all of what Kanye was trying to say but just didn’t.  Or maybe, I am just as delusional as he is.  All I know is.........
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In Inequality We Trust
Although this article is roughly 2 months old, the facts still remain the same.  1% of the US population grabbed 82% of the wealth in 2017.  Let me repeat.......
The 1% of America’s financial elites cashed in on 82% of the wealth in 2017.  
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Now, here is the funny thing about all of this:
Inequality is actually the American way.  There is nothing more American than the continual reminder of the difference between a have and a have not.  
But, here’s what we have to consider:  
America was founded, built, cultivated, and reproduced on the idea of civil and financial inequality.  Come to think of it, at no point in history has equality ever been achieved.  There are no financial positives to achieving this mythical state of equality.  
Well B. Folks, the 1% are risk takers.  They are job creators and shouldn’t be penalized for their “hard work.”
Funny you should say that.  Very recently, I was watching on YouTube an interview that featured Jay-Z, Warren Buffett, and Steve Forbes (Great interview if you care to check it out).  Both men were discussing their backgrounds, upbringings, and happenstance situations that occurred that shaped their road to success.  Jay-Z talked about being in London shooting a video with Jaz-O at a time where a very close friend of his whom he was with EVERYDAY was apart of a drug bust.  Jay’s friend got 13 years in the bing and Jay becomes......  WELL YOU KNOW!
However, Warren Buffett shared a different story.  Growing up in the 30s and 40s, Buffett talked about the opportunity of going to the local library and reading financial book after financial book in Nebraska.  Additionally, having the opportunity to go to work with his father.  Furthermore, have the opportunity to be mentored by Charlie Munger and Benjamin Graham (investing gurus).  
What’s the difference B. Folks?
One achieved success by being born the right ethic background at the right time
One achieved success despite being born into a disenfranchised ethnic background by ultimately not being at the wrong place at the wrong time
To get to the point, achieving equality would mean not only the actual acknowledgement of past sins but then doing something about it to make things right.... financially.  Based on the continual incorrect teaching of slave history in schools, I don’t foresee anything changing in this lifetime but I pride myself on being an optimist.  
All in all, I have had the chance to see all the marches here lately.  Social issues are continuing to dominate mainstream media.  In a bit of irony, the marches and social climate is what is keeping the Trump presidency afloat.  Trump has his eyes on one thing:  The Economy.  To those 1%, that’s the only issue that matters because power lies in keeping inequality intact.  I’ll end with this quote from Steve Bannon who revealed the Trump playbook in his exit interviews.  Here’s what Bannon said:
“The Democrats,” he told the American Prospect’s Bob Kuttner, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
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“Pay Him, Pay that Man His Money”
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One of the best lines in the movie Rounders starting Matt Damon and Edward Norton.  This movie, by far, is in my top 10 list of movies.  When it was on Netflix, I probably watched this movie at least once a week.  My wife can attest to this if you need proof.  However, I am referencing movie not because of the capitalization on the poker scene at the time.  But for other reasons...........
It all started back on a brisk chilly day in March of 2011.  At the time, I’ve never ever put money on a college basketball bracket.  Up til that point, it never made sense to try and guess the outcome of 64 teams vying for a collegiate national championship.  But, there was one game I watched that year that changed all of that.  If anyone remembers, one of the best games that year actually occurred in the Big East tournament.  It was Connecticut and Syracuse.  After watching this game, I told myself that Kemba Walker would cement me as an office champion at my workplace.  Everyone else that year had either Butler or Kentucky to go all the way.  I put faith in Kemba.  It worked.  I won my office pool!  After gloating and the “I told you so’s”, I collected my handsome reward of $100 off of a $10 investment.  (1 bracket was all I needed)
However, fast forward 7 years and nothing has changed.  Office pools are happening.  CBS is making money.  TNT is making money.  Spike is making money.  TBS is making money.  Coaches are making money.  Regular joes are making money.  Everyone is making money.  Well, not everyone.  Players are not making a dime.  
Why is this still the case?  Clearly, March for collegiate basketball is the pinnacle of sports and capitalism.  Bars and restaurants for the ENTIRE month of March are packed with rabid fans with money on the line.  However, no check is given to the players who are actually investing their blood/sweat/tears.  
For Christ’s sakes, they’ve even invented a science called Bracketology
Now, I know what you college basketball purists are thinking.....  
They are there on a scholarship  
They are getting a free education
They are considered amateurs, therefore forfeiting their payments
If we pay them, how much do we pay other athletes (i.e women’s basketball players, collegiate wrestlers, collegiate athletes in other sports except football)
However, all of those thought processes are besides the point.  I know a bunch of full scholarship recipients who were able to work full-time jobs in school to make a living for themselves.  But enough with the problems...........................
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Set up trust fund accounts for all players starting with the same amount.  I propose an amount of $5000 (for football and basketball since these are generally the highest revenue generators) taken from the scholarship funds.  For all other sports, a lower amount would suffice.  With this trust fund account, it cannot be withdrawn on until a 4 year time frame has passed.
Add $2000 to it every year the athlete is in school.  This makes since because scholarships have to be renewed every year so funding is there.
Add an additional $500 for every A and $200 for every B achieved in classes
If a player declares for the draft and is drafted and receives a contract, they have the choice to withdraw 25% of their total, donate 100% to charity, or sign over their trust account to their children which cannot be touched til the child turns 18.
If a player goes all 4 years and graduates within their 3-4 yr time frame, they get a $10,000 bonus to that trust fund.
 After 4 years, a player can then decide to allow his earnings to grow with interest since it’s invested in the market or withdraw at no penalty.
If a player is kicked off the team, that said player can withdraw their amount up til that point.
If a booster now wants to “pay a player,” now that booster can just invest in that player’s trust fund.
Under the Folks system, players now have incentives in place that reward continual academic success AND athletic success.  Additionally, all the under the table action can now be in plain sight and can offer student-athletes a way to build a nest egg just in case professional sports don’t pan out.
All in all, my system isn’t perfect.  However, neither is the NCAA system.  But at least with my idea, EVERYONE gets paid rather than “almost everyone.”
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Guns and Butter
Will Ferrell’s legendary character “Ricky Bobby” said it best.........
“If you ain’t first, you’re last”
Sadly, this is the mindset that comes to mind as it relates to gun ownership and gun violence in the Divided United States of America.  America, by one of the widest margins, has THE MOST gun ownership per capita compared to EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE GLOBE.  As it relates to gun violence per capita, the US ranks 31st in the world compared to other countries. (UPDATE on the previous statistic as incorrect info was previously posted. Thanks to a savvy reader who spotted my error).  In all actuality, it is easier for someone to get access to a weapon than it is for someone to get access to healthcare.
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Why is it so difficult for lawmakers to actually legislate real change as it relates to gun violence?
I have compiled a list of reasons that I commonly run into when discussing this situation.  Here are a few examples as well as my take:
Guns don’t kill people.  People kill people.
Here’s the issue with this statement:  This statement has nothing to do with the actual issue.  Since the beginning of time, people have murdered other individuals for a multitude of reasons with a multitude of weapon choices.  The issue isn’t the fact that some people are murderers.  The issue is that there are manufactured weapons (fully automatic) and weapon modifications (bump stocks) which make killing innocent people MUCH EASIER.  That is the problem that legislation needs to solve.  It’s not trying to change everyone’s moral compass, but just putting in change that would make it extremely difficult for someone to fire off hundreds of rounds in minutes.
If not a gun, then a person would just use another weapon.
I hear this example all the time to justify not to make knee jerk reactions when discussing gun reform.  “What if someone used a car to mow down people?”  “Do we now ban cars?”  Here is the issue with this argument.  There is no need to try to use a hypothetical situation to try and explain a real situation.  In other countries, it is much difficult to use guns.  Hence why in other countries there are bombing attacks, knife attacks, vehicle attacks.  But those terrorist weapons aren’t the problem in the US.  Our problem are fully automatic weapons and bump stocks.  There is no need to change the subject.  We are #1 in mass shootings.  Let’s spend our time working on ways to lose that ranking.  
But, you can’t regulate morality.  People are going to always to do wrong.
People are going to always do drugs, but there are laws in place regardless.  People are going to always drink and drive, but there are laws in place regardless.  People are going to always solicit prostitutes, but there are laws in place (in most states) regardless.  So regardless of the issue, there are laws in place to combat wrongdoing.
But what about law abiding citizens?  How are you going to penalize responsible Americans who are doing to right thing?
If you see more regulation in place to ensure ONLY responsible Americans are gun owners as being stringent and un-American, then that’s something that you have to personally deal with.
But, it’s my right to own a fully automatic weapon.  Why do you want to take it away?
If you can answer this question with an answer of value, then stop reading now(my guess is you will keep reading).  If you are not an active duty military official or a law enforcement official, what is the actual positive purpose of having an fully automatic weapon in the presence of civilians?  Inquiring minds would like to know.
But what about crazy people who buy their guns legally THEN do harm?
Most guns are registered.  With that being said, usually the gun and ammo can be traced back to the original purchase location.  Under our current system, there is no punitive measures for shops where weapons/ammo are sold.  I would propose also holding the gun store owners responsible as well.  If your store sold a weapon to a “mentally ill” person, then you are subject to punishment.
Well, if you ban fully automatic weapons, then someone would just use a handgun.
There’s a distinct difference.  AR-15s (with a high capacity magazine) can hold up to 100 live rounds.  A handgun can hold up to 15 rounds.  I’ll let you decide what you would prefer coming at you in a time of panic.
If someone was going to kill people, they more than likely are not going to follow the law.  What happens if a person unlawfully obtains a weapon and wants to do harm.  We can’t stop that person from doing that.
Sadly, you are right.  We can stop someone from ultimately breaking the law.  The issue isn’t 100% prevention.  However, we have to do our best to look at other countries that have been successfully with gun reform.  There are other countries whose gun violence is way down due to changes in legislation (i.e. Australia, Japan).  Are we too prideful in looking/learning at/from those countries?  I just find it odd that we have a President who wants to model a military-styled parade after France’s Bastille Day, but not model gun reform from countries who have figured out ways to save lives.
All in all, gun change isn’t about disarming everyone.  Gun culture (like racism/sexism/classism) is embedded in the DNA of America, so it’s not going anywhere.  My issue isn’t to push for pacifism here in the States.  My only issue is that if we are going to coexist with guns, the least we can do is put measures in place that protect innocent bystanders in all ways possible.
Is that too much to ask for? 
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Racism or Prejudice: To Be or Not to Be, That is the Quagmire....
America has a racism and prejudice problem.  Deeply rooted in US history, these two terms go hand in hand.  However, here is the issue that American people have that should go without saying:  
These two terms ARE NOT THE SAME THING.  Therefore, both argue two very differing points which promulgate two completely differing outcomes.
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Well, not exactly.  Stay with me as as my argument is a little more nuanced.  
Here in America, we have a problem..........
No $&%! Sherlock...........
Our problem is that we feel “entitled” to our “own” facts about what it means to be a racist or to be prejudice.  By this admittance, the biggest result would be the dilution of words and their meanings.  Since we view the world through our own narrow lens, we have come to this scary mathematical conclusion......
(”Your Culture” + “Your Biases”) x (“Your Experiences”) = THE TRUTH 
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Realistically, here is the mathematical equation that is more like it........
(”Your Culture” + “Your Biases”) x (“Your Experiences”) = AN OPINION (NOT THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH)
Here is a way to separate an opinions from facts:
Opinions usually require you to have to keep talking to try and argue your point.  Facts stand up on their own and do not need your verification.
Back to the title of this piece, American citizens and all mainstream media throw around the term “racism.” 
However, I feel that term is used incorrectly and maybe that is by strategic design.  By diluting the term racism, it loses its effective meaning.  In turn, people become numb to its usage.  Overall, since you are now numb to its excessive usage then you are not motivated to change the inner workings of your heart.  In all actuality, 95% of the time we are seeing our prejudices at work.  However, using the term prejudice would imply a personal viewpoint. Since we usually are not ready to change how we see things, we sweep it under a general term that everyone is tired of hearing anyway.
Here are a few points that I wanted to put out there to illustrate the difference between the two:  (for all intents and purposes, this is not a comprehensive list)
1. Someone not liking or hating another person(s) due to their skin color alone is an example of PREJUDICE.  Someone not liking or hating another person(s) due to “their” skin color AND you feel that you are better than a person because of “your” skin color is RACISM.
2. Moving out of a neighborhood because of the people that stay there is PREJUDICE.  Not allowing people to move to certain neighborhoods at all because of their skin color is RACISM.  (Google redlining for more info)
3. Schools getting funding based solely on who lives in that particular district is RACISM.  Predicting the outcomes of those same students by district is PREJUDICE.    
4. The 45th POTUS calling Haiti and African countries $%^&holes is PREJUDICE.  Implying the US should have more immigrants from Norway is PREJUDICE.  Implying that there are some good white supremacists is PREJUDICE.  Implying Hispanic undocumented individuals are all bad is PREJUDICE.  The totality of all of these comments and consistency of someone in power that has the ability to affect and change policy that can help/harm the aforementioned individuals is RACISM.    
5. Destroying prosperous all-black towns,neighborhoods, and homes of people of color for whites to either take over or just out of plain jealousy is RACISM.  (see Black Wall Street, Seneca Village, Vinegar Hill in Charlottesville, VA, extermination of Native Americans) 
6. Benign neglect policy after the Civil Rights movement is an example of PREJUDICE.  COINTELPRO is an example of RACISM.
Overall, the personal viewpoint or opinion that someone may share most of the time is prejudice and not racism.  After all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it’s perfectly fine to not see eye to eye with everyone for whatever reason.  However, individuals acting on those feelings/opinions and crafting policies out of those mindsets is 100% racism.
Here’s the good news:  You still have time to change.  You still have time to be apart of the solution.  Follow these steps (in order)and you will be amazed at the changes that can be made:    
Take time to listen and learn from people who don’t share your same viewpoint
Speak up and out against all injustices to all people
Speak truthfully (Use THE FACTS and stay away from “YOUR” FACTS)
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Top 10 Reasons Why this Meme Makes Complete Sense
As I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday searching for my weekly writing inspiration, I stumbled across an “interesting” meme.  
Complete Side Note:  There is something about the combination of personal/business conversations, educational information, and ratchetness from Facebook that gives me plenty of inspiration for my blog posts!
Now, back to the regularly scheduled program:  There are TONS OF MEMEs that I run across that I don’t pay much attention to other than laugh and keep scrolling.  But in this instance, THIS particular meme captured my eye.  I found myself just sitting in silence trying to understand it.  I didn’t quite know what to make of it, but I did my best to do as much research as possible in conjunction to the context of the meme.
What is the meme that you are referring to B. Folks?  
For those who haven’t seen the meme, here it is:
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Now, in this photo we have pictured Beyonce and Jay-Z.  To catch everyone up on Love and Hip Hop: The Black Billionaire Edition, Jay-Z has admittedly confessed to cheating on Beyonce with numerous women during the course of their marriage.  But, that’s not the issue I want to discuss (maybe another blog post for another day).  The bigger issue is the message to women/men (regardless of your BEAUTY AND ACCLAIM TO FAME) across the globe to just accept infidelity.  Not just accept it, but actually internalize the cheating as “the guy/girl that is cheating on you is actually being loyal to said woman/man due to the fact that you are BAE.”
BAE for those who are not up on urban vernacular -  term to describe a significant other or the main person in your relationship.  The acronym stands for“Before Anyone Else”
Now, a women (or man for that matter) that’s BAE is supposed to accept being #1 on a numbered list as opposed to being the ONLY NAME ON THE PAPER AT ALL.  POINT.  BLANK.  PERIOD.
But, I realize that we are all “not perfect” as people would say when they get caught.  So, I wanted to try and understand it from the other side.  I wanted to actually showcase 10 reasons why this meme actually makes total sense.  I wanted to illustrate some key reasoning into why men and women across the globe should actually follow the advice written in this meme.  
All in all, I found great evidence to support my research.  I did my best to make sure that my reasoning would be objective, accurate, and understanding without passing judgment.  My research was long and exhaustive, but I completed it and edited it for time.  
After reading my comprehensive top 10 list, maybe you will aspire to be someone’s BAE rather than someone’s only.  
Without further ado, here is my top 10 list of reasons to why the aforementioned meme in this post makes sense.....................
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The “Idea” of Money
December 1913..............
President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act.  The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States.  The Federal Reserve has five primary functions.  Directly pulled from the federal reserve website, these functions are:
conducts the nation's monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy;
promotes the stability of the financial system and seeks to minimize and contain systemic risks through active monitoring and engagement in the U.S. and abroad;
promotes the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions and monitors their impact on the financial system as a whole;
fosters payment and settlement system safety and efficiency through services to the banking industry and the U.S. government that facilitate U.S.-dollar transactions and payments; and
promotes consumer protection and community development through consumer-focused supervision and examination, research and analysis of emerging consumer issues and trends, community economic development activities, and the administration of consumer laws and regulations.
What do these 5 functions mean B. Folks?  This isn’t telling me anything.
Exactly!  That is precisely the point!  I was researching the Federal Reserve just trying to understand how our government sees and was not able to get a clear/concise response.  The Federal Reserve CONTROLS..... 
E V E R Y T H I N G!
Like, it’s not even a game how much the Federal Reserve controls every aspect of our everyday lives.  Interest rates, inflation, borrowing, recession, stimulus, taxes, Wall Street.......
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“If a nickel bag gets sold in the park, the Federal Reserve wants in..........”
But then, the more I uncovered about the Federal Reserve the more frustrated I became with us as a country.  Here’s what frustrated me the most.....
Are you ready for this? You sure? Ok, Here goes..................
The Federal Reserve has the ability to create money out of thin air to give to banks in order to spur economic growth in order for the banks to make money.  In contrast, the Federal Reserve can also make the imaginary real money vanish if there is TOO MUCH positive growth in the economy caused by the fiscal injection of the imaginary real money.   
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Let that sink in for a second........    
The Treasury Department, of course, physically prints money.  However the Federal Reserve creates trillions and trillions of dollars just off the idea of money.  More importantly, the Federal Reserve has the power AND capability to literally give money to every US citizen in efforts to make sure that no one is poor.  
That’s not possible B. Folks.  Why would the US just give money to people who haven’t worked for it?  That’s just a handout.
It’s funny that we are probably the only country that frowns upon helping others who are less fortunate from a financial standpoint.  I don’t mean the donation of money for resources.  I mean the donation of money to give others that said money for them to use for whatever they would like.
But that person may use the money for something negative........
Giving should be a one way street.  If you are giving and concerned about what someone is going to do with the money, then you have to check your heart.  Also, the US government just literally passed tax cuts that will give money to “some” citizens who by the way are very wealthy in the 1st place to do God knows what with.
All in all, it is fascinating that we have the current ability to ensure that no one here in the US goes without, but yet we don’t because of reasons that are beyond me.  For more info, google some of the following things if you are interested in peeling back a few layers of the Federal Reserve:
Expansionary Monetary Policy
Contractionary Monetary Policy
Aldrich Plan and Jekyll Island
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In 2018..........
Inspire someone that you know (or maybe someone you don’t) to be great
Reconcile with someone that you have fallen out of contact with
Share the gospel with someone
Allow me to share the gospel with you if you should so choose
Break a destructive habit that you may have
Gain a new habit that will be constructive to you and others around you
If you are renting, work to own
If you own, work to own more
Work on debt elimination rather than debt accumulation
Find out what your net worth is (assets - liabilities) ($Value of things you OWN - $Value of things you OWE)  If positive, keep in that direction.  If negative, you know what you need to work on.
Actually call people and have a conversation (texting and facebook messaging don’t count)
Encourage deadbeat fathers to be active in their children’s lives
Encourage mothers to lay off the pettiness and actually support fathers who are trying to be in their children’s lives
Read at least 4 books this year (1 per quarter)
Support a local start-up business (Perfected Xpressions coming soon!)
Research and learn about something that you don’t know about; then teach it to someone else
Love on people while they are alive and breathing
If you have a business in mind, start it
If you have a problem, solve it
If you have an issue with something or someone, forget it
See you all on the other side of 2018!
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If Tax Reform Is Approved.........
Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)..................
Enter the stock market as quickly as you possibly can!
The 36 Chambers - In order to become a Shaolin, a warrior must go through 36 specific chambers.  Each chamber has a specific task that a warrior must complete in order to move forward.
Now, of course I am not telling you to leave your family and commit your life to martial arts at your nearest monastery.  However, I am telling you that if you are not in the stock market then that needs to be your New Year’s resolution stat. 
Why the 36 chambers reference B. Folks?
Specifically speaking, the regular American makes money via a paycheck.   No matter the sum of that paycheck, you currently make a living according to a set agreement between you and your place of employment.  You don’t own your office or cubicle.  Even if you work from home, you still trade your hours in return for dollars.  Additionally, you aren’t due a proceed of the total revenue that you have helped generate regardless of whatever record profit it may be.  
When I speak of the 36 chambers, that is the process that the regular American must go through in order to transform from just barely making it to financially secure.  
Isn’t cutting the corporate tax rate going to help the regular American and their families have more opportunities? 
We have seen this story before.  Republicans “reform” taxes so that financial opportunities “trickle down” (funny that trickle is the term).  They cut the corporate tax rate in “hopes” that companies ran by people with a lot of money do right by the regular American and “reinvest” billions of newly had dollars BACK in the regular American’s pockets.
Let me repeat the aforementioned paragraph in lament’s terms...........
Companies now can actually keep more money by the letter of the law, but the hope is that they DON’T DO THAT which literally makes no business sense.  That with this tax reform, shareholders and boards of directors are going to sit down and say amongst themselves collectively:
“You know, this capitalism thing is not good for us.  We already have billions of dollars, country club access, yachts, penthouses, and wine cellars for bottles of wine we won’t even drink in this lifetime.  You know, we should invest in the workers because now that we have access to a lot more money, we can just give it back to them so we all are successful.  We are going to adopt a socialist mindset which is the same mindset that us business owners have been bucking since.... forever”
Ok, well why the stock market B. Folks?  What about putting money in a savings account?
Owning stock in a company literally means you now can enjoy the share of a said company’s revenue no questions asked.  Think of it like this.  Putting money in the stock market is like putting your money in an Uber vehicle driven by the company that is on it’s way to Vegas.  Putting it in a savings account is planting your money in the ground and then not watering it.
Here is where we as regular Americans have to get over the fear and go through the “Investor 36 chambers.”  Since companies are going to reinvest in themselves, pay exec bonuses, and in their company stock, we have to essentially bet on the side of the company’s money.  Since we know companies are going to look out for themselves, owning stock lets you eat at the same table.
“2+2 is 4 minus 1 that’s 3  Quick Math” (LOL moment if you can catch that reference)
Let’s say you buy a said company’s stock listed at $52 per share.  You buy 50 shares of that company stock.  That would be $52 X 50 shares + potential trade fee (avg. $4) = $2,604.
Now, let’s say you hold that stock and the share price goes up to $60 in 7 days.  In a week, you just made approx. $400 off of that stock buy.  You may decide to sell & take your earnings, or you may keep it in there in hopes it grows more.  Whatever you do is your prerogative.  Now let’s say you sold.  You take your $3000 and now you buy another’s company stock that is $12/share.  You buy 220 shares which is roughly $2,644.  Let’s say in 7 days, that stock price rises to $15.  In another week, you just made $660.  Over 2 weeks, you just made approx. $1000 and you didn’t do anything but put your money to work.  Your money made you money.  Ladies and gentlemen, America’s secret right here and I just gave it to you for free.  
Ok, I see it IF the company makes money.  What happens if the stock loses money?
Remember, you own part of the company.  So you enjoy it when they do well.  You also are at a loss if they don’t.  However, historically speaking the market has stayed consistent and has averaged a 12% gain since it’s inception.  Once again, you have to fight through the 36 chambers to see the big picture.
All in all, if the tax bill is approved (which all signs point to that it will be) then this is how you take advantage.
Here are your options:
Take the blue pill:  Allows you to read this and then go back to your normal way of living and hoping that BB&T laces you with that .5% interest rate on your savings account. 
Take the red pill:  Play the lotto every day and hope for the best.
Screw the medicine:  Fight through the 36 chambers, invest in the stock market that’s been making folks money since the 1940s, and pass down that knowledge to your children’s children.
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Disclaimer:  If you are a Pick 3 lotto player, please do not play this number!  This number, since the inception of our country, has never consistently helped anyone.  
545......  What the heck is B. Folks talking about?  Why is 545 even significant?
545 - The actual number of people who dictate EVERYTHING us common folk can do.  Courtesy of our US constitution, 545 people make decisions that impact EVERYBODY.  In some cases, they even create laws and then exempt themselves from those very said laws (i.e. healthcare in particular). 
Here is a breakdown of the “545″:
House of Representatives - 435
Senate - 100
Supreme Court Justices - 9
President of the US - 1
Currently in the US of A and as of 2016, the US Census Bureau reported that the total population was 323.1 million people.  So if you do the math, .0000001% of the population control the other 99.999999999%.  I’m not sure about you, but that doesn’t sit well with me.
Here’s a conversation that I had with my inner self playing the devil’s advocate:  
But Brent, it’s in written in our Constitution.  Why are you bucking against a system that’s been in place for over 240 years?
I don’t consider myself “bucking” or “questioning” the system.  I am, however, questioning the idea that we have to uphold ideas that were prevalent from over 240 years ago.  When the US constitution was written, it was for 13 states (smaller population).  And by/for white men (blacks were property and white women didn’t have any rights initially).  So technically, the US constitution was a bromance manual written by white men to help pass down governing criteria to other white men in order to make decisions for other white men.
So Brent, you talk alot about systemic racism.  Do you have an inner disdain for what our founding fathers (white men) represent in history?
So, what does this have to do with the “545″ argument?  It seems like you are going off topic?
Here’s my point:  Since the inception of the US constitution, we’ve had a WHOPPING 48.5 total African-American individuals in the House, Senate, and U.S. government.  TOTAL.  I have an issue with that because that would mean the overwhelming majority of laws being enacted have little input from African-American voices.
That was not a miscalculation.  Our 44th president is NOT the 1st African-American president in the history of the US (his mom does exist).  The “one drop” rule was an idea that was to prevent ANY potential person of color from being able to be represented in government back in the day.  It’s sad that the “one drop” rule is still in place to this day.
So all in all, what’s your entire point to all of this?
My point is a bit nuanced.
African Americans are not even a consistent staple in the “545″, so issues that plague the black community have to be dealt with from a grassroots level rather than a federal/state level.
The “545″ create issues, campaign on those issues, then don’t fix the issues purposely in order to rinse and repeat.  Wealth/Power isn’t gained by solving the “problem.”  Wealth/Power is gained by the creation of more issues.  Heaven forbid we solve a problem(s), then there is no system/excuse that the “545″ can continue to create to make common folk interdependent on.
Focusing on the “545″ actually skirts the bigger issue which is lack of participation in the local election scene.  So much hoopla focuses on the US government, but local elected officials in your towns and cities are the ones that impact your life daily.
Well B. Folks, what do you suggest we do as country to fix the problem?
Scrap the Constitution as we know and amend it from a context that is from inclusion rather than exclusion.  But, my ideas for that are for another blog for another day!
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Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.........
It’s official.  The US has just entered the Twilight Zone.  We have just lost our rocker.  Our collision course has just been determined.  We are officially trapped in the “Upside Down.”  Last night while you all were sleeping and dreaming of a better tomorrow, Senate Republicans were plotting to make sure you never slept comfortably again.  The infamous tax reform bill that so many Americans dreaded (unless you are wealthy, own a business, or are set to receive an inheritance/pass through entity, etc.) has been PASSED.  According to sources, this tax bill is in play and set to change the tax code immediately starting with your upcoming tax season in 2018.
Now for those who don’t want to read the bill in its entirety, apparently that’s OK somehow.  Senate Republicans who voted “YES” for the bill haven’t even read it.  
That’s right folks!  The bill that 51 Republicans said “Yes” to isn’t even done yet.  It’s still being written as we speak.  
You may be familiar with the advice to “read the fine print.”  Well, even that advice is null and void.  Now, it’s just plain ole “don’t read it at all and trust us with your personal security.”  That advice was given to Native Americans a couple hundred years ago.
I’m assuming you don’t need me to tell you how that turned out........  
Some things removed due to this terrible tax reform........
Personal exemptions:  If you have a family with multiple dependents, this deduction is no longer in play.  Let’s say you are married and have 4 children.  In the old way, that would be 6 x $4,050 in addition to a standard deduction of $12,700 ($37,000 tax deduction to see what your taxable income would be).  Now, just a standard deduction of $24,000......
The ability to itemize tax deductions:  If you wrote other items off in your taxes before, no more.  The amounts have been set in stone by default by Senate Republicans who have your best interest at heart.  
Individual Tax Mandate from the Affordable Care Act:  I’m torn here.  On one hand, why force someone to have something that they don’t want?  On the other hand, everyone having insurance lowers cost for everyone.  Ultimately, this will drive up healthcare premium prices for everyone.
Some things added to this terrible tax reform..............
More corporate welfare:  Man, it’s hard out here for CEOs to decide how much gas to put in their planes on Tuesday.  Now, they don’t have to budget and struggle with that thought.  They get more corporate tax breaks.
Lower corporate tax rate: From 35% to 20% which should be a good thing as that’s more money to pay employees and create more jobs.  Or, just keep the money for yourself and invest in robotics to take employees’ jobs.
Drilling in Alaska:  ..............................
Child tax credit goes from $1,000 to $2,000:  Good move, but doesn’t cancel out enough from the loss of personal exemptions.
All in all, I’ve tried to read at least some of what’s been reported.  However, we will truly not know what to expect until they finished writing the blank check that Senate Republicans have given them.  I can see it now.  We have to cut Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid to see economic growth from the cuts.  
So with that, I only have one word to describe how I currently feel..........
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