perfectkylie-blog · 10 years
EXO-K - 중독 (Overdose)
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Ohhhh Korea...
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Do You like Kimchi?
I like Kimchi!
Without kimchi, how do you live?
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
This semester I'm teaching a class on the TV 'Once Upon a Time.' I asked my students to draw a picture of their fairy tale character alter egos and then tell me why they picked that character. One girl wrote "I want to be Cinderella. I want to meet a handsome guy who truly loves me."
You and me both kid, you and me both. 
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
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you. only. live. once
you. other. look. out
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Why I Haven't Been Writing Anymore
Hi there,
I bet you think I forgot about this didn't you? You probably forgot about it too right? I know I would have, I mean I haven't posted original content in months. You might be wondering what my problem is or if there's something wrong or maybe my life took a horrible turn that involved me losing my job, home, and internet connection and I now must fend for myself in the Korean wilderness. Rest assured, that scenario did not actually happen, but let me tell you what has...
1. Korea is my normal.- I first wrote on this blog a lot because I moved to Korea, which was drastically different from my home in New York. Now I've been here for almost a year and a half and to be honest, not that many things surprise me here anymore. Sure weird stuff still happens. Sometimes decisions are made that baffle me, but the truth is I don't know what it's like to work as a full time worker in America; I just know how to be an English teacher in Korea, and I'm okay with that.
2. Most of the things I like now probably don't make sense to my friends and family back home.- Like I said, I've been in Korea for a while, so I've immersed myself in a lot of Korean pop culture that my friends, family, and readers in America may not know or care about. I could write at length about how much I adore K-Pop stars and K-Dramas, but I doubt many people at home really care about my warped obsession with G-Dragon, EXO, and 이승기 dramas.
3. I don't need writing like I used to.- My last year of college and my first year here, I needed to write and I needed this blog. Writing was my hobby and it helped me sort out my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I probably still need help sorting things out, but I don't find that same solace in writing that I used to. Now I dedicate my time and energy to Taekwondo; a great stress relief. I also, despite what my mother thinks, spend a good amount of time trying to learn Korean. The free time at work I used to spend maintaining this blog is now dedicated largely to finishing my Korean homework and playing games to practice my Korean. While my Korean skills are developing pretty slowly, they're definitely improving.
So, if you were hoping for the weekly updates like I used to do, I doubt those will be coming back, but I'll try to be a bit better about posting about my life. Sorry everyone, but I got stuff to do and Korean idols to watch!
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
My name is Kylie Genter, and I am single. There are several reasons for this, the main reasons being my repulsive personality coupled with my general disinterest in men who are not celebrities or fictional characters from TV shows and movies.
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Lessons in Sports and Gender
Every morning, a new batch of preschoolers comes to my school for a small English lesson. This semester my lesson is on sports. I usually hold up pictures of different sports and ask the kids to name the sport in English. While holding up a picture of a soccer ball I asked, "Okay, what sport is this?"
One student held up her hand and said, "excuse me teacher, I have a question."
A little taken aback by the fact that she spoke perfect English I said, "yes?"
"Are you a boy or a girl?" she asks.
"Well," I answered, "what do you think?"
"I think you're a girl," she says in her sweet little voice.
"Well, you're right. I am a girl," I answer.
She then turns around to the class, arms out stretched and says to all of them in Korean, "She's a girl! A girl!"
I think a class of Korean six year olds elected a leader to figure out if I'm a boy or girl. Still, it's the most polite inquiry into my gender that I've gotten thus far.
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
When someone says they're not a dessert person
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
I had the students in my Journalism class write up personal ads for each other, just as a fun warm up activity. One student wrote a personal ad for me. Here are some great excerpts:
"Ms. Kylie want a boyfriend who is rich, kind, cute, and smart"
"Ms. Kylie has many hobbies. She likes writing, taekwondo, drama, cooking, and movie. And, she especially like eating!!"
These kids know me so well...
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
At the beginning of October, Jinju, my Korean home was at its best and brightest. Jinju held its annual Lantern Festival from October 1st to the 13th. The festival is held along the Nam River in the center of town.
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Me... but I can't fit in them
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Tweet A little over a year ago, I moved from New York to Jinju, South Korea to teach English. I placed my stout little legs on Korean soil with a lot of ideas about what my life would be like for a year. A lot of those ideas and expectations have evaporated as I start
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
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What the fox says…
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
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Favourite 30 rock song?
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Alcohol Bribery
We were doing class elections last week and, as is my custom, I tried to let the students bribe me to win. I told them I was in charge of counting the votes, and if they really wanted to win, they could give me something.
Without hesitation one student yells "SOJU! I will give you soju!" Soju is like Korean vodka. Then the class starts chanting "Maekju! Maekju!" which is Korean for beer.
I said no alcohol. Both candidates sighed and said they'd buy me chocolate.
I don't know whether to be worried that they all instantly thought alcohol, or the fact that they didn't think of wine for me at all.
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perfectkylie-blog · 11 years
Me... everyday
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